
20. Toad Tax Pt 1

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, Alquimistaarcano77, Kaiju, Nopeknight, TALOS X, Stryker, Mr. Hardcor3, Gojirafan1954, Tearnon, Jason, brentdyedragon, gregorian12, PizzaGuest, schweenieboy, snake screamer, Rodimus973, Pushistaya ten, Shadowcat1083 Guest for the comment.

'Slow to Accept, even slower to respect' was the town's motto. This brought a lot of resentment to Sasha against the townsfolk. It didn't help that she didn't make a good first impression or a second, or a third, also followed by a series of bad decisions. Attacking frogs that made her mad, shoplifting, damaging property when joyriding Bessie through town. She was by far the most distrusted of the three new strange creatures that arrived here a month ago. They were treated more then outcast then the town's drunk Wally. Sasha and Anne were getting sick of this, while Marcy was just happy to learn magic with Maddie and go explore with Sprig and Polly, she was used to being treated like outcast back home.

"Look! There's a spot!" Sprig, exclaimed, pointing at the narrow space between rows of snails.

"Good fine, Sprig!" Hop Pop, replied.

"I don't know. Seems kinda tight." Anne, noted.

"That's what she said." Polly smiled.

"I regard telling you that." Sasha rolled her eyes, "But, yeah. I don't think Bessie will fit. Lets fine another spot."

"Nonsense! Bessie can fit." Agrued Hop Pop, patting the snail's lovingly, as he steered the snail, scratching the other snail's shells with a painful screech, startling Sasha. Sprig was looking backwards checking as they backed up, "Your good, your good, your good, your good... and stop."

"Really? You couldn't have parked anywhere else?" Sasha rolled her eyes, turning to Anne. "Old people right?!"

Anne laughed a little.

While Hop Pop didn't respond, once parked, the Plantars, Sasha and Anne climbed off the snail, their shopping bags slung around their arms. "Alright, kids! We'll meet up back here in an hour. Sasha, Anne, I want your help carrying groceries."

"Sure thing HP," Anne smiled.

"Why!?" Sasha groaned, "Can't you do it yourself?"

"Because I asks you, that's why." He clarified. "I know what you're like alone with these folks."

Sasha snapped back, "It's there fault."

"Sometimes it is on them, and sometimes it's on you." Sasha rolled her eyes, of course the old geezer is taking there side. She wasn't sure why she was a magnet for trouble. She wasn't causing trouble, and besides she was above these things... they aren't humans... She should be treated like a queen here. Now she lower then any loser at school.

While Sprig and Polly went elsewhere, the two human girls followed alongside Hop Pop to the Grub & Go. Anne felt terrible with how often they had to go for groceries. Just one human was eating about three amphibian worth a day, and the family was looking after three of them. It wasn't until they lost the stand, that Anne realize how much she was putting on these frogs. But despite the struggle Hop Pop still let them stay.

"Oh! Pill bugs are on sale," Hop Pop smiled, loading up the cart.

"Ooh! That reminds me. I'm gonna go grab some of that beetle jerky I like." Anne was hint with suddenly realization that she just said that, "Can't believe I just said that."

"Okay," Hop Pop smiled, as he gave Sasha the list, "Alright kids, you take half of the list, we'll meet up when you're done. And please try to be on your best behavior."

Sasha groaned, "Yeah, we heard you!" Grabbing her own cart, the groups separated. Anne smile a little, her heart warm up, reading the lists. Hop Pop seem to have taken notice on what she, Sasha and Marcy can eat without getting sick. It was sweet he did this. It didn't take them long to completely there list. Anne looked around the store, checking the lines. To refill her snack supplies, "Hmm. Where is that-Aha!" Her eyes spotted the bag, she immediately ran over to grab it. "Score. And I got the last one."

A tongue flew in the air, grabbing the treat, from Anne, she shake her fist at Wally. "That was mine!"

Sasha glared and trying to tackle the frog, only for him to jump out of the way, she groan as she picked herself off the floor, "Hey! Give it back, you bum!"

"Ya snooze, ya lose, scarecrow." He blow a raspberry and hopped away.

Anne groaned, "Hey! Don't call me scarecrow!" Suddenly from behind, a shopping cart slammed into her, causing her to cry out in pain. "OW! Watch it!"

"You watch it, monsters, Croaker needs her cookies. Move your big behind!" She then slammed the cart repeatedly into the both of them, much to her irrigation. "MOVE! MOVE!"

CAN'T YOU JUST PUSH YOUR CART AROUND!" Sasha grabbed the cart, slamming it into Croaker, preventing her from moving. However that was Sasha mistake, as just like back home, old ladies stubbornness made them powerful. Croaker pushed back, slamming into Sasha. The two repeated slamming the cart into each other, until Croaker shoved Sasha down, and left with a victorious crackle.

"Are you alright?" Anne asked, as she helped her back up. Sasha didn't reply, she marched her way over ready to trade blows with the old lady, she didn't notice the wet floor sign as she march forward, causing her to slip and fell. Whoa!" Anne ran to help her but slipped as well.

"Hey! Didn't you see the sign, scarecrows?" The clerk asked.

"Maybe it can't read. Typical monsters, typical Plantars," Monroe remaked, "all uncivilized. But I guess trash runs with trash."

"What weird creatures. I wonder if there house trained?" Duckweed asked.

The Villagers all gathered around pointing and laughing at the two girls.

Anne was beat red, covering her face, while Sasha's fist clenched ready to strike the next frog that dare to say anything, striking Duckweed in the face.


Before she could throw another punch, Hop Pop called out her name from the front door, "We're leaving."


"No buts! We're leaving. Now!"

"FINE!" Sasha glare at the frogs, pretended to run towards them, causing a few to trip.



Outside, they return back to their snail, "So did you get the beetle jerky you-," Sprig smiled until he noticed Anne's frown. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Anne sighs "Well, it's just...I've been here over a month now, and the townspeople still treat me crummy. I just wish they were a little nicer."

Sasha was huffing with angry, she was tried of being second class to frogs. They're just slimy gross things back home. She tried her nice act, but the frogs didn't immediately do what she asked for. She could just simply fight them all, be the queen bee. Not having control, it was making her boiling with rage.

"Oh, that's just the way these frogs are. Slow to accept, and even slower to respect. It's actually our town motto." Hop Pop pointed towards the sign. "You'll find a way to get their respect, in your own weird way. Things will get better soon I promise." Hop Pop assured with a hopeful smile.

Though, the effect was minor, Anne smiled, while Sasha growl frustratedly. "Don't make promises you can't keep, old man."

Hop Pop signed sadly, "Now, who wants pill bug pancakes?"

"Ooh! My favorite." Anne smiled, until she realized she might be getting a little too comfortable here. "I've been here too long."

As they passed through the town center, there was a new statute of Toadstool's kissing a baby.

"Well, that statue's new." Hop Pop said.

"And tasteless. Woof!" Sprig grimaced.

"It's almost the sides as his ego." Sasha said, Polly jumped to give Sasha a high-five... or High-fin.

But then, out of nowhere, Bessie began chirping in distress." Whoa, whoa, girl. Easy. What's wrong? Anne asked, patting her softy. Looking forward, that's when she saw it. Coming from outside of town, a carriage was pulled by a monstrous tarantula, consisting entirely of very aggressive-looking Toads. "Who are those guys?"

Hop Pop frowned as he watched the newcomers parked outside of the town hall. Instantly after, the doors burst open and Toadstool walked out to great them."Toads from Toad Tower. They rule over the entire valley."

"Toad what?" Sasha asked.

"It's a big, scary tower deep in the swamp and the toads that live there are the valley's fiercest warriors." Sprig exclaimed.

"Whoa! Cool!" Anne smiled.

"They kinda look like chumps to me." Sasha replied bluntly.

Hop Pop seemed to agreed with Sasha statement, the Toads haven't done jack to protect Wartwood from threats. "Hmmm... They can be a rough sort. It's probably for the best that we all stay clear of.."

"Eh, Hop Pop? They're already gone." Polly remarked.

"Frog darnit!"

"Hey, guys. So, you're from Toad Tower?" Sprig smiled.

"Sure are, runt."

Sprig laughs "My name's Sprig, actually."

" Uh-huh. Yeah, sure. Whoa! What are those? It's some kind of gangly new critters I've never seen before." Bog exclaimed, looking up and down over non-amphibian form.

"I wonder what it tastes like."

Hearing that, Sasha glared. "You take one step and it'll be your last."

"Whoa, whoa, hey. They are not for eating." Sprig took out his slingshot.

"Don't come any closer." Anne took out her tennis racket.

"Is that a challenge?" Fens asked with glee. Without hesitation, she pulled our her mace, and charged at her target with a cry. Anne and Sasha calmly took a step back, just inches from being hit. Anne strike Fens in her face with her racket. Sasha quickly noticed this and struck Fens right in the chest, then elbowed in the chin, dropping her onto the ground. Sasha smirked picking up the mace. Fens quickly raised her arms up to her face, while her group took out there weapons.

"Sasha don't!" Anne frozen, at the sight, Sasha had glare of angry in her face. She was worried Sasha would go to far, she didn't want things to end in blood for either side. Sasha raised the mace in the air, and got ready to strike she stopped, just a few inches from Fens' face.

The Toads opened her eyes, surprised that the blow did not come. Sasha glared, "I'm keeping this."

Bog laughed. "Well met, creature. I don't know what you are, but you've got fire."

Sasha shrugged, as if it was no big deal. These guys are great warriors? They're a butch of wimps. "Yep, I'm awesome." carrying a smile of her own, finally someone other then dirt farmer notices she awesome.

"Okay, kids." Hop Pop called them over, "That's enough flirting with death. Let's head home."

"Blech," Sprig rolled his eyes, "finally. Come on."

"I was thinking we could hang out with these guys a little longer." Anne smiled, "They seem pretty cool."

"Cool? More like smelly. Not to mention creepy." Sprig pointed towards a Toad who's face was hidden by a large frog-shaped helmet, his breath was raspy and creepy.

"Wait a second. Are you jealous I think they're cool?"

"No. Ha! If you wanna hang out with some grody toads, Anne, be my guest. No skin off my skin."

"Okay. But don't dally too long, stay out of trouble."

"I'm eating your pancakes." Polly called out.

"Not jealous."

"Oh, he jelly." Anne smirked as she returns back to the toads, "Hey. I didn't get a chance to ask your-"

"Name's Bog, the silent one there is Mire. And Fens here you already met."

"I'm Anne, and this is Sasha. What are you guys doing in Wartwood?"

"Every year, this town sends taxes to the tower. Well, this year, they came up short. So, the Mayor gave us this list of frogs who didn't pay and we're just here to collect. Say, we could use someone like you."


"Yeah. You've got inside knowledge of this town. It'll make the whole job go a lot smoother".

"Oh. Um...I don't know," Anne was looking down, unsure about this. Something felt wrong. "I'm not sure any of this is my business."

Sasha was quick to pick up on Anne discomfort, it was time to do what she does best. Making Anne believe her way is the only way. "After what just happened today. You think these things are ever going to accept us, Anne. Their town slogan is literary 'slow to accept," Sasha asked, waving her arm.

"In time, they might..." Anne was quickly shut down by Sasha.

"You think we're just going to, what, walk down the main street, they wave, say good morning. That will never happen they hate us!"

"The Plantars don't hate us, the Sundews like you?" Anne said, the fire in her eyes suddenly dying under Sasha's assault.

"So only a few frogs like us, everyone else treats us like garage."

"You know," Bog smirk, picking up on what Sasha was doing, "the best part of wearing this badge is how everyone in this town will have to treat you with respect."

"Gimme that ding-dang thing!"

"That's my girl." Sasha smiled, "We'll teach these frogs a lesson."

The two return back to the farm, finding Marcy outside going through her notes. Hop Pop and Sprig were helping her out, she made a zapapede fence around the crops to keep some pests away. Made a watering system that was set to go off every ten hours. Making a sound system that was sent at a pitch to draw pests away. It always made Anne feel dumb and useless that she couldn't help her froggy family like this.

"I got to say, your idea are pretty great, Marcy." Sprig smiled.

"Thanks Sprig." Marcy smiled.

"Okay even my a little impressive with your ideas," Hop Pop replied. "You got yourself a big brain in that head of yours. You could even go to NU."

"Thanks Hop Pop." She smiled, she saw Anne and Sasha have returning, wearing new armor. "Whoa. Looking good."

"Thanks, Marcy." Sasha smirked, "But look at this place. It's almost liveable."

Anne couldn't hold her excitement, "Guess who became a Toad Tower deputy!"


"Also, check out this cool sword Bog gave me." Anne swings sword and slices the mail box. "I can fix that."

"Girls," Hop Pop was shaking his head with disappointment, "when I said earn the town's respect, I didn't mean join a gang."

Marcy looked up, "Anne, Sasha. I read about those Toads. They're very cruel towards frogs. They're the kind you don't want to hang out with."

Sasha groaned, "I'm tired of being pushed around by lesser beings. I'm earning the town's respect my way. The Sasha way."

Anne scoffs, "I don't believe this. They're not a gang. They're just here to do a job. Now if you'll excuse me, we have some respect to enjoy. You coming Mar-Mar?"

Marcy looks down, telling people her true feeling about something was hard. She pulled her hoodie over her head, "I don't know from what I read, and from what Hop Pop told me there bad news."

Sasha rolled her eyes, "The old man is just a racist old man. I'm going off to enjoy getting the respect I deserve." As the two were beginning to walk off, Sprig followed.

"Uh, boy, what are you doin'?"

"I have a bad feeling about this. So I'm gonna go follow Anne and Sasha watch over them."

"Alright boy." Hop Pop said.

Marcy picked herself, "Can I come with you?"

"Sure," Sprig smiled, "Time for Team Spricy? Umm Marig? I can't think of a name yet. But let's go." He leap off as Marcy happily followed him.

Sasha and Anne have met up with Bog and the rest of his crew, Sasha was waiting for there first stop. Finally she can put these slimy frogs in line. Bog was reading over the list, seem the whole town didn't pay there taxes Bog grimaced, Frogs were stepping out of line a lot lately. "All right. First name on the list." Bog read off the list as they stopped at Wally.

"So," Anne asked, "how does this work? Do we remind Wally how much he owes or-" Before she could even finish her sentence, to her complete shock the Toads broken down the door. Interrupting Wally as he was taking a bath. "Jumping June bugs! What's all this about?"

Toads glared and chuckled.

"I" Anne spoke hesitantly, looking around nervously, "uh, guess you owe the town money?"

"Rubbish!" Wally sounded offend, "I may live in squalor, but I always pay my taxes."

"The mayor's list says otherwise." Bog walked up to Wally's face, "And since you haven't paid, we'll be taking your stuff."

Wally whimpering like scared dog, as the Toads ransacked his house, Sasha took in the looting as well. Letting out her anger and built up frustration out. These frogs had this coming for awhile. Anne just stood there completely shocked at Sasha's actions. Sure the frogs were mean but...

"Anne, look at what I found?" Sasha smiles hands her a bag of beetle jerky. "I believe this was ours."

The bag felt like it weight a ton in her hands, she stares down at it. "Bog, this seems a little extreme."

"It's just the way we do things here. Plus, it's not like we enjoy it." Bog tone told a different story, "Now who wants to race to the next house?" The Toads laughed and they ran off.

"Sasha... You think we made a mistake?" Anne spoke softy, glance at Wally. She always see him with cheerfully smile even on a bad day, so seeing him like this just hurt.

Sasha let out annoying groan, and a scoff, "Seriously? These frogs had it coming. We have respect." Sasha smiled, "And besides. There just frogs they don't matter." Sasha couldn't believe Anne was doing this. Always being a good little girl... But who had to save her all the time. "Isn't nice to have this towns respect?"

"I... guess..." Anne rubbed the bag in her hand, taking in Sasha's words. It was nice to have respect... But like this? They don't matte! Is that what Sasha really felt about them. No... The Plantars are as close as family. They do matter.

"Than stop with feeling down, you're just giving them a taste of what they deserve." Sasha glared at the town drunk, looking at him like a bug, before leaving.

Anne was now left alone with local lone, she the damage ransacked house filled her with guilt. "Here," Anne said with sympathetic tone as she hand him the bag, "take this back."

"Come on, Anne!" Bog yelled.

"Comin'." Anne ran outside.

Wally smiled as he watched her leave, holding the snack bag close to his heart to some it wasn't much but for someone like Wally it was huge. "Thanks."

Sprig and Marcy were watching from a distance, hiding in a bush as the Toads left Wally's place. "That's weird. Wally always pays his taxes."

"Poor Wally," Marcy said looking down, rubbing her thumbs together. "He's always so happy and cheerfully." The two stopped as the heard movement and whispering nearby.

To there surprise, they saw Toadstool and Toadie walking through the forest, Toadie carrying a large bag. "Come on, Toadie. While the townsfolk are preoccupied."

Toadie was struggling under the weight of the bag, "Coming, sir." He panted, as they walked away a coin fell out of the bag.

Sprig picks it up and looks it over with interest, "A copper coin? The mayor? A hole? In the bag? Hmm." Sprig heard Marcy gasp, her face beat red, "What is it Marcy?"

Marcy's brain was going all over the place, she didn't want to think badly of people. First the tax increases, Toads shows up looking for the money, Toadstool hiding in the forest with a bag. "I... I think Toadstool is hiding the town's taxes for himself."

"That monster!" Sprig tighten his fist. "Lets go tell the Toads."

"Wait. We need prove first," Marcy took out her phone, "Lets follow him to make sure. And we get prove." Marcy smiled, this was liking solving a crime. "This is fun. It's like my batman and your robin."

"I haven't no idea what that is." Sprig smiled, but was more up to having some fun with Marcy. They followed the sounds of jingling and Toadie grunts "I hope you'll be okay, Anne."

Mire gurgling at the Flours, shaking the triples as they hide by their big sitter and father. The Toads were smashing up the shop, while Sasha was helping herself to some bake good. She smiled tasting the fresh cookies, it was break to be treated like a queen again. As they moved up to the next house, Anne sneaked back Farine's special apron. The baker gave a small smile.

Fens chuckles as she tops over tables at the Sundew's place. "Oh, how horrid!" Felicia held Ivy tightly around her, Sylvia held a mop in a defense state. They seem more hurt by Sasha's actions, Ivy's eyes were solely on Sasha.

Anne whispers, handling over a mup, "Here, take this."

Loggie was on his feet beg with tears, as they walk outside the shop with a statue, "No, no, no, not the statue. No!"

Anne, "Psst." She hands him back his cane.

"Oh!" Loggie cried, "Yes. Oh!" Anne was regretting this, but seeing how much Sasha was enjoying having this little bit of power alarmed her. She was beginning to feel like those kids at school, picking on her.

To Anne's shock the local pub owner Stumpy didn't seem to even carry that his restaurant was ransacked. He paid it a little to no attention, the Toads didn't have to destroy anything as the restaurant always already ruined enough. "She sneak out one of his hand replacements as they left. She even felt bad when they ransacked Monroe's place, Anne's gave back a picture of him of himself with a younger frog she believe was was wife.

"Archie! Sic 'em!" Croaker called out.

Archie snarls, Mire let out a roar, making the spider whimper. Before leaving, Anne sneaked back Archie's bed, "Here you go."

Anne follows the Toads, at first she was enjoying the thought of getting the Town's respect. But now she was feeling even worse then before, "I don't know, guys. This whole thing feels [grunts] wrong. Sasha, your with me right."

"After how they treated us?! Sasha groaned, why was it whenever she was having fun Anne had to ruin it. "Beside they didn't pay. So it's all on them."

"Your friend is right," Bog said as he loads up the truck. "The law's the law, Anne. It can be tough, but this kind of work needs to get done."

I..." Anne sighed, "guess that makes sense. Who's next on the list?"

Bog pulled out his listed, "Eh, some nut named Hopadiah Plantar."

I Spilt Toad Tax into 2 parts.