
17. Domino

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, Alquimistaarcano77, Kaiju, Nopeknight, TALOS X, Stryker, Mr. Hardcor3, Gojirafan1954, Tearnon, Jason, brentdyedragon, gregorian12, PizzaGuest, schweenieboy, snake screamer, Rodimus973, Guest for the comment.

Anne, Sasha and Sprig are outside, playing baseball with a watermelon gourd. Anne holds a makeshift scythe made out of mantis arm, like a bat, "Hey, batter, batter, batter." Sasha sighed in annoyance.

Sprig was grunting as he struggled to lift up the watermelon over his head and pitches it towards Anne.

Anne swings missing the watermelon and accidentally flung the scythe out of her arms, "Ah, whiffed it." Anne gasps as the scythe came flying straight towards Sprig, "Sprig!"

"Move!" Sasha yelled.

"Huh?" Sprig just noticed the flying makeshift weapon heading his way right on time, he gasps and ducks, the scythe flying over him, just barley miss him, the weapon flew into the woods. His hat falls apart, showing his orange hair. The Frog boy wasn't the least bit alarmed he was just inches away from death."Wow! Wanna go again?"

"Yeah-uh!" Anne gave a surprised glance this being the first time seeing him without a hat."Wait, you have hair? Hey, sorry about your hat."

"Don't worry," Sprig picked it up, "Hop Pop can fix it." He then followed Anne into the forest.

Anne was looking around and came upon her scythe wedge in a tree, "Oh, there it is." She pulled it out, and heard the sound of faith meowing coming nearby.

Sprig pop out of a bush, laughing "Hey, you found it!"

"Now give it to me," Sasha held out her arm. "You're going to get someone killed."

Anne held out her arm, "Shh. Do you hear something?" Sasha was about to lash out at Anne for daring to shh her, but was soon cut off by the same meowing from earlier.

Anne gasps and run off towards the sound, "Something's in trouble."

"Who cares! Anne!" Sasha couldn't believe that her friend was being this reckless and stupid as she ran after her. Sprig was immediately by Anne's side, wanting to help and refusing to stop to Sasha protests. They continued following the noise as they came to a clearing. A small black fur creature , with white stripes on it's body and chest, big yellow eyes, and six legs struggled to get out of the mud. As a group of giant wasps were attacking the poor creature.

Anne gasps feeling upset and angry at seeing the poor little helpless animal struggled to escape."Oh, my gosh! We have to save her." Anne ready her scythe.

Sprig smiled and pulls out his slingshot, giving her nod. "Right behind you."

Before either one of them could make a move Sasha jumped in front of them, arms stretched out, giving a glare that stopped Anne in her tracks. "Are crazy or stupid! Do you see the sizes of those things? They'll kill you!"

Anne was feeling weak against Sasha's words, as she looked back as seeing the poor defenseless animal struggled to dodge the giant wasps attacks. "I know... but..." She knew in her heart this was wrong. She felt like she had to do something to save the poor animal. "We have to do something."

"Your right, Anne." Sprig nods.

"Are you seriously going to risk your life for some dumb animal you don't even know." Sasha couldn't believe her, eversince they got here. Sasha was worried sick, just like back home, she had to protect Anne and Marcy from bullies and creeps. And this place was a deathtrap, she was foolishly putting her life in danger. Sasha was just glad she was here otherwise Anne stupidity will get herself killed. She definitely knew clumsy Marcy wouldn't last a single minute with her. She was grateful she found this town, it was a round the clock job keeping them alive during those few days before she met the twerp.

"But..." Anne voice was barley a whisper now, avoided Sasha's eyes.

"No, buts! You're getting too attached to these ... Ani... Things... Now put that scythe down, and leave that thing. END! OF! DISCUSSION!"

Sprig watched as in disbelief as Anne slowly gave into Sasha's demands. He tried to take in want Anne told him, that Sasha was just scary about being here. But he knew this wasn't right.

"See." Sasha smiled, "Look I know its suck. But its just nature. Kill or be killed. I'm just keeping you." Sasha place a hand on Anne's shoulder, "Look at me." Anne slowly did, "You know I'm just keeping you safe right?"

"I guess..." Anne was feeling, Sasha was just being a good friend just like at home. Those things do look dangerous. But she watched as the wasps picked up the animal and flew away. Her heart sank as the animal painful and pleadful moans for help, go unheard.

"Same to you frog boy." Sasha smiled and was about to rubbed his head as Sprig brush her hand away. "What the heck!?"

"We could have saved it!" Sprig shot back, surprising the two to hear such an outburst from the overly happy frog child. "We could have saved it! But you let it be taken."

Sasha was taken back a little by this frog boy, no one talked back to her like that. She glared down at the frog, trying to hide her angry. How dare this lesser being talk back to her in that way. "I was trying to keep ourselves safe from doing something stupid!"

"We could have at least tried to help."

"It's a dumb animal it doesn't matter!" Sasha pointed a finger in his face. She was trying to keep them safe, and this brat is being totally ungrateful. Sasha knew Anne since they were kindergartners, and this thing who barley know her. That thing thinks he know wants the best for her. "Not that it's matter now."

Anne stepped back surprised at how Sasha heartlessness as she quickly disregard that poor creature's life as meaningless. She was sure she could have done something. "Sprig's right. I could have save it."

"And you would have got yourself killed!" Sasha placed and hand on her hip and pitched her nose. "You're hopeless without me. I... I... Just don't want you to get hurt." Sasha spoke sadly, wether it was real or not Sprig wasn't buying it. However Anne was, she was hurt by the hopeless comment but Sasha had her best interest at heart.

"I'm sorry...Sasha..." Anne hugged her, Sprig was in disbelief Anne had nothing to apologies for. Anne would always apologies regardless if she was at fault. Sasha was keeping her safe, she was being a good friend. Sasha petting her back.

"It's okay, girl," Sasha rubbed her back, "I'm not mad. I'm just happy your safe." She pulled away from the hug. "Now then let's head back to our dump." She began to run back into the direction of Plantar's home. "You should be lucky that I'm with you," began Sasha. "Come on Anne, face the facts, you know I'm right"

As Anne just stood there starring out into sky in the direction where the wasps flew off. She hugged herself tightly, as her thoughts were soon taking over by haunting horrible things that ever happening to the poor creatures. She always had a soft spot for animals, especially cute little defenselessness animals. It was why she took in her cat. Her face fell in sadness as she knew it was most liking dinner right now. She felt warm arms embrace her and saw Sprig, him just nodding, him just being there until she was ready. As Anne was slowly accept the weight of this wack situation.

"Thanks..." She spoke slowly with a sniff, she smile a little. Realizes that Sprig was immediately right by her side willing to help her. Anne believing that only one mistake would jeopardize her own friendship. Believing her friends didn't want to be friends if they didn't want to do the same thing as her.

"It's going to be okay." Sprig said, trying his best to sound supporting and comforting. He didn't know want to do, he like Anne and just wanted to sent time with her and impress her. He didn't want to make Anne feel bad more then she already is. He tried to choose his words carefully. "You know, you don't always have to do what Sasha tells you."

"You think I don't know that?" Anne replied.

"Then why do you?"

"Because... I ... mean..." Anne stalled, thinking. Because it was what friends did, because she was a good friend, was the answers she wanted to say. But Sprig wouldn't ask her to do something she didn't want to do, and he certainly wouldn't blackmail her.

"Anne... I don't... know her... and I don't have many friends..." Sprig spoke softy, "But a friend shouldn't make you real bad."

"She was keeping me safe," Anne replied, although the back of her head was telling her no. After all Sasha was the one that made her skip school, miss her birthday, and steal the music box. She saw Sprig was unsure. "Look just because my friendship is messy doesn't me you walk away from it."

"So you agree it's messy?"

"Yes okay, but that's how friendships works. You have to make sacrifices."

"I agree," Sprig gave a nod, "but does she ever make sacrifices?"

"I..." Anne punched the ground, she tried so hard to make things work, made sacrifices for Sasha time and time again. She miss time when her grandmother visited, because Sasha pretend she was sick. The time she skip temple because of Sasha. Sasha... Sasha... Sasha... But this is friendship right.

Sprig gave a sad smile, as Anne took out her phone, showing a picture of her cat. "It's just that animal reminds of my kitty domino." Sprig took a look at picture of Anne holding her cat.

Sasha was storming off towards the Plantar's home. Her thoughts were on that little pink frog, how dare he talked to her like that. She was being a good friend, keeping Anne safe! Keeping the both them safe. Sasha knows that they can't take care of themselves. Yeah she was cruel but she had to, because it was keeping them safe from doing stupid things. This place had hundred of things that could kill you. How is keeping her friends safe makes her a bad person? She tighten her fist as she punched a tree as she walked by. She cursed as she bursed her knuckles against the hard bark.

A group of frogs who were walking by watched as the stranger Plantar monster was punching a tree. The young girl glanced over and saw the frogs starring at her. "WHAT!? Are you looking at?!" The frogs scattered running off in different directions, some bumping into each other as they attempted to run and hide. Sasha rolled her eyes, she still wasn't used to this place. Normally people will fear her with respect, now she just an outcase? How is she lower then a butch of slimy gross frogs.

She returned back to the house, and slowly made her way inside, where she found Marcy had introduced the remaining frogs her nerd games. The toddler had a look of great annoyance as Marcy and strangely the old frog were deeply involved with the game.

"Okay Mr. Plantar you just need..." Marcy was interrupted by a finger from the orange frog.

"nuh, nuh, nuh. Master Marcy... It's The Wrecker please refer me as my character." Hop Pop was pulling on a deep bombing voice.

"This isn't one of your dumb boring plays, Hop Pop!" Polly exclaimed rather annoyed.

"Isn't it thought?" Hop Pop smiled with a shrug, rubbing the back of his head. "We're pretending to be someone else and go on an adventure. Wether it's a journey of self-discovery, journey to right our wrongs, or to simply do whats right. So it's kinda like a play... a play in your minds and hearts. And I'll bring life to it."

"My thought exactly, Mr Pla... I mean Sir Wrecker..." Marcy smiled with a bow, grinning. Happy to have found someone that enjoyed her boards game and roleplaying just as much as her. Sure she had gotten Anne to play with her once in awhile, but she didn't really get into it. Hop Pop reminder her of Anne's dad, a total goofball that was just as big a gamer as her. She remember when they played for hours to beat a boss. She smiled as she briefly thought of him, and how he has. She frown deeply as she push the thoughts deep down in her brain. Hop Pop thought it was cool, Marcy thought back home many people thought her games were stupid and weird.

"Sir... Ready..." Hop Pop smiled.

"Yep..." Marcy picked up a scroll and tapped Hop Pop's shoulder's. "By the wills of Wartwood. And the will of the council of Amphibia. I Master Marcy Wu, dub thee knight."

"Your highness..." Hop Pop bowed still doing his character's voice. "I promise you. That I'll continuing to served these lands and protect these frogs from the foul vilely monsters that only seek to destroy us."

"I trust you Sir Knight." Marcy bowed, as she went to her notes, "Now General Pollyanna's dragon is attacking the village of Tadpolevilla. Will you go or stay to guard the castle."

"I swear that I will protect these castle's walls until my dying breath!" Hop Pop stood up, flinging around a pretend sword.

"NEVER!" Polly smiled with an evil laughter, "Your kingdom will fall to me! Survivor and I may show mercy." Marcy and Hop Pop smiled at Polly, who blushed with embarrassment as she was kinda get into this. The purple pollywog was looking around trying to fine herself a way out. Her eyes saw Sasha standing in the doorframe. "Oh... Look... Sasha. Hi there girl!"

"Ummm... Hi..." Sasha was feeling awkward walking in on this.

"Hi Sash," Marcy turned just noticing Sasha, "Want to play with us."

"Pull up a spot, kiddo." Hop Pop offered with a kind smiled.

"Marcy..." Sasha pitched her nose, sighing. "You know I hates those stupid nerd games."

"Sorry..." Marcy lowered her head, her friends never really got into her interests. While Anne liked a few things, Sasha would call her a child that needs to grow up.

"While it's okay to dislike things our friends do and being honest about will makes you better friends." Hop Pop spoke softly with a stern voice. "Setting boundaries is important. However you should try to take time for your friends interests. Or called them wrong for liking certain things. The way I see if it makes you happy and it doesn't hurt anyone."

"Yeah..." Polly added, "Hop Pop is a freak who loves boring old plays. But he our freak."

Hop Pop rubbed Polly's head with a smile, "Aww... Wait what?"

Sasha groaned, first the twerp and now the old geezer and the toddler are ganging up on her. She was feeling exclude and being left out. But no poor Sasha, she is just as lost as Anne and Marcy, but they look at her like she's a monster. She wanted to scream, it feels little by little she was slowly losing her friends to this place. Anne is her friend, HER friend that twerp doesn't know her like she does. Sure she did sent time with Ivy, but that's only because Anne and Marcy left her no choose. Why bother getting attached they be home someday, and this will all be a memory.

"Would you like to do something else?" Marcy asked, "Play Bugball, go to the lake... I think the snake is gone."

"Oooo..." Polly smiled, "Can we play with the water snakes corpus?"

"Polly! You stay away from dead things, you'll get sick just like Great Uncle Trevelyan." Polly gave a small nod that gave a look that she promised but everyone knew she wouldn't.

"No, not right now," Sasha smiled.

"Is there anything you would like to do?" Hop Pop smiled kindly.

"No," Sasha sighed, as she walked over the door leading into the basement, just as Sprig and Anne entered the house.

"What's wrong Anne?" Hop Pop asked, turning to see her, sensing something was wrong.

"Oh... It's nothing I'm fine." Anne said trying her best to smiled, but Hop Pop was unsure. Sprig looked up unsure of want to say.

"Anna-banana!" Marcy smiled, "Want to play." Anne shrugged her shoulders as she walked over and sat besides Marcy.

Sprig looked down, as he thought of something, "Anne can I borrow your picture box?"

Anne raised an eyebrow, "My phone? Sure..." She past it to him, "But why?"

"It's a surprise." He smiled a he ran outside the door. Anne turned to the others, and they shrugged. "So who win?"

"Me!" Polly smiled, "Join me Anne and Together we'll ruin!"

"I wouldn't trust her," Hop Pop added, "I was on her team last time and she killed me!"

"The old's man a lair!" Polly's eyes widened, "hmm... I mean I would never do it again."

"I was on her three times and she still killed me."

"But... I promise I wouldn't betray you Anne." Polly gave puppydog eyes.

"Okay." Anne smiled, as Polly cheered.

"Polly!?" Anne exclaimed as Polly betrayal and killed her character, the Pollywog was laughing.

"I told you so." Hop Pop smiled, as he picked himself up, "Anyway time for supper. How does Beetle burgers sound?"

"Oooo, my favorite!" Marcy smiled.

"Alright. Put the game away and clean up while I'll get supper done."

Anne picked herself up and was ready to give a hand in the cleaning as Sprig came back inside with her phone and a poorly made plushie animal. The frog boy walked up to her, returning her phone. He was rubbing his forearm, looking a little embarrassed. "I remembered you missed your cat... is that right a cat? Anyway I made this for you." He showed her a poorly made stuff animal that looked like domino. "You hate it, don't ya? It's too ugly, isn't it? You know what, give it back to me-

Anne smiled holding the plushie, surprised that Sprig took the time to do something like this that he knew she would still be a little heartbroken and he's was trying to help her the best way he can. "I love it!"

Notes; I don't play DnD or do roleplaying. So sorry if I made some mistakes. Just thought it would be nice moment with Marcy and the Plantars. Hop Pop would probably be into it. As Hop Pop loves acting, so he'll think it's a play or something. Also want to have some Anne and Sprig fiendships as they're basically big sister and little brother. Sorry for the less plot chapters, but wanted a few character building and friendship development chapters.