
35. The Ballad of Hopediah Plantar

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, Alquimistaarcano77, Kaiju, Nopeknight, TALOS X, Stryker, Mr. Hardcor3, Gojirafan1954, Tearnon, Jason, brentdyedragon, gregorian12, PizzaGuest, Morticon, jjafo2014, schweenieboy, snake screamer, Rodimus973, Pushistaya ten, Shadowcat1083, Liko, Killerbull55858, QuackityFiction, Hamza9236, MarMarFaAnne, Notthenightslayer, Valenthyne, DragonEmperor999, RandomWriter197, AutoHunterJ49, GerardiHistory, wacky620, OtaconandhisJapneseAnimes, asmodeus666, Kryten, Eibegraf, Julie Wells Thomas. Gloyd R. Orangeboar, dshero, ghostanimation, Crimson commando, emmmanuelosunde68 Guests for the comment.

The gang made their way out of the Ruins of Despair and were continuing on their journey to Newtopia. Anne was looking through pictures on her phone, Felicia was making some treats in the Fwagon, Ivy and Sasha were arm wrestling, Maddie and Marcy were study their potion book, Sprig was strumming his fiddle, and Polly was sitting on Hop Pop's head. As Anne was searching through her phone, she noticed a picture of some Toads fleeing Wartwood. "Huh? I don't remember taking this." She said.

"Oh that was me. Wanted a reminder of how we messed those toads up!" Polly smiled as she pulled on Hop Pop's eyelids.

"Hehe!" Hop Pop laughed, "Sure did!"

"That night was awesome!" Ivy hop into the air and did a kick, she laughed and fell onto Sasha's lap. "We kicked some Toad butt!"

"Yeah, we showed those dirty Toads they better not mess with us!" Sasha clenched a fist, and turned to Ivy, "Also your mom is a badass!" Hop Pop scold Sasha for her language, which she completely ignored him.

"I know right!" Ivy smiled, she was pretending to fight an invisible opponent. "Mom was like! Bham! And the Toads were like! 'No! Don't hurt us!'"

"It was pretty scary," Marcy smiled, looking up from her book. "But it was awesome fight!"

"I never used my magic in a real fight before?" Maddie added. "But the Toads didn't know what hit them!"

"They sure didn't!" Marcy gave Maddie a high-five.

"You know, I've actually been working on a song based on the battle." Sprig smiled, and held out his fiddle.

"Can we hear it?" Ivy smiled, as she stopped fighting her invisible opponent and sat down.

"Come up dude, you, have to show us." Anne said.

"Am I in it?" Hop Pop asked hopefully and with interest.

"Yes and maybe..." Sprig cleared his throat and got out his bow to show everyone what he's got. Marcy closed her book and everyone stop what they're were doing to listen. "I'm in it." Hop Pop chuckled.

"There was a little frog who stood for revolution. The Toads didn't like that so they came to burn our town and to execute him. But thankfully three humans stepped up to take on Grime and saved Hop Pop who..." Hop Pop smiled, "Who just mostly hid and cowered. And cowered. And cowered. And cowered. And cowered."

Hop Pop frown deeply as the children clapped for Sprig's song. "All right, that's enough!"

"Great song dude!" Anne said.

"I love the last part!" Sasha added.

"Meh... It wasn't bad." Maddie replied rather bored. "But music isn't my thing.

"I loved it Sprig!" Ivy smiled, making Sprig blush. Anne and Marcy awwwed at the moment making Sprig blush more.

"It was awesome!" Polly cheered.

"What? Awesome?" Hop Pop argued, "It was missing all the context! Like when I stood up to those nasty tax collectors, or when I ran against the mayor."

"Well I love me so contexts." Marcy smile as Polly blew a raspberry.

"That's boring!"

"What?!" Hop Pop gasped, "Okay... What about the time... I... Hmm." He scratched his head.

"How about the time you hide the music box!?" Sasha lashed out at the old frog, making the group stare.

"Sasha... I...I..." He looked away.

"Save it! I understand. Really I do," Ivy held her friends shoulder, as Sasha continuing as she put an arm around Ivy. "But I have a new frog family that won't betray me." Hop Pop signed deeply hurt by this but nodded in response. Anne and Marcy looked away, they would be lying to themselves if they say they weren't still a little hurt by Hop Pop's actions that night. But he was trying to earn their trust again, and gave them time to heal.

There was awkward silence, Polly cough while Sprig cleared his throat, "Anyway... Hop Pop. Most audiences these days want clear stakes. Mostly action!"

"YES ACTION!" Polly and Ivy cheered.

"Action!" Hop Pop slumped down sadly as they continued on their journey. "It feels like just yesterday people thought I was a revolutionary hero." He sighed. He then looked up to see a sign that said 'Bittyburg.'"Oh! Heads up gang! We're heading in to our first town."

"Our first town outside of Wartwood." Sprig was leaping around the wagon with excitement. "I wonder what it'll be like? Will the frogs be friendly?"

"Will they have a rich history?" Marcy took out her notebook, getting reading to write all about her first town outside of Wartwood. "Will we meet loveable character? Will we make friends that we'll never seen or reference again. Will we teach the town a very important lesson. Will we have to save the day..."

"Alright! Enough already!" Sasha smiled at Marcy, "I just hope they have good food!" She patted her stomach, "You can't live off of scones and tea alone."

"Will they any potion ingredients, maybe something new," Maddie searched through her bag, "I should have packed more."

"Will they have any cool souvenirs!" Ivy smiled, "I want to get Grandma something!"

"Oh, right..." Maddie paused, "I need to pick up my sisters something."

"Just please Frog let them have a bathroom?" Anne pleaded.

"Don't get yourselves to excited kids. It's just your average small town." Hop Pop explained.

"Pssh," Anne waved her hand, "how small can it be" She and the others were surprised to see the entire town looked like a miniature model, with tiny little Amphibia."Wow!"

"Holy Crap!" Sasha exclaimed, "It's a literally small town!"

"Awww. It look like a new model," Marcy cooed, as she was already drawing a picture of the town.

"Hmmm..." Maddie scratched her chin, and smiled. "Your art is improving."

"Hmm... Bittyburg..." Ivy read the sign. "Never heard of it."

"Can we stop!? Can we stop!? Can we stop!? Can we stop!?" Marcy and Sprig were shaking Hop Pop's a little roughly, getting in his face.

"Yeah I want to stretch my legs," Anne added.

"Alright! Alright!" Hop Pop pulled Bessie to a stop, "Now you kids go have some fun... Just stay out of trouble... And there gone..."

"All right! Can't wait for the townsfolk to try out my Dung Beetle scones." Felicia chirped as she held a tray full of Dung Beetle scones, as she exited the Fwagon.

"Oh my God they're so cute!" Marcy's eyes widen open , as she, and the rest of the group were equally surprised and excited about being their first town outside of Wartwood. Marcy was writing down notes, and was creepy out the bit sizes Amphibia, as Marcy was looking down at tiny little Amphibia with adorable smile. "Hi there I'm Marcy!" A mother screamed and grabbed her kids and quickly hide inside a house.

"Argghh! I'm going to eat you!" Sprig and Ivy began running after the small frogs, pretending to be a cat after a mouse.

"Ivy Sundew? Leave those villager alone!" Felicia scolded.

"You two Sprig!" Hop Pop added.

"Aww mom, I just playing!" Ivy kicked a rock, and looked down. "Sorry guys." The little Bitties moaned with disappointment.

Polly rolled over to a group of frogs, "Bow to your Queen!" They just ignored her and walked away. "Don't ignore me."

"Look at the widdle buildings." Anne cooed as she pried the roof off one of them. The mini frogs gasped as they saw Anne looking down at them as Sasha poke her head in as well. "Hmm... Yeehaw partners!" "Hmmm, ride them.._ Cowfrog?" They exclaimed. The frogs cheered for them. Hop Pop was feeding Bessie, "There you are, girl" he smile giving her pat. While the kids explorer, Felicia was trying to sell scones for a fair amount of coppers, but mostly everyone ignored her or avoid her.

"No thanks."

"Get me later."

"I have no money."

Felicia raised an eyebrow, well this was odd why was everyone in town out of money. "Fresh Scones! Fresh Scones everyone!" Felicia smiled, taking a bite of one. "Hmmm... Delicious!"

"Sorry, lady..." A male frog with two kids politely refused, "I don't have any money!" His son coughed a little as Felicia looked down with concern, placing a hand on her hip. "Are you sick, Sweetheart? Well... I know the perfect little cure for that..." She ran inside the Fwagon and soon return with a small medic cup and pour some tea in it. "Here you go dear. Sundew's herps will clear the cough of yours clear up." She past it to him, he looked up at his dad who gave a nodded. He slowly drank it. "Thanks lady."

"Why what great manner you have, young man," Felicia grabbed a scone a gave it to him, "Here you go. Have one on me. What's your name young son?"

"Bailey," He smiled, he split the scone in three and gave the another pieces to his father and sister. "Wow... These are great!"

"Thank you, if you're ever in Wartwood, give Auntie Felicia Sundew a visit."

"Wait... Wartwood, do you say?" Bailey's father rubbed his head, he seem like he was about to say something. But something spoked him

"Why yes...AHHHHGG" Felicia was suddenly lifted up in the air by her hair, "Let me GO!"

"What's all the ruckus?" Hop Pop, The gang turned to see a toad with an eyepatch, brown hair, a tooth sticking out of his mouth, wearing blues jeans, a vest, holding Felicia up by her hair, she was struggling to escape. "Let me go!" A group of bitties held each other tightly terrified of the Toad. The Toad bought Felicia up to his face. "Alright Lady, only I can make money in this town!"

Elderly Bittie walked forward, standing in front of Bitties."Judro please. Just listen. She is new here an..." Judro just glared at the frog at kicked him, sending him flying.

Anne ran up catch the little frog, "Ooh. I gotcha."

"What's going on?" Maddie asked, for some reason had cup of beetle juice.

Judro glared at the group of bitties "All right. Y'all know the rules. Pay me, and no one gets hurt." He held out his hand passing through the bitties and receiving a coin from each. "That's right, pay up, keep it coming." Judro stopped at Bailey's family. "Pay up!"

Bailey father, looked and pleaded, "Sorry, Mr. Judro, sir, but I need the money for my boy Bailey."

Judro grabs the master tightly in his hand.

Bailey cried out, but was held back by his sister, "Papa!"

"I don't want your excuses." Judro shaking the frog and making his coins fall, and threw him only for Marcy to catch him. "I want your money!" He began laughing as the Bitties were covering in fear, the gang watched in shock out of all of this.

"Those poor Bitties." Anne sighed.

""Someone should do something!" Sprig said,

"That's my mom!" Ivy screamed as along with Sasha then tighten their fists and charged straight for Judro.

"Let her go you, coward!"

Judro then grabbed a pocket knife out of his vest and held it right at Felicia's neck. "Come any closer and I'll!" He threatened.

Ivy and Sasha stopped in their tracks and backed away slowly, breathing in frustration.

"Let her go!" Sasha clenched her fist, shielding Ivy behind her back. Who was streaming made.

"You coward!" Marcy snapped, as the group watched helpless, all glaringly at dastardly coward.

"Let me go! i'll teach you a lesson!" Felicia struggled to get free, swinging and kicking, hoping to get lose.

"Now! Give me all of money or else." Judro laughed, bringing the knife to Felicia's throat, as suddenly he was covered in a cloud of smoke, he coughed and dropped Felicia to the ground. Judro waved the thick cloud of smoke away, he glared at who dare attack him. He say Maddie glaring with her narrow, who was tossing a sack in her hand.

"You little brat!" He charged towards. With Felicia and the Bitties out of harms away, the gang got ready to fight. Desperately wanting to teach this idiot a lesson or two.

"All right," Hop Pop got in front of the group, "Just who do you think you are, threatening to hurt these good people here?"

"Hop Pop?" Anne raised an eyebrow, concern at what he was doing. "What are you doing?"

"Step aside, old man!" Sasha hissed, giving the Frog a deathe glare "He's mine!"

"Yeah, " Marcy said, "Let us handle this creep! You might get hurt."

Judro just smirked at the old frog, laughing coldy, "I'm Judro Hassleback, and this here's my town. Who the hell are you?"

"I'm Hopediah Plantar, and I'm the frog who's going to teach you some manners!" Hop Pop inflated his throat and bumped into Judro, pushing him back, and out of town.

"You're going to pay for this Hopediah Plantar." Judro warned as he crawled away.

"Nobody's going to be paying you anything anymore," Hop Pop replied.

"You saved us mister." Bailey said gratefully, hugging the old frog. "Three cheers for Hopediah Plantar." The entire town came over to Hop Pop and cheered for him. While Ivy and Sasha ran over to Felicia to check on her.

"Thank you sweetie." She pulled Ivy in for a hug, and pulled Sasha into her embrace."Same with you Sasha." She turn to Maddie with a smile, "... And thanks you, sweetie."

Maddie just waved it away, "It was nothing."

Marcy kneed before Maddie, "Hey, that was awesome." Maddie smiled, as Marcy turned to Hop Pop, "You to Mr. P. That's was some great work."

"Yeah," Anne smiled, "Nice job!"

"Yeah!" "Go Hop Pop!" Sprig and Polly hugged him.

"Why, shoot, that was nothing. Judro's just a big blowhard. Not like those tax collectors I stood up to." The citizens of Bittyburg gasped in surprised.

"Wait? You're that Hopediah Plantar!?" Bailey's dad said, running to a nearby bar and return with the poster. The same kind of poster Grime had.

"Why yes," Hop Pop smiled, looking at the poster with a smile. "I am." The town gasped, dropping whatever they we're doing. Some were whispering to themselves, as they gathered around Hop Pop. Cheering.

"Hopediah! You have to stay!" Bailey smiled, "We threw you and your family a feast! You can tells us everything!"

"A feast!?" The group collective say together.

It was early evening as the Bitties gathering around the small town with a big meal, for the giants that saved them earlier today. Anne was showing some kids videos on her phone."Last time on Suspicion Island. 'Randy I think you're suspicion!'The little Bitties had their eyes glued to the screen. Marcy was chatting with some of the elderly Bitties writing down anything about the town history, they gave her a book which she had to use a magnifying glass to read.

"So your town was founded by Bitties that were milling this place for gold?" Marcy smiled.

"Yes, they set up camps around here so they wouldn't have to travel all the away to work and home. Eventually some of the explorers stayed here and started families and built this place." An elderly Bittie explained, "This place was busy back in day. Hundreds of Amphibias travelled here to find gold. However the caves were just the right size for just us Bitties."

"Wow..." Marcy smile, writing down notes, "I always wanted to visit one an old milling town."

Ivy, Maddie and Sprig were chasing around the little Bittes around town pretending to be giant predator. "Rrrrgghhh!" Sprig jumped behind the building, scaring the Bittes. The Bitties attack them with little sticks. "Die monster! Die monster!" They laughed as the Bitties change them.

Felicia was walking around the town making some good money with her scrones.

"You have to give me the recipes." Cryed a mother Bitties.

"Sorry, dear. But family recipe only. But if you're ever in Wartwood drop by."

"And then I lifted not one," Hop Pop was telling a story, while Bitties listen, Bailey sitting on his lap. "Not two, but three toads over my head, and threw them out of Wartwood!" The citizens clapped and cheered.

"I don't remember that?" Polly said, turning to Marcy. "Do you?" She shrugged.

Sasha rolled her eyes, couching in her hand and mumbled BS under her breath.

"Oh, let him have this. He's just juicing up the details a bit." Anne explained.

Sasha soft her expression and turned to Anne, "After what he did, how can you just forgive him?"

Anne sighed, she was still a little hurt by Hop Pop's action. But he's was trying to make it up to her and she was willing to give him that chance. "Hop Pop just made a mistake. I'm not want to hold thing against people. Especially if they make the effort to make things right."

"And so, using my frog given natural strength, I punched old Grime and set him flying." Hop Pop finished. The citizens cheered once again for his actions, while Sasha again rolled her eyes.

"Hooray for Hopediah Plantar, here to protect us from the ruthless Hassleback Gang." Bailey cheered, the rest of the Bitties raised their glasses and cheered.

Hop Pop was a bit surprised and confused. Anne nearly choke, Sasha spit her food out in Polly's face.

"Eww, gross!"

"I'm sorry Bailey, did you say 'gang?'"

"Hopediah Plantar!" Everyone turned around to see Judro had return, but wasn't alone. The citizens ran behind him for protection. "Whoo-Whee! You've done asked for it, so here it comes. Here's the Hassleback Gang. My brother Heathro, half sister Ruth, uncle Talbert, and of course, the matriarch herself. Mama Hassleback." Mama slammed her rolling pin on the ground, shaking the entire town. "You the frog that dares too throw my Judro out of town?" She asked.


"Yep. And he's gonna run you out of town." Bailey interrupted. "Right Hopediah?" The entire town was cheering for Hop Pop, as Mama laughed. "Now this, I gotta see." She then sat down, rumbling the ground as she did. "Uh, you're, you're going to regret this." He tried all that he could to move Mama. But all his attempts were futile. "I think I almost got her." He was then knocked down by a single pat by Mama's rolling pun as the citizens gasped in shock.

"Hop Pop!"

"Leave him alone!"

"Back off!"

The group gasp and got to fight, wielding there weapons, but Sprig, Polly and Maddie were captured and put in Barrels, leaving the Sundews, Sasha, Anne and Marcy on there own.

"How rude!"

"This ain't so bad."

"Not that much different from my bucket really."

Mama Hassleback laughed victoriously. "Looks like you folks chose the wrong frog." She picked him up by the foot and dangled him in front of town. "Or should I say fraud." She then dropped Hop Pop and snapped her fingers singling the rest of the Hassleback Gang to go after the rest. "Word of advice folks, don't believe everything you're told about heroes. After all, they don't exist." Bailey turned to Hop Pop.

"Is that true, Hopediah? Are heroes a lie?"

"Yeah..." Hop Pop sighed, looking away in shame. "It's true. I'm nothing but a coward."

"Don't worry Hop Pop," Anne turned those the gang, "We got this."

"Ready to deal with these freaks?" Sasha punched her fist in her hand with smirk

"Totally." Ivy nodded understandingly and charged at them with blind rage. She punched Judro in the head a few times, giving him a black eye, then kicked him in the stomach, "That's for my mom!" She continued to punched him.

"You little!" Judro grabbed Ivy and began to squeeze her throat, Ivy turning a shade a blue as he continued putting pressure against her windpipe. Sinisterly grinning as he did so and raised his knife.

"Don't touch her!" Felicia gave Judro a swift kick to the face, sending her the ground, Ivy fellen to the ground and was gasping for air. Judro hissed as Felicia and Sasha towered over him and both gave him swift kick to the head knocking him out.

"Wow! Mom! That was great!" Ivy ran to hug her mother and Sasha, as Talbert charged at them like a wild bull. Sasha flung her friends them out of the way, taking the full force of the hit sending hit sliding across the ground.

"Sasha!" Ivy screamed, watching her as she picked herself up.

"Don't worry... Ivy... I can do this all day." Sasha wiped away the blood for her forehead, Ivy and Felicia leap on Talbert trying to punch him. He grabbed them and flung them away, Felicia grabbing Ivy as they rolled against the ground. The tried to get up but struggle to do some.

"Ha! Missed me!" Anne smirked and dodged as Heathro shot out his tongue. She then grabbed his tongue, and started to him around like a rag doll. "Ewwww! Ewwww! This is so freaking gross!"

Ruth charged a Marcy with her knife, the young witch was panicked and could only barley dodge Ruth's strike.

"Stop moving you like brat! I want to see the color of your blood!"

Marcy attempted to threw a curse at Ruth, she however caught it with her tongue and flung it back to it's owner. Marcy jumped to the ground, nearly dodge the spell that cause a fire ball. Ruth stepped on Marcy's arm, crushing it, the lizard smile seeing the girl struggling in pain. "Hehehe. Not use tough now are you brat!"

"Marcy!?" Anne and Sasha cried, as Sasha turned to look at Marcy and Talbert punched.

Ruth lowered herself to Marcy, lightly cutting her check. "Hmm... Red!" Ruth lick the blood off her knife. Anne glared, she then flung Heathro, at Ruth. Sending to the ground, knocking them out.

"Marcy!" Anne ran over to pick her up, wiping away the blood, "Are you okay!"

"Yeah... Ow..." Marcy felt her check, as Talbert was dropped to the ground landing unconscious. The Bittes cheered, as did the gang watching from the sidelines. The girl's the turned to Mama, taking a battle stance.

"Oh frogs sake! I'll handle these brats myself!" Mama Hassleback yelled glaringly disappointment at her family, and brought out her rolling pin and charged at them. She swung at Marcy, Anne tried to grabbed her but both were sending flying and knock them out. She swung at Sasha who barely dogged it, Sasha eyes flashed pink as she throw a punch, sending Mama to the ground.

But the old frog wasn't done let as she picked herself back up. Sasha tried to throw a punch but her fist was grabbed by Mama, who crashed her fist in hers. Sasha cursed, who tried to kicked Mama in the stomach, doing nothing. "Were all the strength now? Brat!" Mama laughed hit her with the rolling pin, causing Sasha to cough up some blood, and got a black eye.

Sasha landed on the ground, spitting up blood, cursing, glaring up at Mama, "You're a tough little brat. I'll give you that. Put it's time Mama puts you to bed for good" Mama smiled lifting her rolling pin for the final blow, as the rest of the Hassleback regaining consciousness, towering over the young girl. Sasha just stared, not wanting Mama to see her fear.

"Sasha..." Anne and Marcy struggled to get up.

"Nooo..." Felicia, held Ivy closed .

"Leave my granddaughters alone!" Hop Pop leapped onto Mama and grabbed her by the hair, pulling with all his might.

""Urrgghh!" She tried to shake him lose. "Get off me!"

"Not this time Mama! I'm not running anymore. When you see someone who can't fight for themselves, it's your job to fight for them! Standing up to a bully like you is right thing to do.. Ahhh" He was then interrupted as Mama shaked him off her head, grabbing him and held him is her hand. Using her rolling pin to hit him, sending him flying a baseball into a pile of garbage.

"Mr. Plantar!" Bailey ran to Hop Pop with tears in his eyes. "Sasha!"




"Don't worry about me. I don't feel a thing." Hop Pop then passed out as Bailey shuddered. His eyes then opened to reveal that they've chanced into bright red and grew blade sharp teeth.

"Uhh. Mama?" Judro was the first to notice as the entire town went under this transformation. "

They're changing." Ruth said as the entire town crept upon the Hassleback gang.

"Now you listen here Bitties!" Mama threaten, the Bitties didn't backdown this time, piling up on them, and biting their skin. The gang just watched in surprised and slight horror at the Bitties sudden change in behavior.

Ivy and Felicia ran over to help Sasha up, Felicia taking out a rag to clean off the blood and dirt from her face. "Are you alright hon?" Her tone was motherly, as Ivy hugged her.

"Ye... Yeah... yeah... I been through worse..." She looked down, her face made Felicia worried but didn't pressure her to continue.

"You jerk!" Ivy punched her.

"What the hell!?" Sasha rubbed her arm.

"That's for making me worry," Ivy then hug her, "But you're awesome!" Sasha smirked and ruffled the top of Ivy's head. Helping her over to the rest of the group.

"Ooooh. What'd I miss?" Hop Pop felt his forehead groaning in pain, as the Planter kids helped him up.

"Long story short, the Bitties have gone nuts!" Anne exclaimed.

"Well I suppose after years of abuse, even the most timid of frogs might get a little- Oh my Frog!"

"Hoping Toads!" Sprig pointed.

"Sweet baby tadpole!" Felicia gasped, covering Ivy's face.

"Cool." Polly and Maddie were all eyes enjoying the haunting nightmare fuel that was in front of them.

They watched it horror as Bitties bit and ripped through the Hassleback gang, tearing right through their chests and eating their fresh. Even Mama fell down as the Bitties torn out her eyes. Bailey snapped out of his rage and came over to Hop Pop. "Hi Mr. Plantar."

"Bailey? You frogs are fighting back?"

"Yep! All because of what you said." "You mean about how standing up to bullies is the right thing to do?" "No. The part about how when someone can't fight for themselves, you need to fight for them. You clearly can't fight for yourself."

He then grabbed a tooth and gave it to him. "Here's your tooth by the way."

"Umm... thank you..."

Bailey then went back into rage mode and turned back to town to eat Hussleback gang along with the townspeople. "Time to go now." Hop Pop back away slowly and the rest of gang jolted back to the Fwagon and pulled out of BittyBurg as fast as they could.

I had the town know Hop Pop because of revolution. Its seem strange that Grime tried to kill Hop Pop for this reason but not once during season 2 do we see this rebellions Hop Pop assuming started.