
6. Marcy and Maddie Pt 1

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, and Alquimistaarcano77 for the comment.

Okay this is my first attempt of writing a chapter that isn't exactly canon, but has some ideas from canon episodes.

A new day has dawn in the little swamp village of Wartwood. The sun was shining brightly, it was a beautiful clear blue sky day. The local frogs and assorted amphibians in between, were getting busy to ahead off to work. In the corner of town the local villagers were setting up their stands at the local market to sell their produces.

"Hey, Marcy, can give me a hand with this?" Hop Pop asked, after pulling Bessie to a stop. The old frog hopped out of the cart, and began to unload the fresh produce.

"Sure, thing Mr. Plantar," Marcy smiled, she had just finished feeding Bessie, giving the sail a pet before picking up a box Hop Pop handed her.

"Kiddo..." Hop Pop signed, "I told you, call me Hop Pop. Mr. Plantar was my father's name."

"Alright then Hop Pop it is," Marcy smiled , picking up a box and followed Hop Pop to the stand. She was looking around at all the adorable little shops. There was an old lady frog with one eye selling bake goods, some tall skinny frog tried to swipe a cookie when the old frog's back was turned, but got caught in web by a spider who was pretending to sleep on the stand.

"Good boy, Archie," She smiled, giving him a pat and a cookie.

Another old lady frog, and a little girl frog were selling herbs and teas. Marcy could tell, that the little frog girl didn't want to be here, and she could have swore she saw the old frog, she believed was the kid's grandmother wave at Hop Pop, as he walked by. Her attention was soon puzzled by one of the stands.

"Mob Stuff!?" Marcy asked curiosity.

"We have mob a couple times a mouth, or a giant bloodthirsty beast attack the village." The frog replied, "Always good to be prepared."

"I... Guess..." Marcy slowly walked away, and turned to Hop Pop, "Does it really get that dangerous? Like don't you have anyone to protect you."

Hop Pop gave a sarcastic laugh, "We use to. The Toads from The South Tower use to send Toads to guard and protect the towns..." Marcy could sense some resentment from the old frog's voice. "But now with Grime, they only come down during Tax season. " Marcy nodded, this was sounded like typical story in her games. "But don't you worried your head off about that." Hop Pop continuing, "I promise under my care nothing will happen to you."

"Okay." Marcy smile and looked around at the other shops.

Wally the strange frog, they encountered on their first day here, was selling... Well she wasn't sure want it was. It looked like strange things from the forest. There were frogs selling knitted clothing, candy, some were selling drinks, homemade crafts and toys and large number of things in between. Marcy smiled as she took it in, not only did this village and villagers, look like something out of Creatures and Cavens or Vagabondia Chronicle her favorite RPG's of all time. But the tight knitted little community reminded her of the local markets her parents took her too, or the Thai Temple that Anne's parents would sometimes take her too.

She felt heavy sense of guilt at her memories, she was trying to justify what she did. They're going to separate us forever, all she want was one more adventure with her friends. Plus I didn't plan this. Like I didn't think it would work." Marcy remembered last night, Anne was talking in her sleep to about her parents. Marcy felt terrible, but she thought once Anne and Sasha see just how awesome this place is they come around... She hoped. Her thoughts were so interrupted by the elderly orange frog.

"Aww... market day..." Hop Pop took a deep breath in and smiled, with pride. "Locals, working and supporting each other. Community..." He turn to Marcy, "Warms the heart? Does it?"

"Haha," Marcy smiled a little, shaking her thoughts out, as she set down some vegetables, organizing them neatly into the stand. "We actually have farmer's markets back home. My mother makes these little homemade jewelry she sells at them."

"Really?" Hop Pop asked, as he helped Marcy set up the stand."Seems like despite us being from different worlds we have some things that are the same. Perhaps were not all that different after all."

"Didn't really think about that," Marcy said, as she empty the last box, "I was so busy taking everything in your world. It's all so strange, weird and fascinating."

"I supposed it is." Hop Pop replied, he looked like he was going to talk more about it but just it go. "Ohh... and thanks for helping me with the stand today," The frog spoke with genuine tone, it made Marcy smile.

"Are you kidding me!?" Marcy replied, "I want to know everything about this place. And what better way then local community events."

"Well... that's true," Hop Pop scratched his head, "But don't except much. Frogs around are still vary about you, and..." He turned to Loggie's store. "Destroyng Loggie's shop certainly didn't help ease them much."

Marcy gasped, "You know about that?" She was interrupted by a green Newt, with teal hair tied into a ponytail with a purple bow, wearing black tricorn hat, nearby selling papers.

"Extra, extra, read all about it. Local monsters destroy Leopold Loggies."

"It's a small town, news travels fast, although I'm sure there more to it then that." Hop Pop said looking disappointed, glaring at Duckweed, and patted Marcy's arm, giving her a small smile. "They warm up to you, I know it. And I really do appreciate the help."

"Your welcome." Marcy gave a thumbs-up, then paused. "I wonder how the others are doing?"

Back on the farm, Anne and Sprig were busy cleaning up Bessie's staple, the two were wearing gas maskes due to the strong smell. While Sasha was planting sends.

"You know," Sasha groaned, wiping away the sweat from her forehead. The girls groaned, they only pick farm work for two reason. One was because they didn't want the villagers talking about them if they worked the stands, and second they believed they could skip out on work if Hop Pop was off working the stands."When I agreed to help you do farm work, I didn't think it would be this hard."

"Quit complaining." Polly said, Polly had been the one that prevented them from skipping work. Although Polly hated work herself, Hop Pop put her charge and Polly was all about authority over others."Now back to work, slave!"

"What did you say?" The blonde shot a glare at the Pollywog.

"Uh, nothing." Polly frozen, as Anne and Sprig walked out of the barn, the two dropped to the ground.

"Man... It smells like death," Anne was gasping, water coming from her eyes. "Whatever you guys are feeding Bessie you need to stop." Sprig belched, and his breathe fromed cartoonish skull.

"Thanks for shoping at Plantars," Marcy smiled, as she gave change back to a frog, who gave her a stink eye. Marcy looked down a little. It was like this all morning, the villagers would either run and hide if they saw her. The few that came up to the store either gave her a stink eye or made some comment under there breath. The villagers that were too mean, Hop Pop would give them a harsh talking to.

"Morning Hopediah," Marcy could hear Hop Pop take a deep breath, as a blue frog that looked about Hop Pop's age approach the stands.

"How are you, Monroe?" Hop Pop spoke in the same level of respect he gave any other customer. "What do you want today?"

"Quilt good," He smiled, and turn to Marcy, the young girl gave a wave. The old frog just starred for a moment and turned back to Hop Pop. "You have those monsters under control and trained? Pretty impressive."

"They ain't monsters, they're children." Hop Pop folded his arms, "And would you leave the poor girl alone."

"Okay... Okay..." Monroe put his hands up defensively. "I'm just saying after everything you been through. Is it smart to put up with unnecessary risks," Monroe saw a glare on Hop Pop's face, and backed up a little. "Just thinking of those kids is all. After all. Are vegetable still selling well? Can you really handle more mouths to feed?"

"Look Monroe," Hop Pop was beginning to sound annoyed, "will you buy something or not. Kinda running a business here." Hop Pop said, trying to keep calm.

"Find then..." Monroe looked around grabbing a few items, "Here... And keep the change." He grinned tossing a handful of coppers to Hop Pop, as he walked off towards the herps & tea stand and was talking to an old lady frog, about his age.

"Who was that guy!?" Marcy asked, looking over in his direction. "He acted like he was doing you a favor with the change."

"Monroe, pay no mind to him." Hop Pop signed, as he taped the stand with his fingers, looking upset over what Monroe had said. "Marcy. You helped enough for today. Go have some fun, I'll close down shop on my own."


"It's fine. Now if anyone tries to bug you, just pay them no mind."

"Thanks Hop Pop," She quickly ran off, tripping on her own feet, as she went off to explore. Few of the townsfolk ran away as she walked, Marcy felt down both here and at home she was outsider. She remember what Hop Pop said, but she remember her RPG more. This was like one of her games when a stranger arrived in town. She smiled, all she had to do was saved the day and began a hero.

With the town being of no help, the young girl went exploring in the forest nearby. She was examining the vegetarian and plant life, she was surprised to see some plants were similar to that of Earth. "Hmm... Crockside conifer. What a find! And they said compiling a plant cyclopedia would be boring. But strange... Hmm... Could Amphibia be a post apocalypse future? Or a different universe where Amphibian began the dominant life form instead of humans... Needs more research..." She smiled as she wrote down her thoughts, but something caught her eye.

In the distance a young frog about Sprig age, was working over a cauldron. "Seed of swordspine, one cup of swamp water." She then scope the material in a sack, and then tested in on an apple. Which turned into solid Ice. "Yes..." She smiled, writing down in a book."A perfect Ice spell."

Marcy can feel her own jaw drop, she jumped through the brushes running towards the frog. "NO FRICKING WAY!? YOU HAVE MAGIC!? This places keeps on getting better and better!" Frightening the little frog, who threw another sack. It just about missed her, causing a small explosion.

"Ohh... Sorry..." The young frog said, as Marcy picked herself up. "Wait... Are you one of the hummus that's living with the Plantars?"

"Ah, sorry, if I scared you," Marcy said, dusting herself off. "My names Marcy Wu. And we're humans by the way not hummus." She holds out her hand.


"Would you maybe want teach me some spells?"

Maddie stops dead in her tracks, eyes wide in surprise. "Wow! No one's ever been interested in what I do before! They usually run away screaming!"

"Baby," Marcy smiled, snapping her fingers."I'm running towards you! How do you feel about that? If I can learn magic in this place then sign me up!"

"Are you sure?" Maddie asked with concern. "Everyone in town thinks I'm creepy."

"Everyone here already thinks I'm creepy and weird anyway, so why would this change anything." Marcy said, not giving the warning a second thought. "So course I'm sure. So how about it."

A grin spreads over the frog girl's face. "Then you've got yourself a teacher. But first there are rules..."

"Okay, I'll do anything!" She shouted, "I can be just like Cynthia Coven. She from my favorite fantastic book series. Have you read it? Do you want to read it? You can borrow my copy." She pulled the book out from her backpack, flashing it in the frog's face.

The little frog stares back at her blanky, and blinks. "And I thought I was weird."

"Oh. Whoops, sorry." Marcy blushed with embarrassment, as she put the book back. "It's just, I'm so excited!" Once again, Maddie stared blanky. "Okay sorry. What rules?"

"Number 1," Maddie raise her finger, "never use magic to hurt people, unless they deserve it."

"Okay... So like I can use magic to help people from bad guys." Maddie nodded.

"Number 2," She raise a second finger, "you must use your magic responsible. You can't use it for your own personal gain, or to get what you want."


"Number 3, always follow the steps on crafting spells exactly. Or it could be deadly... And lastly, if I see you breaking these rules or abusing and misusing your magic in anyway. Then I won't teach you anymore... And if you go down the dark path... I will have to stop you..."

"I...," Marcy held up her hand, and place her other one on her chest. "Marcy Wu, do sommelier swear that I will use these power with responsible. That I will use them to protect the fair frogs of these lands from the evil that lures around. That I will follow the lesson of my teacher by heart."

Maddie blinked, and stared, a small smile formed. "You're weird... I like it."

"Awww, thanks." Marcy blushed with embarrassment, "Now lets go be weirdos together!"

The girls were finding the ingredients indeed for a spell, that Maddie say was easy for beginners. While searching Marcy grills her with questions. The young frog talked deeply about anything related to curses, spells, potion, dark arts and pretty much anything involving magic. Marcy hanged onto every word she said, eagerly writing notes in her book. Maddie was soon chattering away, it made the frog girl happy to talk about her interests so openly with someone, and having that person listening with interests.

Marcy almost can't contain her excitement, she just couldn't believe that the box actually work. But this was more then she could have imagine. Getting transported to another dimensions, with her friends, where they can be together forward and ever. She wanted to study everything in Amphibia, she can have amazing adventures with her friends, plus now she could learn magic too... This is gonna to be epic! By this point Marcy was waiting for her alarm to go off, taken her out of this fantasy world, but it didn't... Marcy smiled she knew this was real.