
34. Fort in The Road

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, Alquimistaarcano77, Kaiju, Nopeknight, TALOS X, Stryker, Mr. Hardcor3, Gojirafan1954, Tearnon, Jason, brentdyedragon, gregorian12, PizzaGuest, Morticon, jjafo2014, schweenieboy, snake screamer, Rodimus973, Pushistaya ten, Shadowcat1083, Liko, Killerbull55858, QuackityFiction, Hamza9236, MarMarFaAnne, Notthenightslayer, Valenthyne, DragonEmperor999, RandomWriter197, AutoHunterJ49, GerardiHistory, wacky620, OtaconandhisJapneseAnimes, asmodeus666, Kryten, Eibegraf, Julie Wells Thomas. Gloyd R. Orangeboar, dshero, ghostanimation, Crimson commando Guests for the comment.

The gang had left the Valley as they passed the sign that said 'Now leaving the Valley' along with another sign that said 'May frog help you'.

"Did you see that sign?" Sprig asked. "We're officially left the Valley! This is the most exciting thing that's ever happened to anyone! Are you excited? I'm excited. You should all be excited!"

"We're excited." Anne said. "It's just, there's a lot of riding on this trip for us and we want to keep our ex..." Anne then stopped as Marcy cut her off.

"This we be the greatness adventure of our LIVES!" She pulled her friends into a group hug, Maddie sat on her head as Marcy took at her phone to take a quick picture.

"Yeah..." Sasha pushed Marcy away, "I just hope this trip isn't a waste of our time... HUH!" Everyone stopped to see the beauty of what was in front of them. With the bright sun, fresh air, giant birds fly above, a beautiful rainbow and a volcano in the distance. Everyone stared in amazement.

"Oh my Frog!" Ivy pointed, "It's beautiful!" Felicia smiled down at her daughter, remember the time she went first trip outside of Wartwood with her mother. Ivy had the same look of wonder she had. It was nice to know outside of there village there was a whole world out there.

"It's amazing." Polly smiled, Maddie left her hair away from her eyes to get a better look.

"It's incredible!" Marcy continued and took a picture, this place look like something out of War of the Warlocks or one of her fantasy novels. "It's like endlessly place of discovery. I want to explore everything!"

"It's kind of hurting my eyes." Anne admitted as she rubbed her eyes.

"I have to admit it looks kinda peaceful." Sasha said, after a few months of living on a swamp this place look beautiful.

"It's even better than I could've dreamed." Sprig jumped onto Bessie's shell with Ivy, the pair looked far on to the distance. "YEAH! Full speed ahead Bessie!"

"YEAH! It's time for our greatness adventure let!" Ivy smiled, as Felicia pulled her off of Bestie and back on the Fwagon.

"Ivy!" Felicia said, "You agreed to follow Mr. Plantars rules on this trip. You haven't been outside the Valley before."

Sasha and Ivy collective groaned.

"Felicia, right kids," Hop Pop raised on hand to silence them. "We're not in the Valley, things can get dangerous fast. Sooo..." Hop Pop then laid a book down on the table inside the Fwagon. "From now on, we're going to follow, 'Hop Pop's; Rules of the road'. By me. Hop Pop." Everyone groaned in annoyance.

"Another huge book? Seriously?" Anne asked.

"You have to be kidding me!?" Sasha groaned.

"Aww...Bummer!" Marcy sighed.

lvy groaned loudly, "Mom!"

"Now hold on sweetie." She said. "Were guest here so you'll follow Mr. Plantar rules! Same as you Sasha."

"You kids got a problem with book? Why, without books-"

"Our civilization would crumble to nothingness." Anne, Polly, and Sprig after Hop Pop sentence with rather bored expression.

"Now, the only way we're going to get to Newtopia in one piece is if we follow these rules. Like this one here." Hop Pop then turned to one of the pages in the book. "Road Rule Number 98: Never strike a heroic pose on the Fwagon. It's a sign of hubris that invite disaster."

Hop Pop said as he saw Sprig and Ivy striking a pose. He then put some coloring books, lowered the window blind, and strapped Sprig in a baby seat, while Felicia did the same with Ivy.

"Mom!" Ivy struggled to back out on her restraints. "This is so embarrassing!"

"Now this is for your own good Ivy."

"That should keep your sense of adventure in check." Hop Pop smiled, Maddie, Polly, and Sasha chuckled a bit at the scene as Felicia and Hop Pop went back to the top of the Fwagon. "All right kids, let's stick to rules and we should have a safe and completely uneventful journey. K thanks bye."

"Well this blows." Marcy complained as she rose the window blind. "Just look at all those endless possiblies for great adventures!"

"I know," Sprig starred out the window, like a child looking through the window at a candy store. "I wanna to go out and explore!"

"Same," Ivy folded her arms. "I thought this was going to be a great adventure!"

"Figures the old frog would suck on the fun out of this." Sasha rolled her eyes.

"Not much we can do." Anne said. "My dad was the same way back home. One time, we drove to the Grand Canyon and didn't stop once."

"My dad the completely opposite," Marcy said, as she began to color with her tongue sticking out. "When we went to Disney World. Dad stopped every twenty minutes."

"I hate stopping on trips," Sasha said, "Like I want to get there today not next week."

"Well if anyone can figure out how to have fun with these rule, it's us." Sprig said.

"Newtopia, here we come!" Everyone cheered.

"Road Rule Number 29: No shouting! Murmoders will follow the sound and steal your skin!" Hop Pop yelled, which made everyone sigh. While on the journey, the groups were passing by many different landmarks. Sprig saw a rainbow waterfall not far away from them. "Oh my goodness! A rainbow waterfall! Can we go? Can we?"

"Road Rule Number 243: All natural phenomena leads to a unnatural death." Sprig got a bit depressed at lowered his head.

Inside the Fwagon Ivy and Sasha were practicing their training, the two have been improving since the night of Frog of the Years, Ivy nearly knocked a glass of the table as Felicia walked down and folded her arms. "No fighting in moving wagon. You could break something."

"Hmmm... Good idea, Miss Sundew." Hop Pop took out a quill and open the book to write. "I'll add it to the list."

"But mom!" Ivy stomped her foot.

"Ivy, keep that up and I'll have Mr. Plantar takes us back."

"Come on," Sasha folded her arms, "I thought you were on my side. Not the boomers!"

"Things will so smoothly if were ALL on the same side." Felicia raised a finger.

Marcy and Maddie were reading through a potions book, Marcy was reading the directions using her finger along the words."Okay very carefully added three scoop of black mist and crush blue and red mushrooms, along with five rosebud."

"What's that you're making," Polly asked as she was playing cards with Anne.

"If done correctly," Maddie was began to stir the potion in a deep purple, "It should be able to give you the strength of five frogs although it will only last one minute and it will completely drain you after."

"Sounds its more dangerous then helpfully." Anne replied, "Here I thought magic can solve everything."

Maddie rolled her eyes, "Magic is powerful, but everything has a cost. It can't solve everything. Magic is nothing like form your movie"

"Oh...oh...oh..." Polly smiled, "Is there spell to make me bigger?"

"Only in size, not age... But again it only words for a few minutes, and if done wrong could lead you to grow until you exploded." Marcy said, to a disappointed Polly.

"Say, what?" The Tadpole's eyes widen.

Hop Pop walked back into the Fwagon to get some water, he stopped at the kids. "What're you kids doing?"

"We're making a poti-" Maddie was about to explain as Hop Pop grabbed the pot.

"Road Rule 324: No spelling making. It could summon magical demons that could destroy the world."

Maddie and Marcy just sighed, as Hop Pop dumped the potion out the window landing on a flower. The flower then grew a faces, and a limbs, it pulled itself out of the ground. "I can walk, I can talk. I can..." It was then eaten whole by a wild snail, the flower was screaming in pain until there voice was silent.

"You'll never catch me!" Polly leap out of the away from Sprig and Ivy, as they're playing a round of tongue tag. The Pollywog blow a raspberry, as she jump again and landed in Felicia's arms. "Oh, hi. Want to play a round of tongue tag?"

"No playing Tongue Tag inside, you could break a window." The kids groaned.

As they continued on the Journey, the gang later came up to a sign. It said 'Zoom Dunes. No speed limit!' Just then, three snails raced passed. Leaving the kids amazed.

"Awesome!" Anne smiled.

"All right Bessie, it's time to show the world how fast you can go." Polly said.

"Yeah. Let's do this!" Ivy encouraged.

"Let's go girl. Show those another snails who the Queen of the road is!" Sasha pumped her fist in the air. Bessie started to rev up and prepare to race but was stopped by Hop Pop.

"Uh uh. Road Rule Number 149: Never drive faster than a June bug can fly." Hop Pop pointed to a June bug, which was going very slowly, it then laid down on the ground, put a pillow under its head, and slept. "Heh. Good thinking little guy." Hop Pop then yawned and went to sleep as more racing snails raced past them.

As the group continued, Anne pointed out to a diner near them."Ooh what's that?"

"Woah! Amphibia's best Diner?! Ok we have to stop here."

"Road Rule Number 193: Don't stop anywhere claiming to be 'the best'."

"But look! They have Ice cream!" Polly gasped.

"Nice!" Smile Ivy.

"Think they have no bug option?" Sasha asked.

"I doubt it." Maddie said.

"I wonder if they have Mint Chocolate chip?" Marcy smiled.

"Road Rule Number 194: No Ice cream in the Fwagon." Everyone was getting really annoyed with all the rules they were getting. "Hey, hey, I just enforce the rules. I don't make them.""

"But you did make them!" Anne shouted, "They're called 'Hop Pop's Road Rules!"

"Darn straight! And I stand by them."

Sprig and Marcy were pacing around the Fwagon as Anne was playing with her phone, Sasha was staring out the window, Ivy was playing cards with Maddie. "Ugh I can't take this anymore. All these once in a lifetime experiences are literally passing us by." Sprig complained.

"All these new places to see and explore. You knows what amazing things were missing." Marcy also groaned, pacing around, trying desperately hard to hold still. "Just think of all these many adventure out there. We got solve a mystery or rewrite history!"

"I know, and I really want to complain but Road Rule Number 345: No complaining. Takes cares of that." Anne groaned, Sasha let out a sigh of frustration, getting annoyed with how long the trip has been, and everyone complaining.

"Can't any of you just shut up and sit still."

"Can you..." Anne said under her breathe.

"What do you say!?" Sasha glared back at her friend.

"Nothing... Nothing..." Anne backpedaled.

"Hmmm..." Maddie rubbed her chin, before giving a taunting smile, as she casually place her cards down. "Pick up six cards."

Ivy was starting to get frustrated by this. "Oh come! There's no way that's allowed!" She gritted her teeth as she slammed her fists into the table, "I still can't go!?" Maddie was assumed at Ivy's actions.

"Red alert everyone!" Hop Pop interrupted. "We're coming upon the Ruins of Despair." The children looked out the top part of the door to see severe ancient frog shape stone ruins.

"Woah ho, ho, ho!" Sprig's eyes widened.

"So COOL!" Ivy smiled.

"My dad told me about these," Maddie said, "He told they're old. Even older the King Andrias."

"So you frogs also have ancient structure as well." Sasha had to admit it looked kinda cool. "Kinda creepy done. Think there were homes to ancient frogs or something?"

"It's really interesting." Marcy took out her notebook to do a quick drawing of what look liked some ancient ruins that resemble frogs. Marcy was pretty much bounce with wonder at the ancient site.

"Woah! What are these weird structure?" Anne asked.

"No one knows," Hop Pop said, "Anne. They've been here long before any written history. Just a mystery better left unsolved, as far as I'm concerned. Frogs that had gotten to close were never seen again." Anne then closed the top part of the door as they went back inside. "This place is the coolest thing I've ever seen and if I don't get out there and at least touch something, I regret for the rest of my life." Sprig whined.

"Same here!" Ivy agreed.

"Ancient structures. Without any written history. We have to check it out. Or I die!" Marcy added.

"Don't worry guys. I have a plan." Anne smiled and opened the door to the top of the Fwagon to get Hop Pop's attention. She clutched his stomach, pretending she was in pain. "Oh Hop Pop, I don't feel so good."

"Dang it, how do you humans cope with such unreliable innards?" Hop Pop sighed. "Let me know when we can start moving again."

"Ok." Once the Fwagon stopped, Anne, Ivy, Marcy, Maddie, Sasha and Sprig bust out of the Fwagon and ran or hopped as fast as they could. Hop Pop saw them all running to the ruins, making him furious. "Hey! Get back here!"

"Ivy, Sasha, you get back here young ladies!" Felicia yelled.

"This was your plan?" Sprig said confused then smiled, "Anne you've done it again!"

"Damn kids never listen to anything I say. Polly, don't do anything till we get back." By the time Felicia and Hop Pop got off the Fwagon, the gang had already made their way go one of the ruins."

"Ok, pretty sure Hop Pop and Felicia are on to us. So let's take some quick selfies and get out of here." Anne said. As everyone posed for a picture, but when Marcy leaned on the door, it accidentally opened and she fell down it as did Sprig who was riding on her shoulders"Marcy!" Anne jumped in after them, as did everyone else while going down what seemed to be some sort of slide."Look out!" They soon reached the bottom and landed safety, except for Sprig.

"You ok Sprig?" Ivy asked.

"Buddy, are you okay? Whoa!" Anne asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He answered as Ivy and Maddie helped him up.

"See, Marbes this is why you don't ran off." Sasha help Marcy up to her feet, the dair hair girl hissed a little in pain

"Holy Frogs!"They then turned their attention to Marcy, who was now running around the room. The room was with highly advanced technology that seeed to be deactivated at the time. There were some creatures who've taken the place as their home such as giant centipedes and spiders walked out of holes on the walls.

"What the heck? Are those computers?" Anne said.

"Huh. I thought this place was somewhere between 1600's to 1700's" Sasha stated.

"Interesting?! Marcy took out her notebook, writing down notes on everything she see, her brain was going through many different possible and each one just made her cursive grew with more interested. "Ancient lost advance civilization? Maybe resemblance of civilization before Amphibian? Apocalypses wiped them out a new life form?"

"I'm... gonna touch everything. Whoa, oh, oh. Ooh! Look at this." The frog children and Marcy, explored the room to see all the left behind technology that was left behind by frogs knows who. Anne felt proud of herself for making Sprig and everyone else happy. "I did a good thing."

When Sasha was helping Marcy around, which was more like of her trying to check up with Marcy, the girl stepped on some strange block which spray some gas at the girl

"Weird..." Marcy stomped her foot several times, noting the pain was completely gone. "Strange. My foot doesn't hurt anymore."

Just then, Felicia and Hop Pop came down, Hop Pop fell down while Felicia slide down and did a flip landing in front of them. They were furious. "Do you two realize how many rules you just broke? 17, 29, 36, 55!"

"Ugh! Ivy I told you to follow the rules as part of the agreement!" Felicia glared.

"Forget the rules." Sprig slide down annoyance.

"Yeah, just look at this place, Mom. It has everything. Cool atmosphere. Implied historical significance."

Sprig looked above him to see a large lever above him, "Levers."

"Don't you dare! Rule number 68: Never, ever pull a lever." Hop Pop and Sprig just glared at each other angrily. Sprig then pulled the lever as everyone flinched, expecting something awful to happen, but surprisingly, nothing happened.

"Well, look at that. I broke rule number 68, and we're all still alive." Just as he said that, the lever went inside the machine as the whole started to reactive. The machine Sprig was on turned out to be a computer with giant blue screen.

"What the..." Hop Pop panicked.

"Huh?" Anne raised an eyebrow.

"What did you do twerp!" Sasha scolded.

"Start-up engaged!" The computer said.

"Whoa! The building can talk! Not sure how I feel about that." Sprig said.

"So totally coool!" Marcy watched in aww, as the computer spoke again.

"Assembly line activated. Routine protocols engaged."

"Assembly line?" Anne then looked behind her to see an assembly lines with different parts being created. "Guys, I think this was some soft of factory."

"If that's the case then what's it making?" Ivy asked.

"Wow. It is mighty impressive." Hop Pop admitted, Sprig came back down at watched in aww, along without everyone else.

"I haven't seen anything like this in all my travels," Felicia said.

"Ooh!" Marcy smiled, she picked Maddie up so she'll get a better view. "This place is so cool. Just think were probably the first people to see this is probably 1000's of 1000's of years. Ancient discover lost to sands of times."

"Think this will make us famous?" Maddie replied.

"Maybe we should go," Sasha said, she had a feeling inside her that there was something not quite right about this place. "I've got a bad feeling about this place." Her suspicion grew higher as the computer spoke again.

"Additional materials required. Please place them on the glowing access point."

"Glowing what now?" Hop Pop then looked down to see the he was on access point. It locked his feet in place so he couldn't escape as it pulled him down. "Help! It's got me!"

"Hop Pop!" Everyone could hear Hop Pop screaming as he was brought to the assembly line.

"See this right here, kids? This is why we follow the rules." Hop Pop scolded as he was continued down the line, everyone thought he would had meet his end at the lasers. "That wasn't so bad." Immediately after saying that, his clothes were then completely tore apart, leaving him in just his underwear. "I'm not beach-ready."

"Hop Pop!"

"What do we do?" Ivy asked.

"Ok. Marcy, you try to shut this madhouse down, you're great with computers. Sasha come with me, get him out of there. Everyone else help Marcy." Anne ordered. Everyone then went off to do what they had to do. Anne grabbed an old part and smashed the glass that was blocking the assembly line. "We're coming, Hop Pop.}}

"Take your time, kids. Ooh." He admitted while he was being housed down with water. "This ain't half bad." Marcy looked around to see what she could use to try to turn off the assembly line. She knuckles her crack smiling, "Piece of cake." Marcy looked down at the computer, seeing the letters were in strange language. "Oohhh! I don't understand any of this. Oh there's gotta be something here."

"Do something!?" Sprig was shaking her, Marcy hoping this keyboard's letters were in the same spot as the one back on Earth. She was hoping she was writing stop, cancelled, Sprig shoved her away.

"You're taking to long!" Sprig then smashed the buttons.

"SPRIG DON'T!" Sprig began smashing every button, the computer's screen turned red, an alarm began blaring.

"Uh, no, uh, no!" Marcy panicked.

"What did you do Sprig!" Maddie said.


"Security violation detected." The computer then sprouted arms to defend against the intruders. It nearly slammed it's arms into Ivy and Maddie as a saw nearly struck Sprig, cutting a bit of his hair.

"Kids!" Felicia leaped through Ivy and Maddie, blocking them from the computer's fist. The yellow frog fell from strike, landing back on the factory ground level falling on her arm.

"Mom!" Ivy called as Maddie pulled her down as a saw just nearly took her head off.

Marcy went back to the computer, hoping to trying again. Praying the keyboard was the same as Earth's, but to no aim. She was pulling on her hair.

Maddie tried to use a potion, but bounce off the computer, the frogs were trying to dodge everything the machine was throwing at them. Sprig was strike by a fist and was fell below. The frog boy was saved by Felicia.

"Arrggh! Thank you." He then saw Hop Pop's rule book. An idea then sprouted in his head,"Hop Pop's book?" He then climb back up the machine. Hop Pop in the meantime, now had his wrists and waist as it spun him around as he was heading for a crusher.

"I'm going to froggy die!"

"Hang tight, old man! We're coming to get you!" Sasha yelled as she and Anne jumped over the lasers, ran through the water jets, and place a metal arm under the crusher.

"How's it going over there, guys?" Anne asked. Felicia and Maddie were barley dodge the saws as they nearly had their necks cut by one. "We're a little bit occupied here!" Felicia replied as Marcy was still trying to figure out the computer.

"Guys! I don't understand the language on this thing!" Marcy replied as she was struggling to decipher the ancient language just as Sprig made it back to the computer and flipped through the pages to see if it could help.

"Maybe there's something in the book that can help. That kind of thing's worked before."

"This is a little different!" Anne yelled as she, and Sasha were holding back the crusher, though it was easily overpowered them.

"Anne..." Sasha could feel her arms starting to buckle understand the crusher, "I don't think... we can hold this. I think we should..."

"Don't!" Anne turned towards Sasha, obviously peeved. "Don't you dare suggest that!"

"Anne... I..."

"Guys!" Anne ignored her, "Can you hurry it up!" The computer just kept repeating the same thing over and over.

"Insert disk. Insert disk. Insert disk."

"Marcy, what the frog is a disk?!" Ivy asked.

"I'm looking for it, I don't see one anywhere!" Marcy replied.

Sprig then grabbed the book out of frustration. "Will you shut up?" The book then crumbled up in the disc space and was devoured. The computer couldn't make out what the book was and started to malfunction. As a result, Hop Pop was release from his restraint, as the building began to fall apart. "I'm free!"

"Great. Now let's go." Anne same as she, Sasha and Hop Pop ran off the assembly line. They started running towards the exit as Sprig and the other followed.

"Whoo-hoo! We did it, fam."

"No talking till the running is done." Anne said everyone fan through the exit and made it out just in time.

"We're Alive!" Ivy and Maddie cheered.

"Hey. Road rule number 2: "Don't celebrate till you're completely out of danger."

"Come on, Hop Pop. The danger's clearly... " Just before Sprig could finish, the building blew up, sending everyone flying, leaving them scorched and burned. "Levers! Am I right?" Hop Pop just gave Sprig a menacing glare. "I know. I know. We should've followed the rules."

"Ya think! Ya know, you nearly got us all killed in there! You all should be more like Polly. I told her to stay put and look where she is." Hop Pop pointed to show where Polly should've been, but it turns out, she wasn't there all. He pitched his non-exciting nose. "Where Polly?"

"There she is." Ivy point at Polly was riding on Bessie at high speeds, going over one ruin after another. She then landed the fwagon next to the gang, and saw angry Hop Pop."Bessie made me do it." Hop Pop just glared at her in anger. "All right I'm sorry ok? That's the last time I break a rule, I swear."

"Yeah us too, HP. For the rest of the trip, we'll follow all the rules."

"Yeah me too, mom."

"Yeah. We'll just won't experience anything special."

"Or have fun."

"Or learn history."

"Or make potions."

Guess we'll just stay in for the rest of the journey and do nothing."

"Don't you try to guilt trip me kids! You'll nearly got me and everyone killed and it hasn't even been a day let!" The children look down at there feet. Hop Pop started to feel he might've gone a bit overboard with the rules. Felicia also started to feel bad as well, especially to Ivy and Sasha. "Hang on a second, kids. Maybe this only happened because we were being to strict with you."You never been out of Valley before, its dangerous. We'll both wanted things to go smoothly. "

"And I'll admit that I was being overprotective as well. And yes we nearly die in that torturous machine, I'll admit it was quite exhilarating. I hadn't had this much excitement since the time I went on a journey. I just wanted you, to be safe."

"So how about we set the rules aside and make a few stops."


"Yeah, just don't over step. I'll let a few rule go. But when I say no... I mean it kids. If you break this then its back lock down. That be said I have idea."

The gang had returned to the diner they passed by and got some Ice cream, turns out there was a no bug option as Sasha had selected that one. "How's the crickets and cream ice cream, kids?" Hop Pop asked.


"So good!"

"Mint chocolate cream with crickets is probably my new favorite!" Marcy smiled.

"Can't believe you two picked the bug option," Sasha said.

"You know," Anne laughed, "there was a time I'd probably would have picked no bugs. But that time has passed." She smiled as she took a bite, making Sasha grimace.

"Glad you like it." Hop Pop laughed.

"Thanks, Hop Pop."

"You too mom." Ivy and Sprig hugged their parental figure.

They're now making there way past the ruins, Marcy and Anne sighed as they glance towards them.

"That place was so COOL!" Marcy groaned in disappointment.

"Yeah," Anne replied, "I'm kinda bummed we didn't find out what that factory was making."

"Me too." Sprig smiled, "Guess we'll never know. Guess we'll never know. Guess..." The frog continued annoying Anne.

"Yep, got it."

"That place look advanced..." Marcy replied, as she looked over at the ruins. "It just makes me think how could something like that just disappear. Did Amphibia suffer an Apocalypse event and they went into eternal black out over the generations they forget. Did a meter crashed into the planet? A massive ice age? Zombie apocalypse?... Hehehe Zombie Frogs... Hmmm... Or maybe Amphibia once had a different dominant speces but were wiped out by frogs. Did frogs takeover; Planet of Apes but with Frogs..." Marcy continuing rambling, "I mean something had to have build those things, and there zero records! Was it just simply a lost advanced civilization. I really wanted to study them so more."

"Eh." Maddie shrugged, "Sometimes it's best to just leave things behind." As they all left, from the factory's rubble, came out a large mechanical machine.

It was nightfall as the Fwagon was making it away to Newtopia, Sprig, Ivy, Maddie and Marcy were looking at stars with a telescope from the back of the Fwagon.

"Guys! I can't even see Wartwood anymore!" Sprig said.

"Is it kinda embarrassing that I'm a little scared, this trip is amazing and I always dream of going on adventure someday. But its still a little scary" Ivy admitted.

"Well fear of the unknown is always understandable," Maddie replied.

"You know I don't think I'll never get tried of seeing the night sky. The beautiful red glow of the moon, the beautiful clean sky so I can see all these stars.

Anne sitting next to Hop Pop, had to agree, the night made her feel so small. It reminded her of times she would watch it her parents back home. She hated that whenever she was having fun, she thought of her parents and what they must be going through right now. It then made her think of something.

"Hop Pop? Can I ask you something?"

"Sure? Anything troubling you?"

"Do I look different to you?"

"You look the same as day we met? I'm not following."

"It's just I feel different now."

"Ohhh... That. See Anne when you get older your body with change and you will..."

"No. Not that Hop Pop. I don't know how to describe it. "

"I think I do. Sometimes the paths were on, they wind around in ways that we never expect. All we can do is keep moving forward. Don't you worried about your parents, if they are anything like you. Then I know they be proud of the person you're becoming I now I am."

"Thank you, HP." Anne smiled.