
2. Friend or Beast Pt 2

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to drake wind for the comment.

Back as Wartwood Hop Pop exited the Grub and Go carry a bag full of groceries, when he stopped surprised by a crowd gathering around, they all seemed to be wielding farming equipment and torches.

"Now when I say kill you say it, Kill." said the Mayor.

"IT" chanted the crowd.



"I'm getting to old for this nonsense," Hop Pop sighed and walked towards the cart and climbed into the front seat, he turned around to see his grandchildren. "Come on kids time to WHAT TH?."

Polly was lying on the floor a chocolate stain covered her mouth, and wrapper surrounded her. "I don't have a candy problem, You have a candy problem"

"Polly!," Said Hop Pop terrified. "Where's Sprig?"

"Something Something Monster, Something Something Woods," Polly replied rather bored.

The crowd had gathered around the cart following Hop Pop's outburst.

"OOOOHHHH, If your boys gone into the woods, ee's as good as eatin," said Wally, "That beast will devour everything in its path,.

"Not on my watch" Hop Pop declared, He grabbed Polly and leaped off to the wood

"HANG IN THERE BOY," He shouted, "HOP POP's A comin" The Mob followed him screaming their agreement

Sprig had to be honest with himself Anne and Marcy were fun, Sasha not so much. They had spent the past twenty minutes picking up Mushrooms and roots. They're telling jokes, Marcy was asking very strange question that the young boy didn't understand.

"Thank God," Sasha signed as the girls looked over them for a second and picked up a pink root and eat it.

"Hey this is pretty good," Anne said with her mouth full.

"Better then some dirty old bug." Sasha replied as she picked up a second mushroom.

"Mm, Hmm" nodded Sprig who sat on a log "so first question...WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU AND WHERE DID YOU COME FROM" he shouted.

Anne rubbed some of the remains of the root from her mouth. "We're human beings, And we come from ANOTHER WORLD,"

"Either that or this is a dream," Marcy smiled, "I have plenty of fantasy adventure dreams before. And my alarm always goes out when its get good."

"Wow," said Sprig amazed, "So do you know how you got here?"

"Nope" admitted Anne looking upset. "one minute we're in our world, and the next thing I knew we're here, we don't know how to get home." Anne sat on a log next to sprig she lifted her knees to her chest "Or even If we can go home." Sasha and Marcy place comfortable hand on her shoulder and smiled.

"Could be worse," Marcy said trying to sound comforting, she gave her friends a smile, "At least were here together."

"True, we have each other." Sasha smiled.

"Thanks... Guys," Anne wiped away a tear, and gave them a smiled.

Sprig started to realize that they weren't some big scary monster, they seemed to be another kid like him, lonely scared.

"So yep, That's our story," Anne said acting a bit more cheerful "How about you? What were you doing in the wood?"

"proving that I'm responsible." Sprig Said enthusiastically.

"Oh Yeah," Sasha raised an eyebrow at the frog boy "How?"


However, before he could think of an answer they heard the voice of Wally shout "THERE THEY ARE."

As the mob neared the girls, Sprig was too shocked to do anything.

"Stay away from us" Anne said before they were jumped by the mob, in seconds they had the girls on the floor and were in the middle of tieing them up.

"Hey, back off." Sasha was trying to break free, hitting and kicking at the frogs.

Sprig tried to help "Wait no you got it all wrong," he pleaded to no avail eventually the girls were tied up on the ground struggling to even move.

That's when Sprig saw Hop Pop come up to him, Hop Pop actually looked proud, "Haha, you caught the monster, Sprig I'm impressed."

"Dude you set us up," said Anne, "I thought we were connecting"

"If I get free," Sasha glared, "I will eat you."

"The double cross by the friendly local," Marcy groaned, " Typical trope I should have seen this coming."

"This isn't a stupid game Marcy!" Sasha snarl, glaring at Sprig. "What are you planning? Are you going to eat us."

"No no no no no," Sprig said, "This wasn't my plan."

Before he could explain anything there was a loud roar coming from the south, and out came a Green mantis monster.

The town screamed still terrified at the monster however Mayor Toadstool could handle this.

"Quick everyone, Mantis formation." with that the town started to climb on each other, standing on shoulders they formed a pyramid hoping that their bigger size would scare the monster off, The green mantis took one look and then retreated.

The town gave a small cheer.

"That actually worked," Sasha couldn't believe this would work, but it did.

All of a sudden from behind them a red mantis landed behind them bigger and scarier than the last, everyone turned to look at it in disbelief.

"Nope that scared it off," said Polly admitting the town's failure.

"Yeah that makes sense, "Said Hop Pop smiling.

The Red mantis screamed in their faces and using its scythe-like arms knocked down the pyramid, the frogs ran for there lives, Hop Pop Carried Polly to safety

Sprig stay and started to untie girls.

This was all his fault, if he hadn't gone looking for a monster the town wouldn't be out here looking for them, and rhe girls would probably be safe,

"What is this another trick?" said Sasha.

As he finished untieing Anne, Spring stood up and looked at the monster "I'll distract that thing you get out of here."

He charged at the monster, picked up a small rock, and shot it at the mantis's eye, The creature turned to face him.

"HAHA," he said realizing the monster was giving him its full attention

The Red Mantis Raised one of its scythe-like arms brought it down, Sprig closed his eyes and covered his head. He opened his eyes to see Anne and Marcy standing in front of him holding the arm, struggling but still holding it back, Sprig stood there gobsmacked, They came back, they could have run but they came back to save him. The rest of the town had stopped running and were now looking at Anne, Marcy and Sprig. Sasha stopped and turned around in disbelief that these two just risk there lives for someone they just met.

The Red Mantis raised its second scythe-like arm and brought it down. Slashing across Marcy's right leg, the girl let out scream of pain and dropped to the ground.

"Marcy!" Anne turned to face Sprig "DO SOMETHING" She shouted, her eyes briefly flashed blue.

Sprig however was busy with a plan "Oh on it, " he said.

Quickly he picked up the ropes that Anne had been tied up in and picked them up,

"Here kid," Sprig looked up and saw Sasha, "Let me help," They ran a circle around the creature jumped off of a tree, and flew over the creature's arm, Sprig kept jumping around the creature, which in turn kept getting tied up in the rope. During this the Creature stopped trying to kill Anne and tried to swat Sprig and Sasha, When a good part of it was tied up Sprig pulled on the rope hoping it would take the creature down, the beast slowed for a second, however, it was slowly starting to break free of the rope.

That's when Sasha pulled on the rope, instantly the rope tightened against the creature. in one pull the creature choked and fell to the floor.

The town noticed this and cheer.

Anne and Sprig looked at each other surprised in them themselves. "We did it," they said in unison.

"UP TOP," Said Anne with her hand raised and her palm at an angle, Sprig wondered what to do but gather it was similar to something that did in Wartwood, he shoot his tongue at her palm, "Oh boy, That's gross," she said in response.

"Marcy?" Sasha said, running to the girls side.

"Just a little cut." Marcy smiled, "I'll be fine."

"No you're not," Anne looked down at her friend, using her weight to support her friend and get her back on her feet. You're bleeding!"

"Well," Said the mayor with his courage regained. "Now that that's settled What the heck do we do with these thing,"

Sasha glared and tight her fist, she was more then willing to fight her way out.

"Maybe we ought to run it out of town just to be safe, Let it be someone else's problem," continued the mayor. "

Sprig watched then and realized he couldn't let this happen, he ran in front of the mob. "Stop right there," he said with his arms stretched out. "They're not a monster, They're just some lost kids and needs our help, Look one is hurt real bad.."

He couldn't see Anne right now but she was currently smiling at her new friend.

"Are you crazy?" said Toadstool.

"Yeah, What if it goes nutty tomorrow and starts eating people," said Wally.

"Not gonna happen, buddy," said Anne disgusted. "Look just help our friend and we'll leave."

Hop Pop walked up to his grandson and the creature he had befriended, Polly was currently riding on his head "Don't worry yourself silly, I'll keep an eye on em."

Mayor toadstool threw up his hands "Have it your way Hopeidah Plantar, But I don't like it."

Sprig looked at the ground, "Looks like I'm back to causing trouble for the family again, Huh?"

Hop Pop turned to Sprig with a surprising look in his eyes, pride. "Trouble, Sprig standing up to that mob to help these creatures out was some of the most bravest and responsible stuff I've ever seen."

"That was really cool sprig," said Polly, "Also really dumb."

"Yes really, really Dumb" added Hop Pop

"Sprig gasped, "You think I'm responsible?"

"Well yeah, just this one time," said Hop Pop.

"Yes, Woo Hoo" Celebrated Sprig.

"Well don't get carried away" added Hop Pop.

"BIG WIN" Shouted Sprig.

"Welp," Said Sasha reminding the Plantars she existed "This has been great, But just give me a map I've got to find my way out of this kooky place."

Hop Pop reached inside his jacket for a map "Oh a map won't be enough," He pulled out a map that showed the entire valley "This here valley is surrounded by mountains that are impenetrable this time of year."

"It should clear up in two months." Added Sprig.

"You can't be serious," Sasha let out a loud scream of frustration and punch a nearby tree.

"But until then you try to cross those mountains," continued Hop Pop.

"You, Will, Die, "Finished Polly.

Sprig turned to the injured girl. "Plus your friend over there needs rests."

"I can patch her up," said Hop Pop.

It was almost midnight by the time the Plantar return home, with their unexpected guest. "I'll show you kids where you can sleep in bit. First put your injured friend on the couch."

"Don't worry," assured Sprig. "Hop Pop will treat your friend's wound."

"Let's rest your leg on here," The older frog placed a pillowcase on the table, "I can look at your injury." Hop Pop offered her a gentle smile. "For now, I have to clean the wound. Once that's clean, I'm going to use some line to stiche it up so nothing can get in. That I'll use an old bandana to wrap it."

"It... It.. Okay.. I kinda have a track record for getting hurt," Marcy gave a nervous chuckle. "So I kinda use to get stiched back up."

"That's an understatement." Anne smiled.

Hop pop gave a small nod, grabbed a rag, dunking it into a glass of soapy water. "Now, the soap is gonna to sting but it will help the wound." He gently dapped it across Marcy's wound. Having been use to being stitch up. Smile and took in the small room there were in. "How have nice house."

"Thank you, and thanks for saving my boy." Hop Pop discared the dirty rag, and grabbed some line, he turn to look at another two girl.s "All of you. Now I just need to close the wound." The young girl nod, "Blave girl. Sprig and Polly cry like newborns when I have to stitch them up."

"No I don't!" Sprig protested.

"Sure, boy," Hop Pop was now packing up his things and placed them back into his medical bag. Then he hand her a glass of water and a pill. "Take the pill," he instructed. "If you have an infection this will help." Grabbing the two, Marcy quickly did was resurrect.

"Feeling better Marbles?" Anne asked.

"As always." Marcy grinned, as she was about to jump up.

"Easy there," Hop Pop said cautiously, "You rest here. While I'll show friends where they'll be sleeping.

The Plantars basement was dark and smelt of earth.

To the girls, this was an improvement over the last few nights sleeping in caves. As they walked down the stairs carrying the mattress that Hop Pop had given her she was surprised to see just how roomy the basement was, it wasn't the best but still, it was around the size of her room on earth.

"All righty" Said Hop Pop standing next to her, "Kitchens upstairs, Breakfest's at sunrise, Sharp," he finished claiming up the stairs.

"Okay, Thanks Dude, for helping Marcy" Anne said watching the old frog walk up the stairs.

"You saved Sprig," The old Frog, smiled with great appreciation. "So it the least I can do."

The door closed and Anne started to unpack her things.

As Anne dropped her Mattress on the floor

"This basement is gross" Sasha companed, "But at least were inside."

"Hey, Gettin comfy?" Sprig he looked at Anne and smiling "I'm glad you living with us, monster," He said.

Anne looked and him "Me too, Weird little frog boy."

"Okay," said Sprig turning around to walk back up the stairs, "Good night, Sleep tight, Don't let the bed bugs bite," he said walking out the door.

He briefly turned around again, "Seriously, They can drain a body in seconds." before leaving properly.

"He was joking right?" Sasha turned to Anne, who shuddered, just another reason to leave this lousy world.

She went to her rolled-up mattress and sat on it. She removed her backpack from her shoulders and opened it.

Inside was an intricately designed box, On the bottom half was a carving of a forest and a frog, the lid had three gems.

This is what had brought them to this world, she decided to try again, "Come on, Come on." she said praying to various different deities that this would take her home.

She opened the box expecting to see a bright light, Nothing happened. "Looks like were going to be here for a while," she said with that she glancing at Marcy.

"Stupid box won't work," Sasha yawned.

"Nope," Anne signed, "see you in the morning."