
21. Toad Tax Pt 2

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, Alquimistaarcano77, Kaiju, Nopeknight, TALOS X, Stryker, Mr. Hardcor3, Gojirafan1954, Tearnon, Jason, brentdyedragon, gregorian12, PizzaGuest, Morticon, schweenieboy, snake screamer, Rodimus973, Pushistaya ten, Shadowcat1083 Guest for the comment.

In retrospect, Anne should had felt something was off. Like an approaching storm, Anne could sensed emotion of uneasiness floating over her; something was wrong. "Oh, crud. Bog, that list has to be wrong. I know that frog. He's totally honest." She turned to Sasha, "Sasha tell them."

Sasha was looking at the badge on her shirt, her mind fighting her over what to do.

"Anne, the tower didn't get any taxes, okay?" Bog, glared, not liking how this stranger creature had been questioning him all day, He stared at Anne, not exactly with a suspicious or cross look, but the intensity of his discerning eyes makes Anne fidget. "And if we didn't get the money, then where is it?" He waited for answer, but Anne said nothing, instead rubbing her forearm nervously.

Back in the middle of middle town Sprig and Marcy followed Toadstool and Toadie through the town, they watched as the hide behind a giant curtain that covered the statue of the Mayor. Toadstool hides the missing taxes inside the new statue. Smiling, "It's flawless, Toadie. The perfect plan. Who would think to look for the missing taxes in plain sight?"

"Master stroke, sir."

"Quickly now. Let's skedaddle before anyone notices..." Toadstool was about to leave but was caught by Sprig and Marcy, the human took a picture with her phone.

"The taxes! You fiends!" Sprig pointed, frustrated, "Everyone's gonna be furious when they find out about this."

"I even gave you the benefit of the doubt." Marcy frowned, she never liked to think badly of people, she show them her picture, which was a video.

"Cool you can show the past on that think?" Toadie asked, "Can you show me my prom?

"Awesome!" Sprig smiled, "Can I see the day Polly was hatched?"

"Sorry, it doesn't work like that." Marcy corrected, and turned to glared at Toadstool, "Just wait until I show everyone this."

Toadstool gulped nervously, "Well, then it's a good thing you'll never get to shown them..." The large toad tried to jump towards the two, but with ease they moved out of the way.

"Well, ya gotta catch us first," The two blow a raspberry, as they ran off.

"Hey! Get after them."

Now, back at the Plantars, Anne and Sasha watched as Hop Pop and Polly confront the three Toads in front of their house, the clouds above pelt down rain, blanketing the dirt and soaking it into the mud.

"What?! That's nonsense! I paid my DAMN taxes!" Hop Pop grabbed a pitchfork in hand, ready to engaged to the Toads in combat . "You can't come in here, and that's final."

Bog glared at frog, holding his hammer threateningly, "I don't like your tone, frog. Or did you forget who you're talking to?" He glared down at frog, like he was nothing but a insect that must be stepped on immediately.

"Bog!" Anne stand in front of the Toads, shieding her frog family from them, "I am telling you, he paid his taxes. He... He made us watch."

Hop Pop was sitting in his study, writing down his taxes. Anne and Sasha wanted to die, but Marcy was all ears. "So then you add up your deductibles and... Oop! Guess what, girls?

"Oh..Oh..." Marcy raised her hand, "Are we a deductible!?"

"That's right Marcy!"

"Kill me!" Anne groaned.

"Please Frog make it end."

"Anne," Bog spoke coldly, "they all say they've paid. I don't care what you think you saw. The list don't lie. Now, what should we start with?"

"Well," Fens smiled and pointed at Bessie, "how about that thing?"

Bessie purrs chirps hiding inside her snail.

Hop Pop immediately ran infront of Bessie, "You stay away from her!"

"I'll bite your face off!" Polly scream, flinging her mas around.

"No hard feelings; we're just going our Job." Bog said, his smile betraying him, "Go collect his stuff!" Mire walked forward only to be strike by Hop Pop, all the stress and resentment for the pain and resentment he had against the Toads fill him. He would die hundred times over before he let any of these guys into his home or take Bessie. "I'll say this again get off my FROGGING property!"

"Ow..." Mire cried.

"Pathetic!" Bog splat on the ground, "He's a old frog. Fens do it!" On queue, the female toad Fens walked in front of him with a grin, her sheer size towering over him. Hop Pop attempt to strike only for Fens to knee him in the stomach and slammed him on the ground.

"Hop Pop!" Anne called watching as the old frog slowly tried to pick himself off, and Fens towered over him. She came to the realization that her success is morally worthless if it can only be achieve through the cost of someone else's life and safety... The family and this place may not be perfect but it's her home. "Stop" She ran over to aid Hop Pop, blocking the Toads from him."You keep your claws off our snail. Better yet...get off our property." She barked as thunder boomed and rain was pouring down, as Wartwood gathered around to watch.

"What is going on?" Croaker asked.

"She's so brave..." Felicia whispered.

Bog did a double-take. "Care to repeat that?" He growls with disdain.

"I said leave!" She emphasised. "All I wanted was this town's respect." She stares at the badge, seeing her reflection, not liking what she saw. "But just because these people treated me crummy doesn't mean I'm going to do the same to them. I'm done with this. I don't care if they've broken the law." She ripped the badge from her shirt, and threw it on the muddy ground, the crowd gasped. "If I'm going to earn their respect, then I'll do it my own way. Not by fear! Right Sasha?" Anne turned to her with a smiled.

"I..." It was funny, really. The old Sasha would've accepted the Toads offer with glee. All the that power and authority, her worth acknowledge... Pushes these dumb frog around putting them in line. Working with the toads gave her that opportunity again. "Anne, aren't you sick of these frogs pushing us around?"Her voice gave off a tone, that she didn't believe in what she was saying.

"Y... You," Anne felt cold she couldn't believe what she was hearing right now. "Seriously Sasha? Look around you." Sasha starred looking at the crowds her eyes spotted Ivy, behind her mom. Looking betrayed and hurt. Sasha try to justified herself, she was going to go home eventually and will probably never her again. She just wants things like they were back at school her at the top. She turn to Anne, looking at her with same look of hurt as Ivy. "Is what you seriously want Sasha? You're choose them over The Plantars? Over Ivy? Over Marcy? Over me?"

Bog smirked at her, "These frogs treated you like trash and you're just going to accept that?! With us, you be treated with respect"

"You are nothing but a butch of thugs!" Anne called out.

"I... I..." Sasha staring at the shiny badge, seeing her reflection and want she see back terrified and made her feel shame. She looked up at Anne seeing disappointment in her face, Hop Pop gave a look she was all to familiar with. She took off running, just like back home running away for her problems.

"Get back here, you little monster!" Fens barked.

"Let the coward run" Bog snapped his finger.

Fens pushes Anne to the ground, stomping on her back repeatedly.

Anne hisses in pain, as the crowd watched in horror.

"Anne!" Hop Pop cried out, fear of seeing another one of his child in danger was given him a panic attack... painfully flashbacks.

"I'll ripped you apart!" Polly cried.

Mire rush to action restraining Hop Pop and Polly.

"Hey! Let me go!" Polly struggle to break free.

"Let me go. Let me go!" Hop Pop cried out desperately, watching as Fens repeatedly stomp on Anne back. The weight of pushing her deep in the mud, nearly covering her in mud, the girl was coughing up balls of mud.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Anne watched as Bog towered over her, hammer in hand with a evil grin. "How disappointing. Do you know what we do to traitors in the tower, Anne?"

Fens laughed, "You're about to be a pill bug pancake, you little brat."

"Your foot's about to be a pancake!" Anne rolls out of the way, Bog's hammer hits Fens' foot instead. Fens screamed.

Anne quickly picked herself up, drawing her blade and tennis racket. She doesn't have time to plan her next move; as Fens charges at her. The female Toads swings her weapon as Anne barely is able to slide out of the way. "Stay still, you little brat!" snarls Fens." Anne was still barely able to dodge, she hasn't been in many fights back home, especially never a fight with swords. Luck for once favors Anne, as Fens is caught off balance and trips over a wayward rock in the mud, falling flat on her back. For once she was grateful Hop Pop's stubbornness to not fix the house had paid off. "Leave now!" She pointed the sword at Fens neck.

"Anne, behind you!" Polly cries out from the clutches of Mire. The Thai girl barely had time to register the warning. Bog smirked as he strike the hammer down hard on Anne's arm. The blunt weapon slams into her arm, it feels like her bones have been completely fractured. This is a new agony for Anne,The girls cursed in pain, as she fell to the ground, holding her arm her body trying to fight off tears, she refused to give him that.

Bog slowly walked over to Anne, aiming the hammer directly in front of her head, "Sorry, creature. It's just business," Everyone closed their eyes, Anne stared death in the face. Her body trembling. When something suddenly hit Bog in the back, "What the..." The crowd turned to see Sprig was the one who hit Bog, a bag hit Mire in the face and a cloud of black smoke caused him to drop the Plantars, using their chance Hop Pop punch him in the face, knocking him to the ground. He pointed a pitchfork at them. To keep him down. "Stay down."

"You leave her alone!" Sprig threatened aiming his slingshot, Marcy glared holding two bags in her hands.

"Yeah, you leave our Anne alone!" Wally cried.

"She's one of us!" Felicia raised her fist.

"Ganging up one a child? That's horrible!" Stumpy putting on large hammers on his hands.

"If you got a problem with her," Croaker held her cane up like it was a weapon. "You got a problem with all of us!"

"Get lost!" Ivy threw a rock, hitting Fens making her fall again.

"I normal don't like violence... But you guys deserve it." Maddie held a spell in her hands, her father raised a fist as he stood be her.

The frogs began to gathered around the Toads, causing some to worried, "Get out of our damn town!" Hop Pop glared.

"Anne!" Sprig cried and hug Anne tightly, Marcy also jumped into the hug.

Anne gave them a smile, "Hey, what took you so long?"

"Sorry, I got tied up." Sprig smiled apologetically, as Toadstool and Toadie stumbled through the bushes, panting. The frog boy immediately turned on him and pointed an accusing finger."Arrest that toad. He stole the town's money and was keeping it all for himself."

"Seriously?" Exclaimed Anne as the gathering frogs gasped in disbelief.

"This boy is full of lies." Toadstool said immediately.

"No he isn't." Growled Marcy, taking out her phone. "I have proof. Just look at this."

It's flawless, Toadie. The perfect plan. Who would think to look for the missing taxes in plain sight?

Master stroke, sir.

The frogs and Bog turned furious eyes onto the mayor, who frantically tried to backtrack, as the frogs ran after him... Throwing food, mud and rocks. Bog wanted nothing more than to finish his business with the strange, traitorous creature, but they were outnumber, so he left to collect the taxes as they left towards the center of town. Anne struggled to get to her feet, gasping her arm with agony. "Don't move, Anne!" Hop Pop said anxiously, "Marcy help me get her inside. Sprig... tried to fine Sasha."

"Wait Sasha?" Sprig asked.

"What happened." Marcy added.

"Later, just find her," Hop Pop said firmly. "Anne we gotta fix you up."

Sprig looked ready to protests, he wanted nothing more than to be by Anne's side. "But..."

"I'll be okay dude," Anne muttered, grimaciing as cradled her throbbing arm, causing everyone's heart to stuttered for a moment. "Just find her."

"All right, Anne." Sprig hopped off, he knew that Annne was in good hands with Hop Pop.

"Lets get you up," Marcy helped push her to feet, and guide her towards the farm and carefully lowered her on the couch, cradling her arm gingerly against her chest, as Hop Pop walked into his office. Polly hopped over to Anne's side and gave her a tight hug. "You awesome!" she cried. "You were all wham and bam!"

"Yeah, and then I got bammed," She tried to laugh, only to feel pain. "Ow... this hurts like hell."

Marcy's heart stuttered, looking away, "If only I got here sooner."

Anne gave a small smile, "It's not your fault."

"Yeah!" Polly added, "Those Toads fought dirty!"

Marcy wiped away a tears, taking in there words. But it wasn't true she was reason they were trapped here.

"There right," Hop Pop returned with supplies. "You're not responsible for other people actions. All right..." Marcy nodds, "Good." He turned to Anne. "And don't you beat yourself up about either." Anne didn't response, she was to a shame to look at him. She betrayal his trust by helping the Toads, despite him telling her they're bad news. Hop Pop didn't like her lack of response but choose to ignore it for now. "Alright Anne, let's take a look." His warm grandfatherly tone caused her nerves to lower a little, Anne let out a slow deep breath and gave a nod. Hop Pop puts on gloves and dipped his fingers into a jar of clear gel. "This is going to hurt." He carefully took Anne's arm and rubbed the gel into her skin.

Anne let out a yelp, "Ow ow ow!"

"Oh, suck it up," childed Polly. "You wanna get better or not?"

"Polly, be nice," Interjected Hop Pop.

"Here, Anne!" Marcy grabbed hold on to her hand. "What is this stuff anyway."

"Snail slime," Hop Pop informed, as he removes his gloves, "It will freeze your arm so you won't feel the pain." He then picks up a sling, and carefully position the limb and wraps the sack around it like a cases.

"Are we done?"

"Almost," Hop Pop said. "You just have to drink this."

"What's this?"

"This will fix up your any bones that might be broken." Anne down the strange drink.

"Good girl," praised Hop Pop, patting her back. He noticed her avoid glaze, "It's not your fault."


"The Toads would have still take the stuff with or without you."

Anne furrowed and looked down. "I guess. But I helped. I was stupid. You, two warned me and I didn't listen."

"Yes you should have," agreed Hop Pop. "But you still would have gotten hurt, because you wouldn't let them take Bessie. You still would have challenge them. Because you have a good, strong heart in you Anne. You try your best taking on those Toads and he overpowered you and that's okay. You did the right thing, by fighting back for what you believe was right. I'm very proud of you." Bit by bit the strange creature that he let stay with him, reminded him so much of his own daughter. Brave, heart that will fight for others before herself... He just hope that she won't ended up like Sally. "I know tonight was lot. You took on a group of Toads all by yourself. Not many walk away from something like that."

"Aw, you think so?" Anne smiled.

"I know so," Hop Pop said with certainly, "So don't either of you waste a second worrying about your choices, because you did nothing wrong."

"Thanks," Anne hug Hop Pop with one arm, as Polly and Marcy joined. "Thank you, for taking care of us."

"I promised I would, didn't I?" Hop Pop, smiled. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you better." There was regret in his voice and they hug him tighter.

"Don't," Anne said, "It's my fault I got hurt."

Hop Pop nods, "Now go rest up. All of you, I'm going out to see if I can fine Sprig and Sasha. Anne you can use my bed until your better. I'll take the couch."

Just by the edges of town, Sasha was holding her knees close her chest. She was cursing herself to just get a hold of herself. She was feeling bad about herself, and she didn't like it. She just looks at the badge in her hands. Was this what she wanted... Power and control over everything else? Having all the power and control felt great at the moment. But now she wasn't to sure. Plus she never saw Anne like that. She didn't speak up, part of head was blaming the frogs, especially the pink one. She was alone with her thoughs until she felt something hit her back.

Turning around she saw Ivy holding a mud ball, if Sasha was in the mode she'll tell that frog girl off. But she didn't have the strength to care, "You jerk!"

"Say what you want, and let me be," Sasha signed, she had everything she wanted, and lost it just as soon as she got it.

Ivy formed her arms, "You left, Anne and she got hurt taking on those toads."

"What?" Sasha eyes widen, great something else that was her fault. No her brain told her, it was Anne's fault. If she had just knew her place this wouldn't happened.

"Why, would you hang out with those jerks."

"Because I'm sick of the town treating me like garage, with the Toads they have to respect me."

"We don't respect them, all you did was dig yourself into a bigger hole."

"I KNOW THAT!" Sasha snapped back, as she turns away, "They probably won't want be back now. Unless I do something big."

"You have to be good everyday and you can't just do one big gesture, and that makes everything better. life isn't like those little people trapped in your talking box." Sasha looks down, "Well. What matters now is, if you're willing to become a better person, if you're willing to fix things. If I know Anne, she'd forgive you. That of course you want to be a better people." Sasha didn't response, as Ivy helped her up. "Come on lets get you home."

"I can't face them right now. Can I go to your place instead." Ivy just nods.

Sasha was excepting a lashing from either Felicia or Sylvia from her past actions, they looked disappointed and hurt but gave understanding nod to the girl. "Felicia, just give her time. If we hold people accountable for things we did as children. Then I would be sent to the tower in chains." She smiled.

"It's just she can be a bad influence on Ivy."

"The more you push her away, the more likely she will go back to her. Isn't that why you went off with..."

"Mother!" They was knock on the door, the two Sundews got up to see Sprig and Hop Pop.

"Good night Mrs Sundews. Just wondering if you seen Sasha around." Hop Pop asked.

"She sleeping upstair," Sylvia replied, "How's Anne. The poor girl got hurt pretty bad." Felicia gave a sympathetic look.

"Fixed her the best I could," Hop Pop sighed with guilt, "Those Toads hit her pretty hard. And that son of slug Toadstool." The elderly frog calmed himself, "I'll let Sasha sleep here tonight. Good night."

"Good night Mrs Sundew, good night Mrs Sundew." Sprig smiled.

After dropping Sprig off at the house, Hop Pop made a stop at Stumpy's for a drink. "How could they be this reckless?"

"That just the why these young folks are, they think it's right thing to do." Stumpy spoke guffy, "I remember you were just as reckless as there age."

"They threw themselves at trouble wherever they find some."

"Eh, they're growing Hopadiah , looking to write their own stories. You can't protect them forever."

"I... Know, they have great heart, especially Anne. But a strong heart can only take you so far."

"It's been... What 5 years now?" Stumper asked sympathetic.


Hop Pop was up late reading a book on the couch, he looked up as he saw Marcy walk over the kid was fidgetting for a few minutes, something was on her mind. He smiled as he set his book down, "Would you like some tea? Set up Flipwart and I'll make the tea." The girl smiled but didn't answer, something was wrong, Hop Pop was easily winning, Marcy never put herself up for a easy lose. "Rough day?"

"Hop Pop?"


"Have you ever done something you believe was right, but it may have been bad."

Hop Pop closed his eyes, sighing, "Marcy, you don't live to my age without having a share of regrets. Why do you ask."

"It's my fault, Anne got hurt." The girl was crying.

"Marcy, it was the toads and Toadstool, don't beat yourself up over it."

"How do you make something right when you've made it so wrong you can never go back?"

"Marcy I don't understand?"

"I knew about the music box."

"What are you talking about?"

"The day we came here, my dad got a new job out of state, they were making me move away. They were gonna tear us apart! I...I found the box I had no idea it would actually work, but it did, " Marcy tears up, "and... and it sent to a place where we never have to grow apart, where the three of us could friends forever together! The other two, they don't get it. They'll never get it. They think they do, but they'll never love this place... Not like I do." That revelation felt like lead in her stomach; her friends would always wanted to go home as soon as they could. "Am...am I wrong for wanting to just stay a little longer? This place is so wonderful, and they just.._ can't see it. They can't see the world for how truly beautiful it is." Marcy' eyes were water. "But I mean, how do I even approach that? How do I start the conversation that maybe... we should stay here? I'm going to have to bring it up eventually. Or else..."

Marcy couldn't finish the thought. "Shush now child," Hop Pop pulled her into a hug, "That's too much worrying for you." Marcy rubbed her cheek against Hop Pop, as the old frog gently rubbed her back. "Do they know?" Marcy shock her head, "Marcy look at me." She did as he ask, and he wiped away her tears with a rag. "What you did wasn't right... But this doesn't make you a bad person. You just wanted your friends. Its how you fix things that defines not are mistakes."

"Do you hate me?"

"Marcy, you may not have my eyes, you maybe not have my smiled, but you have my heart. I'm sure Sasha and Anne feel the same."

"They'll probably hate me. I did this for us. I was going to lose my only friends... I... I... I...I..." Hop Pop hug her tightly, he didn't care she was ruining his shirt.

"Marcy, you never give up on someone that you can't go a day without thinking about." He pats her back affectionately. "You will have to tell them."

"I... I..."

"I can be there for you when you do. Remember Marcy, a true friend with always be there for you. They can be ashamed of you or disappointed in you, and they can even not like who you are in that moment... They always be there. And I think Anne and Sasha are those type of friends."

The next morning, the frogs and humans gathered to collect their stuff back. Sasha stay quiet, avoided looking at Anne in the eyes.

"If it was respect you were looking for, you sure lost mine. You've a lot of nerve, I'll give you that." Bog laughed, "We'll be back, Anne, and we won't be alone."

"She don't need your respect!" Hop Pop glared.

"Yeah. She's got ours!,"

Bog groaned and turned Sasha, "And you... We have an opening if you'll like. Get away from this place, stay at the tower. The Captain will sure like having soldiers that can fight. So how about it, creature?" Sasha didn't response, as everyone's eyes were glued on her, all wondering what she will do.

"Creature! I won't ask you again!" The Frogs got ready to engage for a possibly fight if need be. Anne just watched, speechless at wondering what Sasha will do as she slowly walks forward. Sprig was shaking his head, and Ivy formed her arms, Hop Pop held out hope she'll do the right thing.

"Well creature?" Bog smiled.

Sasha smiled, and then glared, giving Bog a gut punch, "The name is Sasha Waybright! And if I see your ugly warty face harassing these folks again I'll make you regert it." Mire and Fens ready their weapons, as did the town. Bog was ruthless, but not stupid, sure he could take out a few of these folks, but they outnumber him.

Bog picks himself out left on his spider.

"So are we gonna tell the captain about that creatures we found?"

"Oh, we're gonna tell the captain everything."

"Three cheers for Anne and Sasha, defender of Wartwood!" Wally smiled.

"Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray!"

"Aw, thanks, guys." Anne sniffles, "Now who wants to sign my cast?"

"Me, me, me. I'm her best friend." Sprig smiled.

"Me!" Polly shoved, "Out of the way, you plebes."

"Oi!" Wally cried, "I can't write."