
14. Camp Joe

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, Alquimistaarcano77, Kaiju, Nopeknight, TALOS X, Stryker, Mr. Hardcor3, Gojirafan1954, Tearnon, Jason, brentdyedragon, gregorian12, PizzaGuest, schweenieboy, snake screamer, Guest for the comment.

The girls were relaxing in their room, Sasha was trying to take a nap, Marcy was reading a book of spells and Anne was going through her bag. Looking at each object with a touch of sadness. Until she discovered a item that made her grin ear to ear. She immediately ran upstairs waking up Sasha who begrudgingly followed her up with Marcy.

"Guys! I brought a bath bomb from home and didn't even know it! Oh, yeah! Man, I can't wait to try this baby out." Anne halted in her tracks, as she saw the Plantar packing. "Uh...You guys going somewhere?"

"What gives old man!" Sasha responded nonchalantly, rubbing her eyes. "Planning on cutting it drain and leaving this slimy mud hole."

"This slimy mud hole I was born here!" Hop Pop responded back, Sprig hopped between them.

"The three of us are going to Camp Phlegmington. Gonna rough it outdoors and get filthy!" Sprig smiled, he wasn't selling the idea to Sasha who didn't look to thrill about the idea, although a certain Thai girl felt a little hurt.

"Wait, without me?" Anne responded with a hint of sadness in her voice. Here she thought she was becoming a part of the family.

"Sure are. When we Plantars camp, we camp hard. No sense in you coming with us and being miserable." Hop Pop said.

"You know you hate dirt, bugs, rocks... and nature." Sprig spoke first.

"You humans are soft, like a baby." Polly spoke without a hint of shame.

"That's ridiculous. Me, soft?" Anne waved her hand, "Pfft! Just because I'm not a Plantar doesn't mean I can't have a good time with you guys. Take me with you. Please, please, please?

"Are you sure?" Hop Pop spoke with concern, "I wasn't kiddin' when I said "rough."

"And I wasn't kidding when I said you were soft." Polly replied.

"Super-sure." Anne smiled

"Yes, please." Marcy replied, "Just think of all the new creatures and plant life I can write about." She pulled a book, which was new book, having already filled out her old one.

"Aw, come on, guys." Sprig quickly jumped on there defense, "If they says they can handle it, they can handle it.

"Well, all right, kids. Hop on." Hop Pop smiled.

"Whoo, whoo!" Anne and Marcy cheered.

Sprig smiled, "Psst. Hey, since you're coming with us, we gotta lather you up with this gunk. Only way to keep the ticks away."

Anne gave a fake laugh, "Totally not regretting this."

"You coming Sasha?" Marcy smiled.

"Well... have fun" Sasha gave a waved salute and turned around to the house. "But I'll past."

"Oh no you don't!" Hop Pop raised a hand, "I made plan incase your girls didn't want to come."

"What plan!?" Sasha didn't like the sound of this.

"UGGGRRHH!" Sasha groaned, as Hop Pop dropping her off at Felicia's Tea Shoppe, "Seriously?!"

"Yep," Hop Pop smiled, "I don't know about your world. But I'm not letting a child stay home alone."

"Fine, whatever." Sasha folded her arms, "at least I can hang out with Ivy."

"Have fun, Sasha!" Marcy smiled.

Sasha pushed the door wide open, realize she hasn't been here before. Sasha looked around in the surrounding area, somewhat amazed by the fanciness of the place. It looked like painting of an old tea shops from the 40's or 50's. Pink decorative wallpaper, oak floorboard experience-looking china and amphibians dressed up all fancy. She saw some familiar faces, The Mayor and the little weird frog that fellows him around, Sasha wasn't sure if he was a kid or adult. She saw Loggie and that old jerk that pushes Hop Pop around flirting with some old lady at the counter. Sasha whistleed, this place was way better then the dump she been staying. Why couldn't they take her in.

Before she could fine Ivy, a yellowish and femininely slender frog bumped into her. She nearly dropped a plate, "Oh, excuse me, there." The slender frog spoke in affectionate tone and turned around and cried in fear upon looking at Sasha. Dropping her plates of cookies, Felicia stared at the strange creature with horror in her eyes and a finger pointing directly at the girl, shrieking "MONSTER!"

Everyone in the store looked up, some stammering under their breathe and starring at her. "Hello Sassy!" Loggie waved.

"This place is only for the classy type of frogs!" Toadstool spoke, his clothes filled with stains and he stuffied his face, almost choking.

"SIR!" Toadie cried, and heimlick. Toadstool spit it up and picked it up to eat it again. "Like I said classy frog." Sasha rolled her eyes.

"Shut it Toadstool!" Miss Croaker, who was sitting with other elderly frogs, glared at the mayor.

Before anyone could get up, Ivy was light on her feet. "W-WAIT! SHE'S WITH ME!" A frog shrieked, the two turn to see Ivy, who was walking over with a plate of scones.

Felicia looked at Ivy, her mouth agape. Her expression slowly turned to anger, "WHAT. EXPLAIN YOURSELF, YOUNG LADY!"

"The Plantars are going on there camping trip, Mr. Plantar came here yesterday and asked."

"WHAT!" She folded her arms, "He didn't ask me."

"He asked Grandma."


"It's true," An old frog spoke up from the corner, "Excuse me Monroe." She began to walk over she had lime green skin, wearing a pink dress with a small pink flower pinned on her chest, she also had glasses and has her white hair tied back into a ponytail. "I told you last night the Plantar kids were staying the night."

"I thought you met Sprig and Polly."

" HEY!" Sasha spoke up, she hated when adults talked about her like she wasn't here. Felicia and Sylvia turned to her, the latter folded her arms. "If you don't want me here just say so! I can looked after myself!"

"Why I never!" Felicia's glared, "Are your kind this disrespectful."

"Listen lady!" She pointed at the frog, annoyed with her stuck-up princess behavior, "I didn't start crap here! You did!" She picked up her bag, "Whatever. I'll leave. I'll be happy, you'll be happy and we'll both be happy." She turned to leave, but someone grabbed her arm.

"No, please!" Sasha turned around to see Ivy. "Please stay." She turned to her mother, pleading. "Please mom, it's just for the night."

"Ivy..." Felicia signed annoyed feeling her forehead. She felt her mother touch her shoulder.

"Aww Felicia wants the harm." Silvia smile at her daughter, then turned to her granddaughter and her friend. "Let Ivy have some fun. Also I remember a certain frog that was like her at her age."

"Mother!?" She looked annoyed.

"Please." Ivy pleaded.

"Alright..." Felicia gave a smile, "She can stay."

"YES!" Ivy jumped up, almost hitting the ceiling,

"Hello, I'm Silvia Sundew. Ivy's grandmother." She introduced herself. "Felicia is my daughter." "Hey." "Charmed." The two greeted, at least trying to sound sincere. Silvia picked up on Sasha and Felicia were still on edge. "Ivy dear why don't you show Sasha was it? Your room?"

Ivy quickly grabbed her hand and took her upstairs, Silvia turned to Felicia. "Relax dear, they been living with the Plantars for weeks."

"I know."

Upstairs Sasha followed Ivy to her room which was on the fourth floor as the another floors were for guest. It was just as messy as Sprig's room. Posters of gladiators type frogs, a poster of some smug looking pink Newt general, and band poster were on the walls

"Nice room." Sasha dropped her bag.

"Thanks," Ivy was leaping around. "So it's just us? Or is Anne and Marcy coming."

"Just me!" Sasha set up her sleeping bag. "Ever had a sleepover before?"


"Well girl. You're lucky. I'm the sleep over queen!"

The Plantars stopped at sign for the camp on the sign had a muscular dull green toad with several colored tattoos of insects, snakes, bones, on his skin. In addition, he has bones of an unknown animal in his shaggy, green beard.

"Eww!" Anne grimaced, pointed at the sign, "Now that's an ugly mascot." She nudged Marcy. The oldest and youngesr Plantars smirked at each, Polly was given an evil grin of delight.

"RAWRRRR!" The large a amphibian from the sign jumped towards them, with a crazy smile. The humans and Sprig screamed and immediately hugged each other tightly closing there eyes.

They waited for anything to happen, when suddenly they heard laughing. Opening their eyes they saw the large wildtoad laughing along with Hop Pop and Polly.

"Hey!" Anne glared at them, "What gives!?"

"Soggy Joe, you got them good!" Polly wiped away a tear from her face.

"URGGHHH!" Sprig groaned, folding his arms in defeat. "Every year!? He get me every year!?" The toad knows as Soggy Joe smiled and gave Sprig a playful pat on the back.

"Don't beat yourself up about it kid," He smiled.

"He's a baby," Polly playfully teased, "Soggy's stopping be scary since I was three."

"Aw," Joe pretended to be deadly injured by Polly's word. "Wounded by a child."

"Hehehe." Hop Pop smirked rubbing to top of Polly's head, who looked annoyed be this."Polly here is the bravest Pollywog I've seen."

"Sure am!" Polly shouted.

"Ummm... Okay," Anne interrupted, "Who is this guy?"

Soggy Joe turned to smiled at the girls, looking surprised, to extanted his hand. "Soggy Joe I run the campground. Hmm... I seen you in town. You're the strange beast that came to town."

"Names Anne," She shaked his hand, "You got me good dude."

"Oh that," Joe waved a hand, "Just a little fun for the kids. Although it still gets Wally." He turned to the another girl. "And who are you?"

"Marcy," she pointed at Joe, "why are you Australian?" Marcy questioned, there were few amphibians in town with accents. She wonder why they spoke English but also had accents there on Earth.

Joe blinked, "I'm a Toad."

"Don't mind her Joe." Hop Pop smiled and tossed a bag of coins.

"Enjoy your stay!" Joe waved as Bessie pulled them into the campgrounds.

"Ahh," Sprig smiled, "I can't wait to tell scary stories. The more teen frogs running from deranged psychopaths, the better."

"Oh!" Marcy smiled and pulled out a phone, "Or we can watch scary movies!" She clicked the phone, a girl screamed followed by splash off blood. Scaring Sprig, Polly grab the phone smiling.

"Hehehe! This is amazing!"

"I personally love the peace and quiet, " Hop Pop smiled, "A frog can really hear themselves think out here. ''You can't protect your family. That's why Clarabelle died, that's why Sally died. You will die alone?'' Well, that was a mistake."

Anne groaned.

Hop Pop turned to Anne, "You sure you want to stay, Anne? I can take Bessie and take you to the Sundew's if you need to.

"Hey, hey, hey! Here's an idea. How about we stop questioning my decisions and get to camping together already? Who's with me?"


'"Good idea!"

"Yeah, that sounds good, " Hop Pop smiled, "Now Sprig take Anne to get firewood, while Marcy, Polly and I will look for food."

"Yes Hop Pop." Polly gave a salute.

"Didn't you pack any of that with you?" Anne asked.

"I told you when we Plantars camp, we camp hard," Sprig smiled.

Yeah Anne," Polly waved her little arms. "We Plantars go real campsite, where there ain't none of that kiddie stuff, like shelter or potable water. Blech. Babies!"

"The Sundews are still an option," Hop Pop suggested.

"NO. I take it." Anne turned to Sprig, "Come on buddy let's get wood." Sprig immediately followed her.

"Hop Pop no choires for a week if she quits in an hour! Or I'll clean Bessie stall."

"Polly no gambling."

Sasha sat down at a table with the Sundew family, The table was located in small room, away room the restaurant area. She wasn't to sure what was on her plate, it looked like some small rodent with side salad. After a few chews, she swallowed. "Dear God that was the best thing I've tasted since I got here."

Felicia smiled, her nervousness lessened. "Oh, I'm glad you like it! True be told I was a little worried you get sick. Because you're a hummus right?"

"Its human," Sasha laughed. "Plus the only food that makes me sick is from that old man's cooking."

Silvia waved, "Ohoho, Hopediah can't cook."

"Well duh," Ivy smirked, "They always lose Wartwood potluck."

"Ohoo, yes, that's true." Felicia smile, "I'm glad you like it."

"It's delicious," Sasha, said, taking other bite. "What's in this. Wait on second thought don't tell me."

Sprig and Anne were walked through the forest, Anne fighting off giant bugs with a stick. "Go away! Shoo!"

"You know," Sprig walked behind her, "I'm happy it's just you two, and Sasha stayed behind!"

"WHAT!" Anne successfully hit the bug away, and turned to Sprig, "Why would you say that!"

"Uh..." He rubbed the back of his head with guilt. "I mean its nice to have fun without her bossing us around."

"Sasha..." She paused to think for a moment, "She doesn't boss me around."

Sprig looked down rubbing his arm, "I know she makes you do things you don't want to do."

"That's friendship SPRIG! You help get, do, things for your friends even if you don't want to. Because if you don't they might not want to be your friend!"

"Sounds like friendship is use as threat to me," Sprig signed, "I'm just saying, I wouldn't force you to do anything you didn't want to do."

"Well... An..." She knew Sprig was right, he didn't force her to do things. And he just enjoyed spending time with her. "Look dude, I know Sasha... Can be a little much... But she going through some things right now."

"Okay Anne," Sprig smiled, "Your right. I don't know her well... So I'll give her time. I just not like how she pushes you around."

"Thanks dude," Anne gave him a hug, "She'll come around. She just going through some hard personal stuff."

Anne and Sprig returned to the site, seeing Polly and Hop Pop carrying fish along with Marcy who was dripping from head to head toe.

"What happened?" Anne asked.

"I got distract by a butterfly while fishing and got pulled in."

"Lets just get a fire going," Hop Pop spoke softly as he lit a fire.

"Guess your friend isn't used to camping." Anne just noticing that Joe was with them. "Want to hear a tale?" He asked as he took a seat by the fire.

"Oh, me!" Polly raised her hand,"I love Joe's scary stories!"

"Gather 'round and hear ye the tale of the Mud Men. Born in the bowels of the bog itself, the mud creatures stalk the inky night, lusting to devour any frogs that might have wandered into their domain. Just like us! Ah, yes. The Mud Men only fear two things. Daylight and being clean. Holy honey thistle!

"What? What is it, Joe?" Hop Pop panicked.

Soggy Joe pointed towards the forest, large mud covered monster walked out of the forest. "It's the Mud Men!"

"They're real!" Marcy screamed, but took a picture.

"Take Polly!" Hop Pop shoved the young Plantar in Marcy's arms.

"Back away!" Sprig lit a stick on fire and waving it a the mud man, Hop Pop did the same. Joe let out scream and cut the monsters in half with his ax. Bessie was eating them and spiting them out.

"Let me at them, let me at them!" Polly was struggled to get out of Marcy's grip.

"What are we going to do?" Anne panicked pulling her hair.

"I don't know," Marcy replied, "I really wish we had some sunlight right about now. Or heck, cleaning products."

Anne gasped and ran to her bag, "I have something even better. Everyone, take cover! Peony Princess bath bomb! Good-bye, dear friend." She gave it a kiss before it throwing it, exploding wiping out a few mud man as the other ran away.


"Guess we were wrong to doubt you," Hop Pop said as he picked himself of the ground, "Anne. You really are used to extreme camping.

Anne signed looking down, "Guys, I have a confession to make. I was miserable. I was just trying to cover it up."

"I don't understand. Why lie about it? Why be miserable?" Sprig asked.

"I guess I've been feeling kind of left out lately. I'm not a frog. I'm not a Plantar. Heck, I wasn't even invited on this trip. I really like you guys and wanted to be with you, miserable or not."

"I don't know if it's the sweet-smelling toxins" Sprig was fighting off tears, "or the overwhelming emotions, but dang it, I'm a mess."

"Next time, we'll include you, Anne, even if we know you'll hate it."

"Thanks, you guys.!" Anne pulled the Plantar into a hug, Marcy soon joined as well as Soggy Joe. To which they glare at him, and he let go looking uncomfortable.


Sasha and Ivy were sitting on her bed, the tomfrog was watching two large muscular men beating each other in a metal cage.

"Yeah, get, him! Urrghh! Who taught you to fight!" Ivy jumped up, pretending to fight an invisible opponent, Sasha gave a smirk.

"I know right!"

There was a knocked on the door, Felicia walked in, "Alright girls. Time for bed."

"Awww! Mom!" Ivy folded her arms.

"I let you stay up an extra hour Ivy, don't push it," She waved a finger, "Plus tomorrow is seniors day. I need your help."

"Alright mom!" Ivy groaned.

"Night girls." Felicia smiled, and closed the door.

Ivy groaned, and was getting ready for bed.

"What are you doing?" Sasha asked.

"Going to bed," Ivy replied, "Senior day is our bussing day."

"Nope!" Sasha raised a hand, she wasn't having this. "Number 1 rule of Sleepover is you don't sleep."

"Don't sleep?" Ivy asked.

"Yep!" Sasha smiled, and pulled out a book.

"What's this."

"This is the book of losers," Sasha tapped the book, "We give a dare and if you fail your name goes in this book."

"A dare?" Ivy rubbed her chin, in deep though, seeing a piece of slug pie on her nightstand and smirked. "Alright, you have to eat this pie."

"What!?" Sasha looked like she was going to puke, she glare at the little frog, she never failed a dare and she wasn't going to fail now. She picked the pie, pitching her nose with another hand. She was repeating that it was cheeseburger before taking a bite.

"No," Ivy waved a finger, "If you puke you failed."

Sasha mumble under her breath as she took another bite swallowing the pie, "Urrgghh! God I think I need a doctor." Ivy was laughing, "Alright my dare go out there and knocked on people's door."

Ivy paused for a second, before running outside. Sasha watched from on top of stair on the fourth floor, watching Ivy knocking on doors.

"Wh.._what?" A tired newt answered the door.

"I didn't ask for a wake up call!" A Toad glared.

"Thanks..." A frog holding a crying Pollywog glared, "I just got him to bed!"

The noise wake up Felicia who glared, folding her arms. "Ivy! What are you doing?"

"Mom...?" Ivy looked down.

A frog glared at Felicia's, "I want my money back!?"

Felicia trying to keeps things calm, "Ivy go to your room. I'll talk to you later."

Ivy look down at her feet, and slowly made her way upstairs, as Felicia turn to the angry customers. They gathered around her, demanding refund.

Sylvia woke up, and noticed the angry customer surrounding her daughter. "Alright!" She glared, "everyone back to your rooms!" A quick glare silence the customers and they returned to their rooms.

Back at the campground the family smiled as they sat at the fire, cooking fish, looking at the sky feeling so small.

"This place is truly Frog's country," Hop Pop smiled looking up, "Makes you feel small. But know this kids the beautiful night sky. We all can see its beauty. From the King, to the poorest Amphibia. Its something beautiful we all can see."

Then when Bessie began to sing. The girls never heard Bessie sing before, it was truly beautiful. They grown to see the animal as more then animal, but beautiful creature with a equally beautiful soul. Hop Pop smiled at Bessie and began to sing with her.

"I have all the wealth that frog could want, a beautiful pot of land, loyal old snail, and group of unruly kids, who love me." They glared at him, but let him continuing singing. He was off key, but the words and Bessie made it enjoyable. "Newtopia don't compare to want we have here, cause my home is where my gold is. Beetle pie, good fly roast, and the Good Frog, up above me. Newtopia don't compare to want we have here, cause my home is where my gold is. Oh yes, Newtopia don't compare to want we have here, cause my home is where my gold is. "

The Plantar's kids clapped, while Joe wiped away tears with his beard.

"That was beautiful HP," Anne smiled.

"Thanks Anne, now off to bed. After what we just seen, we'll need it."

Sasha stared at Ivy, the girl's hands were on her face. Sasha looked down, feeling a little bad as they heard a knock on the door. "Ivy I'll coming in." The frog's mother entered, taking a seat next to her. "Ivy explain to why me? Why would you do that? That behavior is unacceptable Ivy. We could lose customers. Money." She still spoke in her soft tone.

"I... I.. don't know." Ivy didn't look up, playing with her thumbs.

"Well Ivy, you're working for free for two weeks because of this. You can't play with Sprig! And you'll have to help with cleaning rooms." She signed, "What came over you? I raised you better!"

"Wait..." Sasha spoke up, she felt bad seeing Ivy lower her head in shame.

"Sasha, this is my daughter."

"No, I..." Sasha rubbed her head, "It was me. I dare her."

"A dare?" She rolled her eyes, "Of all the childish things." She rubbed her forehead. "But thanks for being honest." She smiled, she turned to Ivy, "Ivy your punishment is for just one week, and you'll be working with Sasha..." She turned to Sasha, "right?"

"Uhh... Yes." Sasha signed, Felicia nodded saying goodnight before leaving.

"Iook I'm sorry," Sasha couldn't look at her.

"It's alright..." Ivy said, although Sasha still felt bad.

"Think we'll ever get home Marcy?" Anne turned on her side to face Marcy, the two girl were watching the stars.

"I honestly don't know Anne," Marcy picked up on how her face flashed with disappointment for a second. "But..." She gently touched her shoulder, "I'm sure we'll find away. The box was kinda like a door, and a door opens both ways. There might be something here in the world that could help."

Anne signed deeply, "I hope so Marcy."

"Well if the worst-case happens," She turned to the Plantars, "We have a place."

Anne chuckled a little smiling at the frogs, "Hmm... There fun... They'll grew on me. I think I'll miss them. "

Marcy looked away, "I'll miss them to and Maddie. She like me in a way. Everyone thinks she strange and creep." The young girl played with hands, she always wanted to talk about things she like to her friends but always fall on deaf ears but with Maddie it was different."It be great if we could figure out a way to get it to work both ways... And we could come back and visit. It could be like our own secret world."

Anne smiled, "I would like that. They be awesome. Maybe show them my world. Wait on second thought that's probably a bad idea. Like just think what would happen if someone see them" Anne signed, looking at the sleeping frogs. "But yeah. It would be awesome if we can figure out how to use it and we could see them again."

Marcy weighed her next thought carefully, "Its almost like coming here wasn't all bad. We met some pretty cool friends, and crazy adventure."

"We almost died Mar-Mar!"

"I know... I know... " She put her hands up. "I'm just glad to have met The Plantars and Maddie is all."

"Ye... Yeah... I glad to have met them two." Anne turned back on her back. "I just miss home..."

"I know Anne... I know."

The girls were back at the Plantar house, Anne having a bag on the table. "Guys, now that we've been through a lot, there's something I'd like to share with you." She open the bag, revealing a box. "This is how we got here."




"It's some kind of crazy music box or something." Marcy looked up hopefully, "Have you guys seen anything like it before?"

"May I?" Hop Pop asked.

"Sure," Anne handed it to him, "I mean, it's busted."

"Anne broke it," Sasha glared.

"Hey!" Anne replied.

"Hmm," Hop Pop gave the box a look over, getting the girls hope up. "Hmm. Hmm! Nope. Never seen anything like it."

"Well, it was worth a shot." Anne looked down

"Guess were stuck here!" Sasha groaned.

"Anne," Sprig smiled and touched her arm, "I promise... We're gonna find a way to get you home. All of you."

"Thanks, Sprig." Anne pulled him into a hug, "That means a lot to me."

"Yeah," Sasha smiled, "Thanks frog boy."

Hop Pop yawned, "Well, that's enough excitement for me today. I think I'm gonna turn in."

"Good night, Hop Pop."

In his study, Hop Pop looks up music box in an old book. Showing the calamity box, with warnings saying its dangerous, and much be destroy. Along With skulls of frogs.

"It's just as I feared." Memories of his wife and daughter played in his head and fear took over.