
33. Handy Anne

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, Alquimistaarcano77, Kaiju, Nopeknight, TALOS X, Stryker, Mr. Hardcor3, Gojirafan1954, Tearnon, Jason, brentdyedragon, gregorian12, PizzaGuest, Morticon, jjafo2014, schweenieboy, snake screamer, Rodimus973, Pushistaya ten, Shadowcat1083, Liko, Killerbull55858, QuackityFiction, Hamza9236, MarMarFaAnne, Notthenightslayer, Valenthyne, DragonEmperor999, RandomWriter197, AutoHunterJ49, GerardiHistory, wacky620, OtaconandhisJapneseAnimes, asmodeus666, Kryten, Eibegraf, ghostanimation Julie Wells Thomas. Guests for the comment.

Don't know if I should keep this as it own story? Or split-up the Seasons. But onto Season 2.

Anne is sitting on the roof top just as a Fwagon pulls in front of her.

Sprig and Polly burst out of the Fwagon's door, inviting Anne to come inside.

Hop Pop was on top of the Fwagon.

Sprig and Ivy were running around in the Fwagon, knocking into Maggie who was making a potion with Marcy.

The Fwagon is out running monsters, and harsh weather.

Felicia tries breaking a fight between the Hop Pop and Sasha.

Anne and Sasha are fighting, as Marcy holds the box with guilt.

A giant castle like city appears, with three shadows, one giant, one with claws and one with a dress towering over the city.

The group is sitting by a fire at night, eating a meal, playing music.


It was a bright and sunny day at the Plantar Farm. The little frog village was just about done with repairing the damages from the Toads a few weeks back. Anne, and Sprig were resting on the roof top as the flowers started to bloom while looking up at the clouds.

"Ah." Sprig smiled resting his hand behind his back. "Spring is finally here."

"All right. New season, new possibilies. I'm ready to blossom into my best self." Anne said, fully confident.

"So is you arm feeling better?" Sprig asked. Anne could still remember the feeling. Of Grime striking her arm.

"Yep, totally fine." Anne said with a fake smiled.

"That was night! First there's you in that suit, then the killer fish, then you rescuing us from that killer fish, then the toads showned up, and we defeated say toads." Sprig smiled.

"And the a certain frog boy and Ivy officially became a thing." Anne teased.

"I'm never gonna hear the end of that, am I?"

"Nope!" She pulled him into a playful noogle.

"Ow ow ow! Hey knock it off! Seriously Anne. Oh look. There back," Sprig smiled happy for a way out.. Hop Pop, Marcy and Polly rolled up with Bessie pulling a large wagon. Sprig hopped down while Anne tried to climb down safety but accidentally slid down and fell on her but.

"Woah, Hop Pop. What is thing?" Sprig asked, his eyes glued onto the wagon.

"Impressive huh." Hop Pop smirked tapping the side of the wagon. "This here's an all terrain, custom model, family wagon." Hop Pop smiled. "Calling it, the Fwagon."

"Fwagon? Really?" Anne asked.

"Like Family and wagon?" Marcy replied.

"And, it was surprisingly cheap too." Hop Pop smiled.

"The previous owner died in it." Polly smiled, earning nervous looks from Anne and Sprig.

"So why do we need a wagon?" Anne asked, "Are we going somewhere?"

"Fwagon." Hop Pop and Marcy both raised a finger.

"Not calling it that."

"Well, I'll tell you in a minute." Hop Pop smiled, whatever it was she new Marcy was excited the girl was shaking. Like she was in line for a permire, "Just waiting for Sasha to arrival."

"Sasha?" Anne raised an eyebrow, as Marcy jumped in front of her. "Oh, is Sasha coming back? Did she forgive you?" Anne was hopefully so, it left strange not being with Sasha. But it did give her some more time alone with Marcy, for as much time as you get in house with five people.

"No..." The group turned to see Sasha has arrived with Ivy and Felicia. She arms crossed. "I haven't." She frowned at old Plantar, Hop Pop looked like he was going to attempt to apologies again but his mouth close as quickly as he opened. Sasha walked over, gave Sprig a playfully but rough head rub before she gave Anne and Marcy a hug. "So... What did you call me over for." She asked with a little hostility in her voice, Hop Pop felt the words directly at him.

"Now, Sasha don't be hostile." Felicia spoke softly.

"Can I tell them?" Marcy was shaking Hop Pop, "Please, Please, Please!"

"Alright, alright. Just stop shaking me." Hop Pop said.

"YES!" Marcy smiled, "So guys with the snow melted and the mountain pass open, we can finally travel outside the Valley to Newtopia!"

"Oh my frog! We're going to Newtopia!?" Sprig exclaimed, Ivy let out a loud glee.

"I know isn't it great?!" Marcy smiled.

"What's a Newtopia?" Anne asked, as Sasha nodded, being confused as she was.

"Newtopia is the capital of Amphibia!" Marcy exclaimed, talking very fast, she couldn't hope her excitement. "A bustling metropolis full of ancient knowledge, ruled by King Andrias Leviathan the First."

"Okay..." Sasha paused, this didn't help her question at all. "But why do we have to go to the Capital?"

"Newtopia is home to some of the wisest of Amphibias." Hop Pop exclaimed, "If anyone can help you girls get back home, it's them." He then pulled out a picture of a Newt wearing a robe and holding a staff.

"Mystical." Marcy smiled, "Can I have it."


"I can't believe it. You mean this could actually be our ticket home." Anne looked up hopefully.

"It's worth a shot. I guess." Sasha shrugged her shoulder.

"You betcha. Pack your things kids. We leave tonight!" Hop Pop smiled.

"Cool scar Sasha, I could give you a matching scar on the other side. Lol Jk."

"Yeah right," Sasha smirked and booped her nose, "As if cute little Mar-Mar could ever catch me off guard."

Everyone another then Sasha cheered in excitement, while Sasha was excited about maybe finding away home and travelling with Anne and Marcy. She still had a litte resentment towards the old frog. Ivy seem to pick up on this, and idea popped in her head. "Mr. Plantar!" Ivy smiled, "Can I come. Please."

Hop Pop and Felicia raised an eyebrow, "Yeah! Please let them come with us. Please Hop Pop?" Sprig gave him puppy dog eyes.

"Well..." He scratched his head. "It's up to your mother."

Ivy turned to Felicia, and plead, "Please mom. "

"Ivy?" Felicia spoke with hesitate.

"Mom, Sasha's my best friend. I have to help her find away home."

Felicia smiled and turned to Sasha, "Alright...But I'm coming with you."

Ivy leap in joy and hug her mother thanking it over and over again. She blushes nervously at Sprig."So... Sprig... I guess... Erm... We spend alot of time together. On the... trip."

"Y... Yeah... Hah hah. I love too." Sprig was blushing as red as a tomato.

"Aww aren't they just so cute together?" Felicia smile, as Anne nodded, while Polly made a gag sound, Sprig and Ivy blush red in embarrassment.

"Oh...Oh...Oh..." Marcy was hopping on her feet. "Can I bring Maddie!"

"Go ask her dad," Hop Pop said, "but that it!"

"YES!" Marcy ran off, towards the bakery.

"Alright Ivy go pack your things." Felicia smiled, as she returned her home with Sasha and Ivy.

"Say Anne, since you don't have a lot to pack, could one of you give Chuck the key when he springs by?" Hop Pop asked.

"Who's chuck?" Anne asked.

"We played bug ball together." Sprig reminded.

"He grows Tulips." Polly said.

"Nope. Not ringing a bell. Why does he need a key?"

"Because I hired him to protect the house from all the things waiting to destroy it." Hop Pop explained.

"Wait! What?"

An empty house is vulnerable, Anne. Needs protectin'. Not to mention our crops, the very soul of a farm. Left alone to face wildfires, locusts, tornadoes, flaming locust tornadoes. Anyway, here you go." He then handed the key to Anne, he picked up Polly and head back inside.

"Didn't realize you guys are risking so much to help me."

"Eh, he's just being dramatic."Sprig said as flaming locust tornadoes when by, destroying a windmill behind him. "Mostly." He then walked back to the house.

Anne stared at the key, it felt like a ton. Thinking about how much the Plantars are doing for her, and had done for. They took her when she was just monster, and now they're taking this risk just for the slight chance that it could help her fine away home."Starting to feel a little guilty about all this. Well, at least Chuck's gonna handle it. Whoever that is." She suddenly heard a snail chirping as it rode up to her. A muscular frog was on top.


"Actually, I'm Dave. That's Chuck." The door to the cab opened to show chuck

"I grow tulips." He hopped out and Anne was dumbfounded.

"Oh, yeah. Chuck." Anne remembered.

"Tulips!" Chuck then spit on ant hill which a flying scorpion jumped out and changed him.

"No, no! There's no way this guy can handle the job. The house is doomed, and it's all my fault. Unless..." Anne took out her tennis racket and took out the flying scorpion. "Chuck, buddy, turns out we won't need you after all, because I'm gonna disaster-proof the house myself.

"T-Tulip." He replied before fainted.

"Okay, first I need supplies. But they can't just be any supplies. They have to be the best supplies. 'Cause the Plantars are risking everything for me. Their home, their livelihood, their frog-hoppin' future. And that means they deserve the best!" Anne punched her fist.

Sasha was busy packing things up in her room, bringing an extra sword her as well as some hidden daggers that she collected from the cowardly Toads that dropped them as they ran away from Wartwood. Packing extra clothes the Felicia made her, she reluctantly pack the clothes Hop P... That old man made her as well. Sure she made have saved him from Grime, but that just for Sprig and Polly. She meant it when she said this didn't change anything with them. So when Anne told her about the journey to Newtopia, or course she was going. She made to be sure that Anne and Marcy were safe, as she surely didn't trust the old frog with them.

"IVY SUNDEW!" Felicia voiced took her out of throughs. "I told you, you can go. But you need to pack better then this. Outside of Amphibia is dangerous especially to young frogs."

"But mom!"

"Buts are your sitting Ivy!" Felicia began to look through Ivy's suitcase. "Now I want to make sure you packed everything you need. I see, you're going to need more clothes. And what this for..." She pulled out a net.

"I need that incase I fine any cool bugs outside of Wartwood." Ivy leaped across the room and bought over a book of bugs. "See mom. It's says these type our very delicious. Oh and there are very rare and barley anyone saw them. Also this is send to have good natural healing."

"Alright...Alright..." Felicia smiled and put it back, she pulled a slingshot.

"You said its dangerous out there, and a little frog like me to protect myself."

Felicia smile at the response, and pulled out some cards. Ivy shrugged, "What it's going to be along journey and being in a wagon for that long I need something or I'll go mad."

"You mean," Sasha gave a teasingly smile, "you need something else that sending time with Sprig." Ivy beat red as her family laughed as she pulled her hat down. Sasha and Felicia laughed for a few moments. "But in all seriousness. Thanks for coming with me."

"Think nothing of it, Sasha." Felicia smile. "It only seem right to help after everything you do for us."

"Yeah," Ivy punched Sasha, "I can't have my best friend go off on amazing adventure without me. You'll be lost with me to back you up."

Sasha smiled and pulled them into a hug, "Thanks guys." Felicia was crying a little, Sasha looked up, "Something the matter?"

"No, it's just," Felicia smile, "I remember back when I first held Ivy in my arms. Dreaming of the day when I'll go on adventure with her just like I once did in my younger years."

"Aww mom." Ivy hugged her, and continuing with her packing, Ivy was pretty much leap over four steps at time as ran downstairs.

"Ivy, you're not leaving before you give me a hug," Sylvia smiled as she was serving customers with Braddock. The young frog hug her Grandmother tightly, and Sylvia kissed her forehead.

"Now you keep safe and listen to your mother and Hopediah. Alright?" Sylvia bend down to reach her leave.

"I will."

"I hope you, those girls away back home." Braddock said, Ivy gave a cold glared. Although the town let her and Percy stay she was still a little unsure about the Toads.

"I will."

"Of course we will." Sasha arrived downstairs, "Nothing can stop the prefect human/frog team. Team Sashvy for live!" Ivy leap in the air and did a fist bump. Sasha turned to Sylvia and gave her a hug, "Look after the place."

"Darling, I was looking after this since Felicia was a pollywog." Sylvia patted her back, "Please keeps my daughter and granddaughter safe"

"Yeah," Sasha shrugged, "It's me."

"Well I believe we have everything." Felicia smiled carrying her suitcase, and boxes of tea and treats.

"And you got after me for packing too much." Ivy folded her arms.

"Because Ivy it's a long journey to Newtopia and wil need food. Plus doing a little business outside of Wartwood to spread the word around." Felicia pointed out, "Sasha dear, would you give me a hand with these."

"Sure." Sasha picked up a few books, as Felicia hugged her mother.

"Take care."

"I will."

Loggle was busy watering one of his plants when Anne came through the door. "Oh! Hiya Anne." He greeted. "Let me guess. Disaster proofing your house?"

"Oh yeah!" Anne answered. "Having anything to protect crops."

"As a matter of fact, I do." Anne was waiting for the don't part but it never happened.

"Huh? Weird?"

"Yeah didn't feel right." Loggle then pulled back a curtain in the back to reveal a barrel giving off a bright grew. "Behold. My latest concoction. This gunk won't just protect the crops, it'll awaken a power with in them. A power, some would say, that's better left-"

"Yeah yeah, I'll take it." Anne said impatiently.

"R-really? You don't want to hear the rest of my cryptic warning?"

"Oh come on. What's the worst that could happen?"

"Ok if you say so. Cash or credit?"

"Thanks Loggle."

Back at the farm, Sprig burst into to pack. "My first trip outside the Valley. But how to pack for the most important journey of my life? Well I need by trusty slingshot, duh!"

Maddie was busy packing stuff up in her room, she couldn't believe when she asked her father he was perfect okay. He was hesitate at first but with Mr. Plantar and Mrs. Sundew being with them he was okay with it. Plus he grew to like the human girl Marcy. It didn't seem right that she shouldn't help her friend out. "Okay Spells check! Sacks check! Ingredients check! Clothes check! Dad business cards check." Maddie was checking things off her list, doing triple checks. This was her first journey out of Wartwood and wanted to be extra careful. This was all to help Marcy get home.

"Sure that enough?" Marcy asked as she sat on Maddie's bed, watching her pack, while going over some books about Amphibia and Newtopia. When Mr. Plantar told them about travelling to Newtopia she couldn't hold excitement, it was like when Marcy, Sasha and Anne took a trip to Disney World. She was filled with too much energy to stay still. "We don't know what out there? Or we'll fine!?"

"That's why I've been making potions not stop, when you told me about your journey." Maddie explained, scratching her chin, as she continuing packing. "Maybe we'll fine rare ingredients along the way."

"I know! Right! Just thing of adventure along the way. The people we'll might. Getting to learn more about your world is awesome!"

"Think you got enough information with those book?"

"But... You told me... Then seeing it and doing it with your eyes and hands makes you learn more."

"I did," Maddie smiled after packing up more ingredients. "I think I'm good." Maddie smiled as she carried her suitcase, "Ready?"


"Alright, lets go..." Suddenly three difference tadpoles jumped into Maddie's arms, knocking her the ground. "Maddie! Maddie! Maddie!"

"Guys! Can you not see that I'm bus right now?" Maddie yelled. The trio stopped and hopped on each other as they looked at Maddie.

"We just want to say goodbye!" Lavender said.

Rosemary jumped into Marcy's arms, "Can we watch Cynthia Coven again..." She gave off the most adorable little face. "Please"

"Aww... Sorry." Marcy looked sympathetic, "But we're leaving soon for Newtopia!"

"It's a big journey!" Maddie smiled.

"Will there be monster!?" Ginger asked.

"Pirates!" Lavender added.

"Monster pirates!" Rosemary replied, "Can we come please?"

"Sorry girls," Farine was standing in doorframe, getting ready for today's shift. "But I need your help."

"Awww!" The triples looked down.

"Don't worry I'll tell you all about it!" Maddie smiled at them.

"Maddie," Her father stopped her before she left, "did you bring your curses with you!"


"All right! Have fun!" Maddie hugged her father tightly, he gave her pat on the back. "Stay, safe."

"Maddie! Gets us something cool!" Lavender called out.

"Oh oh oh! See if they have any more of those books at there!" Ginger smiled.

"If you learn any new spells teach us!" Rosemary added.

"Will see..." Maddie smiled and pulled them into a hug, before juggling them for a few minutes. The triples laughed, while Farine smile, it was nice to see his daughters getting along together. After five minutes of juggling, Maddie pulled them into hug as their father joined. "Now, you behave. And only give dad trouble if he deserve it." She teased, as the triples laughed. She let them go, waving before she ran downstairs waving goodbye to Perry.

"Bye kid!" He smiled.

"Bye Perry!" Maddie waved to the former Toad that defended them from Grime. Maddie ran outside to met Marcy.

"Thanks for coming with me." Marcy smile.

"You know... Ginger, Lavender, and Rosemary have actually taken up interest in magic. Whenever I'm out making a spell, they'd sit and watch. After that, I'd play with them. Marcy, if it weren't for you, I would never had done that. I would have regreted not spending time with them. That's all because of you."


"Yeah. You're the best, friend, the best student I could have asked for... So I have to help you fine away home."

"Thank you." Marcy smiled, although she felt hurt, Maddie is rising everything just by coming on this trip. A trip she wouldn't have to take if it wasn't for her.

Polly had just finished packing her stuff which was just her bucket. "Boom! All done!" she yelled. She then up to Hop Pop to find something to do. "Hop Pop I'm bored."

"Well I could use some help with these ascots. They require a very delicate fold." He said as he delicately folded one. Polly then slammed the door in annoyance.

"Pass." She then decided to see if Sprig was willing to play. "How's it going... bro?" She saw Sprig standing in the middle of the room, his eyes bloodshot, with slingshots and red string all over the place. "Wanna play?"

"Done?" Sprig then started to laugh hysterically. "No, sweet, sweet Polly. I figure out what slingshot to bring. Now the real packing begins." Polly was confused for a but then came up with an idea.

"Maybe I can help. What's next on the- Oh. This one?" She asked.

"What? What, why?"

"No it's great. I'm sure you picked the right one. Pretty sure. Maybe." Sprig pulled his hat down so he could scream. Meanwhile outside, Anne put a barbed wire fence around the farm, set up giant mouse traps, dug holes and filled it with swords and an axe.

"Now for the final touch." She skidded over to the barrel to dump the concoction Loggle gave her, and kicked the barrel and let all the green glop spill all over the crops giving them a green glow.

"Welp, let's get the Fwagon loaded, shall we?" Hop Pop asked as he took his and Polly's bags.

"Woah Sprig are you ok?" Anne asked. Sprig just stared into the distance with his eyes still bloodshot."

"Yes, great. How are you?" Just then everyone else came.

"Woah. Whoever this Chuck guy is, sure did an impressive job." Marcy said impressed. Anne chuckled mischievously at how she was able to get away with all this. That's when the ground started to rumble and shake."

What the... What's going on?" Felicia asked. The crops then started to come to life as they grew their own limbs.

"Veggie monsters!" Hop Pop gasped as everyone backed away.

"I've had this nightmare before." Anne said.

"What did you do weirdo!?" Sasha glared.

"This wasn't me." Maddie replied.

"Don't worry everyone, I got this." Sprig then pulled out a Slingshot. "Fly true, Silver-" Silver bolt then broke into two as one hit Sprig face as he fell to the ground. Polly laughed hysterically. "All right, everyone, action time!" Anne then pulled out her sword and tennis racket, Hop Pop pulled out a giant grater, Maddie and Marcy ready potions, while Sasha got in fight stance along with Felicia and Ivy. Anne cut the eggplant hand off, Hop Pop grater a potato monster. Marcy and Maddie used curses on a monster. Ivy and Felicia took on the pumpkin and jabbed its eyeball causing it shriek in pain with Sasha cutting through it from behind.

"I'm sorry for message with ya." Polly apologized. "Now sling me!" Sprig did so launched Polly at two monsters, killing them immediately. Polly then bounded off the fence and into Hop Pop's hand.

"Is that all you got ya filthy vegetables!? Ivy taunted. The fight wasn't over however as the vegetables did so launched Polly at two monsters, killing them immediately. Polly then bounded off the fence and into Hop Pop's hand."Is that all you got ya filthy vegetables!? Ivy taunted. The fight was however wasn't over as the vegetable started to combine into an ultimate vegetable titan.

"Cool." Polly smiled, the monster stepped on a mouse trap causing it too stumble back.

"No! Don't go that way, that's towards the house!" Anne exclaimed. But it was to late as it tripped and crashed into the house, destroying it. Both outside and inside."The house. Everything I worked so hard to protect." Anne teared up. The veggie titan came in for the finishing blow but Anne just dodged it. "Oh you just made a big mistake buddy." Anne's eyes glowed blue for a second. The veggie titan came in for a punch but Anne jumped on top and ran up the titan arm, came up to its head to finish it off as she stabbed it with her sword, bringing it down.

"Eat your vegetables."

"That was amazing!"

"You saved our tails!"

"Yeah! Sorry about the house though." Anne apologized.

"The important thing is that we're all ok. It's not your fault the vegetable turned evil." Hop Pop reassured her.

"Actually, it is."

"Say what?!"

"Why in Frog's name would you do that?!" Felicia asked.

"It's just you're risking everything just for us."

"Anne were not taking this trip for you, we're taking it with you. We'll have your backs no matter what." Hop Pop smiled as the Plantars hugged her, Marcy as well joined the hug.

"Thanks fam. This means a lot." Anne smiled, "We can hold off Newtopia. Until we'll get the house fixed."

"What?!" Sasha glared, "You can't just make a design like that for us."

"Don't worry about it." Hop Pop then blew a conch shell as a cloud of tools came by and fixed the entire house. The cloud stopped to reveal that it was Chuck.

"I grow tulips."

"Hoop badda boopa." Anne watched in amazement.

"Why did you think I hired Chuck in the first place?" Hop Pop laughed.

"Sorry for doubting you dude."

"I grow tulips." Chuck replied as he went inside.

"Yes he does. All right everyone, it's gonna be two week journey to Newtopia so we better get going." Hop Pop opened the door to the Fwagon as everyone piled in."Well, let's get this Fwagon on the road!" He then whipped Bessie's reins and started heading for Newtopia. "No turning back now."

I was going to have the whole Sundew and Flour family come but didn't as I thought that'll be to many characters. As the Flour Triples are pretty much the same character (And would only serve for Polly to have kids her age to talk to)