
5. Cane Crazy Pt 2

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, and Alquimistaarcano77 for the comment.

"Oooo... yes, yes.. Aren't you fascinating?" Loggle muttered to himself as he examined the broken cane. While he was doing that, all eyes looked anxiously at him, as for Marcy she was gleefully roaming around the store like a kid at a candy shop. She already weird out the local woodsmith be doing a quick sketch of him.

"So can you fix the stupid thing?" Sasha said, being the first to speak.

"As a matter of fact, I cannnnnnn..._'t," The woodsmith dragged on the words. Sasha and Anne's faces lit up until he finished his sentences.

"Right..." Sprig said with suddenly realization, slapping his forehead, he turned to the girl's, and whispered. "Loggle has a problem with his voice." Polly nodded, the girl's raised an eyebrow with curiosity.

"Can you make us one?" Anne asked.

"Absolutelyyyyy... no way." Once again the girls hopes were crushed.

"WHAT the heck!? Sasha slammed the table with her fist. "WHAT'S wrong with you?!"

"Old smithing accident. Tripped on an anvil," The axolotl pulled down his scarf, and showed them mark on his neck," Pierced my voice box." The group all had different reactions, Sasha and Anne looked grossed out, Sprig looked away, Polly looked at the scar with aww, even saying she wanted a cool scar, and Marcy did a quick sketch of the axolotl.

"Anyhow, I'm afraid I can't do much for you," Loggie picked up the cane, "This cane was made with the wood from incredibly rare, and extremely dangerous Doom Tree!" All of them gasped at this, well Sasha rolled her eyes, Marcy gasped with excitement.

"Doom Tree!?" Marcy smiled, getting in the axolotl's face. "Awesome. Is it in creepy dark forest?"

"Yeah, enough!" Sasha pushed Marcy away, and stood infront of the woodsmith. "Just tells us where this dumb tree is!"

"You, have a map or anything?" Anne asked, just wanted to get this over with before Hop Pop wakes up.

"Okay, okay. I got a map to the Doom Tree right here," The axolotl laid down a book on the table opening it up to the location of the Doom Trees. "but it'll cost ya." he warned.

"Bop." Marcy smiled and took a picture.

"Or you could do that for free."

"Okay guys!" Let's go get the cane. Before Hop Pop wakes up," Anne said, with tension.

"Right!" Polly and Sprig said in unison.

"Our first quest! This is so exciting! Off to an adventure!" Marcy pumped her fist into the air as she ran outside.

"Whoo... Hooo!" Polly screamed from on top of Anne's head, as she followed her friend outside.

"Be careful, kids. The tree is cursed! I tell you, cursed!" Loggie warned.

"Yeah, we hear you. The scary old tree is cursed. Look we heard enough ramblings form crazy old people... er frogs for today. " Sasha started walking out the door until she turned her head and saw a big details statue of Loggie himself. "Ego much?" She said before leaving.

"I can't believe it!" Marcy smiled, "our first quest." She wrapped her arm around Anne and wrapped her around arm around Sprig pulling them in close as she took a picture. "Oh!" Marcy looked at her picture,"We look ready for an adventure!" She showed the Plantar kids her picture.

"Whoa! Awesome you stole our soul in your magic box!" Sprig smiled in amusement.

"Cool! Can I borrow your soul stealing box?" Polly grinned, rubbing her stumpy hands together.

"I guess so," Marcy shrugged, "but it doesn't steal souls."

"Ohh... Then no thanks." Polly waved her down.

After a long journey, they arrived at the jungle. Sasha had picked up a stick and used it as a type of machete, just incase they ran into anything that wasn't friendly and cutting through vines that were in their way. Marcy was looking around in excitement, ever so other drawing a picture of small animals or strange flowers they came across.

"Hey, dude." Anne walked up beside Sprig. "I didn't get a chance before. But thanks for helping us out."

"No problem," Sprig smiled, "I'm not going to let my first friends get threw out of the house."

"Thanks dude," Anne gave a smile, surprised that the little frog boy will go on a possible dangerous mission for her.

"I'm just in it for the candy," Polly pointed out, as she sat on Anne's head.

Anne laughed a little at the little pollywog. Until she thought about Sprig said early. She turned back to Sprig, "First friend?" She asked curiously, "Don't you have other friends before we came?"

"Well there not many kids in Wartwood," Sprig counted on his fingers, "Only about Thirteen. I think?"

"Only Thirteen...?" Marcy asked, looking back at them. "Is that low for frogs? Interesting..." Marcy made a notebooks, wonder if Amphibia Frogs can laid same number of eggs as Earth frogs. The life spans of Frogs, and any other difference beside being be bipedal and being able to talk.

"It's dangerous world!" Polly exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air. "Only the strongest survivor!" She punch her hand with her fist.

"Dark..." Anne eyes eyes widen with slight fear, she quickly try to shake those fears out of her head. "So... Uhh... Do you hang out with any of these other kids."

"Uhhh... Kids around here don't really get me." Sprig slumped down. Anne looked at him and then smiled.

"Well hey, I think your cool. And if you ask me, they are missing out." Anne lightly punched his arm.

"So is punching people a part of friendship?"


"What about Ivy?" Polly gave a evil marvelous smile, making Sprig freeze in place.

"Who Ivy?" Anne asked.

"She nobody!" Sprig panicked, glaringly at Polly, pleading for her to be quiet. "Please! Polly don't tell."

"Well... I don't know..." The little sister folded her arms.

"I'll give two pieces of candy," Anne offered, with a grin.

"Deal!" Polly smiled.

"I'll do your chores for a week!" Sprig interrupted.

"Well..." Polly look down at Anne, "whats your new offer?" Anne shrugged, and Sprig took a breath of relief.

"Hey, Marcy!" Sasha called out from couple a feeet ahead, "are we getting any closer to this tree?"

"Wait, a moment, I'll check." Marcy stopped as she checked the map on her phone. She then looked up and looked around a saw a large old tree. "Guys! I think we've arrived!" She ran excitedly toward it.

"Whoa... that's one ugly tree..." Anne said.

"I know, right!" Marcy said in awe, flipping threw her notebook to a clear page and did a sketch.

"Just another one of Mother Nature's horrible mistakes!" Sprig said as he walk towards the girls. As they walked closer to the tree. Polly saw a couple of frogs skulls laying around and chuckled.

"Frogs died here." She chuckled a bit more before she joined the group.

"Sprig! See any that look similar to Hop Pop's?" Anne asked, as she was looking over tree.

"Just grabbed any old branch, the old dude won't notice." Sasha looked annoyed, as Anne and Marcy were scanning the tree for a branch that looked close enough to the one they broke. Sasha groaned and broke off a branch from a low hanging branch. "See... Now was that so har..." Sasha was suddenly cut off as they heard a screeching roar.

"Was that the tree?" Anne asked, as the tree in front of them started to shake, slowly rising from the ground. Two large eyes opened, it opened it's wooden mouth and roar, spilling brown slime on them. "Oh hey! It's maple!"

"Cool!" Marcy yelled out, in both excitement and fear.

"RUN!?" Sasha grabbed on hold of Marcy and ran

Anne scooped up Polly along the way and followed the girls, with Sprig close behind, the young girl quickly made her way back to scoop the young boy up.

"A killer monster tree. Just like in my favorite game!" Marcy yelled as Sasha pulled her along, the creature right on their tails.

"Marcy that thing wants to kill us!" Sasha rebutted.

"See anywhere to hide?" Anne yelled to the both of them. They ran into a clearing a saw a log, perfect for hiding. They jumped over a log and sat there, covering their mouths as the creature approached. Unfortunately, for the group, the log they had been hiding under came with a huge amount of bugs that were slowly crawling around in their hair and face. They couldn't take it, the girls stood up and screamed, getting the attention of the Doom Tree. It roared and began running towards them. They all screamed again and ran as fast as they could.

Back at Wartwood the sun was setting as the tired axolotl began to lock up his shop.

"Well, Loggie... another day, another step closer to that giant lillypad in the sky." He sighed, as he felt the ground shake. Turning around, all he saw before he was pushed back into his shop. "What th..." Was all he could say as those strange creatures along with the Plantar children were fighting a large monster tree.

"Dude!" Sasha called out, turning to the woodsmith, who was hiding in a chest."Do you have any weapon?"

"No I don't!" Loggie peeked outside of the chest.

"Take this! And this!" Anne yelled as she threw different wooden artifacts at the creature. All it managed to do was make the creature more angry, it let out a huge roar hitting Polly knocking her into a pile of wooden limps. The young pollywog took two wooden legs and arms and attached them to her round body.

"Hey!" She scream at the monster, catching the tree's attention. She waddled towards the creature and began hitting it multiple times. Sprig and Anne both looked around the store and grabbed some sandpaper. The two charged towards the beast, Sprig hopped on it's head, while Anne sand it's leg, Sasha grabbed a wooden limp using it like bat to beat the creature.

"I'm gonna sand your face!" Sprig scream as he sanded the creature's face. The creature shouted in pain, striking the kids, knocking them around the room. Marcy looked around the room and her eyes landed on a jar of termites.

"Huh, wow convenient! Just like my game, there always a way secret to beat the monster." She awed, as she picked up the jar. "But wait? Why would a woodsmith have termites?"

"I'm a complicated man!" Loggie yelled from his chest.

"Just threw the damn thing!" Sasha yelled, as she slowly got up again, after getting slammed against a wall.

"Oh? Right!" Marcy yelled as she threw the jar. The jar hit the tree, termites crawled out and began munching down on the bark.

When the dust settled, the once terrifying Doom Tree. Was now, a thin, green bug.

"This place is weird.." Anne whispered as she saw the creature waddle back into the forest, while Marcy took a picture.

"We finished a quest! Defeated a monster! Saved the day! Just like in one of my RPG games!" Marcy squealed with excitement.

"I don't know what that is but yay!" Sprig said.

"Alright!" Sasha picked up the new cane, "Let's get back before the boomer wakes up." They started walking towards the exit but were stopped by Loggie.

"Give me that!" He snatched the cane.

"What? Give that back!?" Sasha threated, trying to grabbed it back, but the axolotl held her back.

"What gives, Loggie?" Polly shouted on top of Anne's head.

"What gives!? What gives!? I'll tell you wants gives!" Loggie waved the cane at them. "This doesn't even begin to cover the damages you've caused to my shop! You're gonna have to give me something else. Come on, pay up." He placed his out.

"Will this work?" Sprig said, handle the pen Anne had given him early that day, to Loggie.

"What is this?" Loggie asked in curiosity. Sprig started clicking the pen, Loggie started to click the pen. "Oh... I love this..." He smiled, "Okay... you can go."

The group left the store, everyone was sore and tired from the fight. Couple with the fact they were so close only to fail in the end, they all were feeling miserable.

"Sorry, after all that work." Sprig said looking down.

"It's okay." Anne tried to smile, "We should head back now, Hop Pop's probably up by now and is furious."

"Great," Sasha groaned, "Thanks Anne. Now we have to go back to sleeping in a cave, because of you." Anne starred at the ground. "It's your fair, your on pillow duty tonight!"

"I'm sorry, Sasha." Was all Anne could say, looking at her feet. "This was my fault. I'll tell Hop Pop." She looked up and turned to her friends. "You two shouldn't pay for my mistake."

"Thanks Anne." Sasha smiled, "That's very responsibility of you."

"Uh... no wait," Marcy interrupted, turning to Anne. "We can't spilt up. We have to stay together"

"Do you want to go back to that creepy, cold, cave, Marcy?" Sasha stepped forward, "Taking turn keeping watch. Do you want to go back to that!? Because I don't!?"

"Well... No..." Marcy looked down, rubbing her arm. "I don't known."

"Probably a bad time," Polly interrupted the argument. "But can I have the candy now?"

"Whoa, boy. I need that." Hop Pop opened the door. "Hope nothing happened while I was sleeping to make me mad again." He paused as he saw his grandkids and the new kids, all of them looked like they did something. "Oh no, what did you do?"

"I'm so sorry, Hop Pop." Anne walk up to the old frog. "I was messing around and broke your cane." The young girl, handed the broken cane to him.

"You what?"

"I know, I know. But listen it was all my fault." She looked down at the old frog. "So if your kicking anyone out, kick me out. But please let Sasha and Marcy stay." Sprig and Polly ran towards her.

"We'll visit you, everyday." Sprig said, tears in his eyes.

"And just when I was starting to like you!" Polly said.

"I'll bring you food," Marcy cried, wrapping her arms around them

"Oh, come on guys, don't make it harder that is already is." Anne said, almost choked up herself, pulling the kids into a hug.

"What's going on?" Hop Pop asked as he stared at the crying children.

"Your kicking me. Like you said you would." Anne said, as she got up.

"Shhh..." Sasha whispered, "maybe he forgot."

"I heard that!" Hop Pop gave a glared, before he signed. "Girls, truth be told, I was never gonna throw you out. I was just talking tough so that you'd show me a bit more respect."

"That's kinda messed up, man." Anne smiled.

Hop Pop gave a small laugh. "Yeah. I probably was a little bit too harsh. But I only did it because you remind me of myself when I was your age. Rough around the edges. That was brave thing you did standing up for friend. Now, put that bag down, young lady. You're not going anywhere."

"Whoo! Yeah! I like that." Sprig jumped in Anne's arms.

"Yeah! I wasn't worried." Polly said, trying to act cool.

"Thanks, Hop Pop." Anne smiled, "So you're not mad about the cane?"

"Oh, I'm furious about the cane. You're on dish duty for a month!"

"Ugh. Yes, sir!"