
25. Hop Pop and Luck

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, Alquimistaarcano77, Kaiju, Nopeknight, TALOS X, Stryker, Mr. Hardcor3, Gojirafan1954, Tearnon, Jason, brentdyedragon, gregorian12, PizzaGuest, Morticon, jjafo2014, schweenieboy, snake screamer, Rodimus973, Pushistaya ten, Shadowcat1083, Liko, Killerbull55858, QuackityFiction, Hamza9236, MarMarFaAnne, Notthenightslayer, Valenthyne, Guest for the comment.

This is cool I got a TVTrope page for my story.

A massive rain draught the lands of Amphibia and the sound of lighting cracked through the dark stormy night as a family of frogs were running through the deep forest. A mother carrying her child in her arms, heart beating from running for want felt like hours, the family covered in dirt and draught from head to toe.

"I...I...I..." A frog was trying to catch his breath, turning to take in his surroundings, giving the forest a double take. "I think we lost them."

"Frog all mighty John," She hugged her child tight to her chest,"What are we going to do." She frozen at the bloody knife he was holding in his trembling hands, "For Frogs sakes, you killed one of them."

"They'll been terrifying and harassing us for years!" John voice cracked, trying to justify himself, but also felt like a monster. "They would have killed that old man. If... If... I didn't mean to kill him!"

"Look..." She held her baby closed, "I don't want to sound heartless... But... We have our own family to look after."

"Then... What... We couldn't afford to give them this months produce and every year they demand more and more. If this keeps up will starved!"

"I know... Just want are we going to do now? We can't go back they know where we live. Our home... Our friends... We can't never go back. Oh Frog, John want are we going to do."

"I... Don't... Know..." He pulled her into a hug, "We'll go into a city disappear, new names." It almost sounded like he was making this up on the spot. They frozen as heard a twig break and deep breathing. Looking up to see a large light-green toad the face hidden by a large frog-shaped helmet.

They try to make a break for it, but bound into something. A large green toad with a light green underbelly, with grass-colored hair with a feather tied in a braid with a headband. Towered over them.

"Hello..." Came a voice of a large toad with red skin and an orange, lighter underbelly. He has a crest of horn-like protrusions on the top of his head, exited from a group of trees.

"What do want!" John standing between them and his family. "We already paid for this month!"

"You were short," Bog smirked, also eyeing the knife, that John tried to hide. "This may be a little off topic, but how good are you at digging holes? I mean, besides the one you've already dug yourself into."

John stood between infront of his family, watching as the trio closed ranks surrounding them. "Look," John stared at Bog, blocking his family from his view. "We need the money, My daughter is sick. And you pretty much have taken everything from us. We'll starved if we give you any more."

"You should have thought of that before you killed Groggy!" Bog glared.

"I have a wife... And a daughter... They NEED me. I can't leave them... I don't know what will happen to them without me."

"What son of slug!?" Bog spit in his face, "Groggy had a family! Had kids! Had loved ones! Or is his family less important than yours? This is seriously messing me up." A frog and muscular build. His left eye glows yellow-green and is in a constant squint, while his right eye is marked with a pink scar, pale blue, and dull due to the injury. His eyes do not have visible pupils. He possesses sharp, yellow teeth. He wears brown metal armor with a dark mauve cape.

"Captain!" The Toads saluted, the family's eyes on Grime, in fear. They hear tales of him, but never saw him until today. The captain of South Tower just glared at John and his family, showing no emotion or any thoughts in was near impossible to to a read on them. The family got quiet, they got real quiet, like a pet waiting for dinner scappes. Which a quickly flash, Grime strike the Frog down. His body went limp on the floor.

The family cried out, holding each other tightly.

"Oh, don't cry for the poor thing," Bog gave a smug grin." The Captain saved him the fate of seeing what we're about to do to you." The Toads gathered around him, as Grime raised a hand.

"Leave them." He spoke coldly, not evening looking at the mourning family.

"But Sir!?" Fens protested.

"I said stay down!" Grime glared at Fens, giving her a look that not her don't attend him.

"Captain!" Bog stepped up, clearly feeling different. "They kill Groggy! They need to be punished!"

"He was..." Grime spoke as if the life he took meant nothing to him. "Now we'll return home."

Bog turned to face, Grime and back to the family and then Grime again. "No," He shock his head, pulling out his sword and try to attack the family. They closed there eyes just waiting to be reunite with John, only to hear a body heavily slamed to the ground. Grime had pin Bog a sword to his throat. "Listen hear Bog. I said stay down. Groggy was avenge. So stand down and return back." Bog hissed, before calming down and nodded.

"What are you doing here!?" Grime glared.

"You heard the Captain," Fens smirked, "Get lost." The family took of running deep into the forest, Bog ready his arrow and smirked as he fired and the frog laid down flat.

"Don't play coy with me Grime! I will not be played a fool! We get rip of traitors!"

"Are you challenging me!?" Grime questioned, Bog just snorted.

Grime gave a cold glared as he turn to Bog shoved him against a tree, glare and held a knife against his throat. "Listen here Bog. Disobey me again and I'll see you removed permanently. I didn't let them go because I'm idiot. You can only push them so far until they all step up. Don't question me again. Idiot. Don't threaten someone if you ain't gonna see it through." Bog nodded and Grime slowly let go. "Pack your thing were leading." Bog rubbed his neck and glared as Grime left.

"Y'know, it's kinda funny... These frog used to cover in fear. Now they struggling around like they own the place!" Myers growl in agreement, "You said it Myers! I haven't saw the frogs like these since Wrecker.. The fact that this is streaming within a short spain of time is worrying... We need to cut this down. Before they realize they outnumber us."

"Captain?" Fens called out after she picked up a paper that John had. "You're going to what to see this."

"What?" Grime walked over, Fens hand him the paper. Freedom Frogs: Fight Back.

A few day later back at Wartwood the Plantar were at work at the stand, well the frogs were. Marcy was too busy reading a book about Andrias; The Prince & and the Olm War. Anne peaked over her magazine hiding her smile and laughs at seeing Sylvia talking with Hop Pop. She loved seeing whenever Sylvia come over to playing talk with Hop Pop. What she was sucker for adorable old people couples. She smiled at how foolish Hop Pop was, Sylvia clearly had a thing for him. Anne laughed she'll never be blind if someone liked her back.

"Good mornings Sylvia, lovely day today." Hop Pop smiled.

"Beautiful," She smiled, "Hopefully the weather stay like this for the Dance tonight." She spoke with a teasingly smile, as she was looking through the vegetables. "I'll take this one."

"Are you sure you want that one?" Hop Pop pointed to the gourd, which looked like it had a face.

"I have a soft spot for the strange ones." She replied with a wink, paying for the vegetable and left. Once she was out of sight, Anne smiled, "Hop Pop, you dog!"

"Huh?" The old frog turned around with confusion.

"What's happening?"Sprig asked.

"What's going on?" Polly added.

"HP, that girl was totally checking you out," Anne teased with a smile, playing nudging him with her elbow.

"What?" Sprig said in disbelief.

"I didn't think that was possible." Polly replied

"Nonsense, Sylvia just old friend of my." Hop Pop shaked his head and folded his arms, and shoved Anne away. "And stop poking me."

"Ohh!" Anne smiled, "You should tell her how you feel."

"I don't feel anything." Hop Pop replied sharply.

"Ohh, come up. I can totally see this. Tell him, Sasha, Mar-Mar?" There was no reply. "Umm... Sasha? Marcy?" They turned around to see.

Marcy was deep into reading a book, talking to Sasha who looked rathered bored. "So In the Year 3563 of King Aldrich, the Olms lead invasion to destroy Newtopia, killing thousands. In possess a fear and rage threatening to destroy Amphibia and kill the Royal Family to move on to a new age. Calling it retribution for sins against the surface. Why wandering the destroy streets of town a maiden caught the young princes eye. With skin of pink she turned with beautiful light. With a voice as gentle as a lullaby. He could feel in his heart it was love at first sight. But this love shall realmed locked deep inside, she deemed it so that the Olms were right and lead them to villages betrayaling her kind, turning Amphibia into a dark age of pain. Leading them as well to aging Aldrich. Andrias heed the call for that's what he live for, tears burn at his core The battle went on for years, Andrias fighting along side to reclaim the lands from the Olms. Eventually success and the war was won, the surface was now safe, family grown and the era of King Andrias began. Andrias help with rebuilding, becoming more loved this is father before him. Working hand in hand to a world filled with light."

Anne went back to Hop Pop, "Come up, HP. It's not embarrassing?" She found this funny. Normally a parent would tease the child about having a crush not the other way around.

"And I told you, no."

"Ha-ha!" They turned around to see Monroe, "You're not seriously thinking of going to this thing, are you? Wouldn't want to embarrass yourself like last year's barn dance fiasco." He laughs.

"Hey, Hop Pop is going to wipe the floor with you!" Anne glared down at the old frog, Monroe just laughs and leaves. Anne was shaking her fists as he left. "Arrgghh. I can't stand him. Hop Pop you have to go now."

"No." Hop Pop rubbed his head, "Go on head kids. I'm close down on my own."

"Yippee!" Sprig leaped away.

"Freedom!" Polly smiled, Anne decided to stay behind determined to find out what was going on with Hop Pop.

"Hop Pop I don't see what the problem is?" Anne asked.

"I told you to dropped it okay. I'm not idiot Anne. I know Sylvia likes me, and I do like her. It's just I can't." Hop Pop frown, rubbing something on his finger it was only up to this point that Anne saw a wedding ring she was surprised she never saw it before.

Sprig was happily leaping through town and made his way to catch some bugs. "You know I used to study bugs when I was eight." Marcy smiled, drawing a picture of a bug.

"Really?" Sprig smiled.

"Yep. Although you're bugs are bigger then ours. Man, this girl. Maggie from school would died if she saw the bugs here. Like this one time Sasha put._." Marcy stopped suddenly as Sprig froze holding a hand out to stop her.. "What's the matter? Why did you stop?"

"It's quite," He scanned the forest, too quite." He walked over to a nearby bush, looking through find a log dressed up. Sprig gulpped in fear. "Uh on, its..."

"Ambush!" All they saw was a little yellow blur, land on Sprig, pinning him to the ground. "Haha. That's another one for Ivy." She smiled and helped Sprig back up.

"Nice using that log as a trick, smart thinking." Sprig said as he dusts himself clean.

"Thanks," She smiled, "Hi Marcy. Learn any new spells? Raised the death. Created live to a horrible monster that you had to kill because it turned evil?"

"Hello Ivy, and umm yes, no and no?"

"Ooh, what spells did you learn?" Ivy and Sprig were jumping around.

"Well its nothing huge. Just a potion that gives you energy. I used it so I can read through the night. But Hop Pop says that a body needs sleep and using that potion for long periods can't be helpful."

"That's cool I guess. Ohhh!" Ivy smiled with leap of joy as though she just remember something. "Hey Sprig, I got to something to show you! But you have to promise not to tall my mom. She'll totally freak out"

"I promise" Sprig smile, with wonder, "Oooh, what is it?"

"I'm good with keeping secrets." Marcy smiled, also curious what this little yellow frog wants to show him.

"You'll see," Ivy said with excitement as she went back to a bush, and pulled out a bow and arrows. "TA DAH! Look what I got!"

"Is that a bow?" Marcy had wide grin.

"Awesome!" Sprig smiled with aww.

"Yep, Grandma gave this to me awhile something about being prepared. I've been practicing with it a bit, look!" Ivy saw a apple hanging from a top brance ready her bow and fired. Hitting the apple causing it to fall. She picked it on, taking out the arrow and gave it to Sprig. Who happily ate the fruit. She fired again hitting a tree against a pond, her arrow went against the pond and hit the tree.

"Cool! Hey, can I try?" Sprig asked after he finished eating the apple.

"Sure, here!" Ivy hands the arrow over. "Be careful though, it's not easy as it looks."

"Relax, I use a slingshot, same principle." Sprig quickly ate those words as his arrow lands in the pond.

"Yeah," Ivy smiled trying not to laugh, "I don't think it's that simple."

"I suck." Sprig laugh at himself.

"Can I try?" Marcy asked.

"Sure," Ivy shrugged, "But it takes awhile. I've have been using it for a couple weeks."

"Don't worried, I'm great sniper on my game." Marcy said boastful, feeling like this was going to be easy. She smirks and ready the arrow but just like Sprig, Marcy air lands in the pond. "Geez. This is hard." Marcy blushed with embarrassment. "And I thought playing shooters would help me."

"What's a shooter?" Sprig asks, but Ivy shrugged.

"Don't beat yourself up about it." Ivy pats her back, Marcy smiles.

Anne helped Hop Pop with packing up the vegetables and to close the stand for the day they were returning back to the house. She was still trying to get Hop Pop to warm up to the idea. "Hop Pop. I'm sorry." She rubbed her forehead, "You just seem so happy when talking to her. So I thought... I just thought you deserve to be happy."

"Anne," Hop Pop closed his eyes. "I haven't even thought of the idea of dating again since I lost my wife." This caught Anne off guard, Hop Pop wasn't open about his past to her.

"Hop Pop..." Anne didn't know how to response to, here she was focusing what she thought was right, not caring about what he felt. "I'm Sorry I shouldn't have push you."

"That's right, you shouldn't." Hop Pop scold, "You were trying to think of something that will make me happy. So I can't really fault you. I haven't been on a date in a long time. I just don't think I have the charm anymore."

"HP please you made be old but you can charm any old Lady in town."

Hop Pop laughed a little, "Well maybe I still have a little charm.. But it would be weird."

"Weird? How?"

"Sprig likes Ivy.."

"WHAT!? Sprig likes Ivy" Anne smiled, "That's adorable!"

"Surprise you didn't know, guess Sprig will kill me because two of his sister will tease him about it now." The two made there way back to the house, Hop Pop returned to his bed and smiled looking at picture of his wedding day.

A young Hopediah was trying out for role, to which ended up in embarrassment. Red in the race as he ruined his shot.

"Hopediah, that was just awful." Monroe laugh, as he walked up to him, with a blue female frog that looked ike him

"Monroe, just leave me alone." Clarabella nudge him, and turned to Hopediah. "You tried your best."

Hopediah was overlooking the night sky, his arms wrapped around Clarabella as Bessie was singing. "I missed you everyday, when you were gone during the war."

"I thought if you, that help me get through some of the terrible stuff."

Hopediah stood in shock infront of her, she was holding an egg."Really?" She smiled.

Clarabella was by her bedside, Hopediah held her hand and kissed her. "I find that plant, and you'll get better."

Later at night during the dance, a few people were already dancing Croaker was dancing with Archie, Wally was dancing with Felicia, Fern the local barber was trying to dance with Stumpy a task that was difficult to say the least. Children were running around or just awkwardly starrted at each other. Hop Pop arrived at the dance seeing Sylvia enjoying a meal. Hop Pop sighed as he walked over to Sylvia, "Sylvia I own you apologies."

Sylvia looked up confessed, "There's no need to apologies Hopediah."

"Yes there Maybe I was afraid of the judgement of others, but mostly I think I fear my own judgement: that loving another person would somehow diminish what I had with Clarabella. That if I was happy, I must not be sad anymore. That I didn't actually deserve to be happy again. I had Sally... To look after, a farm to care for... then Sprig and Polly. I was just focusing on taking care of others, keeping the farm afloat that I didn't really think about what I wanted. Then years go by and I think it's too late to start again."

Sylvia sighed,"I was thirty-nine when Wallace died unexpectedly in his sleep. It was the shock of a lifetime. He was my love, my rock, a crucial part of my life and my daughter's future, and in an instant, he was just gone. For along time I felt guilty even thinking about the possibility and could not fathom the idea of dating again. I buried the idea... I had a daughter to look after After losing, putting your heart on the line may feel like the last thing in the world you want to do. But by completely letting go, I found my heart. In setting boundaries, I genuinely found myself. And i realized that I could be with someone else. Even if this doesn't end up as I had wanted, it will be an experience that greatly furthered my healing and growth."

"Guess were just two hurt people, trying to be a little less hurt." Hop Pop sighed as he turned to look at the night sky. "It's sure is a nice night."

"Yep, it's night like this that just be grateful for the things you have."

"True, I never once picture having more Grandchildren. But life threw me more." Hop Pop smiled and turned to Sylvia, weather it was romance, the nice weather, or just having someone his age to talk and related to. He offered her a hand, "Nights still young." Sylvia smiled and took it. It was strange feeling to be held like this, it was away before either felt the warm embrace. It was like they were young love. They knew what it was like to lose, they both been down that road. It was just a nice moment, they didn't waste time over thinking of it.

Sad that Amphibia and Owl House are coming closer to there ends. Clarabella is from Goofy as he has the same VA as Hop Pop. Wallace I just picked a random name.