
The Watcher of the Dimensions

The watcher is a fanfic novel of fantasy type animation and movie

SaintKing · Tranh châm biếm
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692 Chs

Chapter 21 Teaching

Few days later

Arthur was trying familiarize with current situation. He gets up as usual

" Today is the day huh."

He went out to Ashe's place. There he found Ashe was waiting for him. Arthur nodded

" Okay let's get started."

Ashe nodded. Arthur formed ice sword

" First let's talk about ice. Do you know it's use?"

Ashe was little puzzled

" Maybe it's lethality."

Arthur shakes his head

" Wrong. Ice power's biggest feature is this."

Suddenly extreme cold invaded Ashe's body. Even she is iceborn, she never felt this cold.

Ashe gritted her teeth. Arthur smiled

" You see, ice power's biggest feature is it's freezing ability. Even you can't freeze your enemy directly, you can slow down them and consume to death."

Ashe nodded

" You mean colder it gets enemies will lose their ability."

Arthur gently nodded

" Yes. There are very few beings that can resist absolute coldness but if you reach certain degrees, their immunity will be meaningless."

Arthur formed another thing, it was beautiful rose

" You see, you can even form everything from your mind. This second feature."

Ashe picked up his rose.

" Beautiful."

Arthur nodded

" But it is deadly if I use it with the power like poison."

Ashe still stubbornly gazed to rose

" Even so it's beautiful."

Arthur laughed

" Ashe you try now."

Ashe nodded as she tried


Arthur looked seriously

" Your magic power is too huge for normal ice weapons. That is why you can't use any weapon."

Ashe looked depressed. Arthur sighed

" We just need a weapon that suits you."

Ashe trembled

" But I can't find any."

Arthur shakes his head

" No there is a few. If we have time, we could find it together."

Ashe smiled

" Alright."

Suddenly horn sounds. Arthur asked

" What is this sound?"

Ashe sighed

" We are attacking another tribe. It seems our food is almost finished."

Arthur's gaze turned cold. He is a hero not a killer.

" I won't participate in this."

Ashe knows Arthur's kindness.

" It's alright you can stay here."


" Arthur, Ashe come with me."

Arthur looked to Grena

" I won't do anything."

Grena looked sharply

" Fine but protect our warriors."

Ashe had no choice to go.

10 minutes later

Arthur went into battlefield. He saw many innocents die but Arthur had no choice. He waited and protected warriors from quietly Avarosan tribe. He saw many wailings, he clenched his fist.

" Was this worth?"

Arthur went back alone. Ashe saw his lonely back.

" Arthur I am sorry, I will definitely correct this. So wait for me."

15 minutes later

Arthur returned to his hut. He quietly sat on his bed. He remembers people's faces. Arthur sighed

" Peace comes from blood. But I can't take innocent lives."

Arthur slept after that.

Next morning

Arthur packed his things. He wanted to leave Freljord. He wants to go different place. Arthur wrote letter and sealed his magic on it.

" Goodbye Avarosan tribe, Ashe. I will come back."

Arthur turned around and left. Ashe was watching this from distance. She didn't know why she felt sadness. Ashe touched dagger that Arthur gave.

1 month later

Little guy with mustache asked

" Arthur are you sure this is will work?"

Arthur laughed

" Corki trust me this will work."

Sharp voice came out

" Hey Arthur do you want to modify my gun again?"

Arthur looked to her

" This will work Tristana."

Tristana scolded him

" You mad guy. Stop this."

Another sharp voice came out.

" Arthur can I watch your engraving."

Arthur nodded

" Lulu you can. Here sit on this."

Arthur took off his robe.

" Hey I am back."

Arthur wiped his sweat

" Teemo do you got that?"

Teemo smiled

" I got that look."

Arthur nodded.

" Did Graves annoy you?"

Teemo shakes his head

" He just left me. I said as you said. Twisted Fate laughed at him."

Arthur nodded

" Huh joke on him. Now let's finish it."

Arthur gave Tristana's gun. He went through portal with her. Other guys followed them. Lulu shouts

" Hey wait for me."

Arthur looked around.

" Mount Targon. Let's go this way."


" Halt. I told you stop experimenting around here."

Arthur forced smile

" Leona long time no see."

Leona looked to him and sighed

" Arthur, I don't know how did you get aspect of star but stop playing around with yordles."