
16. Felicia's Tea Shoppe

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, Alquimistaarcano77, Kaiju, Nopeknight, TALOS X, Stryker, Mr. Hardcor3, Gojirafan1954, Tearnon, Jason, brentdyedragon, gregorian12, PizzaGuest, schweenieboy, snake screamer, Guest for the comment.

Sasha has never been this humiliated in her whole life. Well the time she accidentally called her first grade teacher mommy was certainly a very close two. She wondered if this was all just a way for Mrs Sundew to get back at her. Sure she might have cause some economic damage to her store when she dared Ivy to knock on the doors of guests and could have lost this place a few customers. However Ivy did that all on her own, sure she dared her but this shouldn't be her fault. Sasha wish she just kept quiet. Was this what Anne and Marcy had to did whatever they took the blame for her. She was began to regret ever telling Felicia the trust.

Because... this was... just embarrassing. There she was working at Felicia's tea shoppe and being force to wear this ridiculous old lady dress that look like something from the Victoria era. Well at least no one from home can see her, her social life would be destroy. Talking with these gross frogs would completely ruin her. After they're just frog... they're below her. She was Queen Bee... The most popular girl in her class... Reduce to this... Was she being punished for something. She couldn't thing of anything worse then this.

"Hey! Monster!" Sasha groan, beside the dress the worst thing were the customers. Treated her like dirt more then usually. Sasha was being to regret all the times she yelled at cashier or customer service people back home. She walked up to Duckweed, she couldn't believe he could be an even bigger jerk then he normally was. "I clearly asked for four beetle bites." He raised both his hand and pointed up four beetle bites fingers. "But I have three. Seriously." He rolled his eyes, "Does your kind not understand simple math!" He took a paper, "Do I have to write a bad review?"

"It lives with those dirt farmers, you think it learn anything from them." Smirked Monroe, Sasha glared. The old frog rarely bought anything another then coffee. He just came over to flirt with Silvia... The old frog didn't seem to realizes that Silvia was telling him to get lost. "The Plantars haven't done anything in the history of Wartwood."

Sasha struggle to hold off punching the nearness Amphibia in there non-exciting nose. She force herself to smile, "Sorry... Sir... Let me fix that for you." She made her way back to the kitchen and groaned. Starring at Ivy who was washing dishes. "Is everyone here a total piece of sh..." Felicia gave her a glared and raised a finger. "No language."

"Sorry... But I just can't stand them. They treat me like dirt more then normal. Anyone Dickweed wants four beetle bites." Ivy was holding back laughter, while Felicia gave unassumed look as she got the dish ready.

"Yes, Albus, can be much at times," Felicia admitted with hint of resentment in her voice. "But his words carry weight around here. A few good Amphibias had to close down shops and are now just selling there stuff by stances, because of him."

"Yeah, look at Stumpy," Ivy added, "The Toad doesn't seem to care about his works anymore. His place was almost always packed."

"It's sad day," Felicia said with a hint of sadness, "when someone comes to the point where nothing matters anymore and thing they used to care about aren't worth fighting for".

"Whatever..." Sasha huffed, "I just can't stand them. Like we have a sayiny in our world don't spit in the face of the people handling your food."

"Same," Ivy added in, "As well as when the old Ladies they pitch my cheeks. It's so annoying!"

"Girls..." Felicia spoke up in tone to silent them. "I know that the customers came be pain. But, although our customer won't love you if you give them bad service, our competitors will. Terrible customers will always be a thing, just like terrible things will happen. But it's how you deal with it that makes all the difference."

"Yeah..." Sasha grabbed the plate, "But just a little bit of respect would be nice." She spoke before leaving the kitchen and returning the plate to Duckweed, who just huffed.

"Monster!" Toadstool was using a fork as a Toothpick to clean his teeth, "I need a new fork." Sasha gave a small smile before doing the task.

Not only were the customer being a royal pain, but Felicia's perfectionism was ready beginning to get on Sasha's nerves. She was just like the old farm frog. Just the smallest little thing out of place and she'll talk down to you like you're a child. When she was cleaning up some bedrooms, Felicia pointed out ten mistakes. Sasha was about to pull her hair if she going to nitpick everything she does. Like she doesn't have to be here, Felicia wanted her here, so that's all on her.

"Now, Sasha, as you clearly see this is my place setting," She pointed to her table setting, and then to Sasha's, "and that's yours. See the difference." They looked exactly the same to Sasha, God, Felicia was beginning to sound like her teachers back home.

"There the same!"

"It's just missing," Felicia walked over Sasha table and place the tea pot lid that was slightly off back on correctly. "That special little touch. Remember now you have show effort into your work, will show people you care, if you don't care to do the effort it. Always remember, someone's effort is a reflection of their interest in you."

Sasha clenched her teeth, letting out a interal scream. It was like this all day and she couldn't wait for this to be over and done with.

"So is your mother always a perfectionist?" Sasha questioned, as she was resorting the bake goods.

"Yep," Ivy said, almost sounding a little bit help that she could vent about her frustration. "I have more interest then this. I want to explore! I never once left the Valley! I read about these amazing journeys from books, or heard stories from customers and there all amazing! I want to collect bug! Practice my fighting! Oh like I found this cool cave underwater a few days ago. But arrgghh mom has me doing all this stupid tea stuff!" The little frog groaned, "But I guess that's how parents are? Right?"

"I guess..." The little frog stared up at her friend, and felt a wave of guilty, as Sasha's face fell silent as she sorting the bake goods. Quickly shaking her thought away and went back to sorting.

"Umm... Sorry," Ivy put her hands in her pocket, and tapped the floor with her toe. Sasha didn't want to think of them. She wonder if they even notice that she wasn't there, did they even care? She bury the thoughts deep down she wasn't going to waste time on them. Sasha showed hints that she felt a bit guilty of it but the problem with Sasha though is that she doesn't like to show an ounce of weakness to others, not even to her friends. and hides her vulnerability very well on the surface. "It's fine. But yeah parents are a pain."

"Tell me about it." Ivy brighten up a little, as the door opened to revealing The Flours. Ivy looked annoyed, "It's that creepy witch girl." She mumbled, a few of the towns folk turns to the Flours and mumble under their breath at the Flour's eldest child. Sasha found it odd, but at least they stopping staring at her for a change.

Farine walked and dropped off a load of beard on the table, The Triples were been held in three seat baby carrier, all were sleeping. "I got your mother's order here." Sasha went over to pay for it as Maddie walked over to Ivy.

"Hmm..." She scratched her chin, "You have a human friend too?"

"Yep!" She smiled, "Oh... Oh... She showed me cool things on her magic picture box. Big humans, even bigger then her, beating each other up in a cage! It was awesome!"

"Sound barbaric to me," Maddie spoke with unassuming tone.

"No its total awesome! I saw a tooth fly out!" Ivy folded her arms.

"To reach there own..." Maddie blinked, as she pulled a dirty old dagger, "Anyway, look at what I found early today, when I was exploring?"

"Cool..." Ivy smiled.

"I think it belong to an ancient frog civilization. Or someone just dropped it." Maddie explained.

"Alright I believe that's everything..." Sasha said as she hands Farine money for the order. "Thanks." Farine smiled.

Maddie turned to Sasha with a blank stare not even blinking, Sasha stare down at the frog with annoyance. "WHAT?!" Maddie took out her money, placed it on the counter and pointed to chocolate sconce. Sasha sigh deeply and gave her the treat, and mumble "Creep kid." as they left.

"You can say that again..." Ivy watched the door, "She always smells like a potion... And I think she put a curse on Mrs Jekyll last year."

"She creepy," Sasha folded her arms, "It's not wonder Marcy thinks she cool. She has alway been into all things of weird stuff back home. She never listen when I tell her that's why people think she's a weirdo. I'm just looking after my friend."

"I guess." Ivy said.

By the time afternoon came around the store was pretty much dead, Sasha was playing on her phone waiting for anyone to enter the store. While Ivy watched, "Cool! Can I play?" Sasha quickly explained the control and gave it to Ivy, who didn't catch on very well and was having gamer rage.

"Alright, girls." Felicia spoke up, they turned away from there game to look at her. "I'll be busy with delivers. I'll back in a few in little while. Look after this place when I out." She spoke and left the store. Ivy went back to her game, as Sasha went a few minutes, "Alright. Lets go." She declared, taking her phone back.

"Hey, I was just getting the hang of that!" Ivy protested.

"Look your mom, gone, so lets go have fun for a little while and come back before anyone notices."

"But what if some one comes when, were gone?"

"It's dead, plus I thought you didn't want to be here?" Sasha smiled putting a hand on her shoulder, "Plus you have to show me this cave."

Ivy thought about for a moment, "Sure."

"That's my girl!" Sasha quickly ran to change back to her regular clothes and ran towards the door, finding Silvia blocking it. The two stood frozen, both were trying to think of a excuse. Silvia frown quickly turned to smile as she opened the door with a wink. "You kids work enough for today."

"Thanks Grandma!" Ivy hug her tightly and hopped outside.

"Whoa... you're kinda cool." Sasha spoke hesitantly, as she followed Ivy outside. "Freedom!" Sasha took a deep breath, she found that this part of town smell way better then the part of town she lives on. "So... How about showing me this cool cave."

"Alright, follow me!" Ivy took of doing front and backflips as she leap down the road and into the forest. "Keep up slowpoke!" The frog teasingly mocked, as Sasha took of running towards her, using rocks as stepping stones and entered the forest and tried to catch up with Ivy who was jumped from tree branch to tree branch.

"How far away this place, will it take long to get there?"

"Not far! Why don't you just jumped?" Ivy asked.

"I can't jump like that!"

"Hehe!" Ivy was playfully laughing, making Sasha frustrated, "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing..." Ivy continuing laughing, "It's just you can't jump, your tongue can't stretch out. Man is there anything you can do that we can't?"

"We don't need to do any of that!" Sasha groaned, she didn't need to do any of that to keep up, she can manager just fine her way. The Sasha way. "Are we almost there yet?"

"Yep!" Ivy swung down the tree, and walked towards a poud. "See the hole down there, the enhanced is through there." The frog turned to Sasha, "Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah!" Sasha pumped her fist, however this just raised a different question for Ivy. Just how different were frogs and humans.

"You can swim?" Ivy asked, "Can you swim well?"


"Frogs are great at underwater swimming, I just don't know about you?" Ivy said, "You can hold on tight if you want."

"I guess..." Sasha tightly wrapped her arms around the frog, and took a deep breath as Ivy dive into the water. Using her webbed feet and perfectly underwater sight the frog girl quickly made her through the hole coming up surface to a cave.

Sasha was gasping for air, as she let go off Ivy and slowly picked herself up and pulled herself out of the water. She looking around and didn't see anything cool, there was weird writing she didn't understand, and even stranger drawings of something that look like flying ufo, or something.

"Pretty cool. I think I'll make this my secret clubhouse." Ivy smiled, as she leapt around the cave, finding a hook hand. "You want in?"

"A clubhouse that's in underwater cave is kinda cool." Sasha admitted as she walked around the cave, her feet echo the damp rocky place. She step on something, and looked down. There at her feet was some kind of very ancient dirty shield with strange makers, it also strangely looked high tech. She was about to picked it up as she heard something big moved past them. "Did you hear that?"

Ivy was playing with a hook hand, pretending to be a pirate. "No... I didn't..." The ground behind them began to shake as they topple to the cave floor. Looking up there was a giant spider towering over them. The two quickly picked themselves up and ran, Sasha hug onto Ivy as the frog girl dived into the water and brought them back to the other side.

The two picked themselves up, and were gasps for air, then the two started laughing.

"We should probably get back before mom finds out." Ivy said.

As the two return back to Ivy's home, they were lucky to have arrived back before Felicia. Once they returned they found Silvia who was already serving customers. When someone ran past them, knocking them over.

"Stop him, he was our money!"

Sasha immediately took off running through town chasing after the little thief. The thief was tossing frogs out of the way. "Get out of my way!"

"Hey, someone stop that guy!" Sasha hissed, as she tried to avoid running into frogs, while Ivy was leaping right by Sasha size followed her lead. The thief knocked over a stand tossing vegetable all over the ground causing Sasha to trip.

"Sasha wants going on?" Anne asked as the Plantars were be her side.

"Can't talk!" Sasha picked herself up, and began running towards the direction of the thief.

"He's heading into the forest!" Ivy said.

The enter the forest, seeing the frog far in the distance. The two nodded, Sasha ran towards the frog, while Ivy climb up the tree and began leaping from brance to brance. Ivy used her slingshot and hit the frog in the back knocking him down. His body fell in mud, Sasha ran towards him, towering over him. She smirked and punched her fist, as Ivy was standing on a brance with a slingshot in hand. "Don't try anything!" The Frog threatened.

Sasha swipe the bag from the frog, and then grabbed him by the neck. The frog saw something flicker in her eyes that terrified him, to his bones. "Don't you ever bother this family again..." She let then threaten pause, "You hear me?"

"Yes..." He croaked as Sasha dragged him back into town, and tossing him to the ground inside Felicia's store. The frog mother looked up surprised.

"Thank you."

"Does catching him take time off my punishment?"

"I guess we can work something out," Felicia said, looking like she was thinking. "Sasha if you. You can work here for some extra cash."

"I'll think about."