
15. Stakeout

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, Alquimistaarcano77, Kaiju, Nopeknight, TALOS X, Stryker, Mr. Hardcor3, Gojirafan1954, Tearnon, Jason, brentdyedragon, gregorian12, PizzaGuest, schweenieboy, snake screamer, Guest for the comment.

At the Plantar house, Sprig, Marcy and Polly are doing dishes. Polly was licking a fork and humming, La-la-la-la, Marcy was telling Polly about anime she watched a Earth, first Polly was bored but her interested grew when Marcy talked about warriors that can blow up building with a finger.

"That's cool." Polly smiled, laughing evilly as she rubbing her hands. "I could do anything if I was that strong!"

"Well I would use my powers for good." Marcy smiled, setting a dish away in the drying rake. Polly looked disappointed. "Grrhh. You just have to be a goodie goodie."

Anne was sitting on couch along with Sasha and Hop Pop. The trio sighed deeply, they we're having another heated argument. Marcy ignored the fighting as per usually. "Look, dude, all I'm saying is that where I'm from you could get arrested for having a couch this firm."

"That lumpy so called bed you gave us is more comfortable then this!" Sasha added, struggling to fine a comforty spot. "We threw out our garage back home! And get new ones!"

Hop Pop glared back, with a stink eye. Being as stubborn as they're were. "This couch isn't garage it has history! I was sitting on it when Sprig and Polly were hatched. But ohhhh," He mocked, "It's just a couch! Also back in my day we didn't have furniture. We sat on rocks. Sharp ones!"

"Okay," Anne rolled her eyes, folding her arm with annoyed sigh. "But if I get butt blisters, I'm blaming you!"

Hop Pop smiled, folded his legs with a crack, "Back in my day we called those "character".

Outside of the Plantar house, the kids were carrying boxes of vegetables bringing them to the wagon.

"So... heavy!" Anne groaned, struggle to lift the box, as she exit the house, hitting her head on the way out, as she was unable to see in front of her.

"Urrgghh!" Sasha bumped into her from behind, "Move Anne! This weights a ton!"

"Sorry it's just I can't see with this box in the way."

Hop Pop pointed at a rock that was sticking out of the ground, that Anne was just about to step on. "Mind the flagstone," His warning came a little to late as Anne trips on a rock and yells, landing on the ground vegetables rolling all over the places. "Ahhh" Sasha screamed and tripped over Anne's body falling on top of her, both girl's groaned in pain.

Hop Pop stared in annoyance and picked up the vegetables that fell near his feet, "Back in my day, kids spent less time complainin' and more time watching their step!"

Sasha's groaned and picked herself and dusted herself off and help Anne up. "You're lucky I'm not hurt or I'll sue you."

Hop Pop laughed, "Jokes on you, I have no money."

Sasha glared at Hop Pop as she turn to Anne, with concern. "Are you alright!?"

Anne held her arm and hissed, "Ye... yeah." She glared at Hop Pop, "Yeah? Well, where we're from people fixed their crummy houses! I could have broken something!"

Hop Pop gasped, looking offended, giving the girl's a look of frustration. "This house is like family! It's been here at the very early days of Wartwood!" He pointed at the house, "You apologize!" He demanded.

"To a house?"

"Yeah, I'm not apologize to that death trap!"

Sprig slowly walked by with concerned as he watched the two humans fight with Hop Pop. He slowly made his way over to the wagon where Marcy was currently feeding Bessie while also writing down notes.

"Should we do anything." He tugged on Marcy's hoodie, she turned down to look at Sprig surprised to see him.

"Uh... Hi... Sprig?" She gave him a smile.

"Marcy should we do anything about this?" Sprig shrugged, hoping Marcy will know anything that might be of help.

"About what?" She gave a paused look raising an eyebrow, "Is something wrong?"

Sprig just looked up confused, "What do you mean?" He pointed at the fighting going on. "I mean that."

"FINE!" Sasha groaned and turned to the house and patted the wall, "I'm sorry that your crappy old house. Is old and crappy!" She turned back, folded her arms and puffed out her chest. "HAPPY!"

"Don't give use that tone with me!" Hop Pop waved a finger.

"Get your finger out of my face!" Sasha slapped his hand away.

"Oh..." Marcy said, she didn't want to get involved she normally ignored conflict or just made peacemaker. "That's just how they're, fighting with their parents. Teachers. The mall cops. I just ignored it."

"Or just enjoying the show!" Polly smiled, watching the argument.

Back inside the house Sprig and Polly was playing board game with Marcy in the living room.

"Alright you need to roll a six or higher to carry that weapon." Marcy exclaimed, reading a book. "And you need the weapon to go on this quest."

"Come on, Polly needs a new bucket!" The young pollywog rolled her dice, landing on a eight. "Yes!" She raised her hand, "Can I kill your characters now?"

"Hmm..." Marcy paused, "Well you can... But it's more fun to play with others. Doing quests with friends. Characters with rich emotional backstories. Character growth...Eeeee." Marcy gleed in delight.

"That's cool and all... I guess..." Polly rolled her eyes, looked bored. "But when do we get to the killing and stealing?"

Marcy flashed a smile laughing a little, she was just like Sasha when she got her to play. "Don't you want to be a team?"

"Nope. Polly the Great! Is a solo warrior!"

"Polly!?" Sprig looked ashamed at his sister, folded his arms. "How could you. Don't you want to be a hero? Help people?"

Polly blew a raspberry, "What's in it for me?" .

"Respect and love." Marcy said.

"Nuts to that I'll rather be fear!" Polly screamed, flexed her muscles, and grabbed the dice.

"Polly..." Sprig stopped her, and grabbed the dice. "It's my turn."

Sprig smiled, "Alright I'm going to save this town from this monster. Be a hero!"

"You need a ten to win," Marcy exclaimed.

"Alright!" He smiled and threw the dice, landing on one. Sprig face fells and lowered himself on the table with tears. Polly began laughing, while Marcy gave him a sympathetic look.

"Sorry Sprig, but you're character is dead."

"No. He had a family. Who will looked after little Tim, and what about Molly. The village. It will be destroyed!" Sprig broken down in tears.

"Bro. Relax. It's fake." Polly pointed out, freaked out by Sprig's breakdown.

A loud thud from upstairs was heard interrupted them.

"Where I'm from," Anne screamed, "we didn't rush people in the bathroom!" Another thud is heard, shaking the house.

Hop Pop yelled "Well, back in my day we didn't have a bathroom!" Another thud.

"Stop hitting the door with a battering ram!"

"It's been two hours!"

Sprig screamed, burying his face in his hat to drawn out the fighting, "I can't take this anymore!"

"They're just getting used to each other." Polly replied, "It's not a big deal."

"I'm sure they work it out," Marcy didn't looked up as she continuing playing and rolled her dice, "Alright level 20!"

Sprig jumped up getting in there face, "Not a big deal? Polly do you remember the Henderson's next door? They used to argue all the time," Sprig pointed out the window, to a tore down old house, "and look what happened to them."

Wally loots the Henderson's house which looks abandoned, carrying a pile of jewelry. "Nothing like scavenging the remains of a broken frog family."

"If we don't do something now, it won't be long before their bickering tears this family apart."

"Really?" Marcy turned to face Sprig. Was it that bad? She pulled her hoodie over her head."You think that will happen?" Her anxious took of her, its just a little fight. It had to be, right? Marcy just wants her friends to be together, it was miracle they ended up together so she had to keep it like this.

"I'm certain of it." Sprig spoke with great certainty.

"I still think we should just give them time." Polly replied, rolling her eyes. "Not like we have a lot of options. You can't force people to get along."

Sprig smiled as an idea pop in his head, as he slowly backed up. "Of course not, Polly. Of course not..." He peaked behind the corner. "Of course-"

Polly glared looking annoyed, "Just go already!"

Marcy ran outside to follow him.

"Does this mean I won?" Polly asked, as Marcy slammed the door.

Marcy followed Sprig outside, the little frog was too fast for her. "Wait up Sprig?"

"Don't try to stop be Marcy!" Sprig continuing leaping away, "I'm trying to save this family!"

"Wait!" Marcy tried to catch up, but Sprig was to fast, "I want to help."

"Huh..." Sprig hault in his tracks, and turned to see Marcy. Folding his arms, tiliting his head. "Really?"

"Yes..." Marcy finally caught up to Sprig, stopping to take a breath as she lean down holding her knees. "Yes..." She gasped, "I don't want use to split up. My friends are important and if we don't starting getting along they might destroy our house. I... Can't let them happen... If it did we might have to separate."

Sprig smiled, happy someone was taking him seriously, "Alright I have a plan."

Back at the Plantar house, the family were relaxing outside enjoying the weather.

Hop Pop sighs as Sprig jobs into faces, "We've been robbed!"

Hop Pop just up with shocked "Say whaaaaat?"

Anne laugh as the family turned to her, "Sorry. Sorry. It's just that Hop Pop delivered the perfect sitcom catch phrase."

Hop Pop shock his head in annoyance, "Must be painful to make so little sense all the time."

The family gathering around the corn field, finding the entire crops were in deed gone.

"See!" Marcy trying her best to sound surprised and concern, "Some lowlife no one smuggler stolen are vegetables. All our hard work."

Hop Pop glance around at the empty vegetables garden, "My prize-winnin' corn!"

Anne glance down at Hop Pop, putting a hand on her hip, "You've won prizes?"

"Yeah," Sasha questioned with a smirk, "Here I thought you were terrible with food."

"It's an expression, girls." Hop Pop sign deeply and pointed at them, "What are you, the fact police?"

Sprig leap out in front of them, hitting his fist with his hand. "The injustice! The outrage! We've gotta catch this thief!"

"Agreed." Hop Pop smiled with Sprig with proud eyes, "And it's nice to see you so passionate about produce, Sprig."

"Yes." Polly eyes narrowing on Sprig and Marcy with suspicion. "Very odd."

"If the thief stole once, it'll steal again. The only way to catch this monster is a stakeout."

"Why not we starting knocking on doors and do the slice and dice?" Sasha added, "I'm sure I can take on any of these gross frogs on..." She saw the family glared at her, "No offensive."

"No taken." Hop Pop replied, but his tone said otherwise, "Anyways I like Sprig's idea." Sasha folded her arms and groaned.

"Okay." Anne scratched her head.

"And the only ones who can do it are..." Marcy paused for affected, "Anne, Sasha and Hop Pop!"

"Say what?" Anne was not liking the sounds of this at all.

"Not going to happen!" Sasha stared down at the old frog.

Sprig shrugged, "Well, I obviously can't... because I have the attention span of a." Sprig stopped and turned to see a butterfly that was nearby "... Oh, look at that."

"Aww it's beautiful," Marcy smiled and took out her notebook to do a quick drawing of the bug.

Anne smiled, "Why not Hop Pop and Polly? Seems like a winning combo to me."

Hop Pop stared up at Anne, "Polly's a baby, Anne."

Anne rolled her eyes, "Just asking, Hop Pop. Ugh."

Hop Pop took a deep breath, and turned back to the house. "Very well. Let's be honest though. You girl's will probably fall asleep and it'll just be me.

"Why would I fall asleep first? Aren't you like 100 years old?" Anne snapped back.

"Yeah, don't you need a nap or something!" Sasha snapped, making Anne laugh.

"Good one dude!" Anne gave her friend a high-five.

"I'm a crisp 68!" Hop Pop yelled back.

"I think he missed his nap," Sasha teased with a grin.

Polly waiting until they'll were gone and turned to Sprig and Marcy, "You two stole the corn, didn't you?

Sprig smiled with pride, "Oh, absolutely. But now those three have to spend the whole night together and bond!"

"Sprig," Polly rubbed her head in annoyance, "you can't manipulate people like this!"

"It's not really manipulating?" Marcy spoke up, "We're just trying to fix things you know, so we can stay together. Yeah... It's a little manipulating... But if it helps us stick together and its are friendship strong then what's the hurt?"

"Exactly!" Sprig added, "And our plan is going to save this family."

Night has fallen, Sprig and Marcy were watching Hop Pop, Anne, and Sasha set up their stake out. The frog boy was happy humming Mm-hmm and chuckles to himself. "Just look at 'em. And now to watch the flowers of friendship bloom."

"Yep," Marcy gave the frog boy a high-five, Sprig hit her with her tongue. "Fantasy..." She took a jar from her backpack and let the frog salvia dropped inside. Earning a look of confuse from Sprig and Polly, "For science..." She said and turned to look outside. "Now lets see if experiment 1 will work."

Polly grumbles under her breath, "Wait experiment 1? Don't tell me you have another stupid ideas?"

"Yep!" Marcy smiled and opened up her notebook, "experiment 2 is pretending were kidnapped."

"Experiment 3," Sprig smiled, "Is getting them trapped in the forest together."

"Experiment 4..." Marcy was about to speak but Polly interrupted her.

"You can't do this!" Polly said.

"We're saving the family!"

"Yeah!" Marcy smiled and wrapped arms around Sprig.

Outside the crickets chirping as Hop Pop and the girl hide behind the stone wall.

Hop Pop glared at Anne who was reading a book and Sasha was watching videos. "For goodness' sakes, kids, put that lamp out. We're trying to catch the thief, not scare it away."

Anne gives the Hop Pop a quick glare before she blows the candle out, Sasha rolls her eyes and groans as she turned her phone off. Anne yawns rubbing her eyes.

Hop Pop chuckles "Had a feeling you wouldn't last."

"Worry about yourself. I'll be fine." Anne looks through her bag and pulls out a energy drink, "I just need a little boost is all.

Hop Pop stares at the bottle reads off the label, "Blam Berry Blitz. The drink that punches you in the face and doesn't stop." Hop Pop begins laughing, "Hah! That silly drink won't keep you up!" Hop Pop pulled a large cup that look like a rotten frog head, "Now, this will keep you up."

Ugh! What is this poison?

Mama's old gourd tea recipe. I'm not surprised you don't like the smell. It's way too strong for you.

'Ha! No way it's stronger than my Berry Blitz." Normally Anne would have just kept her drink to herself, but Hop Pop insult her

Anne and Hop Pop botg grabbed for each other drinks, "Gimme that!"

Hop Pop gargling down the drink.

Anne groaned and took a deep breath before downing the drink with another groan.

"Give me that!?" Sasha grabbed the drink and down hit, nearly pucking because of the taste.

Hop Pop gasps looking like a fish gasping for air.

Anne's whole face freeze in place for she begins coughing

The unlikely trio beginning laughing, Anne wiped away a tear from her face, "You should have seen the look on your face. You were dying!"

Sasha nudged him, "You looked like death."

Hop Pop smiled, "And what about you two? I didn't even know you could turn that color. What, you got chameleon in your blood?" He relaxed himself and began watching the stars, as did the Sasha and Anne.

Anne looked up, no matter how many times she see the night sky, she just feels small and helpless. She wondered if her parents were watching the stars as well. It was night like this where she wished she could be in their arms again. Being warm and snuggle up in her own bed."You know, sometimes I wonder if I'll ever get home."

Sasha place a hand on her shoulder, "We will Anne." giving her friend a smile. She didn't know if she believed it herself, but here she had to be strong one to keep Anne and Marcy save. "We'll fine away out of this mud hole. I promise you."

"Thanks Sash."

Hop Pop smiled thinking back to Sally, his parents, Clarabelle. Back just to a simply time. Before he had millions of concern and problems going off in his head all the time. Back when he was just carefree frog without the responsible. Back when things were simple and easy to understand. Back when he didn't have to go bed worrying where his grandkids next meal will be."I know what it's like to miss something, kids. I find myself pining after the good old days way too much."

Anne signed, her lips turned into a smile, "Yeah. We're kinda similar that way. You're always going on about the old days, I'm always going on about back home."

Hop Pop smile with a laugh, "Yeah, deep down we're just a couple of softies, ain't we?

Sprig was watching from the house, with a big smile, "It's working. They're... connecting."

"Yeah!" Marcy raised a arm, "We did it!"

Anne then laugh, "Of course, my situation is way worse than yours."

Hop Pop smile turned into a frown, "Always gotta make it about you, don't you? "I'm Anne, and my life is worse than everyone else's."

"Whatever!" Sasha pointed a finger at old frog, "You're just nostalgic for a simple time that never excited in the first place."

Anne frown at theold man, "Oh, yeah? Well, at least my head isn't a teakettle. Wait. What?" Anne rubbed her eyes, "Sasha are you seeing this?"

Sasha stared at the old frog, who's face was now a teakettle. "Hmmm... I think so."

"Oh, yeah? Well, at least my hair isn't rainbow stardust." Hop Pop shot back, as Anne's hair turned blue and Sasha's hair turned pink.

"What the-" Sasha touched her hair, as the area around turned into wild mix of colors.

"Uh... What?" Hop Pop said.

"Our we tripping?" Sasha questioned, "What did you put in that drink!?"

Hop Pop stepped back, "Nothing. I swear! I don't know what is happening to us?

Anne was having a panicked attacked and then saw the drinks. "Oh. The drinks! Our body chemistry must be so different that we're having crazy reactions to each other's extreme beverage. That was the smartest-sounding thing I've ever said.

Hop Pop gasped, pulling on his hair, "This is terrible!" He pointed at the girls, "I never shoulda let you trick me into trying something new!"

Sasha glared back at shoved him, "Oh, yeah? Well, your gross old mama's tea did this to us!"

Back at house Sprig and Marcy were watching them get in a fight, Sprig was growing worried, "No, no! This can't be! They're fighting again."

"Oh, no," Polly gave a fake gasp, and spoke mockingly, "What a surprise."

Marcy groans "Okay, okay. No problem." She looked through her notebook, "We can try another tomorrow."

Sprig closed Marcy's book, "We don't have time. We'll just have to take matters into our own hands."

"Wait?" Polly gasped as she watch Sprig as dragged Marcy the closet. "You don't mean..."

Sprig smiled, as he put on dark cape with a hood, "Oh, that's right, Polly. I'm going to steal more corn right under their noses. They'll have to do this again tomorrow, and the next night, and the next night, until they're the bestest friends who were ever friends, and then the family will be saved!" He gave a sinister chuckle, giving Marcy a cape as well.

"You're mad!"

"Try and stop us!" Sprig jumped out the window, "Ha-ha!"

"Oh, boy," Polly groan, as she watched Marcy run outside.

Anne got in Hop Pop's face, "We didn't make you drink my Berry Blitz."

Hop Pop poke her, "Well, you grabbed for my tea first."

Sasha snared, "This wasn't our fault."

"Well, it sure wasn't mine."

They heard rustling come from nearby, causing them to stop fighting to see what it was. They gasped and turned to each other "The corn thief!"

Polly tracked Sprig and Marcy to the ground. "Stop this madness!"

Sprig struggled to fight off Polly, "Aah! Let go!"

"You've lost your mind!"

Marcy plead with Polly, "Please, Polly. We have to do this." She had to, she had to keep this friendship together, she didn't risk everything just to be left alone.

'"Hey!" Hop Pop called out, while Sasha crackle her knuckles.

Anne stomped her foot down, "Stop right there, you- you... thief? Huh?" Anne rubbed her arms as the thief turning into a giant Corn monster, they all screamed.

"The corn thief!" Hop Pop screamed, pulling on his hair, "And it's the scariest thing I've ever seen!"

Sasha smirked, "Finally something we agree on."

Hop Pop raised a fist, "We've got to take this thing down. Are you with me?"

Anne smiled, "Till the end."

"We have no other choice?" Sasha added.

Hop Pop nodded smiling at the kids, feeling a little bit of pride."Then let's do this!"

The group ran towards the monster.

Hop Pop shot a beam of energy from his hands, "Teakettle beam, fire!"

"Rainbow magic!" Anne yelled.

"Umm... Okay go magic power!" Sasha said as their energy beams fused together and hit the monster. When the dust cleared, the beast was still there and completely unharmed.

Anne gasped, turning to her teammates, "Our attacks have no effect!"

Polly, Sprig and Marcy just watched the trio were imitating lasers firing, "Great there broken!"

Hop Pop looked at his hands, "It must be immune to magic."

"Anne pointed to nearby weapons, "Quick! Grab those power-ups!

"Power-ups?" Sprig was confused, then turned to fear, as he dodge Hop Pop Pitchwork, while Anne nearly hit Marcy with hatchet. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" He hugged onto Marcy tight as the two were crying. "Anne, Sasha, Hop Pop, it's me! I've learned my lesson. I promise. I'll never manipulate people-"

"We're sorry!" Marcy plead

The distorted voice was begin to sound familiar.

Anne paused for a moment, "Uh, does the corn thief kinda sound like Sprig to you?"

Hop Pop shaked his head, "Now that you mention it."

The monster slowly turned back into Sprig and Marcy, "Don't kill us! Please!"



What?" The trio hallucination stopped and everything turns back to normal

Hop Pop was rubbing his eyes, "Uh, wai- Wha- None of that was real? But it was so terrifying! I hadn't take anything like since my 20's"

"What..." Sasha raised an eyebrow, "You took drugs..."

"I refuse to answers that." They turned to see Sprig and Marcy crying on ground, pleading.

"Don't kill me! Please!"

"We're sorry. We're sorry!" Marcy got her knees, "we're just trying to get you stop fighting."

Hop Pop was rubbing his hand, fighting off a headache, "I thought we were goners."

Anne signed, "Me too." She turned to face him, "And you... defended me."

Hop Pop gave them a proud smiled, "And you stood by my side."

Anne leaned down and place a hand on Hop Pop's shoulder and gave him a smile, she knew that she and Hop Pop will still have there differences, but in the end, she know when it counts, he'll always have her back"You know, Hop Pop, back home we call that having a friend's back."

Hop Pop smiled, "Well, back in my day we called it "pulling a Stinky McGuire." But if you don't know Stinky, the saying don't mean much, so let's just stick with yours."

They all laugh, "Boy, I'm tir-" They all past out, falling asleep, snoring loudy

"Wow, Sprig," Polly smiled with surprised, "I owe you an apology. Your dumb ol' plan actually kinda worked."

"Thanks," Sprig gave her a pat, "Polly, but maybe next time we do it your way."

Notes; I was surprised I did this one. I wanted to grew Anne friendship with Hop Pop and decide to put in some Marcy friendship with Polly and Sprig to grew as well.