
23. Hop-Popular

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, Alquimistaarcano77, Kaiju, Nopeknight, TALOS X, Stryker, Mr. Hardcor3, Gojirafan1954, Tearnon, Jason, brentdyedragon, gregorian12, PizzaGuest, Morticon, schweenieboy, snake screamer, Rodimus973, Pushistaya ten, Shadowcat1083, Liko, Killerbull55858, QuackityFiction Guest for the comment.

It has been about two weeks since the Plantars had lost the family stand. At first Hop Pop was trying to keep it positive, trying to put on a brave face for his grandchildren. Trying to remain strong for them, he had done this plenty of times in the past. But he was so tired of putting on a fake smile. Work had always kept his thoughts away, he didn't stopped moving from the time he woke up until his head hit the pillow. Thoughts of repeated failures. It was like losing a part of himself. The family had its share of problems before... But. It was like he lost in the middle of nowhere with no compase or any sense of where to go.

"Hop Pop! Breakfast!" Anne called over, to the sad sight of the old frog, who didn't bat an eye as he sat on the couch. Her smiled faded, it was becoming really painful to watch him sinking into despair like this. "This is just getting sad." She said as she sat down for Breakfast. Although with the money there were making on movie nights, and with picking up side jobs around town they were making a good enough to keep themselves in the green.

"I never seen Hop Pop get like this before," Sprig replied with a frownas eat his ceral, and turn to Grandfather. Hop Pop wasn't one to showcases sadness much. Cross and disappointed sure, but he rarely seem him upset.

"Yeah, I thought old people were just cracky." Polly added, turning to Hop Pop, although she was happy to get away without taking a bath and her chores. Seeing Hop Pop this upset made the Pollywog upset. She was also confused, having no work and chores was a dream.

Marcy frowned she remember when her grandfather was force to retire. Her father told her it was about having a role to play and when someone new takes up the role. Some are just not really to say goodbye. "Hop Pop want to play Flipwart later? Maybe watch Suspicion Island?" There was no response the dead silence fell, and seconds felt like hours, until he replied with a no.

Sasha groan as she got up from the table and made her way over to the old frog. She glared down at him, like scolding a dog, arms folded. "Get up! NOW! This sitting on your warty old but is unacceptable!"

Hop Pop didn't turn to look at her and remained sitted on the couch.

Sasha didn't like to be ignored her fist tighten, "Look at me! You got pull yourself together! Life threw a bucket of carp at you. And it freaking sucks. So you either keeping sitting down feeling like a loser or dust yourself and doing something!"

Her outburst left the everyone flabbergast and all eyes were on her. Anne slowly made her way her way over, raising her hands in defense.

"Sasha I don't thi..." Sasha silence Anne with a hand without taking her attention way from the frog. They tried their way now Sasha doing things her way. She took out a flier from her pocket and shoved it in his face. "Look the Grub-N-Go's hiring greeters! All you gotta do is smile and be friendly. Just like old people at the mall back home."

Hop Pop sighs, lowering his head, "I don't seen the point."

Sasha groan and dragging him off the couch, dragging him to the door, Hop Pop was holding on to whatever he could hold as Sasha was dragging him. "Just get out there!" She finished and slapped the door in his face. She turn to see everyone else left flabbergasted. "What?! The drama Queen needed a push."

"I guess." Anne rubbed her forearm. "You'll think he'll get it."

"I don't care, I just gave us a few minutes"

Hop Pop trudging back from botching the interview ready to head either home or drink himself stupid at Stumpy as he noticed a crowd clamoring around the town hall.

Hop Pop approach the crowd and stood next to Wally. "What's all this rabble?"

"Sign-ups for the election! You been living under a rock? 'Cause I have and even I knew that."

"Election?" Hop Pop raised an eyebrow as the current mayor was talking to the crowd, most were still angry over the whole Toad takeover.

The mayor had a big grin on his face, "Vote Mayor Toadstool! If reelected, I will always look out for the little guy."

"Hey, because you certainly show us when you hide our taxes!" Farine crossed his arms, as another towns people nodded in agreement.

Toadstool smiled nervously, "I did for emergency. You don't know what those Plantars monster will do."

"He's making a good point." Monroe added, and was soon hit in the head by Croaker. "Oww."

"Shut it Monroe." The old widow threatened.

Hop Pop always about to set in and give Toadstool a piece of his mind, when the crowd gasped as Toadstool was hit by mud, covering his shirt.

"Sir!" Toadir ran to the Mayor's aid as the Mayor turned to scan the crown, trying to find the person who did it. His eyes landed on the young Sundew girl, who was holding another mud ball.


Ivy threw mud ball and Toadstool, glaringly threateningly, "Sasha not a monster!"

Toadstool glare back, and turned to Felicia "Madam, control your child!"

Felicia gave him a death glare that made him gulp, as Hop Pop walked up.

"The girl's right. Anne, Sasha and Marcy aren't dangerous. And I won't have you talk bad about them."

"They have you fool Hopediah." Toadstool glared back then stomped over Toadie using him as a stool to climbed on to his snail. Taking off leaving a cloud of dust. The Flour triples were coughing in the dust, Maddie was ready to throw a curse but her father stopped her.

Hop Pop scoffs, "Some mayor. That guy keeps raising our taxes, and what do we got to show for it? Our snail-ways are a mess. Our buildings are falling apart. Heck, we ain't even replaced the schoolhouse after last year's millipede incident! Not to mention the Toad Takeover." The townsfolk gathered around as Hop Pop was ranting, taking a look around there tore down town.

"Am I crazy, or is he making sense?" Felicia asked Loggie the woodsmith nodded and turned back as Hop Pop continuing ranting.

"Maybe we need a mayor who looks out for the people he's mayoring. 'Cause ours, well..." He chuckles, "He's only looking out for himself. Anyway, good afternoon, everybody." The old frog was going to make his way home, to face his grandchildren again over the fact he lost the job. Although his angry rant did make him feel better.

That was until Wally stopped him, grabbing his hand. "I nominate Hopadiah Plantar for mayor!"

Felicia smiled, "I second that!"

"I third it." Farine replied.

Soggy Joe threw Hop Pop over his shoulders, "Let's hear it for Hopadiah!"

"Sounds good to me." Loggie cheered.

Felicia let then into clapping while Wally was playing his accordion, "Hop Pop for mayor, everyone!" The crowd joined in cheering, applause.

Hop Pop return home after having a celebration lunch at Stumpy's, the old frog was certainly feeling much better then he was this morning. He pretty much skipped home, he didn't feel this youthful in a long time. "Guess what, kids!" The family smiled at his cheerful tone and warm smile.

"You passed the interview?" Anne smiled.

"You got the job?" Sprig smiled as well.

"Nope!" Hop Pop smiled, "I'm running for mayor."


The farmer turned to a mirror and was fixing up his hair, "Don't you see, kids? If I win this election, I'll prove once and for all that Hopadiah Plantar ain't no loser!"

The kids didn't look to sure, they were happy he wasn't in the dumps anymore but. "Oh, no. If he loses, he'll be more down than ever."

"And we just got the couch cleaned." Polly groaned.

"But if he wins maybe we'll get the old Hop Pop back!" Sprig pointed out.

"Also I'm pretty the town hates Toadstool for hiding the taxes," Marcy pointed out, flash of guilty was on her face as she started at Anne's arm.

"True that!" Polly added, looking in deep thought. "Although Hop Pop did try to sell garage to everyone."

"But..." Sprig interrupted, "Hop Pop gave back there money. He tried to makes things better."

Sasha rolled her eyes, "Look frogs. Elections are just like school. It's just a popularity contest. And yes your grandpa sucks. He's probably liked more then that Toad."

Anne sighed, she was one to always support her friends, "Fair point. Hop Pop, we're all in!"

Hop Pop smiled and ran over to the couch, "Really? Aw, kids. I won't let you down. If anyone needs me, I'll be in the bathroom practicing my distinguished expression!" He laughs leaving them alone.

Once he was gone, Anne groan pulling at her hair. "Ugh. Politics are the worst."

"Agreed." Sasha replied.

"Yeah," Polly nodded in agreement, "The monster fights are pretty cool, though."

"The what now?"

The townsfolk were gathered around a small cave, as frogs were gathered to supported.

Toadstool glared down at Hop Pop as he was stretching." You've made a powerful enemy today, Hopadiah. Toads have run uncontested for decades. This is a disgrace."

"The only disgrace is you as mayor." He snapped back furiously with annoying roll of her eyes.

"Oh, I like this Hopadiah," Croaker smiled her interested piqued, Sylvia nodded in agreement but having a total different reaction to Hop Pop.

Monroe being Monroe wasn't to sure, crossing his arms in disapproval, "I don't know. Toadstool is tried and true. At least he has experience. All Plantars knews is how to grow vegetables."

"A great point." Toadie chined in from behind them.

"Hey?!" Sasha interrupted, raising her fist threatening at the two. "Have anything else to add?" The two slowly back away.

Albus approach the two candidate and turned to the crowd, "Ahem! Welcome to the official mayoral trials, where the candidates try to win your vote!"

"I'm suddenly very interested in politics, Anne blows horn loudly.

"Okay, Anne. That's enough." Sprig explained.

"Our first trial is all about strength. The first candidate to mount the beetle wins!" Duckweed blew a whistle as a beetle came outside of the cave.

Toadstool grunts as he tried to jump on top of the beetles only to be knocked away, "Oh, my giblets! I've got you! No, I don't!"

Hop Pop, began to taunt the beetle, "Hey! Come and get it." The beetle charge towards him, the old frog jump out of the away causing the beetle to slam itself into a rock, knocking it out. The crowd were cheering with applause.

The second trial brought the town to cliff side next to giant nest.

Duckweed smiled, "The second trial is about sensitivity. Can you figure out what these hatchlings need? A good mayor would."

Toadstool just walked over with smile on his face, laughing. "I know what these dumb birds want. Money. All right, all right. Here's your handout." He throws a handful of coins at them; only making them angry as they begin pecking him. "Oh! Oh!" The mayor ran away in pain as Toadie followed him.

Hopediah studies over the birds, before picking up a rock pulling out some words and eat them, this made Anne and Sasha want to puke as he feeds them like mother bird. The birds gently nudge themselves against Hop Pop, making the old frog laugh.

Sprig smiled to Anne, "That's how he fed us when we were babies."

"Really?" Marcy smiled as she wrote that down her notebook. As the mother bird suddenly returns; scaring themm all off.

Next everyone was gather in the woods.

"Being mayor is a lot like being dropped in the woods naked and forced to find your way home. So that's what we did!"

Marcy was smiling as she writing down everything about Wartwood election system, although she didn't understand how all of these things have to do with being mayor.

Hop Pop was the first to find his way back, having made himself clothes out of leafs and makeshift spear out of stick. He was lead back by a group of small forest animals, "Thanks for showing me the way, Jeremy."

The crowd mostly of frogs were cheering for support of Hop Pop. Joe threw him on his shoulders as they were chanting as they followed him back to Hop Pop's house.

It was night by the time Toadstool finally made his way back, only a few supporters stuck around to wait. The mayor was cover in mud and cuts. Toadie cover him with a blanket and gave him some coffee.

"This is getting out of hand, Toadie. I could actually lose! Looks like we'll have to stop him... the old-fashioned way. Illegally."

Back at the Plantars resistance, Hop Pop was going over some last minute things.

"Excited for the final trial tomorrow, Hop Pop?" Sprig smiled.

"If you win you'll be the first Frog Mayor of Wartwood." Marcy smiled with excitement as she was reading over some books about Wartwood history. Mayors were most Toads a few Newts and even some Axolotls but no frogs. A knock from the door drown at her thoughts.

They open the door to see Toadie, the family glared down at the little butler with suspicion, "Mr. Plantar, an anonymous associate would like to speak with you."

Sasha glare down at the frog, "You mean the mayor?"

"No comment."

"Come on, dude, you only know like one person!" Anne replied.

"I said no comment!"

Hop Pop made his way outside and to the Mayor's wagon. Not surprise to see Toadstool, who smiled and offer him a glass of wine.

"Ah, so glad you could join me, Plantar. I'll give it to you straight. I want you to lose tomorrow's trial."

"Well, yeah. I figured."

"No, you dimwit, lose on purpose! In return, I'll give you a new vegetable stand. Heck, I'll put it in the center of the market, tax free! You'll make tons of money. Plus I have a Cousin that words at NU. I can get your grandchildren in even those huummans as well."

Hop Pop took in his offer, it was once in a life time chance, we'll never make enough to give his children a better life. "That's, uh...hard to say no to."

"Well, then, don't." Toadstool smiled has he toss him a bag of coins and a bottle of wine. "Here just a little something to help you make the right choice." Hop Pop slowly made his way back to his house, how could something like giving his children a better life, cut so painfully deep. The kids watched as Hop Pop made his way over to his chair by the fire.

"Hey, Hop Pop?" Anne asked with concern, "So, uh, what did the mayor want?"

"If I lose on purpose, Toadstool will give us the stand back."

Sprig, Marcy and Polly gasp.

"Of course he will try to weasel him way in." Sasha rolled her eyes.

"What? No! You've got a real chance to win." Anne protested.

"He'll also make us rich. We'd be set for life. He offer enrollment to NU for all of you."

"Oh, in that case, take the deal."

Anne and Sprig glared and both scolded the young pollywog, "Polly!"

"We were all thinking it!"

"I agree," Sasha spoke up, "Take the deal. What's self- respect worth if your family suffers for it?"

Hop Pop sighes,"Polly and Sasha are right, guys. It's just too good to pass up." Having finance comfort, Collage for his grandkids, it was all the things he hope to give his grandkids behind. Knowing there future were bright was something he always wanted.

Anne smiled to herself as she approached the frog placing a hand on his shoulder, there was a time when she would have urged him to go for it, but Hop Pop could really win this. Plus seeing how the Toads have been treating frogs, it could strike a real blow for fairness for Frogs. As his friend she was obliged to support him."Well whatever you pick, we'll be behind you, dude."

"All the way." Sprig hugs him tightly.

"I say take the deal," Sasha spoke up.

He gave his grandkids a smile, happy to have there support, starting at the fire. "Thanks, kids," He sighs, "Guess I've got some thinking to do." Times like this he wish his parents were here for guidance. Finance support for his grandkids future? Another hand he could really change things the town is hoping for him. Is his pride worth it, dift blood money. But... He had to think about this.

The next morning, everyone had show up to watch the last event for the campaign. Duckweed stood in a boxing ring, next to Hop Pop and Toadstool.

"Ladies and gentlephibians, you know the candidates, you've seen 'em fight monsters. But for the final challenge, you'll see them fight...each other!"

The crowd applaused.

"You're world is strange," Sasha said, "But this way more fun then watching a debate."

"Before 750 KA, that King Andrias. The two candidate would fight each other to the death." Marcy stated, "And there was no term limit, if you wanted to run you just had to challenge the local Mayor."

"Now you both know the rules. Fight starts as soon as the bell rings." Duckweed was about to explain as Old frog rang the bell with his tongue.

Toadtool threw the first punch, Hop Pop easily avoid it and punch back. The Mayor continuing threwing punch after punch, avoid to miss as Hop Pop jumped around the ring.

Toadstool was breathing heavily, and sweating, "Ow! Okay, Plantar! You've put on a good show but... that's enough!" He strike Hop Pop in the gut, and he fell to his knees.

Crownd gasped in shock, as Toadstool stood over him. "Like we talked about. Stay down, Plantar." Hop Pop looked towards the crowd seeing them cheer for him.

"You can do it!"

"Come on, Hop Pop!"

Hop Pop struggled to pick himself, Toadstool glared in angry and disbelief, he began to punch him in the face. "What are you, crazy? You could have been rich. You could've had your stand back. All you had to do was give up! Why?"

"Because this is about more than just me!" He punches Toadstool, sending him flying outside the ring.

As the crowd cheers.

The townsfolk were gathered in the center of town, large group gathered for support of Hop Pop, while a slightly smaller group mostly of Toads and Newts and a few frogs were there to support Toadstool while they waiting for the votes to be counted.

"You may a big mistake Plantar." Toadstool spoke in low voice, although still sweating not just because of the fight, but he was worried. Hop Pop had been an even bigger threat then he first thought. Hop Pop didn't reply just instead just stared up at Toadstool, he chewed on Toadstool's point for a minute, he knew in his gut he had the right choice.

The two opponents just glared at each other in silence as Duckweed walked on stage, the crowd stopped talking amongst themselves as they set there eyes on him. "Well, folks, that wraps up the trials. Now it's time to tally the votes! With 60 votes, 100% of Wartwood of the county side, Hopadiah Plantar!" The frogs roared in loud applause and were about to celebrate as Duckweed silence them.

"And with 30 votes to 10, valley town, Mayor Toadstool!" Duckweed finished reading from his list.

"That's 77 to 30!" Marcy smiled, "That means Hop Pop won!"

The crowd grew into a loud cheer as Hop Pop was grinning, and was about to approach the stand as Duckweed once again stopped him, and shaked Toadstool's, "Congratulations, sir!"

"Huh?" Hop Pop was left confused, doing the math in his heads as Toadstool approach the stand with a smile.

"Thank you. Thank you all. You're all too kind. Democracy wins again!"

"What's going on!" Sasha challenged instinctively step forward as she stared up both confusingly and with anger. "That Toad lost!"

"What gives!?" Anne jumped in as well, her frowned deeply as she heard Toadstool, Duckweed and few others laughing.

"Does Hopediah teach you anything!?" Duckweed asked with sarcasm.

"He taught me how to make it look like an accident." Sasha threated, making the Newt gulp nervously, putting his hands up in defense and slowly backed up.

"Well you see..." He laughed nervously, "the Valley is worth two points and the country side is worth one. Toadstool won the valley so he has more points."

"But Hop Pop has more votes?" Sprig questioned.

Toadstool simply waved it away, "Well that just how are things work."

Toadie walked up with a smile, "The victory piñata is all set up in the lobby, sir."

"Wahoo! Piñata! I'm gonna hit it." Toadstool smiled and ran off.

The kids slowly approached Hop Pop as he remained sitting down in front of the town hall for a few hours. They were worry how this lost would affect him, they were concern that he had fallen even deeper into dispair. Sprig was the first to approach his grandfather. "Hey, Hop Pop...You okay?"

The there surprised Hop Pop turn to them, with a smile. "Yep! I've never felt better!"

"Huh?" Sprig asked.

"Really?" Anne questioned with concern. "You know you lost, right? Are you in shock? Is he in shock?"

The strange mismatch family turn around to see locals frogs were gathered around him. Wally was the first to approach them, "Hopadiah? Uh, may we have a word?"

Old frog was left confused and surprised as he followed the group of frogs. Hop Pop face broke out into a huge, genuine smile at the sight before him. His stand.

"We all pitched in and built you a stand. For giving us something better than produce..." Felicia explained.

"Hope." Farine finished.

Hop Pop eyes shimmered with wetness, but he wouldn't cry in front of them. "Thank you." he said in a weak voice, holding back emotion that he was clearly working hard to hide.

"You've made us all proud." Croaker offered a kind smile.

Hop Pop's face warmed, as he approached the stand, reading the new sign; Plantar's vegetable. Grandson and Granddaughters. "I may have lost the race, but I'm back at the market with all of you. And that makes me a winner. This is perfect."

Anne, Marcy and even surprising Sasha smiled as at seeing how beautiful the community to come together to help Hop Pop. Hop Pop even though he went against this political machine, he had good idea he had the people behind him. He still lost the bigger race but in his heart he won, he wouldn't considered himself a loser. He has the townsfolk's respect, their love, and he has his stand back. It maybe not the perfect ending but it's ending that will keep him moving forward.

The rest of the Country? World? Island? Is Amphibia the name of the world or the country? Anyway it was stupid that people outside of town got to vote. Unless we'll get actually reason in canon. So I used the election college system. Hop Pop wins the popular vote but still loses. Mainly seem strange giving how Hop Pop loves history he would have probably knew how his elections work, plus with Marcy she'll probably would have read about it.

Sorry for the wait.

Owl House and Amphibia are just around the corner.

Any Pokemon Fans? Excited for gen 9? Who will you pick.