
18. Girl Time

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, Alquimistaarcano77, Kaiju, Nopeknight, TALOS X, Stryker, Mr. Hardcor3, Gojirafan1954, Tearnon, Jason, brentdyedragon, gregorian12, PizzaGuest, schweenieboy, snake screamer, Rodimus973, Guest for the comment.

Polly considered herself the toughest Polliwog in all of Amphibia and was also the best Plantars of all time. She had been enjoying being the only girl in the house, she had been the queen of this place. She had Sprig wrapped around her finger (or stumpy arm), he would usually backed down to her. Hop Pop trusted her more. Things were perfect, that was until the three monsters showed up. She distrusted these strange monsters at first, but she had to admit they were kinda cool, she was still disappointed that they didn't try to eat them.

Sasha was a bit nasty in her eyes. Anne was kinda cool, she loved all of her human stuff. Marcy annoyed her, picking her up, cuddly her and acting all muchy whenever was did something she thought was adorable. Barf. Plus when they carry her she could reach high she couldn't. She love teasing Sprig, it was her job, but she never had girls to hang out with before. Well playdates with Flour's triples were sometimes fun. But big sisters seem cool.

It was beautiful afternoon and it was a day off, Sprig and Hop Pop were content to spend it sitting around and spitting. Polly smiled and there weak attempts.

"This one's going all the way, baby," Sprig, spit lands in the pond, Marcy was writing down some notes but distance.

"Wow that look about to be 10 feet?" Marcy was writing down some notes, it maybe gross. But she wanted to get as much information about this world as she can.

"Heh!" Hop Pop mocked, "You call that a spit? Now watch this!" Spit lands in the pond further than Sprig's.

"Interesting that's looks about 18 feet." Marcy continuing to write.

"Ewww!" Anne looks up from her phone, and gagged, "Just when I thought you guys couldn't get any nastier." This was place was really beginning to gross her out, even in different world boys are still gross. Seriously is this world so boring they spit for fun. "Marcy? Why are you writing this down?"

"I want to write a book about this places and what better why then to study them." Marcy smiled, "Yeah, Sprig wanted to test out your jumping height?"

"Sure." Sprig smiled.

"This place keeps get worse all the time," Sasha groaned, of all people to get trapped with. They had to be gross, why couldn't they be rich or at least a non gross family take them in. She realize next to the town drunk Wally, the Plantars were second worst family here. She was wishing she'll rather be stuck with creepy losers kids at school. When at least people can't see her. They were embarrassing her, why was she curse to be with these losers. She groaned their losers but their her losers."Why do we get stuck with hillbillies!" Sprig and Hop Pop gasp.

"Nasty?" Hop Pop sounded offended, "Why spiting is practically a sport in Wartwood."

"We even have a town record. Whoever breaks the record gets a trophy." Sprig smiled.

Marcy opened her flipbook, "The current record is 30 feet and it's held by Wally."

"A trophy for spitting?" Sasha sounded like she going to threw up, "What kinda back water place is this! It's bad enough as it is, there's mud, slime, mold, giant killer bug, you're cooking, you'd think you could at least try to maintain some sense of personal hygiene. Now you tell you hicks have a trophy for freaking spitting! What's next?!"

"Agreed," Anne nodded with frustration, she swear sometimes it's all she could do not to puke. "and the worst part is you two are exposing Polly to this sort of..."

Polly interrupts Anne, "THAT RECORD IS MINE!" She outspits both Sprig and Hop Pop and reached the another side of the pond and this horrified the girls, while the Plantar were surprised and thrilled.

"That's my little spitter." Hop Pop rubbed her hand and smiled proudly.

"Whoa. That almost the record!" Marcy smiled, she wrote down her notes, "Could the Tadpole small body and impress organs play a role." Marcy was beginning to write down her theories.

''You can spit the frown off a widow." Sprig smiled, Polly blush and smiled with the prise. Anne and Sasha were shocked, although they couldn't blame her; she had no girl role models around. Sasha knew she clearly needs to step up to the task. Just like with Anne and Marcy she need to fix Polly, make her fit in with society better.

"Don't worry Polly. You have me." Sashe pointed a thumb at herself.

"Oh, no. Polly," Anne couldn't believe this. She wouldn't have it. Polly need a big sister to look up to and she was going to do it. "You've been surrounded by boys your whole life. It's not too late. I can fix this. You need girl time! She needs girl time! Hop Pop, wallet!" Anne takes Hop Pop's wallet and takes Polly by the arm. "Sash. Marbles. Girl time!"

"Why are you taking me, crazy lady?!" Polly tried to struggle to break free.

"Were taking you to get fixed." Sasha said, glaringly at the frogs as they left.

"Not sure what she wants with my wallet," Hop Pop shrugged, "not like I got any money."

"Less talk, more spit."

Anne was chanting, as she held Polly, "Whoo! Girl time. It's time for giiiirrrrl time."

"Okay," Polly hop out of her arms, "what the heck's going on?"

"Look, hanging out too much with Sprig and Hop Pop is dangerous." Anne sighed, she was doing this for Polly. She knew they didn't mean any harm but those two were going to indirectly make Polly into a gross pig. "If we aren't careful, we'll wake crusty and storing our boogers in jars."

"Agreed!" Sasha smiled and put an arm around Polly, "Looks just because your world is gross doesn't mean you have to be. You're lucky we're here, we will fix you."

"Fix?" Polly looked up, she didn't feel sick, was something wrong.

"Exactly," Anne smiled, "We need a day to reset. A day that's ladies' only."

"You're right Anne," Sasha said, "Marcy got get the creep kid you hang out with, I'll get Ivy. With how messed up Polly is they'll can be just as screwed up as her!"

"Okay." Marcy smiled and took off, she was thrilled with having a day with just the girl's just like back home. Her childhood friends and her new friend hanging out! This will be awesome. Sasha took off as well, it was her mission to fix these frogs.

"That sounds bad." Polly didn't like the sound of this, Sasha word's echoing her her mind.

"Look, when I'm done with you, you are going to feel like a new Polly. Trust me. Plus a day with just us girls, sounds fun, right?"

"Well, I guess it couldn't hurt." Polly smiled a little, "Plus, you and Sprig are always getting into fun trouble. So what are we doing? Toad rustling? Snake punching?"

"Better. We're going to...A spa."

Anne was actually kind of surprised a small town like Wartwood even had a fancy spa. The Spa's entrance is quite glamorous, with carved fountain statues on either side and a blue stone pathway. There's also two lazy-rivers with lily-pads and pink crystal gems which provide light and serve as decorations to the elegant interior. Two frogs drift against each other.

"Those guys know what's up." Anne smiled as a voice behind her distracted her.

"The Spa?! When you said girl time I though you meant us going on adventure in the woods. Or bug catching." Ivy groaned, as she followed Sasha inside, "I go here enough with my mom, I don't need you to take me here."

"I thought we're friends?" Sasha said.

"We are!"

"This is want friendship is." Sasha smiled. "Don't you like to hang out with me?"

"I do... But can't we do something we both like." Ivy smiled, "You like exploring the forest."

"No!" Sasha put her foot down, "Were here to help Polly became less gross!"

"Polly?" Ivy turned to see the young polly, she look rather bored. "Hi Polly, are you getting ready for the spitting record?"

Polly laughed, and smiled. "You know it."

Sasha and Anne were shocked that even another girl was in on this spitting game. Ivy looked up and smiled at Anne, Polly nods. "Oh, Ivy, meet Anne. Like Sasha she an weirdo from another world, but she actually cool. Anne, meet Ivy."

"Hey, Ivy."

"Hey, I've seen you around. Nice to officially meet. Do you like being randomly attacked?"

"Not at all."

"Well, too bad," Ivy laughed, as the doors to the Spa open again.

"Marcy when you told me this was important I thought it was emergency or something." Maddie crossed her arms.

"Come on, a day with just us girls. Wouldn't that me fun?"

"I have my sisters, so I'll know this could go either way" Maddie replied, then paused "Although a relaxing day at the spa could be nice."

"What's up!" Polly asked as she hops over to her.

Maddie blinked, and stares at the ceiling. "The ceiling looks like it was import from the volcano region. The artwork looks like it from Newtopia, the..."

Ivy playfully punched Maddie with a playfully smirk, the frog rubbed her forearm. "No, weirdo. She means what's going on in your life."

"Lavender lost a tooth, Rosemary has grow her hair, Ginger is sick. I found a copper under my bed. I was successful in making an ice spell." Maddie went on listing a butch a random stuff. "Ohh... And more importantly I took Marcy under by wing to teach her magic." She smiled and looked up at her. "She's a pretty fast learner."

"What?!" Polly shouted, "You will teach her and not me."

"Because..." Maddie folded her arms, and raised an eyebrow, "you'll use it to cause trouble."

"Hmm... Yeah, you're probably right," Polly laughed, along with the frog girls. Ivy smiled and looked up at Marcy.

"So, you're the one that Maddie is teaching? Names's Ivy. Ivy Hibiscus Matcha Sundew."

"Marcy Wu."

"You're name sound like someone orderly a tea." Maddie teased with playfully scoff.

"This coming from the girl, who last name Flour," Ivy teased.

"Point taken." Maddie smiled.

"Alright!" Sasha pumped her fist in the air, "Time for some girl time!" She snapped her fingers at the staff, "Six of your fanciest spa treatments!"

"That will be ten coppers each."

Sasha opens the wallet, finding nothing but piece of paper. "What the-IOU's?," She hands them over, "Uh, will this work?"

"Hmmm," She looks over the notes, "Well, it does say he's good for it. Accepted. Here are your towels."

"Alrighty, then." Anne smiled.

"Thank God," Sasha groaned, rubbed her shoulders. "I need this. Working as that old man's slave is wearing me out."

The youngest of the group was looking around, unsure about this place. This looked like boring grow up stuff to her. "I don't know, Anne. This seems boring. Why don't we do something fun instead?" She hit Ivy with a towels.

"Hey!" Ivy playfully smirk and began running around whipping around her towel trying to hit her as well. Eventually Maddie joined, Sasha rudely grabbed the towel from them. "Stopping acting like child!"

"What!?" Ivy exclaimed.

Anne folded her arms, "There's more to life than spitting and hitting stuff."

"Really?" Polly was completely shocked and confused.

"You mean, like hexing stuff, and putting curses on people." Maddie paused as everyone looked at her, "Only if they deserve it of course."

"Just trust me," Anne smiled.

"Well..." Polly was unsure but she saw that this matter to Anne, plus she want to spent time them. Sprig is going on crazy adventures with Anne all the time, and she was feeling a little left out.

"Girl time, engage!" Anne smiled, Marcy took her photo out to take a group picture.

They're getting this one treatment, where you stick your feet in a goldfish pond and the fish nibble at your feet and it feels so good. However Ivy and Polly seem to be enjoying playing with the fish more then the spa. Surprisingly Maddie, the one Anne thought would not enjoy it, was actually getting into and was enjoying it just as much as them. Anne frowned, Polly wasn't getting into this as much as she hoped. But she wasn't going to give up. She was going to help out, be the best big sister ever.

"You know they're actually eating the dead skin off the bottom of your feet? It's healthy and it's makes them stronger. Although I wonder how our skin will react to them." Marcy smiled, she pretty much was the first one brave enough to eat Hop Pop's cooking, she wants to test it. Its maked her wonder how human food would react to frog's here.

"Marcy..." Sasha sighed, "I love you girl. But please keep some facts to yourself."

"Maddie?" Ivy asked, as they left the spa. Or more like force out due to Ivy and Polly roughhousing. "You actually liked that?"

"It's was alright..." Maddie replied, with a shrugged. She didn't think she would enjoy. It wouldn't be something she'll rush back to do anything soon, but it was relaxing. "With helping dad with the store and baby-sitting my little sisters. I was nice to just relax for a change."

"I guess that's makes sense..." Ivy shrugged, although she was only child. Work was sometimes hard, but she rather explore, catch bugs, fight with Sprig to kick back."My places gets pretty busy, mom's bugging me, and customers are rude."

Maddie scoffed, "Tell me about. When I do delivers they argue about what they ordered. Like they're screaming at a kid. Like I just give you want dad's list said."

Ivy looked up, to the humans. "So do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"Only child, and it's awesome!" Anne smiled, "I got all the attention."

"But you have more chore." Ivy added.

Anne laughed, "You're right about that. Home and at my parents restaurant."

"You have restaurants too?" Ivy smiled.


Maddie turn to look at Sasha, "What about you."

"One, she's older." Sasha said with bored.

"I always wanted a little brother or sister." Marcy smiled, having someone to play with it, and will always have a little friend to hang out with.

"Trust me, it's a challenge, sure I love them," Maddie replied, "But at times they drive me crazy most of the time."

"It's because it's our job, to make our older sibling suffer" Polly smiled, "Sprig is so fun to tease him." Polly smiled, and laughed, "Like this one I trick him into believing that Miss Croaker could read minds. He avoid her for weeks."

"This one time my sisters hit my potion book, in the delivery bag." Maddie sounded annoyed but with a little smile on her face.

The hair salon was their next stop. Ivy pretty much threatened anyone who dare touch her hair. Polly got them thrown out when she started flinging combs around like darts. The more Anne looked at Polly, the more it seems like she wasn't enjoying this. But they weren't going to stop.

"Can we do something else, please" Polly asked.

"Yeah, lets go explore the forest. See if we can fine any cool bugs." Ivy suggested. "Or maybe I'll show this cool underwater cave I found with Sasha. Although the spider might still be there."

"I'm down," Maddie shrugged and threw a potion on her head, changing her hair back to normal and back to the same height. "I have something in here that might help."

"Ooooo." Polly smiled, "What about the lake. Check out that cool water snake."

"Water snake?" Maddie scratched her chin, "That could be useful into make potion against some poison."

"Let's go!" Ivy smiled and was about to run off, before they could go anywhere Sasha and Anne block there path.

"What the heck. You're running off to play with a dead snake!"

"Seriously, were trying to help you!" Sasha sighed. "Plus I'm getting kinda hungry. Were going to get a snack."

Ivy's family tea shop was kinda like the places that Anne used go with mother. Anne sighed sadly, she miss it. She tried not to think of her, crying will would ruin girl time. Felicia gives the cookies to Anne and Polly. Anne hands the recipient to Felicia. "Ivy..." She smiled, "Have you made this many friends?"

"Just eating with my friends..." Ivy said.

Polly sighed, this was turning to pretty disappointing, she was just wanting to spend time with Anne and the rest. "I thought girl time was gonna be exciting. You and Sprig are always getting mobbed, or eaten, or eaten by mobs."

"Yeah, but not by choice. Come on, isn't this great? Sure beats pocket boogers and spitting, right?"

"I rather be out catching bug."

"I'll rather be reading, I found these great book about this frog girl name Light, goes to this demon world to learn magic, by this bird lady who was cursed." Maddie smiled, and turned to Marcy, who already write notes about the food. "Marcy you can borrow it when I'm done."

"Not to put my snout in other people's business," Felicia smiled, "but if you ladies are having girl time, I know this great place where you can get a full body massage." Anne smiled that was exactly what needed to kick things up.

Just like all there previous attempt to help Polly, this time it seems as those they push her to far, and she just ditch them, along with Maddie and Ivy, during their massage. Sasha and Anne made there way over, finding them at Stumpy's drinking soda with Wally letting out her frustration. Sasha and Anne were ready to give her the business.

"So, Maddie, what's it like working at the bakery?" Ivy asked, looking to get in some small talk.

"It's alright. Watching something burn in the blazing fire is fun." She said with a little rasp in her voice, she didn't let up on the unnerving. "What about you? How the tea shop?"

"Well, I get the leftovers," Ivy smiled, her eyes lit up, as she pulled a bag out of her pocket. "Oh that remains me. Would you'll like some? There from yesterday."

Maddie smiled at the thought, "Sure." Taking a scorne, smiling that her favorite kind was there.

"Yes, please!" Polly smiled.

Ivy paused for a second, nervously tapping her fingers. "So... Maddie can I ask you something?"

"Sure." Maddie answered in between bites.

Ivy pause thinking of how to say this, Polly seem to pick up on this and interrupted Ivy before she could speak. "Maddie, why are you creepy?!"

"I am," Maddie says as she drinks her juice, "I know I'm not for everyone, and that's okay. My weirdness helps me figure out which people are worth keeping around... the ones who don't mind it are the ones who matter." She playfully bumps an elbow against Ivy's shoulder. "Plus I love magic. I don't see why I sure change. If you're not hurting anyone."

"Here here!" Wally toasted his drink.

"I didn't really though of that." Ivy took in her words. "But yeah that pretty cool."

Polly then burps, "Dang, kid. You got the burp of a titan!" Wally said.

"Thanks, Wally."

Anne along with Sasha and Marcy ran over to them. "Hey!"

"Oh. Hey, Anne."

"What the heck, dude? You ditched me? And now I find you rubbing elbows with the local deadbeat?"

"That hurt me soul." Wally said, looked bad sadly, Ivy taps his shoulder.

"Well, at least this guy doesn't waste our time with stuff we think is stupid and boring!"

Anne gasped, feeling hurt and betrayal after everything she did for her this is how she repay here. "Well, excuse me for trying to make you less of a disgusting little slob!" As soon as those words left her mouth. Before she could do anything she was grabbed by the Tuti.

"What the heck!?" Anne screamed, trying to break free.

"Let her go!" Sasha was ready to threw a punch, but Sheriff Buck Leatherleaf stood in front of her. "Don't make things worst for yourself."

"What's going on?" Marcy asked.

"Hopadiah's broke. Which makes these IOUs you've been handing out totally worthless." Leatherleaf steps aside to reveal Sprig and Hop Pop with handcuffs.

"These chains represent our burden on society!"

"Dang it! Girls, how much did you spend?

"Now pay up, or I'm gonna have to do my duty, and put y'all in debtor's prison."

"Seriously?" Sashe glared.

"I don't joke lady,"

"We don't have any money!" Sashe replied.

"Wait what about that trophy?" Marcy replied, catching the spot of the spiting challenge.

"Twenty four karat, ma'am," The Sheriff tip his head.

"All right," Anne grabbed Polly and carried her over to the spiting spot. "Polly. Time to shine."

"Wait, what?"

"Spit, dude. Spit like you've never spit before. Break that record, and save this family!" Anne smiled.

"Let's do this."

"Okay, little lady. You get three official chances. You ready?"

Polly spits twice, falling short.

"Only one more chance, little lady."

"Something ain't right," Hop Pop was concerned, "She's not spitting at full force. Almost as if she's ashamed."

"Yeah,and I think I know why," Anne sighed and kneel down next to Polly. "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah," Polly looked down, sounding like a child that was scold and ashamed, "I guess it's just kinda hard to spit when you feel gross."

Anne sighed thought back to Sasha, and kids at school. How they made her feel bad and self-conscious and herself. The different was... She kinda would changing who she was to please them. And she basically just did the same and to a baby. She felt like all those kids at school. Polly shouldn't have to do that. She felt like the worse big sister ever. "Polly, I'm the gross one. I tried to change someone that's perfect the way they are."

Polly smiled, "You saying you were wrong?"

"Very wrong." Anne smiled.

"Super wrong?"

"Super wrong."

"You're always wrong?"

"I'm always-," Anne smiled, "Hey, not always."

"Okay, just most of the time."

"Mmm," Polly pulls Anne into a hug, feeling awkward Marcy walked up towards Maddie rubbing her arm having serious talks were hard for her as she always had trouble with words.

"I'm sorry to Maddie."

"It's alright, I didn't mind it that much. I actually had some fun." Maddie waved her hand, and then squintted eyes, "But if you try this again... I'll curse you." She let the threat pause, as everyone looked at her blinking before they laughed. Maddie folded her arms, "I wasn't joking." Marcy pulled her into a hug.

Sasha folded her arms, she didn't have anything to apologies for and wasn't going to say it. This place is still gross!

"Aw," Polly pulled Anne into a hug, "Okay, let's finish this!" Once finally got her confidence back up, Polly broke the record wide open, and there was more than enough gold to pay off the debts they'd ran up, with just enough left over to make a new trophy honoring Polly.

"You did it!" Anne smiled.

"I love it! Hey, sorry, girl time was such a bust."

"Eh, don't worry about it," Anne hugged Polly, "Next time we bond, I'll do what you want. the whole idea of girl time is pretty weird. I mean, who's to say boys don't like spas?

"You went to the spa? Without us?"

"Oh, Anne, I love the spa. Did you get that fishy pedicure?"

Writers Notes; Want to do this one as it gives good Anne and Polly relationship development. Plus I wanted to have Sasha, Marcy, Maddie and Ivy to interact as well.