
3. Best Frond

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to drake wind and redflare5000 for the comment.

Marcy sprung up from her bed, with a loud groan. She was having a very nice dream, scary but nice. She finished rubbing her eyes and turned her head, "Aww... Man. I was having a great dreams. I dreamt I was in a world of talking frogs..." She jumped when saw she two frogs and a pollywog standing beside the couch along with Sasha and Anne. A huge grin grew on Marcy's face. "OMG! This wasn't a dream?" She said in a happy tone, bringing her hands to her cheeks.

Sasha rolled her eyes, looking around the dirty old house and the smelly frogs standing next to her. "Unfortunately we're really here. UGGGHH!" She threw her arms up, and folded them. "This sucks."

"How are you doing Mar-Mar?" Anne asked her voice filled with concern, as she sat down on the couch next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder."

"Doing a little better," Marcy smiled, turning around taking everything in, she just couldn't believe this was real. Fantasy world with her friends. It was a dream come true. "This was much better then sleeping in that cold cave using rocks for pillows." The three girls, shuttered at the memory sending a chill down there back. She turned to the old frog and smiled, "So... Hows the leg Mr. Plantar?"

"Let me take a look at it," The old frog made his way over to the girl. "Seems a little better then yesterday. The swelling has slow down." He pulled cream from his pocket and began to rub the paste across her leg.

"What is this?" asked Anne, wrinkling her nose. "It smells."

"Snail slime," Sprig said cheerfully, "Made fresh this tomorrow."

"That's gross!" Said Sasha with a gag, "Why are putting snail slime on her leg?"

"Because," explained Hop Pop, "The healin' properties in fresh snail slime will heal your leg by morning."

Marcy blinked, "Really? That quickly?"

"Yup." Hop Pop said, returning to the small room and put the medical supplies away.

"Cool dude, gross, but cool." Anne smiled with a nod.

"Fascinating," Marcy smiled, and opened her book taken notes, "Hmmm... Wonder if Earth's snails have the same healing capability."

"Yeh!" A voice called out, the girls looked down to the ground to and saw the youngest Plantar, holding a rolling pin. "You may have Sprig fooled. But just give me a reason to use ol Dorris here," She said menacingly and smacked the rolling pin against her hand, before she hopped away.

"Cute..." Sasha said as she looked over at Sprig, "What's up with your sister?"

"Polly? She's harmless. Unless you her wake up, or take her desert, or rip her bow, or..." Sprig was shushed by Sasha pressing her finger against his lips.

"We get it."

"Just saying, she'll warm up to you." He reassure them as he smiled."Soooo... being trapped in another world, pretty jealous."

"I know right!" Marcy said excitedly, "So many new creatures! Different sentient species! This world is amazing!" Marcy had opened her sketchbook at this point and show Sprig all of her notes.

"What're you doing?" Sprig asked.

"Just making sure I have everything written down." She said as she read everything on a page and then flipped to another.

"Only Marcy will excited about being in another world." Anne let out a small laugh, she then turned away. "I'm glad we're together. But I miss home, my parents."

"This place sucks! Its cold, dirty, filled with frogs!" Sasha groaned and folded her arms.

"What's wrong with frogs?" Sprig asked.

"Nothing... You're pretty cool." Anne gave a smiled, "You defends us against the mob."

"Aww," Sprig waved his hand, "Its was nothing."

Sasha was looking at the interaction happening before her and grimace, "I'm going for a walk." She and made her away towards the front door, until she was forcibly halted by Hop Pop.

"And where do you think your going?!" Hop Pop questionsed. Sasha shrugged her shoulders, "Going out."

Hop Pop, however, was not okay with this."Absolutely not!", Sasha rolled her eyes and walked to the front door regardless, forcing the older frog to jump in front of her. "I told you no!"

"Urgh, you can't expected me to stay in the house all day?!" Sasha protested, and stomped her foot. "You can't keep me against my will!"

"Yeah dude," Anne said from the couch. "Lets us go stretch our legs."

"Yeah," Marcy nodded in agreement, looking over her notebook."I wanna see other things too around here. Take down notes of everything in the area." She then pointed to the door, "What kinda door locks from the inside."

"You have met my Grandkids?"

"Point taken." Marcy replied.

"Look girls, " Hop Pop sighed, he looked up at Sasha and turn to glance over at Anne and Marcy."Marcy was it... You still needs time to recover. Plus you're all new, unsettling, bizarre...

"Get to your point," Sasha said.

"THE!" Hop Pop raised his voice and glared back at Sasha. "Point is, the frogs in this town can be pretty small-minded. And paranoid. We just need to give 'em time."

"I don't care- Sasha started.

"Likewise," Hop Pop interrupted and walked away from Sasha and towards his study. He didn't expect to start the day with such a foul mood and so he needed to cool off for a bit.. "Now, Imma go into my study."

UGH! And what are we going to do?!" Sasha demanded.

"Read a book! Play cards or a board game!? Just don't do anything stupid!" He slammed the doors to his study.

"URRGGGHHhH! Adult are all the same!" Sasha stomped her foot and looked around the house. "Like they don't even have a TV!"

Anne nodded in agreement, "Same, dude. but" She turned to Marcy, "And I don't want to leave Marcy. Doesn't seem right to have fun without her."

"Don't worry about Hop Pop. He's just worried about us, that's all." Sprig exclaimed, as he hopped over to a closet and picked up a few boards game.

"Worried about what? It's not like we're going to eat you guys or anything." Sasha rolled her eyes.

"Yo, Sprig!" Marcy smiled, with a wave. "Mr. Plantar mentioned books. Could you get me some. I want to know about your world. And what better way then with books."

"Sure thing," Sprig laughed, hopping up to reach some book over by the bookshelf. "Boy. Hop Pop, going to love you. He's all about boring old books." He carried the stuff over, struggling a little. Watching Anne walked over and gave him a hand.

"Here, let me help you," Anne said, grabbing a few of the boxes.

"Thanks," Sprig smiled, as they walked back to the couch, the young frog hand over a few books to Marcy. Who was joyfully giggling like a kid opening up a Birthday or Christmas gifts.

"Amazing," Marcy drove right into the book, ever so other, jointing down some notes into her notebook. While Sprig was explaining the rules to Anne and Sasha.

"So you roll the died, and go that many spaces. If you land on a tower," He pointed at the board, "You get to climb up, but if you land on a frog, you have to go down its tongue."

Anne laughed, "Funny dude, we have the same game back home. But with ladder and snakes."

"What to play?" Sprig smiled, "Then maybe I'll show you my action figures."

"I'm game, hey Marbles you down." Anne turned to Marcy who was to into her book, to even pay attention to anything around her, "Never mind." She then turned to Sasha. "Sasha wanna play?"

"A board game? What are you a little kid." Anne looked hurt by the comment, but let it side. Sprig looked concerned but let it go as he and Anne started playing. The two were having fun, while Marcy was reading, occasionally she let out joyfully giggle and quickly wrote something down in her book. After about half-hour, Sasha was tapping her foot.

"I can't believe this were not allowed to leave the house! Like, what's his problem?!" Sasha complained, interruptting the game. "Alright Anne, Frog Boy. I need you to get in there and take the key from the old man," Sasha said quietly, and pointed towards the door.

"Sure thing... Sash." Anne hopped to her feet. "Coming buddy?"

"I don't know... Isn't this stealing?" Sprig interrupted.

"It's not stealing if we return it." Sasha smiled, "Plus were just borrowing it. We'll return it before the old ma... Frog notices."

"Still seems kinda wrong..." Sprig looked down at his feet. "Come on. Let's just go back and finish our game."

"Kid kinda has a pointed," Anne looked at Marcy, "Plus I don't want to leave Marcy."

"Aww... Thanks Anne-Banana."

Sasha looked at her friends and over at the little frog. "Frog boy, that old dude is keeping us prisoners. Do you really want that... Your friends to be lock in here forward?"

"Well, no... Still..." He rubbed his arm, feeling uncomfortable, "Hop Pop will probably let you go tomorrow."

"Sprig I though were friends?"

"We are... It's just..."

JUST WHAT!?" Sasha placed a hand on her hip, "If don't you want to help, what kind of friend are you? And we did save you, remember? So you kinda of own us." Sasha smile, getting into his face. "So help us get the key. End... Of... Discussion..." She ended it harshly.

Sprig stared at Sasha, he felt something in the bottom of his stomach. It felt wrong. The frog sighed. "No."


"I'm sorry, I just can't." Sprig looked down at floor, as he slowly made his way upstairs and walked towards his room.

The three girls stared in shock. This had never happened before. Sasha was stunned and took a step back. "You know what? FINE! We don't need your a friend like you anyway!" Sasha turned to the girls, "Can you believe that kid?"

"Sasha," Anne rudded her arm nervously, "don't you think, you were maybe a little to much on the kid?" She felt bad for the little frog as she glance towards his room.

"Oh?" Sasha eyes widened and glared down at Anne, poking her in the chest. "Taking his side?"

Anne put her hands up defensively, "Whoa now! I'm not taken sides Sasha. I'm mad to about being locked up. I'm just saying maybe if you were a little more easy on him. Maybe he would have help."

"So? It's my fault?" Sasha folded her arms, "Is that what your saying?"

"No... No... No. Sasha just." Anne was silence as Sasha put her hand up in her face.

"Whatever Anne I don't want to leave now anyway." She walked away and made her way to her room, "I want to be left alone," She slammed the door shut.

"Sasha" Anne look back thunderstruck, she knew it was the best to leave Sasha alone when she was like this. She turned to Marcy, who went back to reading. She felt a pull on her stomach as she glance towards Sprig's room. She let out deep breath, she was going to let him know that he hurt Sasha. As she got to the door and was about to knock, she could hear Sprig. She knew it wasn't nice to listen, but she pressed her ear against the door.

"I was so happy to make friends with them... But that one girl... I don't know... I want to help... But she made me feel so scared. Now they all probably hate me." Anne felt guilty at hearing the boy's confession. She knocked lightly.

"I'm fine, Hop Pop. Please leave."

"It's Anne. Can I come in." She heard nothing, "Please." She heard nothing again for a little bit.

"It's open." She heard him call out, Anne slowly opened it and walked inside. She looked around and saw Sprig sitting on his bed, twilling his thumbs

"I'm sorry..." He said, looking at the ground. "I should... I really wanted to be friends with you. But I guess I blew it."

"No Sprig," Anne sat next to him, "It was our fault. We shouldn't have forced you into doing something that made you uncomfortable."

Sprig looked up and smiled a little, "I can get that key if you want."

"Nah," Anne waved her hand, "Sasha doesn't want to leave anymore... Plus I want to stay in case Marcy needs anything."

"So want to go back to the game?"


"Hooray!" Sprig jumped as the two were about to leave, "I'm sorry if I made Sasha mad. I should have been more patient. You're all trapped here. So I get why that will make someone upset." Anne gave him a smile.

Later that evening the girls were now gathered together in the basement.

"Anne, do you still have the music box that brought us here?" Marcy asked. Springing to attention, Anne pulled it out of her bag, passesd it over to Marcy.

"Anne broke it," Sasha said.

"Hey! I didn't break anything!" Anne replied, hurt.

Sasha put her hands up,"Hey, hey, there's no need to get mad. Mistakes happen. You'll make up for it eventually, I'm sure of it. You always do." She gave a small smile as Anne looked down sadly.

"It's different." Marcy said suddenly, drawing attention to herself. "The gems, they were colored when we... stole it. See?" She continued, pointing at the gemstones, they were now a dim gray.

"Were they?" Anne shared a look of confession with Sasha.

"I'm sure of it. What if..." Marcy smiled, "What if they're like batteries? And they power or something?"

Sasha smiled, snapping her fingers"Perfect! Great work, Marcy. See? We're already finding our way back."

"Yes!" Marcy pumped her fist, "A quest! Awesome!" She was grinning, and jumped up, "I bet Mr. Plantar has some books about it." She was about to make her way towards the stairs as Sasha stopped her.

"Marcy. I think we should keep this to ourselves."

"I agree," Anne shrugged, "For now anyway. Like Sprig cool. But I don't know if I trust them with this yet." The two girls nodded in agreement.

Far, far away from the little farm village, stool a giant city with huge beautiful ancient castle towering over it. Deep inside the castle, in dark room a giant salamander was kneeling towards some dark creature.

"So after all this time the box has return to Amphibia My Lord," The Salamander spoke, the dark creature nods. "So it true. The prophecy has began." Salamander smiled, "Finally, we will have our revenge."

Sorry if I made Sasha too jerky. This chapter was longer then I excepted.