
27. Hurt

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, Alquimistaarcano77, Kaiju, Nopeknight, TALOS X, Stryker, Mr. Hardcor3, Gojirafan1954, Tearnon, Jason, brentdyedragon, gregorian12, PizzaGuest, Morticon, jjafo2014, schweenieboy, snake screamer, Rodimus973, Pushistaya ten, Shadowcat1083, Liko, Killerbull55858, QuackityFiction, Hamza9236, MarMarFaAnne, Notthenightslayer, Valenthyne, DragonEmperor999, Guests for the comment.

Marcy was standing in line at the theater, waiting for her friends. Sighing she heard her phone, picking it up she saw Anne had texted to saying Sorry she her parents need her at the restaurant. Marcy frown but was happy she at least Anne gave her aheads up. Sighing as she put her phone away, just like last time.

Marcy happily arrived at the Flour's with the Plantar's and Anne. Happy to have her first of hopefully many sleepovers with Maddie. For Anne, she just needed to get away from the house, at least for the a little while. She told him she forgives him. But it felt like she forgive Sasha for hurting her. She gave him the box, trusted him, and not a second latter he tried to bury it. If Sasha didn't see him. Would he have lied forever. She need he was trying to protected Sprig and Polly. But what did that mean for her. Now wether she saw Sprig and Polly she just wanted to hug them so tight. They lost there parents, she hasn't let them know she knew.

"Anne, what Hop Pop did was wrong. But I know he does things for a reason." Sprig tried to comfort her, he still didn't believe his Hop Pop tried to bury the girl's only way home, he knew his Hop Pop was good and always had a good reason for it. He never did things for selfish reasons."He didn't have the right to hurt you like that." Anne gave a small smile at the frog boy's comfort.

"Thanks, dude."

"You think, Hop Pop can get Sasha to come home?" Polly asked, as she was sitting in Anne's hair.

"I don't know," Anne picked her up, "Sasha still holds a grudge against Maggy who cut in line... And that was months ago."

"Oh... So I guess no then." Sprig replied.

"Who holds a grudge for that long?" Polly retored, "Sprig forgave for putting mud in his hat this morning."

"That was you?"

"Hmmm... No..."

"Guys," Marcy smiled, as she knocked on the door. "Lets just forgot all of that and enjoy our sleep over."

"While are we going to the weirdo's place?" Polly groaned, Sprig nudged her in response. The door open and the frogs children gasped as they as the deadeye emotionless glance of the eldest Flour daughter, she gave a small smile. "Oh, good, you arrived." She put her hands together, "Dad! The Plantars are here! Can I take them to my room or go out to play!?"

"Take your sisters with you." Maggie groaned a little but agreed, as her little sister hopped outside and jumped onto Sprig, making him fall, he groaned in pain as Polly joined in as well.

"Rosemary! Lavender! Ginger!" Maddie scold, the triples soon jumped off of Sprig groaning a little. "So." Maddie as she turned back to the ground and notice someone missing. "Where Sasha?"

"She..." Anne rubbed the back of her head, but before she could continuing Sprig interupted her.

"Hop Pop tried to bury a magic music box that brought them under a tree!" The group starred at Sprig, as Polly punched him.

"Sprig! Just don't."

"Magic music box?" Maddie scratched her chin.

"You wouldn't happened to know anything about this?" Polly asked, "You're into weird stuff."

"Nope. I never heard of anything I that before." She replied.

"We don't have anything neither," Marcy replied, as she put at a box, "Hop Pop gave us this book, told us this was he hide it. But nothing is helpful, just warning that the box is dangerous, and some weird language I never seen before." She gives the book to Maddie, who just looked confused.

"I never see this type of language before."

"Neither has Hop Pop."

"Maybe dad knows?" Lavender replied.

"Good Idea," Maddie smiled, "Lets check."

"NO!" Anne yelled, shocking everyone by her outburst. She wasn't ready to show this box around, not so soon after Hop Pop broke her trust. Plus if Hop Pop is right about the box being dangerous, then showing it around could lead to trouble. "I mean lets just focus on something else. We here for fun right.

Sasha stutters as pulls into cozy-cutesy bed in the Sundew's hotel. See, here's the thing Sasha learned about those sweet, old found familes: they're not real, it was just some illusion to patch up all the screwed-up parts of you. But the... their real familes are want matters, they'll leave you. She knew she doesn't deserve any of it. He has grandchildren, real blood grandchildren not the one he let stay out of pity. She wasn't stupid-of course she always known from the start. She would always be second to them. But no matter how much she tries she can't resent them. Sprig was a sweetheart, and Polly a murderous spirit. But she resent the old man, but she knew deep down. That they would always come first. She wonder if anything between them was real. Or was he just be kind to her. Just a lost poor helpless child he took pity on.

There was undercurrent throughout this subtle buried desire for a good relationship with her parents it's a very compelling and tangible feeling that Sasha felt. No matter good, or bad, or awful her relationship with her parents are she always wanted them to be better. She imagine idealized versions of them caring, supportive, loving everything that Anne had. But the longing for a better relationship with them is always there. It was way Hop Pop's actions hurt so deeply. Bad kids don't deserve that kind of support. Instead, they're just allowed o get worse and worse, die, and be forgotten by everyone, except to be a cautionary tale.

Her desire for general need for control, why she forces her will on to others and exceles at manipulation. She had no control over the situation of her parents so seeks it in outside social situation. Opposed to returning back home where harsh reality awaits her in a scenario where she feels as if she has no power. He was detached from Sasha which is part of the reason why she values what Hop Pop has to say.

And When it comes to Sasha achievements. Her parents never gave her the praise or satisfaction of a job well done for her efforts. They constantly undermines them, and that is why when her efforts were recognized by Hop Pop. She felt appreciated because for as long as she could remember no adult has ever respected or cherished her achievement before, especially not her parents. She had friends in her life, someone who genuinely enjoyed her presence and didn't see her as a crappy person.

Ivy also inside almost immediately after learning she came here last night, despite her mom, and Grandmother, telling her to lie her alone for right now. Sasha for as much as she wanted to tell the frog to bite it, she enjoyed her presence.

"So, because you had a fight with Mr Plantar, do I have to picks sides?" Ivy knew about the fight, but not that much about the details of it.


"Haha..." Ivy laughed nervously. "I don't want to stop hanging out with Sprig." Sasha eyed rolled. "So uh, what are you like back home?"

"Oh I was pretty popular back home." Sasha smirked.

"I'm sure your family are worried about."

Sasha began to laugh. "Are you kidding? They didn't even want me in the first place."


"I'm never enough for them.

"I get in fights with mom and Grandma, there always getting on my nerves. But I know they love me, I'm sure you're parents..."

"No I just screwed uo, my perfect big sister, is the gem in there eyes. I do nothing but ruined there happiness."

Sasha paused and looked towards Ivy, who was staring at her with confusion. The little frog girl was well familiar to the dangers of the world... but the idea of a parent not loving their child was something so strange. Sasha could see it in her eyes. The innocence, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be wasting your time with my problems." Sasha felt even worse she just destroyed a little girl's innocence. Her parents were right. She was a monster. The frog child throw her arms around the blonde.

Felicia knocked on the door, "Sasha. Dinner ready." Her eyes narrowed as she saw Ivy, she was about to protested but smiled lightly as seeing her daughter comforting her friend brought a smile to her face. When suddenly Ivy wrapped her arms around her mom for a hug. "I love you."

"I..." Felicia was stunned, couldn't remember that last time Ivy said she love her in front of others. "I love you too, sweetheart."

Meanwhile back at the Flour, the kids were gathered around the table for dinner.

"OMG!" Marcy smiled as eat a roll, she turned to Farine. "Mr. Flour, these rolls are amazing."

"The secret is I put a little bit of cricket in them and a pitch of beetle." Farine replied, Anne had set back the roll she just picked up away after hearing this.

"Who am I kidding," Anne shrugged, she picked it back up at eat it. "This is actually pretty good."

"While, thank you." Farine's nervous dropped a little since they arrived here a few hours ago. He smiled Maddie never had friends over to visit before, nor did he remember last time Maddie and triples got along as well.

"Dad, when dinners done can we play in my room?"

"I don't see why not."

"Maddie, we watch Cythia covens on my phone."

"I though it was a book?" Maddie questioned.

"Do you have the other books," Ginger asked.

"YEAH!" Rosemary added, "We're dying to learn what happens nexts."

"Oh great." Polly eyed rolled, "More Marcys."

"Oh, no no." Marcy laughed, "Yes its a book series. But it got turned into a movie series as well."

"Can we watch it? Please dad!" All the Flours children begged, Farine couldn't said no. Before he had to fight with Maddie to do anything with her sisters. Now there asking him to send time together, why would he said no. "Alright."

"Yes!" Maddie picked up her sisters and followed Marcy.

Upstairs, the Flour triples sat nexts to Polly. "Hi."

"Umm hi?" Polly replied.

"Alright everyone get together so we can watch this." Marcy smiled.

Hop Pop couldn't just sit around the house all day just waiting for Sasha to return. He had to make things right, whatever it takes. He made his way through the town, a walk that normally was ten minutes felt like hours as he followed himself standing at the door for a good couple of minutes. Anxiety, fear took over. He couldn't breath or think. He tried to slap himself, tried to get himself mentally prepared. Slowly he reached the door to knock on the door. It felt like his ascot was choking him, he turned around already to leave as he heard the door open, seeing Sylvia.

"Hoppy." She didn't seem angry or happy to see him, but she was using her nickname for him. That's a good sign right?

"Hello. Sylvia. Lovely weather we got today." Hop Pop laughed nervously, and pulled on his Ascot. "So... Is Sasha around?"


"Can I see her?"

Sylvia looked over Hop Pop, and nodded, "I'll see if she come."

Hop Pop wait by the door, trying to think of what he can say or do, to make this better. He smiled a little when she did show up to the door. "Sasha?! How are you?"

She just glared down at the old frog, arms folded. "What do you want?"

"Sasha, wil you please come home. I can make this right. Just whatever it is I'll do it."

"There nothing you can do." Sasha coldly replied.

"But Sasha?" Sasha shut the door in face, feeling defeated, Hop Pop hutched back and was about to leave. She needed time and space, he respect that. He heard the door open again and saw Felicia and Sylvia.

"Is Sasha alright?" Hop Pop asked.

"She is." Felicia started, "I don't fully understand what you did. But you hurt her alot." She sighed as she saw the rejecting in his eyes. "I know your a good frog Hopedaih. I know you since I was a tadpole so whatever you did I know you had your reasons. But you did hurt Sasha, regardless if inattention."

"I was just doing what I thought was best. I know it was foolish, but Frog. You do crazy things to protect those you care about."

The Sundew's frown soften a little, relating to the old farmer, they too had they share of lost. Mr. Sundew was one of many frog's that died during the heron attack four eyes ago. Wounds still fresh, like a clean memory. They were they and the next second just gone.

Sylvia gently touch the old frog's face, "Hopediah... That doesn't excuse what you do. I know you were protecting them, but there still consequence for rash actions."

"But." He knew he was defended, the wound was still fresh, maybe the best course of action wound be to stay away from each other for a little while. Give each other there time and space. "Will you look after her? Until we... Until I makes things right."

The Sundews looked at each with a nod, turning back to Hop Pop with a smile. "Sure."

Back at the Flour's Marcy and Maddie were glued to Marcy's phone watching the end of the movie.

"So what did you think?" Marcy smiled.

"Seems different then the books. Like the potion teacher isn't nearly as horrible as she is in the book."

"Well they only have two and half hours so things have to be cut." Marcy rubbed her arms, and looked away. "But you still liked it right."

"Or course," Marcy smiled and sighed with relief. Happy the Maddie was genuinely with her response, as she turned over wanting to ask everyone else. Her smiled turned to a small frown as she saw her friends had fallen asleep again. Sighing she put a blanket around them, laughing a little at seeing Polly punching in her sleep, probably dreaming about fighting some kind of monster.

"Maddie? What to watch the second one?" Marcy asked, she needed something to take her mind off of this. "Or maybe study a spell. Watching the movie made me want to learn more."

"Well. My magic is different, I don't use a stick." Maddie rubbed her chin, "But sure, you want to curse Mr. Plantars. He did hurt you right."

"What?" Marcy laughed nervously, "I'm not mad at him." How could she be mad at him, she was the reason they were here in the first place. He basically tried to do she did. Keeping her friends here. "Hop Pop was just trying to keep us together."

Maddie shrugged, "If you say so. So can we watch the second one instead."

"Sure." Marcy all to happy to use fantasy to avoid feeling her feelings.

Meanwhile at the Sundews, after Hop Pop left, dinner was eaten and dishes were being done. Felicia was busy cleaning up a room with Sasha and Ivy

"People are gross," Sasha groaned was she clean a room.

There was something on Felicia mind, and it was just something that she did to be said. "Sasha? Can I ask you something?... How come you have so much pent up anger? This is more then just what Hopedial did?" She asked, figuring something had to have happened.

Sasha stared for a moment, taken back by the question. Then she looked away. "I mean... what is there not to be angry about. I live in this screwed up place I may never get back home. And back home everyone hurts you or takes advantage of you, and parents tell there kids they have to be good, but they're the ones who treat everyone like crap. Atop of that I finally put trusted in the first adult in my life that didn't think I was waste of space. And the minute my back was turned he broke. How can I not be angry about that? After all I'm just a waste of space."

Felicia just listened quietly, "Children are never a burden, Sasha. You aren't a waste of space." She spoke softly and gently, reaching for her hand. Sasha stared at her, her eyes shimmering with mixed emotion. She wiped her eyes. Felicia looked genuinely angry for her.

"But I've always a burden!" She countered, raising her voice. "Everywhere I go, I'm always reminded how perfect my sister is, and all I do is cause problems!"

"Sasha, you have every right to be angry at how people treated you." Felicia countered. "But don't forgot you do have people that care for you, Anne, Marcy, my family, the Plantars."

Sasha hugged her knees to her chest. "Can I stay here for awhile?" She turned her head a little to the side to glance at her. She smiled. Sasha hated crying in front of anyone, but couldn't stop. "Thanks..." She mumbled as she felt her hair."My hair a mess."

"It's okay I think you look good." Ivy smiled trying to offer some comfort to her human friend. "I can help I'm not as good as Sprig is with make up, but I can do a good job."

Sasha gave a soft chuckle. "Sprig doing makeup, I do not want to imagine that."

Having no luck with Sasha, and everyone else is at Maddie's, Hop Pop followed himself wandering through his house alone for hours. Feeling more desperate by the minute. How can you make things right after you ruined things to much you can't go back. He knew uses his daughter didn't excuse him for want me did. He followed himself at Stumpy's drinking next to Wally and Stumpy.

"Something got you in a real mess Hopediah. You looks like you barely escaped a cave of Scorpleos." Stumpy spoke with concern as he was cleaning the counter.

"I Frog up really bad this time. I made a mistake, broke the girl's trust real bad." Hop Pop frown, glancing down at his drink. "I keep screwing things up."

"Yeh, no one perfect." Wally said.

"I." Stumpy nods, "Take the time to really get to know them, share a moment with them... And maybe you'll be able to salvage your relationship. I know you for years Hopedial and know you never directly mean to harm anyone."

Hop Pop for a second wanted to believe that bot resorted back to his own negative thoughts, "I just don't know. You didn't see the look in her eyes. It reminded me that despite how big, strong and how old she acts. She was still a child. A child in my care. A child I let down."

Wally seem deep in thought which was rare to see, "Hopediah, Sprig and Polly let you down before right?"


"But you still love them?"


"Hopediah you just to wait. Give them time. If there care for you is strong then your mistake."

"You know Wally, you're right."

"About what?" Wally looked up with confusion.

This will probably be my last update before the finale. Can't believe were almost there in just one week Amphibia will be done. I don't know if I'm ready to say goodbye to this show. And Owl is also nearly its end of Season 2.