
9. Water Snake

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, Alquimistaarcano77, Kaiju, Nopeknight, TALOS X, Stryker, Gojirafan1954 for the comment.

This takes place around the same time as the last chapter.

The young children of the Plantar's household were enjoying the beautiful weather outside. They all had the day off of farm duties and finished their chores early so they could enjoy the rest of the day. Marcy was leaning against a stone wall, deeply invested with the book of spells Maddie gave her. She had read it through cover to cover and pretty much memorize it word for word. The young girl, always had a hard time remembering birthdays, names, faces, dates of events at school, social customs, places. But magic... real actually magic... she was like a sponge and just absorbed everything in the book. She was pretty much like this with science, math, history, fantasy games but outside of those things she was completely lost.

"Hey! Hey! HEY!" Marcy felt something punched her leg, taking her attention away from the book she looked around to see what hit her. The voice cleared it's throat, Marcy looked down and saw the young pollywog.

"Oh, hey, Polly," Marcy smiled.

The Pollywog starred at the book in Marcy's hand with a frowned, and raised an eyebrow. "You're reading a book?" She raised her stumpy little arms. "Why, its break day! And you're spending it learning!?"

Marcy laughed a little, the little tadpole reminded her of Sasha and Anne. They would give her a hard time for reading during summer break and weekends. "Polly." She held the book up next to her face. "This isn't just a book. But a book on magic and curses."

Polly's eyes lit up with interest, and a devilish evil grin grew on her face. "Any curses. I could use to burn my enemies to the ground?" She rubbed her hands together and laughed.

"Hmmm..." Marcy's thought, she didn't want to think of how a baby could have enemies. Plus the little frog was already bloodthirsty enough with her rolling pin. She thought it was best for everyone's life in Amphibia that Polly didn't learn anything about magic. "No... Sorry. Just stuff like turning people into different colors... and pulling crickets out of hats. Haha." She laughed nervously.

"Arrrggghh. That's boring!?" Polly groaned, as she turn to watch her brother and Anne playing a new game they invented, Flybadminton.

Sprig was standing on pile of dirt "You ready?" He gave a thumbs-up, looking over at Anne.

Anne gave him a nod of approval, holding a tennis racket in her hand, like a baseball bat. "You set 'em up, and I'll knock 'em down!"

"Okay." Sprig gave a thumbs up, before he digs under the ground.

Anne was waiting, holding her racket like a baseball bat. "Come on. Come on!"

Sprig pop out of the ground, bringing out a large fly. "Coming at ya!" He flung the fly towards Anne.

"Backhand!" Anne swings the racket onto the fly, sending it sailing straight into the sky.

Sprig whistled, as he watched the bug disappear from view."Nice swing!"

"I was on varsity." Anne leaned back on her racket, watching how far she hit the fly.

"I have no idea what that means. But yeah!" Sprig smiled.

Anne had to confess, she found it was amazing how in-sync she was with this strange little frog boy. Sure she was more then thrilled to be here with her two best friends in the whole world Sasha and Marcy. But she was surprise at how much she clicked with this farm boy, she just met him a few days ago. She thought it was kinda cool to have someone she can spend time with if Sasha and Marcy were busy. Plus the kid was fun, and Anne enjoying spending time with him.

The town's critic/newspaper writer Duckweed , strolled by. He glance towards the farm, with a look of surprise. "The Plantars menace and a monster from the woods getting along? So unnatural." The two friends glared at the newt, as he was writing down something for his paper.

"Pssh!" Anne blew a raspberry, and waved down the remarks away with a smirk. "Of course we get along. We're Sprig and Anne!"

"Anne and Sprig." Sprig added.

"Anne and Sprig!" They jumped with a grin, and high five. "Spranne against the world!"

"Disgusting." Duckweed said as he walked by.

Anne and Sprig just ignored the comments, they didn't care.

"Oh! Yeh!?" Polly interrupted, trying to come up with a comeback. "Hop Pop's says your self-centered jerk!"

"Just ignored him, Polly." Sprig smiled. "He's always like this."

Marcy couldn't help but overhear the remark from the Newt. She wanted these villagers to accept her and her friends, just like the Plantars have done. She hypothesize that this place was just like her RPG's back home. Just like her RPG's the strange humanoid like creatures view all outsiders with suspicion, tend to shun them almost immediately out of fear, but are generally peaceful farmers and village folks. Then were almost always escorted, by local gangs, or attacked by monsters. Marcy smiled if the citizens of Wartwood were like that, then she'll become a town hero, and they'll accept her with open arms.

"Okay, guys, I have plan to gets these frogs to like us!" Marcy jumped up and pointed towards the town."So far all we learned that small communities like this don't take kindly to strangers like us which mean's we don't have a chance."

"Don't be ridiculous of course," Sprig smiled at his two human friends, "They'll accept you soon."

"You sure about that?" Anne jester towards angry mob of random frogs.

"Keep eye on them, Leatherleaf" The Major asked a frog that was dressed like sheriff from some old western movie.

"Come up leave them alone." Sprig said, Polly looked already to fight the mob off. Before they design to leave.

"They will warm up to you, it just takes time." Sprig smiled.

"Time or maybe a strategy!" Marcy snapped her fingers.

"Gonna say time still." Sprig replied.

"Come on people are just another puzzle to solve," Marcy wrapped arm around Anne, "Operation connect with wartwood engage!"

"Marcy...?" Anne rubbed the back of her head, "I don't know. Remember when you tried to connect with those tenth graders?" Anne remember the memory of getting stuffed in a locker. "Or the kid that works at that coffee shop." Anne remember back when Marcy accidentally spilled hot boiling coffee all over that poor girl.

"This... Time it will be different, Anne. No need to worry." Marcy smiled, Anne didn't look to sure about this. "Now lets go!"

A montage of Anne and Marcy, along with the Plantars kids were fixing broken fences and roads, well Polly just watched from the side lines. Although this seem to do more harm the good, as some villagers didn't want help. This however didn't stop Marcy who was running up to the citizens asking if they have any errand they need help him, mostly all ran away in terror. Marcy became more and more depressant to connected to the town.

"Marcy!" Anne called out trying to comfort her friends.

"What am I doing wrong Anne!?" Marcy looked down at her feet. This world was a dream come true, adventures with her friends forever. But why can't the citizens be like her the ones from her games. It was always simple to makes friends in those games, but the real deal always hard.

"Nothing!" Anne smile, and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I guess things will just take time." The young girl, was also pretty annoyed with how the town treated her. She felt like this at school or at the restaurant... When people would make of her language or her parents accent.

"No... I can... I can do this..."

"Marcy," Anne spoke softly, when Marcy gets like this, it's hard to get her out. "Look, maybe we should take some time to relex. And think on this." Anne turned to Sprig, "Have any ideas?"

"Hmmmm..." Sprig brought a finger to his chin, "We can explore the forest? Or do bug catching. Or go to the playground. Or the lake."

"Lake!" Anne jumped, "we'll go to the lake."

"I don't know..."

Sprig gave a small smile as an idea popped in his head, "Marcy are you sure. There's plenty of cool creatures by the lake. Maybe you can take some notes on them. Plus we could have fun swimming!"

Marcy's eye lit up a little as she turned to look at the frog. She puts on her thinking face but was eventually won over by Sprig's pleading. She chuckled as he put on his baby face again.

"Arrggh! Fine! It could be fun!" The gang run back home to changed into their swimsuits. It was times like this Anne's was happy her parents made her pack extra swim gear and winter clothes at all times. She never thought she would need it, but there truly was a first time for everything. They saw Sasha was still sleeping, and neither one of them dare to wake her. As last time they did Sasha was very angry.

"Yeah, kids!" Hop Pop said, as he was feeding Bessie from outside. "Where are you off too?"

"The lake!" Polly replied.

"Alright, you, kids have fun." Hop Pop smiled, "Oh, before you go." The old frog ran back inside and grabbing a pair of water wings, and put them on Polly. Who was putting up a struggling.

"Hop Pop!" She protested.

"No buts!" He turned to Anne and Marcy, "I trust you, two to watch after her."

"Sure thing Hop Pop!" Anne smiled.

The group let out a cheer as they followed Sprig down a dift path into the forest. Once they were out of sight Anne took off Polly's water wings and place them in her bag.

"See, Marcy? We can just relex, have fun at the lake, you can draw pictures and do research." Anne said as they walked through the forest. "I know you're probably working hard to figure out a way home. But you need to take time to relex."

Marcy gave a small laugh. The true was she wasn't doing research on the box. Well she did at first, but soon she was distracted by everything in this place. "You're right Anne," Marcy try to quickly come up with different conversation. She turned to Sprig and Polly, "So... do you guys go to school? Is it summer vacation here?"

"Well we did," Polly said, who was being carry by Anne. "But the school was destroyed by millipedes."

"Your school was destroyed?" Anne smiled, "Awesome dude!"

"It totally was," Sprig jumped and turned to Marcy. "But yeah, its summer vacation now. After the school was destroyed we would use the town hall."

"So do you visit your Grandpa during the summer?" Marcy asked.

The siblings exchange a glance, "We lived with Hop Pop," he said in bemusement.

"Duh!" Polly replied.

"Hop Pop, your Grandpa?" Marcy asked, she only got blank stares in return. "So.. It just you thr..." Marcy was cut off by Anne stepping on her foot. She made it look like it was accident, she had feeling where Marcy was going and design to cut it short.

"So dude, how much longer to the beach?"

"We made it!" Sprig smiled.

"Whoa..." Marcy was astonished by the gorgeous site. "It's amazing!" The site itself was one that belonged to a painting. Hugh lily pads on crystal clear water. It absolutely stunning.

"You ready?" Polly asked.

Always!" They all took off but immediately came to a stop, coming into a skinny, yellow frog with long, braided red hair, with a crown of green flowers sits in her hair, wearing a dark green. She was putting up signs around the lake with Loggle and Wally. They all stopped there screaming and wondered what was going on.

"Good morning. Miss Sundew." Sprig smiled, and looked around at the signs. They were written in red paint with warning "Don't Swim!" "Danger!" "Not Safe!"

"Well hello Sprig," Felicia smiled, "Sorry Ivy isn't here." She said teasingly, making Sprig blush. "I don't know where that girl ran off too." She turned to see Anne and Marcy. "While hello there dears. I'm Felicia Sundew." The two humans introduced them, and said hello to Loggle and Wally.

Anne looked around at the signs, and pointed at them. "What's all this?"

"Yeah! We want to go swimming!" Polly was already to jump in but Loggle grabbed her. "Let me go!"

The adults looked upset over something, "Sorry, children." Felicia spoke.

"But there's giant water snake in there! I saw it, with my one eye!" The kids looked down at Wally, unsure if he hadn't been seeing things again.

"Have any of one seen it?" Sprig asked, ignoring Wally insisting remarks that he did.

"We just seen the beast just before you got here," Felicia turned with a fearful look back at the lake. "We also seen it a few days ago. When I was here with Ivy. We told the Major but he didn't do anything." She gave the kids a sympathetic look. "Sorry, kids. But its too dangerous right now."

"You have to be kidding me!" Anne stomped her foot.

"Absolutely...Not..." The kids glared at Loggle.

"Come on Anne, lets go," Sprig pulled on Anne's arms. "Trust me, a water snake can be deadly."

"Yeah, even I'm not strong enough to take one," Polly said, embarrassed, "If I was a little bigger. I'll show that overgrown worm a lesson!" She was throwing punches in the air, making the adults laughs.

Marcy had a smile on her face, every since she learned about the danger. This was just like her games, there a problem and the newcomer saves the day. She looked into her bag, she held a few extra stick bombs, that she made with Maddie. With a grin and not thinking twice she grabbed the bombs and ran towards the lake.

"Marcy!" The three said in unison, as they along with the adults ran after her.

"What are you thinking child!?" Felicia scold.

"Marcy, get back, here!" Anne screamed, and pulled Marcy back "What are you doing!?"

"I have a plan," Marcy was panicking, trying to get lose. "Anne. I'll save the day, and win over the town!"

"By fighting a monster!" Anne exclaimed, and took a breathe. "Marcy I get it. But this just like Jamie back home. You can't force these things like this. People will either like you or not."

"If you don't walk away you're big trouble, young lady!" Felicia fold her arms, "This is foolish reckless behavior! Now we're leaving right now!"

"I know that... But..." Marcy turned to see adults looking disappointed.

"You, have to ignore that, child." Wally place a hand on her shoulder. "You think I care what everyone in town says about me."

"Wow..." Polly looked impressed, "That's probably the first non-crazy thing I hear you say." Wally smile and thanked the Pollywog.

"Lets get you kids home," Felicia spoke softly, she was going to have a word with few of towns folk about how they treated the girl.

"Come on, Mar-Mar," Anne helped her up, as they hear a loud noise coming from the lake.

Something behind them surfaced, causing the light of the sun to be blocked. "What the..." Anne slowly turned around to see what had blocked the sunlight. There it was a humongous snake looking at them. Marcy had been so frightened she dropped her few remaining stick bomb.

"Mother of Newts!" Wally screamed.

"Were safe on land right!?" Anne asked, too in shocked to move.

"Let's not stick around to find out!" Sprig shouted.

"Grab a kid and ran!" Felicia grabbed a hold of Anne, while Wally grabbed Marcy, Loggle grabbing the Plantar's siblings, jumping out of away just in time, making the creature hit its head against a rock. Felicia leap straight in the air, kicking the water snake in the face, before landing back into the ground. Unfortunately for them, the snake was able to got onto the shore, and began chasing them through the forest.

"We can... not lead this thing back to town..." Loggle was gasping for air, as they hid behind a tree.

"Then what should we do?" Sprig asked.

"Why are you asking me?" Loggle panicked.

"Because your an adult!" Polly yelled, the two whispered her to be quiet. As they try to hide as the snake past by, they held each other tightly together. Loggle whispered everything will be okay softly to them.

"Oh, Angels It's not my time!" Wally cried as he hide behind a rock.

"It's okay..." Marcy tried to comfort him, "If water snakes are like the ones in my world. It won't travelled to far away from water." She then hit herself repeatedly, "This is all my fault..."

"Shhh... this isn't your fault." Wally patted her back, as they careful tried to walk through the forest, keeping an eye out for movement.

Felicia and Anne were hiding in log, that was filled with bugs. Anne could only take it for a few minutes before screaming, she tried to cover her mouth but it was too late. The snake happen to be slithering by and it ripped through the log, exposing the two from their hiding place.

"Run back child!"


"RUN!" Felicia shove Anne out of the away, and threw a rock to get its attention. She then hit the snake with her tongue, and jump into the air to punch it. The snake batted her away with it's tail. Sending her towards Anne, the snake turned it's sights on them and look ready to strike. The monster was hit in the head by a rock, the others were altered by the sound from earlier. Then the snake turn its sides on everyone else, the gang tried to make a break for it but Marcy trip over her feet. Causing them to all fall over.

"Oh... No..." Marcy frozen with fear, as she tightly hug everyone else, Wally was muttered a pray. As the snake looked down at its prey, they tightly close their eyes. Marcy hugged the frogs close to her chest, she was scared and wanted to be somewhere safe.

"MARCY!" Anne didn't know want happened next, it was a sudden blur and fazey memory. In quick flash she was in the snake's face, and she punched it, sending it flying in the sky. It felt like she wasn't in control for a moment. She didn't realize want happened or if it did happen. She felt a great source of power for a second and it was suddenly gone as quickly as she had it. After she felt like a train hit her, and she passed out.

"What...?" Marcy opened her eyes, finding herself along with the frogs struck on a high tree branch. "How do we get up here?"

"Where's the snake?" Polly asked.

"Where's Anne!?" Sprig asked.

"Down there!" Loggle pointed, they saw Felicia helped the girl to feet as they began to climb back down.

Marcy could see Anne better now she looked tried, "Anne..." She whispered. "I'm sorry... This is my fault."

"Now..." Wally spoke, slightly starling her. She looked up and saw him. "don't you blame yourself. That's now things are sometimes. Now don't get me wrong, sometimes this place is like Heaven. Nice good-hearted frogs that will always lead a hand, truly a place where you can be yourself. But sometimes it throw us a reminder that it hard. It's nature, love. It's not your fault."

Marcy wanted to believe that, she did truly. She was so caught up with the beauty of the place, that she didn't think of the danger. She continuing with her dark thoughts as she finishing climbing down. She rushed over to her friend, along with the Plantars. Sharing a group hug.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Anne..." Marcy cried, she struggling to speak the words. And fear over took her... If she confessed then her friends will hate her, and she'll be alone forever.

"Marbles. It's alright. I'm okay." Anne smiled, and looked up. "But how did you guys get up in the tree?"

"No clue." Marcy said, being honest this time.

"Where's the snake?" Sprig asked.

"No clue," Anne said.

"Well... Lets not wait around to fine out," Felicia said, wiping away the dirt on the kids faces. "Now lets get you kids home." She turn to glance towards the kids. "I'm sure you all learn to listen and stay away from danger." Her eyes soften a little at seeing how tried and shook up the kids were.

"I'm sure they learn there lesson." Loggle spoke up.

"Seems... Like it." Felicia said. " Just keep out of trouble. I'll won't sip this out to Mr. Plantars. Frogs knows that man, has been through enough. And I don't want to worry him. So please try to not to makes us worry."

They began making there way back, Wally was just working up a song about want happened. Sprig looked up at the girls, they looked tired.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, you look awful," Polly replied, "What is are world to tough for you."

"No..." Anne said, never felt this tired before. "I just need to sleep."

Notes; No Anne didn't go Calamity yet. This was like half way like Anne did in Handy Anne or in Anne or Beast. Just hints towards her powers. Thanks to all the follower, and reviews happy everyone is enjoying this.

Yeah I do hope Ivy and Sasha will be friends in Season 3. Glad people like it.