
30. Cursed

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, Alquimistaarcano77, Kaiju, Nopeknight, TALOS X, Stryker, Mr. Hardcor3, Gojirafan1954, Tearnon, Jason, brentdyedragon, gregorian12, PizzaGuest, Morticon, jjafo2014, schweenieboy, snake screamer, Rodimus973, Pushistaya ten, Shadowcat1083, Liko, Killerbull55858, QuackityFiction, Hamza9236, MarMarFaAnne, Notthenightslayer, Valenthyne, DragonEmperor999, RandomWriter197, AutoHunterJ49, GerardiHistory, wacky620, OtaconandhisJapneseAnimes, Guests for the comment.

Well, it's was another busy day at the Sundews again, and Sasha can't help but think about how much has changed from the first time she was here. Back then, people wouldn't even make eye contact with her, let alone talk to her. Nowadays, they'll stop, chat, joke around... it feels nice and way better then getting starred and pointed at. It made it better that they wanted to talk just because. Not to get something from her

"Catch ya later, Mrs. Croaker!" Sasha smiled.

"Oh, they'll never catch me!" The old widow laughs.

"Has Sasha doing today?" Loggle asked.

"Just slowly and widding away at it." Loggle laugh at Sasha wood pun.

It felt nice and strange, at the start she wanted nothing but to get away from these frogs, but this place somehow found it place in her heart. It felt nice to belong, free of pressure of fitting in, or people talking above how she's a bad egg.

"Monster..." Toadstool called out, "You cut me my change." And there it was. Don't get her wrong there were still the same old rude folks, like, Toadstool, Duckweed, Monroe. Who doesn't seem to get the hint Sylvia isn't interested. Sasha thought she could get Anne to write a letter to the old frog, telling him it over. She had Anne write one for her when she was dating Vince and grown tied of him and latter with Maggie. Whom she only really dated to spite her parents.

"Sasha I have to say, you gotten better at controlling your anger," Felicia smiled.

"I just spit in there food when there not looking." Sasha gave a smile, Felicia couldn't tell if she was lying or not. "Seem. Like it slowly down. Why don't you and Ivy take the rest of the day off."

"Yippee!" Ivy dropped the broom, throw off her apron and ran outside. "Come on Sasha!"

Sasha followed the frog outside, the two were playing tag around town and they accidentally bumped into Barry the candy man and made him drops his basket of berries. He brushed it off not surprising, since Barry had to be the most cheerful guy they met and even gave them lollipops to show there were not hard feeling.

"Sorry Mr. Wildner." Ivy helped him up.

Sasha kinda felt bad. Outside the Plantar and the Sundews. Barry was the first to welcome her to Wartwood.

"Accidents happen kids." Barry smiled.

Sasha and Ivy continuing playing tag, as they walked through the Marker. Finding Maddie selling potions along with beard with her family. "What are you selling?"

"Just simple potions like strength and energy," Maddie explain as she sold one to Toadie, after the drink. Toadie yell in burst of energy and lifted a rock over his head and threw it, he then ran off.

Ivy looks at the bottle, "So this stuff actually works?"

"Of course." Maddie folded her arms, "I'm not a fraud."

"Ivy..." Sasha whispered, "I won't buy anything from this weird." Ivy laughed a little. Maddie glance at them not assumed.

When Sasha awoke the next mornings, something felt very off. Her skin felt oddly prickly. She hasn't exactly been shaving her legs since getting here, but this felt different somehow. She tried to yawn as she opened her eyes, but it came out wrong. Like more of a squawk. For a moment, she dismissed it. She figured all she needed was a glass of water to clear her throat. She got up, all scratching at her skin. And then she noticed what at first seemed to be stiff of hair sticks out of her. Another squawk came out of her mouth. She clamped her over it, realizing what the hairs actually were. Feathers. Sasha let out a scream.

Sasha heard a scream from Ivy's room, and ran inside. "What?"

Sasha starred as Ivy, the little frog girl stood in front of a mirror touching her face. Sasha wasn't the only one who's gotten a weird transformation. Ivy was touching her face, which was covered with fur."What happen to me?!"

"I don't know, but I grow up with features!" Sasha then pulled out a few features, cursing a little out of pain. Then stood in front of the mirror as well. "Dear God. I'm a freak." She grimace at her appear, and groaned as quickly as she pulled out her features they quickly grow back and multiply. "Did you eat something? It this some kind of strange allergic react to something." She knew she would grow hair when she gotten older but is this a thing.

"I don't kno... Owww!" Ivy tried to pull out the fur, but all it did do was cause the frog pain. "MOM! MOM!" Ivy ran out the door, running to kitchen room, banging on the door, Sasha followed. "Mrs. S!"

"Hold on," Felicia called out, opening the door, she rubbed her eyes. "What is going on? Breakfast will be really in a bit. Get your chores done." Yawning as she looked over at her kids, funny when she start referring to kid as prual. She squitted her eyes, as she took her kids in. "Goodness gracious, Frogs above, Ivy!" Felicia pulled Ivy close. "What's on your face?" She pulled on the fur believing it was fake.

"Looks real to me." Sylvia rubbed her chin, as she took her grandchildren in as she was cooking a meal.

"Ow," Ivy rubbed her face, "I dunno. I just woke up like this."

"And me. I'm covered in features and anytime I try to talk I-" Sasha squawks.

"We were hoping you'll know something?" Ivy said.

"Yes. Please we can't have people see us like this." Sasha said as another squawk came out, finding this almost annoying as the hiccups.

"I can't be for your... But I believe this might be a curse."

"Cursed?" Sasha squawks. "That's a thing here? I thought Marcy was making stuff up and magic." Great Sasha thought. Just one more crazy thing to and to the never ending list of dangerous things in this place.

"This land of ours is home to many arts, Sasha. Sculpture, mosaics, and of course... THE DARK ARTS."

"Hmm." Sylvia set down what your were doingwalked over wake up." Woke up like this, you say? I've seen all I need to see. Felicia is right you two... have been cursed!"

"But-But how? When?" Ivy asked.

"Well, it takes about a night for a curse to kick in." Sylvia explained.

"Did either of you upset anyone yesterday?" Felicia asked.

Now who would do this to us. Well.. who was something they recently wronged that totally looks like the kind of person who would THEY is into magic? All signs pointed at...

"Maddie!" They both turned to each other.

"The bakers eldest kid?" Sylvia raised eyebrow.

"We may have said something mean to her yesterday." Ivy explained.

"Plus I know the creep is into magic." Sasha pointed out.

"When it obvious what need to be done." Felicia said, "You two are going to talk to Maddie. Apologize, if necessary."

Sasha groaned. Apologize? Beg? Grovel? Those are out of the question. She make Maddie undo this... With force if necessary. Because judging how the hair was starting to spread over Ivy's face, and the feather spreading on Sasha's arm, this curse was just getting started, and she did not want to see where it will end.

In the forest nearby Wartwood, Maddie, Marcy, along with her sisters, were gathered around a cauldron.

"What are you making?" Lavender asked as the triples trying to peak over the cauldron.

"Stay back," Maddie gave a the triples a warning. "And put your gear on." The triples along with Marcy put up some goggles and gloves. "This spell. Should fix any object you put inside." She turns to Ginger, who was holding a broken toy. "Please let me see it for a second."

"Can you fix it?" Ginger asked sadly, Maddie gave a soft smile rubbing the top of her sister's head, and taking the toy. She place the two broken pieces into the cauldron, and takes them. The toy look just like new.

"Here all better," Maddie smile and return the toy, Ginger smiled and hug her back. Thanking her whiling hopping up and down.

"Alright..." Maddie rubbed her chin, "What should we fix next. Dad's cup that Lavender broke."

"It was accidentaed." Lavender blushed in embarrassment.

"Wow!" Marcy smiled, taking a vile, writing down some notes. "This stuff is like super glue times 1000."

Sasha shoved Maddie to the ground. "Alright. You better remove whatever you did

"Whoa! Sasha!?" Marcy was stunned by Sasha actions, helping Maddie up. She turned to see Sasha was now covered in feathers, and Ivy was covered in fur. "What happened?! Why do you look like Sesame Street Bootlegs characters" Marcy asked, the Flour triples were laughing, rolling around on the floor. Marcy went up and pulled on the feathers, "Are these really?"

"Owww." Sasha shoved Marcy away after she pulled out a handful of feathers. "Of course there real."

"Cool. I mean that sucks. But cool." Marcy went from excitement, to worried, to sympathetic, to wonderment. She place a feather in her notebook.

Lavender rolled over a pulled on Ivy's fur. "Oww. You little brat." Lavender laughed as Ivy ran after her. But because of the fur it was a little hard to see and Ivy tripped over exposed rot. Making the triples laugh.

"Okay. You had your little laugh," Sasha groaned, "Now fix this now, you creep."

"Yeah!" Ivy folded her arms.

"What are you talking about?" Maddie asked, starring blankly at the girl. Who was rudely demanding things.

"Like you don't know, this curse you put on us. You better remove it now you creep!"

"Don't you talk about my sister like that!" Rosemary jumped towards Sasha, only to be caught by Marcy.

"Whoa calm down Sash." Marcy got between them, holding back Rosemary, the little Tadpole glaring at Sasha and Ivy. "Maddie wouldn't do anything like this. She uses magic to help people."

"When who else knows magic? What it you Marcy?" Sasha asked.

"What?" Marcy held her hands up, "No I would never do anything like this. It will break my witch vows."

"Then who? Whatever I don't care, just fixes this right now." Sasha jabbed a finger in Maddie's chest.

"First off you come in here blaming me without any proof, then you blame Marcy, now you're rudely demanding that I help you?"

"Maddie I'm sorry if we hurt your feelings. Can you take these curses off of us?" Ivy got her knees, "Please?"

"Maddie can you help them please." Marcy plead.

"Sorry," Maddie shrugged, "but I can't. Curses can only be lifted by the caster, and this isn't my curse."

Sasha squawks, "You can't be serious?"

"What?" Ivy gasps.

"Told you!" Rosemary glared and blew a raspberry.

"But if it wasn't you, then who?" Ivy asked, and turned to Marcy. "I don't think it was you."

"Hmm." Maddie pulled out some of Sasha's feathers, and mixed in up in bottle before smashing it on the ground.

"Hey!" Ivy coughs as cloud of smoke appears as the dust clears a blue trail appears before them.

"This trail will lead us to the caster." Maddie explained before running off, "Quickly. Before it goes cold."

The group followed the trail deep in the woods, Marcy was carrying Ginger, while Rosemary was riding on Maddie head and Lavender was hoping along.

"Why'd you think it was me who cursed you?" Maddie asked

"Well, are a creepy." Ivy replied.

"Not to mention, you're the only witch we know." Sasha said.

"Just because I seem creepy to you doesn't mean I'm a bad person. I'll have you know, I learned magic to help people, not hurt them. Sheesh." Maddie rolled her eyes, "Appearances aren't everything, you think you of all people would know that. Especially after how the town treated you."

"Yeah, well that's..." Sasha stopped in her tracks, not able to think of a response to any of that. All the anger she felt towards the townsfolk for treating her like an outcast, just for her to the same to Maddie. She felt like hypocrite feeling even worse that she was doing the same thing. "That's a really good point."

Sasha looked down at the ground, as she felt Marcy touch her shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"No... I felt terrible now. Everyone treated me like a weirdo now I'm doing the same thing." Ivy hug her leg.

"Sasha have you given much thought on coming back? Hop Pop did apology."

"A simple apology isn't enough."

Marcy turned away, she tried not to look upset. She was good at hiding her feelings over the years, trying to be strong. The guilt was feeds on itself. With every bite it gets a little heavier. She was never so scared of losing something in her life,then again nothing in her life has ever meant as much to her as her friends. "He was just trying to keep us safe?"

"So what? I'm just supported to forgive him like its easy?" It wasn't just that fact he buried the box. It was the fact Hop Pop was the first adult outside of Anne's parents that she trust. His eyes never had the look of judgement in them like her parents or teachers back home.

"I... I..." Marcy look away, the fear of her friends. If Sasha wouldn't forgive Hop Pop, then how would Sasha react to what she did. She knew with Anne she was she was only being kind to Hop Pop, Sasha just left. If she told them, they wouldn't forgive her. Her betrayal would hurt more, a live long friend or there caretaker for about mouth. She had nightmares about them finding, leaving her alone. Sasha resentment towards Hop Pop only increase her fears. She knew Anne as well will. She hears her at night talking to her parents in her sleep.

"Whatever I'm done talking about him. Lets talk about something else. Like... What food do you miss the most?"

"Huh..." This questioned stopped Marcy in her tracks. She was so caught up with the amazement and wonderful of this world, along with her fears of losing her friends. She didn't really have the time to think of everything she had left behind. "Mint Chocolate ice cream."

"That's not food you dork." Sasha playfully laugh, "Pizza. Man... I would die happily just to have one slice at the mall." Marcy laughed as well. "Okay second question. What the thing you miss the least. For me I'm just happy to be free from all the drama. Feels nice not worrying what other thing of you."

"The noise. It so quiet here, you can hear everything."

"I have one." Ivy asked, "What do you love the most about this place."

"You twerp," Sasha playfully rubbed the top of Ivy's hand.

"Just one?" Marcy asked, "It hard to narrow it down to just one. It all kind of runs together at this point. I'm training to be a witch, my frog family, my new best friend, adorable town." She was stopped by Maddie, whom held out her hand.

"The curses ends here." She pointed towards a old creepy barn.

"So whoever did this in there?" Ivy asked as Sasha punched her fist.

"Maybe... the trails leads us to where the caster do the curse."

The group entered the creepy old cabin, it was dimly lighten.

"What kind of evil person would live in a place like this?" Ivy asked.

"It's so creepy." Lavender replied.

"Awesome!" Ginger added as the light flipped on.

"Hello, children." A figure appeared out of dim lit corner. The kids gasped, if they made a list of people they believe cursed them, the figure in front of them would have never cross there minds.


"Enjoying the curse I put on you?"

"Why, Barry?" Ivy asked, "Why?"

Why? I'll tell you why. Surely you remember barging into me yesterday? Spilling my entire stock of blue moon berries that only grow once every ten years. I am look nice but I'm petty and vengeful on the inside."

"Yeah, that was our bad. Looks can be deceiving. We get it." Ivy said looking ashamed.

"I don't care, just fix these. Before I beat you." Sasha glared at the frog.

"Hmm," Barry smiled, "let me think. Never! Not only am I petty, but I'm very unforgiving."

"As a curse wielder myself," Maddie stepped forward, glaring at the frog. "this abuse of magic offends me."

"You give witches a bad name," Marcy replied, as the two threw curses at him.

"Oh," Barry barley ducked out of the way, "goodness."

"You should never curse someone unless they really deserve it. And, buddy, you deserve it."

"Ah! Three can play at this game!" Barry exclaims as he saw three balls throw at him.

"You leave our sister alone!" Rosemary yelled as she slaps Barry's face while Ginger and Lavender bites him.

"Get off of me!" Barry yelled, as he saw Marcy and Maddie looking down at him curses in hand, Sasha and Ivy raised there fist.

"Undo the cursed!" Maddie spoke coldly, glaring at him. "And if you try any... You'll regret it."

"Find... Find..." Barry remove the curse.

"We're normal again!" Ivy jumped in the air.

"Thank Frog!" Sasha smiled, kicking Barry in his side. "What are going to do to him."

"He's too dangerous to be left on his own." Maddie replied.

"What are you going to do to me?" Barry asked nervously.

"You can't keep me here!" Barry screamed, as he was now standing in a cell back at Wartwood. "Those kids are lying."

"We found plenty of illegal spells, and dangerous artifact in your barn." Buck replied.

"Gotten beaten by a couple kids?" Barry turned around and in the cell next to him he saw a old dull-green frog, with a lighter underside. He has yellow eyes and black hair parted on either side. With a red-banded top hat, a suit with no undershirt, and pants that roll up at the ankle. His top hat and suit both have grease stains on them. "That's pathetic."

"Who are you?"

"Jonah Mash," He tipped his hat, "I know you. You're that creep candy man."

"I didn't do anything."

"Sure..." Jonah rolled his eyes, "Honestly I think we're glossing over the real interesting part here. What exactly beat you again a child?

"It was one of human monsters, plus one of kids knew magic." Barry defensly said.

"Literally felled by a couple of whelps." Jonah smirked.

"Jonah..." Buck, lifted the paper from his deck, "Didn't that old widow Croaker beat you? So I wouldn't be acting so adorably proud of myself if I were you."

The group followed Maddie back towards her house. The kids were carrying boxes of candy, they took from Barry. The triples were inside the box mouthing down handfuls of candy.

"Thanks for helping us," Ivy smiled as they reached the Baker, "I'm sorry for blaming you." she nudged Sasha, nodding for her to do the same.

"I... guess I may own you apologize." Sasha rubbed the back of her head and turned to Marcy. "I'm was also wrong to you as well."

"That's alright," Marcy smiled and hugged her tight.

"Thank you for helping," Sasha turned to Maddie. "You as well."

"Maddie?" Ivy reached out her hand, "Friends?"

"Friends." Maddie smile, reaching for her hand and pulled in her close. "I can't wait to hang out."

I thought having this episode as a Sasha and Marcy would work plus a Ivy and Maddie episode. Sad we didn't get episode with these two. Another then Darcy fight Sasha and Marcy didn't interact much with each other in the series. And I don't recall Ivy and Maddie ever talking to each other. Also a little sad Sasha and Ivy didn't happen. But that what fanfic for.