
31. Frog of the Year

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, Alquimistaarcano77, Kaiju, Nopeknight, TALOS X, Stryker, Mr. Hardcor3, Gojirafan1954, Tearnon, Jason, brentdyedragon, gregorian12, PizzaGuest, Morticon, jjafo2014, schweenieboy, snake screamer, Rodimus973, Pushistaya ten, Shadowcat1083, Liko, Killerbull55858, QuackityFiction, Hamza9236, MarMarFaAnne, Notthenightslayer, Valenthyne, DragonEmperor999, RandomWriter197, AutoHunterJ49, GerardiHistory, wacky620, OtaconandhisJapneseAnimes, asmodeus666, Guests for the comment.

A beautiful morning, there was a huge coward gathering in the town square. , it looked like the entire town was gathered here. There was a large stage with red curtains and a banner saying 'Frog of the Year' on it.

"Man, what is with this crowd? Anne asked, she wasn't aware of anything special coming up, "Are fruit flies on sale or something?" She laughs.

"Nope." Marcy answered, "But that's reminds." She wrote in her book. "reminder fruit flies are on sale next week." Anne looked up at her.

"What fruit flies cheesecake is the best." Marcy smiled.

"I say chocolate beetle cheesecake is better." Polly replied.

"That's also good."

"That's great but what going on today?" Anne said.

"Oh... Sorry got off topic." Marcy blushed with embarrassment. "Anyway, today's the day they announce the Frog of the Year award."

"Frog of the what?" Anne asked confused.

"Frog of the hoppin' Year, Anne." Sprig exclaimed.

"Every year," Marcy explained, "the town gets together and votes on the frog they think best embodies the values of Wartwood." She pulled out her notebook. "It was first done to celebrate a frog named Gilbert Humphrey. Who heroic saved the town during a mudslide. The town had event to celebrate them. The following year, it was gave to our every own Mrs Croaker who made the meals and clothing during the Depression of 1278. And..."

"We all voted last week." Polly replied cutting of Marcy, who was sitting on Marcy's head. "Don't you remember?"

"Huh." Anne was left confused, "Not at all. Wonder why."

"Anyways," Hop Pop continued, "Like Marcy said this is supposed to be about picking the frog that's demonstrated the most selflessness and charity. Who help the town."

"Which we all know is bullsh-"

"Sasha! Watch your language." The Frog family turned to see the Sundews walking up next to them.

"I'm just saying from my experience with your town elections," Sasha spoke to Felicia, "this is probably rigged, and this so called 'selfless frog' of the year is probably going to some big donor to Toadstool or Toadstool himself."

"True, Toadstool is in loved with himself," Ivy laughed, and they saw the Plantars. Ivy tackled Sprig to the ground.

"Hey, girl." Sasha hugged her friends.

"Mornings Sash," Marcy smiled.

"Hey, Sash." Anne smiled, "How are you doing."

"Still breathing so that's something. Got to tell you its nice having a bed for myself again." Sasha smiled, "Why haven't you stopped by yet?"

"Oh?" Anne scratched the back of her head, "I was busy."

"So, Sasha. It's nice to see you," Hop Pop smiled towards Sasha but she glared back, just then Toadstool approached the stage.

"All right, folks. It's time!" Toadstool exclaimed, "As you all know, the Frog of the Year goes to the most selfless, noble, blah, blah, blah... Let's get on with it. And this year's Frog of the Year award goes to- Well, this can't be right. Anne Boonchuy?"

Everyone gasped and then cheered for Anne, leaving her quite surprised. "Way to go Anne!" Polly cheered.

"Nice job Anne." Marcy complemented turning to Anne with a huge smile, it was nice the town was accepting them. They went from outcast to town heros. She giggled at that. It was her favorite trope.

"What we were able to win?" Sasha folded her arms, "How can you win over me?"

"Huh... I don't know," Anne was kind of overwhelmed, actually, in her last few months Anne gone from being the town monster to being grudgingly tolerated to people actually starting to kind of like her, but she wasn't prepared for this.

"Go on Anne, get up there!" Hop Pop encouraged as he pushed Anne to the stage. "A Plantar. Frog of the year." Hop Pop shed a tear of pride, "I'm so proud." Anne got up to see the whole town of Wartwood cheering for her.

"Wow..." Anne smiled happily, as she put her hands on her chest. "I don't know what to say."

"I do!" Toadstool interrupted, "Are you people out of your damn minds? She doesn't to host a party?!"

"Party? What party?"

"Oh it's one of our oldest traditions," Toadie explained. "The Frog of the Year, has to host an incredible party for the whole town."

"Yeah, and the party is supposed to demonstrate the Frog of the Year's selflessness. Anne isn't selfless, far from it!" Toadstool claimed. This started to offend Anne.

"I agree Mayor! This monster doesn't deserve the win!" Monroe shouted from the crowd. Nearby, Stumpy, glared.

"She's not a monster." Stumpy argued. "She's saved my restaurant."

"She help me find Archie." Croaker added, giving her spider a pet. "Saved us from Toads, that came after us because of Toadstool.

"She our sister!" Sprig glared, shocking the group to see the boy speak with venom.

"Yeah! Polly replied.

Another frog bystander scratched the back of his head in doubt. "I don't know... There still kinda scary... Especially the blond angry one."

"Her name's Sasha!" Ivy exclaimed, "and she's brave and strong. I especially won't let you talk bad about her."

"Wha-uh. You don't know me!" Anne yelled. "I'll prove to you I deserve this. By putting on a party so big, it'll blow your minds!" Her last words echoed around the silent town.

"I don't want my mind blown." Wally stated in panic.

"That's a good thing!" Anne reassured the town.

"I'm looking forward to seeing this thing go down in flames!" Toadstool exclaimed as he left, Anne groaned in annoyance as he left.

"Boom!" Anne slammed the table, revealing her plan for the party. "Here are my plans for throwing the best party ever and proving that mayor wrong! Stupid jerkface major."

"Anne, don't worry about what the mayor says." Sprig told her. "Just have fun, planning your party."

"You're Frog of the Year!" Polly stated.

"This isn't just a party!" Sasha stated, "This is how we'll be remember. A lame party, means your lame and people will making fun of you. And that sticks with you for the rest of your lives." Sprig and Polly both looked terrified, while Hop Pop rolling his eyes.

"Girls, it just a party. Have some music, some food, maybe a theme. It's just annual event. No need to stress over it."

"I wasn't asking you!" Sasha spoke coldly at the old man, the outburst made the room go quiet for a moment.

"You two should get excited," Marcy smiled, at Polly and Sprig. "Sasha and Anne always throw the best parties."

"Really?" Sprig asked.

"Yep," Marcy pulled out her phone, showing them a few pictures.

"That looks awesome!" Polly exclaimed, Hop Pop looked over a pictures. Just like a butch lights, loud noises to him.

"Right, right, right, right." Anne waved Hop Pop though away, "Okay, guys, listen up. A great party has three ingredients:entertainment, exclusivity, and spectacle. Hop Pop, you're in charge of entertainment. I dub thee Master of Ceremonies."

"I've been waiting for this day my whole life."

"Polly,, exclusivity. It's your job to decide who gets into the party and who doesn't."

"I can't wait to abuse this power!"

"Marcy you can make so cool decorations."

"You gotta!" Marcy gave a thumbs-up.

"And what about me?"

"Sprig, you have the most important job of all: the spectacle."

"Oh, my frog, oh, my frog, oh, my frog!"

"At the party..." Sprig squeals, "you're going to tell Ivy how you feel about her."

"Wha- Huh?"

"Yup. A legendary party needs a legendary spectacle. Can you imagine how excited party-goers will be to see true love blossom before their eyes?"

"I'm not really sure I'm ready for this."

"Sprig, please! I need your help to make this party amazing."


"Anne..." Sasha place a hand on her friends shoulder, "Let me take care of this."

"I don't know Sash..."

"Anne. You know I'm the Queen of parties, and you DO want to teach the toad a lesson."

"I guess you're right."

"All right," Anne was walking through town, checking up on how things were going, "let's see how things are going. Stumpy, stew's lookin' good. Decorations are up, glassware's looking polished. Loggle, Love that statue."

"Hey," Loggle smiles.

"All right, Mr. Emcee, let's hear some jokes."

"Okay. Have you heard about the snail who went on a diet? He's a shell of his former self!"

"Hmm." Anne nods, "Okay, okay. A little soft, but keep working on it."

"Sprig, my man. Let's see how that romantic proposal is going."

"So " Sprig clears his throat, "it's gonna go a little something like this, okay?" Sprig walks up to a scarecrow dressed as Ivy, Uh, Ivy, I got, uh, s-something to tell you," He trips over his feet, and breaks the scarecrow in half, "uh- Oop!"

"No, no! This needs work too. Polly? That's not what those are for."

"Says you!" Polly was using the velvet rope barriers as pair of nunchakus just in time as Toadstool walked by, with a smug look on his face.

"What'd I tell you, Toadie? She will be the worst Frog of the Year ever."

"No, no, no, no!" Anne groaned, "I told you guys. This party has to be lit. At this rate, it's gonna be lame."

"Let me fix this," Sasha smiled. "Old man, lemme see those -hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. You know what? Written jokes are passé. Get up there and do some improv."

"Improv? I've never done that before."

"You're actor! That act like it!"

"Sprig," Anne walked up to him, "work on that proposal. Get some confidence. Come on. Loggle! I'm gonna need you to re-do that statue. Make it cooler."

"You serious?"

"Stumpy, throw that slop out and replace it with somethin' fancier. Like, I don't know. Sashimi."

"What's a sashimi?"

"It's fresh fish, okay? Get it. Burn these decorations and get new ones. Replace that jug band with a deejay. And where the heck is that chocolate fountain?

"Uh," Sprig spoke up, "Anne, do you think maybe you're taking this a little too seriously?

"No! Now, hop to it, everyone. We've only got 12 hours left. Hop! Hop!"

"Alright, Anne. I've been going over some plans. How about statue of me," Sasha was going through her notes, "I got your dress picked out. White tuxedo? Seriously? Chocolate fountain what are you ten? That's got to go. Also I made a list of who is not allow to go to the party."

"Everyone is invited to the party Sasha." Anne said, "This is my party Sasha. I want to do things right."

"Excuse me?" Sasha raised an eyebrow, "I'm trying to throw you the best party ever. You're ideas are childish."

"There still my ideas Sasha,"

"Do you want to throw lame party? Then fine." Sasha left storming off.

The entire town was lined up for the party. Marcy was wearing a purple velvet tuxedo with a green dress skirt. Sasha had red jacket and black dress plants, Sasha was folding her arms. Still mad over what Anne had said earlier.

"Oh this will be so fun! Are you ready?" Marcy asked.

"Yeah..." Sasha replied deep in thought about earlier. She wasn't that controlling was she? She just wanted to make Anne's party be the best. How does that make her bad. "This party would have better if I was in charge. Why can't Anne just see that."

"I'm sure the party will be amazing. And maybe you or me willl win next year."

"Next year!" Sasha turned to her, as if she just grew extra head, "I certainly hope were not still here by next year."

Marcy bit her lip, "I don't mean we'll still be here by next year. Just I mean... if we get the box working maybe we can visit you know. I know I miss Maddie, The Plantars, and many people in town wouldn't you?"

"I... guess... come back here for a like a weekend wouldn't hurt. This place still sucks next to Earth, no, AC, hot waters, power, Internet." Sasha went on, "But I would like to see Ivy again, Mrs Sundew is alright for Tea person."

"At least were together right?"

"Of course," Sasha smirked, "How would our adorable nerd make it without me around."

"Hey, I gotten stronger, I level up, no more clumsy Marcy," Marcy tried to flex, showing she had grow, but just a small level of muscle tone.

Polly was at the gate letting pretty much everybody in. "You. You. AH! Not you, Wally." She said, making him feel miserable. "I'm just kidding. Get in there!" Wally perked up and went to the party.

"Welcome my friends," Anne walked up in a white tuxedo, her hair was also freshened up, held a up a wooden cup and carried a cane. "To thd best Frog of the Year party ever!" Fireworks blew up in the night sky, wowing the frogs. There was a statue off Anne dabbing, a chocolate fountain, fireflies in bubbles. A DJ was playing music. Some frogs were swinging around flaming sticks.

Everyone was amazed at how the party looked, even Toadstool was impressed. "Heh. All right Stumpy what do you got?"

"This is Sashimi." Stumpy answered. "Oh. And is it un fresh?"

"Well you can't get fresher." The mud skipper then roared as it chased after Toadstool and everyone who was in line to eat

"All right, folks." Hop Pop clear his throat, "It's time for some improv. You, sir, where are you from?"

"I'm from the same town as you, buddy."

"Right..." Hop Pop laughed nervously.

Sprig noticed Ivy, "For Anne!" The frog boy try to encourage himself and ran towards Ivy.

"Oh, hey," She smiled, "Sprig." Sprig frozen and ran off.

"I don't know how to dance to this." Felicia said.

"What?" Anne ran over, "Like this, you guys, like this."

"Have someone else do your comedy, Anne! I can't go back out there!"

"Hop Pop!"

The mudskipper got loose and went after the fire jugglers that Anne insisted on, and one lost their grip on their torch, which hit the statue, now the party was on fire.

"This party stinks. Some selfless Frog of the Year I turned out to be. I'm fixing this right now. Come here, you." Anne jumped on the Mudskipper it neighed, It was big enough to carry all the guest. But the problem was she couldn't save people and put out the fire all while controlling the mudskipper. She needed someone stronge.

"I knew it. Didn't I say it'd be a disaster?" Toadstool groaned, bingo! Anne thought. Sure Anne was to blame for all of this but he got into Anne's head to being with. She pulled him up, "Ooh!"

"Mayor Toadstool, I need your help to save the town."

"Me?" He smirked, "Work with you? Ha!" Anne glared back at him, "Okay, well, just this once."

"Great. I'll steer, you grab."

"Don't tell me what to do!" Toadstool glared back, as he picked people up and tossed them up with ease, surprising was able to lift Marcy and Sasha up with ease just as well."Upsy-daisy! I got for you. Vote for me!"

"We've gotta put this fire out. You ever use a chocolate fountain before?"

"What, are you kidding me?" He grabs the hose.

"Now! Let 'er rip." Toadstool spray the chocolate over the fires and put together they put out the fires.

"Whoo! We did it." Anne said.

"Yeah. We did." Toadstool smiled, hugging Toadie.

"You were right about me, Mayor.I am selfish. I got so obsessed with proving I deserve this, I ruined everything. I'm no Frog of the Year. Why did anyone even vote for me?"

"Anne, we didn't vote for you because your faultless. We voted for you because of how far you come, not just you, but all three of you have grown so much in our time. You helped this old frog see news things aren't always bad

"You made me realistic I judge you a little unfairly," Felicia smiled to Sasha.

"You help me find common ground with my sisters," Maddie and the triples turned to Marcy, making the girl blush.

"You help me, find Joy in my cooking again." Stumpy smiled as she face Anne.

"And you..." Wally started but was confused, scratching his forehead. "You... taught me... What was it again."

"You taught us the fear of something new can be something amazing," Croaker replied.

"See... Girls," Hop Pop smiled as he walked up to them, "This place wouldn't be the same without you."

"Gosh dang it," Toadstool shrugged, "I tried to fight it, but I have to say, even I'm a little impressed with how you just saved the town from a raging inferno. Here." He smiles and returns her slash, "This belongs to you."

She wasn't to sure what to say. Anne didn't think about how she'd left a big impact on the town... but really, it's been them who made an impact on them. Sprig's shown Anne friendship, Polly shown them how to be a big sister. Hop Pop shown them responsibility. Felicia's given Sasha the pride in her work and parents love isn't something you have to earn. Wally taught them to stop worrying about how everyone see you. Maddie taught them not to judge based on appearance and take joy in your weirdness.

The townsfolk return to what remained to the party, trying to salvage the night. Anne was sitting at a table along with Sprig and Marcy still feeling pretty miserable and guilty over everything.

"You know," Marcy smiled eating some of buffet that hadn't been destroyed, "A party is lot more fun without the pressure of having to make them perfect."

"You're right," Anne forced a smile, and turned to Sprig, "Sorry I tried to rush you into confessing your love to Ivy. You do that when you're good and ready."

"Thanks, Anne. When the moment strikes, I'll know it."

"Hey," They looked up to see Ivy, "Sprig. There's something I've, uh, been meaning... to ask you. I, uh... Do you, um..." She clears her throat and looks away, "Do you think you'd wanna go out with me sometime?"

Sprig gasped, while Marcy and Anne squeals.

"Never mind. I'm stupid." Ivy walked away, feeling embarrassed and stupid, "This is is stupid."

"Ivy, wait." Sprig grabs her hand, "I'd love to. Mlep! Wanna dance?"

"Heck yeah!" Ivy grabs hiss hand and runs to the dance floor, both giggling.

"Awwww!" Marcy coooed, and the adorable couple.

"Evening girls." They looked up to see Hop Pop. "A Plantar," he smiled taking a seat next to Anne, "Frog of the year! I can't believe I lived long enough to see it happen! I'm so proud of you Anne! I'm proud of all of you..." He turned to see Sasha, having a meal laughing along with Sylvia and Felicia.

"Yeah..." Anne smiled lightly, "This was surprising, everyone accepted me... even the mayor. But..." She looked away, "I'm not a frog... nor am I a plantar..."

"Anne..." Hop Pop spoke softly, the two different really talk much to each other after the whole burying the box. "I still remember the day Sprig found you. Back then all I could think of is how this creatures would eat us all... Never in my wildest dreams would I have guessed you would bring so much pride and joy to this family... You've grown so much since you came here... And became not only part of this family but part of Wartwood as well... Even if you're not a frog you're as much family as Sprig, Polly and I... Don't let anyone say you're not. And sorry it took me this long to see it." In a moment of revelation that Hop Pop comes to understand that through Anne time in this world and living in their home Anne has become a part of his family.

"Thanks for taking us in, Hop Pop." Hop Pop wasn't exactly friendly with her when she was first setting in but through that time with Hop Pop taking care of her Anne seen him eventually warm up to her and see how much family actually matters to him. Anne see that he really try to hide the box out of love of his family and now when she sees that Hop Pop is broken at the idea of letting her down because now he sees her as family She sees that him revealing his past intentions of family and regret. Anne is forgiving because she sees that Hop Pop does generally care about her now as if she was his own. Anne wipes away a tear from her face and pulled him into a hug.

Marcy watches and smiles, and turns to Sasha. Hoping Sasha and Hop Pop can fix things as well.

"Thank you, for coming into our lives." Hop Pop gently rubbed Anne's back, holding his granddaughter tight. Promising himself he wouldn't hurt or broke her trust again.

The warm family moment was soon erupted, by a screams.

"What's going on?" Hop Pop asked as the his grandkids walked up to them.

"Hop Pop, Hop Pop, Hop Pop! The Toads! The Toads!" Sprig panicked.

"Sprig, buddy reflex, deep breaths." Anne tried to calm him down. "Tell whats happening?"

"The Toads are here!" Polly said, the Tadpole showcasing a little fear. As the heard the sounds of heavy stomping footsteps, they walked over to see that army of Toads were heading towards Wartwood.

It was hard to choose a winner for Frog of the Year. As Anne because Canon, but also Marcy and Sasha did some things as well. I was going to have Hop Pop win due to everything he did. But kept Anne because this episodes is good for her development in canon. Sasha being Jealous seem like great work for her development.

Sasha would probably do the same as Anne, Needing the party to be amazing. Marcy would probably either let Sasha take control (Again. Sad we didn't get much Sasha Marcy moments.) or go all out as. .

Happy Third year Anneversary to Amphibia.