
The Wastrel young master

A remake of my previous novel, the Hedonistic Lord. The young master of the Dumas clan suddenly gains access to a system that is designed to give him the life of the hedonist he truly desires. Power, Money, Women will all be his along as he dances to the tune the system plays.

Arthur_Dumas · Thành thị
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8 Chs

Divine Dance 1/3

Knowing that he had to make a better impression on Zhao Lan, Alex raised his head from his desk and prepared to take an active part in the lesson. He got his books out from his desk and placed them in front of him, taking out his maths equipment he let out a sigh before laughing slightly to himself. If the system was genuine then it would allow him to have an interesting life, after all, he may finally be able to escape the large shadow that has been cast by his Father.

Alex was pulled from his thoughts when a serene voice spoke out" Who can answer the question on the board? Alex, is that your equipment on your desk? You will be joining us for this lesson? Isn't that a surprise everyone? Please come and answer this question for us"

Alex smiled at Zhao Yu, Zhao Lan's older sister who was the maths teacher for the final years, like Zhao Lan, she assumed that Alex was using his Father's influence to get good grades and was genuinely shocked to see the young master with his equipment out, prepared for the lesson. Alex walked towards the board with a casual expression plastered on his face, within seconds his hand moved and made the complex calculations using the methods he remembered from the textbook.

A slightly mocking smile appeared on his face when he turned to Zhao Yu and said" Teacher Yu, this question is particularly hard considering we haven't covered these types of equations yet however I believe my answer is correct, please check it."

Not waiting for the teacher to check his answer, Alex walked back towards his chair and sat down, looking at the board with a happy expression, Zhao Yu let out a cute little sigh before saying" The question has been answered correctly, now everyone turn to page 129 and begin learning the process of answering questions like this, if you need help then please feel free to ask me or Alex."

*Zhao Lan relationship increased by 10*

Alex laughed at the notification before scanning the room and seeing Zhao Lan looking at him with a confused expression in her eyes. Alex smiled at her and then pretended to continue with the work in front of him, in reality, he was enjoying his hobby, composing music. Since he was young Alex has been secretly teaching himself how to play numerous instruments, including the piano and Guitar, vocally Alex was also quite talented, the song he was currently writing was titled "Rumours".

The rest of the day passed with little incident, Alex left the school in a hurry and got in a large limousine that his bodyguard and the butler was driving, upon entering the car Alex said" Grandpa Wu what are our plans for this evening?"

"Tonight is the grand ball, don't tell me young master forgot about this?"

Alex grumbled," Of course I forgot about it, why would I want to be surrounded by snobbish men and women who try to get close to me so they can get better trade deals with my father?"

"Young master that is no way to think about it, I heard that Lady Mu herself will be there, she is is a good friend of yours no?"

Alex snorted and replied with " No she isn't, Grandpa Wu, what do you know about cultivation?"

Grandpa Mu immediately pulled the car over and said" Young master you said you didn't want to cultivate, it is a bit late to start now. What do you want to know about it?"

"Is there such thing as blood attributed Qi?

Grandpa Wu looked at Alex as if he had just cursed his family to 10 generations of death, eventually, Grandpa Wu looked at Alex with a serious expression and said" Where did you learn about this? This is a serious matter, tell no one about it, I will explain it to you after the ball."

The car trip back to the Blossom view manner was silent following, this, Alex begrudgingly got out of the car and went to get dressed for the ball, his mind stuck on the expression of Grandpa Wu when he mentioned blood Qi...