
4. Cane Crazy Pt 1

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to redflare5000 and Smoking Wrecker for the comment.

Anne, Sasha, and Marcy were at a playground at night, Anne holding the Calamity Box slowly opens it and a flash of light surrounds them.

The three girls find themselves in the middle of a swamp, a village of farm frogs were working away as Anne walks out of a small house, Marcy and Sasha pop up behind her.

Anne had a look of excited on her face, Marcy was written in her notebook, while Sasha swats away a fly.

Sprig is looking outside a window with a telescope, but falls, Hop Pop was watching from inside as Sprig lands on Polly.

Anne laughs, along with Marcy as the young frog jump on top of Anne's head, while Sasha glares.

Anne and Sprig take of running, jumping through giant mushrooms, and running away from monsters.

Marcy is seen in a forest, making potions with Maddie, the girl trips, knocking into Maddie, who drops a few potions in the cauldron causing it to explode.

Sasha in seen watching looking annoyed and frustrated, Ivy taps her shoulder and the two start practices fighting.

The Plantars along with the girls are fishing and are attacked by a monster.

The girls are in the middle of Wartwood, Sprig jump towards Anne, while the Plantars and townsfrog smile, Sasha however was glaring at Sprig.

As the morning sun rose from the sky, Sprig was hanging out in the basement with the girls, they made a makeshift room for themselves. The room was divided, although Sasha took about half the room for herself. Anne's side was a mess along with Sasha, Marcy's side however was neatly organized.

"Oooo! Look at all this neat stuff," Sprig said with curiosity, as Anne and Marcy were showing him stuff, while Sasha was flipping through a magazine as she sat on her bed. "What's this thing?"

"Those are my headphones." Marcy replied. When Sprig had asked to see their stuff from the human realm, to which Anne and Marcy happily agreed to, Sasha wasn't thrilled and refused. When they took things out of their bags, he had been all over it. He was so interested, it made Anne and Marcy smile.

"Oh! What this? A torture device?" Sprig asked as he picked up and clicked a toenail clipper.

Anne giggled. "That's a toenail clipper."

"Oh! What's this?" He said as he held up a pen. He started rapidly clicking it. "Oh, I love this..."

"Keep it dude," Anne said, his face lit up with excitement.

"Oh! Sprig!" Marcy smiled and pulled out another pen. "First to one hundred wins!"

"Your on!" Sprig smiled. as he pointed at the girl.

Marcy turned to Anne, "Give us a countdown Anne Banana."

Anne shocked her head with a smile, "Sure. Okay, three, two, one. GO!" Sprig and Marcy both took quickly, rapidly clicking the pen, Marcy was sticking out her tongue while she was playing. While reading in the corner, Sasha's eyes twitched by the sounds of the rapidly clicking.

"One hundred!" Sprig jumped up.

"Aww, man." Marcy looked down, then smiled, "Sprig. Best two out of three."

"Bring it!" Sprig smile, Anne gave them another countdown. Over by Sasha she was heavily breathing, the clicking was getting on her nerves.

"WILL YOU TWO STOP IT!" Sasha screamed, holding a pillow to cover her ears. "Seriously. Your acting like kids!"

"Oh. Jeez," Marcy rubbed her arm, looking down. "Sorry Sash."

"We're just having fun," Sprig rolled his eyes.

"Kids! Breakfast!" Hop Pop shouted from upstairs, Anne quietly muttered Thank God as the awkward situation was quickly interrupted, as they scrambled up the stairs.

"Food! Food! Food!" Polly and Sprig chanted as they slammed their fists on the table, Anne was doing the same with more energy, Marcy got involved but with but a lot less powerful, and Sasha just sat down.

"Alright, alright settle down." Hop Pop smile as served them bowls with green mushy swamp water and passed them over. Sasha looked down at her bowl, and saw a cricket leg, which twitched, making Sasha and Anne shutter.

"Yeah... I'm not eating this poison." Sasha gagged and knocked the bowl over.

"Why? Is my cooking not go enough for you princess?" Hop Pop was giving her a stink-eye, Sasha just gave one back.

"Sure is!" Sasha said, Anne was about to interrupted, while Sprig and Polly were watching with intensity. "Like this garbage looks like it will poison us."

"Poison? Hardy, this food may be strange to you, but it's still good. Filled with all the natural nutritions that growing frogs need." Hop Pop said with pride as he took a sip from the stew.

"We get it dude," Anne said, trying to backpedal out of this. "But like you said growing 'frogs'. As you can see we're humans. Like I don't know if it safe for humans to eat." She said as she poked the stew, making a spider crawl out. "Ew..."

Hop Pop gave her a stink-eye as well, as he turned to Marcy, who was pretty quiet. "Marcy..." He folded his arms, rollings his eyes, looking annoyed. "Care to add your two coppers on my cooking?" The group turn to Marcy, who had pulled out her notebook and began writing down notes and sketching a picture of the stew. Even as she was eating, she still took notes of the flavor and texture of it. Everyone looked at her with confused looks until Hop Pop broken the silence.

"Umm... kid what're you doing?" He asked with a perplexed face, he didn't know if Marcy was insulting him to.

"Oh, me? Just examining the food you have here! It's all so strange, new and amazing! And I want to take as many notes as possible! See!" Marcy flipped through her notebook. Showing she had indeed had been up and down the house, taking notes on literary everything. From the Plantars, to Bessie, and the beds, to the sinks, to even just the wood the house is made of. "Also... by chance... Is this made green mushrooms, beet root, and crickets?" She questioned, still examining the stew.

"Uhhh... Why, yes," Hop Pop said stunned.

"Well... Marcy may like gross weird stuff," Sasha said, bringing back the topic of her displeasure about the food. "Have anything else... Something that isn't filled with bugs? Nevermind..." She stood up, and began to walk towards the kitchen. "I'll get it myself. Anne you coming."

"Don't have to ask me twice," She hopped out of her seat and ran towards the kitchen, but the two we're haulted by Hop Pop.

"You better give me some repect, you two. I let you stay here, I gave you a place to stay, food to eat, and this is how you repay me! You two better start shaping up, or I'll kick you all out!" Hop Pop stormed off towards his room, slamming the door. This reaction cost Anne and Sasha to laugh.

"Jeez! What's his problem?" Sasha wiped away a tear from laughing so far. "Guess boomers are the same here as they're from are world."

"I know right?!" Anne smiled, she bended over and began mocking Hop Pop. "I'm Hop Pop. I'm old and cranky." Sprig and Polly joined in Sasha and Anne's laughing.

"That's so Hop Pop," Sprig laughed, slammed the table.

"Do your choirs!" Anne returned to mocking as everyone was laughing, she picked up a cane. "Eat your vegetable! Not running in the house! I don't know why I even put up with you!" Anne hit the table with the cane where it split in half. "Opps, guess I don't know my own strength." Sprig and Polly immediately stop laughing and were frozen in shock.

"What?" Anne raised an eyebrow.

"Anne! That's was Hop Pop special cane!" Sprig exclaimed, "That cane is the Plantar's family cane. It belong to his father, which belong to his father, which belong to his father." Sprig continued as he pointed to generations of paintings on the wall.

"Oh no..." She whispered before immediately picking it up.

"Way to go Anne!" Sasha had her hands on her hips,"Of all the stupid things to break. You just had to break some stupid family heirloom." She pointed at Anne, "Now that greezer is going to throw us out because of you."

"D-don't worry! I can fix!" Anne panicked she walked over to the stew that Hop Pop made and poured on one end of the stick. "See? All fixed again!" She said as she held up the cane. As she was holding it up, it broke once more. "Okay. ..." Anne dragged on her words.

"It's okay," Sprig looked at the girls with sympathy. "We'll help."

"Really? You mean it?" Anne looked at them with a smile.

"Yeah! For sure!"

"Count me out," Polly protected.

"Polly!" Sprig glared.

"What? I hardly know them." Polly said as she squinted toward her. "Plus... I still think you're going to eat us."

"Come on," Sasha protested, "We saved your brother!"

"And so. What have you done for me lately?"

"Would you help me for one of these?" Anne smiled, and pulled out a candy bar.

"Candy!? From another world? Lady, you have yourself a deal."

"Glad, to hear it."

"Fascinating..." Marcy grabbed the cane. "What kind of wood is this...?" She poked it with her finger. "Wait a moment." Marcy ran down to the basement.

"Excellent!" Sasha smiled, "Anne may have screwed up, but Marcy will save us."

"I didn't do it on purpose!" Anne said defensively.

"Hey! Its doesn't matter. Marcy will save are skins." Marcy had return from the basement with a bag.

"We ran into this purple slime when were in the woods!" Marcy took out a little jar. "You know of scientific purposes!" She started wrapping the slime around the cane. "See! Fixed it! Now we stay." She had a proud smile.

"Uh, Marcy..." Marcy opened her eyes to see Anne pointing at the cane, and saw it was in two again.

"Sorry guys," Marcy said shyly, as she took a second look at the cane. "I don't recognized this type of wood. Its doesn't match anything from back home." Marcy began to write down in her notebook. "But!" Marcy said standing up, "No need to panic! I swear I'll fix it." She tried so many things to fix it. From honey, to glue, to Bessie' slime, nothing worked.

The four people in the room just looked at Marcy and then at each other. "Yeah... Marcy kinda gets to involved with stuff sometimes." Anne was the first to break the silence.

"Hey I know! Maybe, we should get Mr. Loggle.. He's the town's woodsmith?" Sprig suggested as Marcy had a twitch in her eye.

"Nonono. I got this." Marcy said.

"Marcy, it's okay to ask for help," Polly added


"Marcy, we don't have time to argue," Anne was rubbed her shoulder, "We have to get this fixed before Hop Pop's wakes up."

Marcy sighed, slouching down, she noded slowly.