
32. Toad Captain Grime

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, Alquimistaarcano77, Kaiju, Nopeknight, TALOS X, Stryker, Mr. Hardcor3, Gojirafan1954, Tearnon, Jason, brentdyedragon, gregorian12, PizzaGuest, Morticon, jjafo2014, schweenieboy, snake screamer, Rodimus973, Pushistaya ten, Shadowcat1083, Liko, Killerbull55858, QuackityFiction, Hamza9236, MarMarFaAnne, Notthenightslayer, Valenthyne, DragonEmperor999, RandomWriter197, AutoHunterJ49, GerardiHistory, wacky620, OtaconandhisJapneseAnimes, asmodeus666, Kryten, Eibegraf, Julie Wells Thomas. Guests for the comment.

Toads soldiers quickly crashed the party, setting fires to nearby homes and stores, gathering each of the citizens of Wartwood around in a tight circle. Sasha tried fighting them off but was grabbed from behind by one of the Toads until Maddie saved her by using some of her curses to slow them down a bit, but they were too many of them and they soon overwhelmed her. The frogs, not knowing what was happening and were panicking.

"Daddy!" Cried Lavander, as she held tightly on to her father. "What's happening?"

"Kids stay together," Hop Pop spoke sternly.

"What's going on," A frog asked,

The frogs were running around in fright, desperately trying to escaped as the Toads blocked off the exits, or by the fires that cut them off. The citizens were surrounded by guards on all sides, leaving them no way to escape. Sasha was ready to pull out her sword, while Felicia grabbed her arm. The blonde glance towards the frog lady, eye raised.

"Let's no start anything, we'll regret." Felicia held on to Ivy, Sasha never saw the young frog so scared before as she grips tightly on to Felicia's dress.

The Frogs were shouting, some raising their fists, or throwing rocks or mud. Demanding the Toads leaving their home.

"Get out of here!" Wally roared

"Go home!" Loggle yelled.

"Get lost!" Croaker shaked her cane, Archie furiously barking at them.

"Calm down you frogs!" A Toad threatened, as they pulled out a sword.

"What do you want?" Anne stared as she made her way to the front of the crowd and stopped dead once she saw who it was. "Bog," she growled, pulling her racket out and sword out. Beside her she feel her friends stiff as well, drawing their respected weapons, slingshot, sword and curses.

Bog, Fens and Mire stood in front, smugly grinning as they caught sight of her. "What do you want from us?" Anne called out, "We paid all our taxes!"

"Yeah, leave," Sasha stepped forward, punching her fist in her another hand. "unless you want another beat down."

"We're here because someone has a message," Bog sneered as Fens chuckled,"Captain Grime."

At that, silence fell. The towns people were mumble as the girls looked around to find blanched faces. "Captain Grime?"

"The fiercest Toad warrior in the Valley," Sprig explained, "They say he's the most ruthless Toad soldier anyone's seen in the past century."

"I heard he was gladiator that won his freedom and worked his way up to Captain." Marcy explain, going through her notes trying to find the page.

"Right, you are little frog," Fens grin, "And he has something to say?"

"What does he want?" Anne asked.

"Ask him, yourself." Bogs smile.

Grime then got up to the place where the statue of Anne used to be to get their attention. "Frogs of Wartwood! We toads have come here to-" Everyone was in suspense on what Grime was going to say. "Stop the rebellion!"

"Rebellion?" Anne asked, not take her eye off the toad.

"What are you talking about?" Marcy asked.

"I don't care what's going all!" Sasha snapped, "Take yourself and all of your warty ugly friends and leave!"

"Yeah!" Croaker raised her cane, "I'll teach you some manners youngster!" The crowd started protesting, and shouting for them to leave, throwing rocks and food.

"SILENCE!" Grime booming voice silence the crowd in the tracks, he snapped his fingers and the Toads surrounding them took out crossbows aiming at the crowd. "Anyone else moves and well..." He gave a cold laugh, the town slowly and reluctantly put their weapons back.

"Now!" Grime continued, "It would seem you frogs have been stepping out of line. You have been making our lives quite difficult as of late. AND DO YOU KNOW WHY!" He voiced echoed through the crowd, making little Tadpoles cry. "It's seem these rebels claimed a certain frog that's lives here as some kind of hero. Standing up to Tax Collector and even ran for mayor against the local Toad!" The crowds eye's widened as they mumble to each other.

"Wait?" Marcy paused, "You don't think he's talking about..."

Grime snapped his fingers again, Bogs then opened the scroll he had in his hand showing Hop Pop in a confident pose with the words 'Freedom Frog' on it. Everyone gasped as they saw the scroll, turning towards Hop Pop.

"Say what?" Hop Pop took a step back, as he tied to block his grandchildren.

"What? Hop Pop's not a revolutionary!" Anne rejected, she turned to Hop Pop and glared back at Grime. "You got the wrong frog!"

"Yeah, he just a old man trying to his best for his grandkids!" Marcy added, her voice a little shake but she tried her best to not look scary by the Toad Captain.

"He just crazy old cot," Sasha glared back, standing in front of him. "He can barley remember what day it is."

"Doesn't matter creatures! These rebels are looking up to him, and I'll have to make an example out of him." He snapped his fingers, two Toads made there way through the crowd to grab Hop Pop. Shoving the frogs out of the way, kicking Sprig and Polly out of the way as they got to their grandfather defense.

"Leave him alone!" Anne screamed, as she tried to push ther away through the crowd, only for a warning shoot from Fens that nearly hit her, made her stop.

"That will be your only warning creature!" Grime threatened, glaringly at Anne. But also somewhat impressed, believing she was either brave or stupid. "Give the traitor Hopediah Plantar to me! Once this over things will return back to normal. If any of decide to jump in and play hero, I will personally introduce you to the ground."

"No it won't!" Marcy stepped up, "Killing him, will only making the rebels fight more. You'll make him a martyr "

Grime didn't give her threat a second to hold, as Hop Pop was brought up to the stage and tossed down in front of him.

"Please don't!" Sprig hugged onto Polly, remembering feeling this level of fear as tried to be brave for his sister.

"Hop Pop!" Anne dropped to her knees, feeling weak as she just watch this place out.

"No!" Marcy exclaimed, trying to thinking of anything that will help. She looked around for anything, as her eyes sent on her home.

Grime gave a cold blank expression, as he raised his sword. The crowd looked away, some were holding each other."Any last words little frog?"

"Girls looked after Sprig and Polly and I'll sorry... I'll sorry." Grime raised his sword.

"Bessie! Things are getting messy!" Marcy cried out in depression.

"What?" Bog raised an eyebrow, "Who is Bessie." The old snail zoom into the Toad knocking a few over, giving an opening for frogs to escape. The girl's ready there weapons and got ready to fight, a few townsfolk ready themselves to fight, while other ran.

Maddie and Marcy were threwing curses at Toads who were coughing up in a field of smoke. Anne rushed towards the stage to grabbed Hop Pop and made a break for it.

Some frogs took the distraction the escape, while other took a stand against the Toads.

"Get them Archie!" Croaker ordered, as her pet spider spit out green vomit the completely melt the Toads armor, leaving him in boxers, he ran off embarrassed.

"So you want to there?" Stumpy replaced his hook hand with his hammer hand and began knocking back some toads, Loggie was using hammers as well to attack the crowd, Wally used his accorning to wack them.

"Such a shame!" Bog smile as he strike against Sasha, the blonde blocked against it. "You could have great warrior if you stuck with us. Instead of these slimy frogs!" Sasha was meeting him blow or blow, and was able to hold her own against the Toad soldier, with each strike.

"Some warrior you are you can't keep up with a kid," She mocked with a smirk, as he just snarled in return.

"I'll show you, you little brat!" Bog strike against Sasha, slicing against her face, from her eyes down to the cheek, leaving blood. Making Sasha hiss in pain, as she quickly grabbed her cheek giving Bog a change to attack and pin her to the ground. "Not so tough now? Are you?" He towered over his sword just inch away from her face. Sasha looked up, slightly shaking but still looked him into the eye.

"Get away from her!"

"Urrgghhr!" Sasha looked up to see Ivy had leapt on top of Bog head and began punching and kicking him. Bog eventually threw her to the ground, and was about to strike as a kick set him to the ground. Ivy looked up to see her mother, who picked up a rock and threw it at Bog.

"Don't you laid a finger on my girls!" Felicia screamed, she may have not have realize she just has girls plural. Ivy immediately ran and hugged her mom

"Wow mom that was incredible."

"Where you learn to kick butt Mrs. S." Sasha gasped

"Questions or later."

Marcy was threw curses and spells at any nearby Toads, along with Maddie.

Elsewhere Monroe was pulling Sylvia by the arm and out of Wartwood. Sylvia getting frustration pulled Monroe away, "Where are you take me? We have to do something!"

"Who's say we have to do anything?" Monroe raised an eyebrow, "Maybe we just go? We could just leave."

"Leave?! Are you joking? My daughter and granddaughters are out there, theirs are kids out there. This is our home!"

"Their probably dead? And who say we own this town anything." Monroe felled to the ground with a swift kick to the face.

"So that's about the end of you and me." Sylvia turned and ran back to the town.

Over by the jail, Jonah and Barry were looking through the bars of there windows.

"What in frogs name is happening out there?" Barry asked.

"I'm locked in here with you to, you idiot. So why ask me?" Jonah asked, annoyed as a nearby explosion cause a whole in the wall. "Well... Looks like its lucky day." Jonah smiled as he ran outside and turned to Barry. "Are you coming or not idiot?" Barry groaned and the two made there way out of town.

Inside on the few remaining building Toadstool, Toadie a few another residents were held up inside, watching throwing the blinds.

"What are we going do sir?" Toadie croaked.

"They're going to destroy everything." Duckweed gulped.

Toadstool was looking outside his window, watching as his town was burning. He gritten his teeth in anger, he looked down at his shaking hands. The Mayor picked himself off and made his way towards the door.

"Sir? What are you doing?" Toadie asked wideeyed as the Mayor reached the doorknob, the Mayor looked back at his close friend.

"Doing what I was picked for, to protect this town. Those kids are more courage then us, and that just not right." Toadstool said as he walked outside, Duckweed holding back Toadie as he desperately cries out.

The Mayor stepped outside, and saw a Toad running after a frog, Toadstool sucker punched the Toad in the face.

Farine was shielding his triples from a group of Toads, whiling gripping his injured arm, "Just leaves us the frog alone!"

"Guys..." A a light green toad with small green spots along the side of his body. He has a lighter underbelly and wears brown, later red, armor with leather armbands with very terrified voice, almost shaking. "Are we just here for the old guy? Why are we hurting everyone."

"Yeah, this doesn't feel right to me." A is a light purple toad with violet shaded spots dotted across her cheeks and a light yellow underbelly. She also has blonde hair tied back into a bun with a loop of string and wears leather armbands and brown iron armor.

"Silence!" Another Toad glared at them, "We here to make sure these frogs never pull this again." he turned back to Farine as he kicked him to the ground. Farine was surprised and opened his eyes to a blow that didn't come. He glanced up and saw the Toads had been knocked out by two of there very own.

"What?" The baker look up as the triples hopped over to hug him.

The Toads dropped there weapons.

Back on the stage Anne was fighting Grime along with Sprig and Hop Pop, the Toad was losing patient and angry boiled as he watched his troops make there way out of town.

"Where are you going you cowards!" The Captain's voice boomed, as he try to swing at Anne but Hop Pop pushed her out of the way.

"Hold still you brat!" Grime tried to swing at Sprig but the little frog leaped out of the way, mocking him as in the process. Using this as distraction Anne swung a ball at him using her tennis racket. While Hop Pop delivery a punch to his leg. The Toad Captain throw a dagger at the old frog hitting him in the side.

"Arrgghh. Frogs!" Hop Pop screamed as he dropped to the floor.

"Hop Pop!" Anne screamed and ran towards the Toad, smirking he grabbed Sprig with his tongue and flung him towards the strange creature. He turned his attention back to the old frog. Who was holding his wound. He looked up to see Grime tower above him. He wasn't afraid to starred Death in the eye, he didn't take him eyes off of him.

Before a blow was made a rock hit him in his face, standing in front of him was other strange creature. This one blonde.

"Don't you touch him again!" Sasha glared at the Toad, standing between him and Hop Pop.

"I'm a little impressed creature. You certainly are a great warrior. Why not join us. You deserve better then just slimy little frogs."

"They're are more then just frogs there my friends!" Sasha slash forward knocking the sword out of his hands. The Toads falls to the ground, the crowd were gasped before letting a cheer.

"You need to do some soul-searching!" Sasha glared as she held up her sword to the Toad's neck. Seeing the crowd had him surrounded with there weapons on him. He grimace realizing he was finished. She turned to glared at the few remaining Toads that were still in Town. "This is done! You hear me. Surrounded and allow us to take him, and we will not attack. Stand down. Put away your weapons, and calm done. Leave now!" The Toads reluctantly agreed, dropping there weapons and making there way back to the tower.

"Bye losers!" Polly taunted in a singing mocking tone as she watched the Toads leave.

Back on the Stage, Sylvia was checking over Hop Pop's wound, as Buck had Grime tied up. He turned to Sasha with a smile, before he could open it Sasha spoke first.

"This doesn't change anything between us. I saved you, because despite how much you hurt me I wouldn't let you get killed."

The end of Season 1. Not as great as the real episode. As Anne didn't have her standing up to Sasha moment, No Sasha falling moment. Writing fights scene was pretty hard. Original Sasha was going to leave with the Toads in Toad Tax and reunion happens the same. Guess that still could leave to some emotional moments with Ivy, Felicia as well. But given Sasha has friendship with the Plantar I doubt she want Hop Pop dead. That would rough. My granddaughter tried to kill me.

This was tough one to write as many of the emotional moments aren't here like canon. Wanted Sasha to defeat Grime as given canon she was a for his plan to kill Hop Pop. Grime will still be used in the future although maybe not as much. Like instead of behind a Main characters he's more of a secondary character in this. I have some stuff for Grime. Without his bond with Sasha, that's not to say he won't bond with her. I just still figures things out. First time trying to write a story like this and something it hard to figure out what to do.