
The Watch Or My Life: Activating The Gangsters Watch

  In an unexpected twist of fate, Aaron, a young street thief known for his brute strength and calculative instincts, was hired by an organization to steal the wristwatch of a billionaire.   It was a risky mission, but the pay was good, and he and his tech friend succeeded in building a good plan to steal the wristwatch. But the watch wasn’t as common as they thought—it was a highly developed artificial intelligence watch that appoints them to bigger missions worth millions of dollars.   [Watch activating….: Mission: Become the world top gangster. Task: Break into Los Angeles Bank.]   Then Aaron finds the TV in his house, loading every piece of information needed to break into a bank, including time of entry and time of escape. But there was a problem. The watch only responds and gives more information to its owner, Martin, and the organization that hired Aaron also wants the wristwatch.   Aaron must escape from the organization and the billionaire as he makes it a mission to complete every task given by the watch and becomes the top gangster in the world, but it isn’t easy escaping from a powerful organization and also a billionaire. Will Aaron finally give up the wristwatch? Or will he choose to keep the watch? And what happens when he discovers that the watch isn't meant only for missions? PS: The watch contains a highly developed artificial intelligence chip that is able to gather informations no one can't, it also keeps updates on real life activities happening in the world every second.

eternalink75 · Thành thị
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25 Chs

Have Faith In God


Julian was so scared when they told her that they were being followed by some thugs. "Did they follow you guys all the way here?" she asked, but they didn't know.

"Hey, nothing will happen to you. I assure you that," Aaron said, but it didn't calm her. "Why did you have to run here in time of danger? You just led some thugs here." Tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Hey," Tyler stepped forward. "What we did was reckless, but believe me. If Aaron had somewhere else to go, he wouldn't have come here; this only means how much he trusts you."


She stared at him, then at Lara. "I don't trust you guys; I am sorry."


How could she trust a man and his friend when she met them under such harsh conditions? First, she risked herself to go help Aaron escape, and now they ran to her in times of trouble, thereby involving her.

"You are right, we understand that. Let's go" Aaron signaled for them to leave, and they walked to the door when they heard some voices outside.

"I am sure they didn't go that far."


Their eyes widened in shock. Aaron placed a finger on his lip, signaling that they should stay quiet, which they did.

"Continue searching, even if it means getting into houses," they heard a hoarse voice order around.


"What are we going to do?" Aaron got so nervous. "We need to leave this space." Tyler was thinking of strategies they could use to escape, but no one came to mind.

"What will they do to guys once they catch you?" Julian asked nervously.


Tyler thought of how he was hanging up the ceiling, and Aaron thought of how he was placed in a freezer. Lara also thought of how she was going crazy counting down the minutes because she was told when she would die.


"I don't want to be captured by them; Aaron, please do something." Lara folded her arms in pleats.


"You are smart, Aaron; come up with a plan, please." She kept crying, but Aaron was confused.

"Aaron, will I get implicated as well?" Julian asked, and he felt like his head was going to burst.

Tyler didn't say anything as he was busy thinking of ways out; he didn't believe in letting all the responsibility fall on Aaron.


"Check that warehouse," they said, hearing some footsteps approaching.

"Aaron, please do something." Tears rolled down Lara's cheeks; even Julian was in tears.

"They are approaching." Julian took several steps backward as she got very worried.



Those men knocked on the warehouse door, but it didn't open. "This is the only hiding spot around here; they must be there," one of them said before he used his leg to push the door.


The door flew open, and they all hurried in. They felt their respiratory tract was blocked and had difficulties breathing.

"I…what's happening?" They kept coughing when their gaze moved to a lady, Julian, who lay on the ground unconscious, and they also saw all the chemicals on the table.

"It's some chemistry student; is she trying to kill herself?"


"We don't know what we are breathing; let's leave immediately." They hurried out of the warehouse and tried breathing the clean air.


"I don't think those kids went in there; no one can survive in there."

"Let's go back and report; those kids are so tricky." They all left, and Julian stood up before she hurried and closed the basement door. "Come, plug this out," she said in urgency. They had used a tissue to block her nostrils, and she was finding it hard to breathe.


Aaron walked out from behind the couch. He was wearing a face mask, and he took a stick and helped pull the tissue out before he handed her the face mask.

"Are we safe now?" Lara and Tyler walked out of the hiding as they also had face masks on. "What is this toxic smell in here?" Tyler asked in disbelief.

"I would like to call it Aquilium." Aaron smiled at Julian.

"Luckily, you thought of a plan that fast, or else..." She didn't even want to think of what would have happened.


"We will leave now. Thanks for everything, Julian." Aaron hugged her; his action caught her off guard. Even Lara had a shocked look. "I have done a lot of things, but he never hugged me," she thought angrily before she scoffed.


"Let's get going then."


They left the warehouse and hurried to the bridge, where the Christians would depart. They checked the time, and it was still 5 a.m.

"If only we could swim back to Los Angeles," Lara sighed in frustration. Then they saw a ship in the sea, and it was parked just below the bridge.

"Come guys, there is a ship." They hurried to go below the bridge. After running for a while, they met a priest who was about to get into the ship.

"Sir, please, can we get on the ship?" Lara pleaded, and the priest scanned them for a while before he smiled.

"Get in then."


Lara was about to hurry into the ship when Aaron grabbed her. "What are you doing?" she frowned at him.

"You don't know us; why did you quickly agree that we get on the ship?" He asked, and Lara felt his question was reasonable; he had agreed easily.


"The ship isn't full, and you are kids; if you need help, then I will offer it to you guys. That is what the Lord preached."


"I think he is this kind because he is a priest." Tyler whispered to Aaron, who shook his head in denial, "There is no such thing as free food; we won't get on this ship."

"If you guys suspect me, then I won't get on the ship. You can all go without worries," the priest said with a smile, but Aaron was not convinced.

"Aaron, it's not like he knew we would be coming and he prepared the ship for us; just get in." Lara frowned at Aaron before she hurried to the ship.

"You too, priest, please don't stay behind." Tyler said before he joined Lara, the priest took a step forward before he turned to Aaron, "If you don't trust me, then at least trust in God."


Aaron walked to the ship before he turned to the priest. "I got on the ship because I trusted my circumstances, not because I trusted some God."