
13. Grand Theft Snail

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, Alquimistaarcano77, Kaiju, Nopeknight, TALOS X, Stryker, Mr. Hardcor3, Gojirafan1954, Tearnon, Jason, brentdyedragon, gregorian12, PizzaGuest, schweenieboy, snake screamer, Guest for the comment.

It was a beautiful sunny day, the family were strolling through town. Hop Pop smiled leaning on his back, relaxing his old bones. "Ah, a leisurely outing with Bessie." The old frog turned to Marcy, who was riding the family snail. He looked up with impressed smile on his face, "You're getting pretty good at this."

"Oh... thanks..." Marcy smiled, looking away embarrassed be the comment. She pulled Bessie to a stop as they arrived at their house, patting the back of Bessie's head, "But old Bessie here she doing much of the work." Bessie squeaked happily.

Sasha raised an eyebrow, "So can I drive next?"

"Ooh, yes! Can I drive as well?" Anne spoke up, "Please HP?"


Anne groaned, looking disappointed, quickly assumed Hop Pop shot her down. "Aw, come on, Hop Pop, you let Marcy drive- Wait, really?"

Hop Pop looked up at Anne and Sasha, and pointed at Sprig. "Absolutely. I've been trying to teach this guy for years."

"It's true." Sprig smiled.

"All right!" Anne smiled, "Marcy give me those reins! I'm ready to drive."

Sasha wasn't having this and quickly put Anne's hand down, "Who say you get to go first!? Uh?!" She glared down Anne, "Come on Anne, let me go first!"

"Well..." Anne scratched the back of her head, backing away from Sasha, signing deeply. She didn't like when Sasha was like this, but Sasha was still her friend. "I guess that's okay."

"Thanks..." Sasha smiled, putting a hand on her shoulder. "You can have your turn next time." Anne slowly nodded at Sasha, trusting her. The Plantars raised an eyebrow, Sprig was glaring. He didn't like it when she force Anne to do what she wants. He wondered if this was what friendship was like on Earth.

"Alright," Sasha smiled, as she got up to sit down next to Marcy, "Marcy give me those reins!"

"Sur..." Marcy was about to hand over the reins, however Hop Pop was having none of this. He quickly grabbed the reins from Marcy.

"WHAT THE HECK!" Sasha snapped, "You say we can drive!?"

"No language!?" Hop Pop waved a finger in her face.

"Heck, isn't a swear!?" Sasha folded her arms, "So can I drive or not!"

Hop Pop pulled a book from a bag tied around Bessie's shell. Handing it to Sasha, "Not before reading this, you ain't."

Anne looked at book in Sasha's hand, it was twice as big as dictionary. "What?"

Sasha just starred at the old frog, like he had finally lost his mind. "Yeah, this ain't happening?" She dropped the book on the ground,

Hop Pop quickly grabbed the book, wiping off the dirt. He turned to glare at Sasha, holding the book up as carefully as one would hold a child. "This is Bessie's History. Before touching a snail's reins, you gotta know them. Feel their heartbeat next to yours and become one."

"Seriously Hop Pop!?" Anne pulled her hair, if there was one things about this place she thought she'll never have to do again. It was study.

"Oh!" Marcy smiled as she patted Bessie, "Trust me, you have to read it. It's changes how to see old Bessie here. There you go girl," Marcy smiled, adding a handful of mushrooms to a bowl

"SQUUIII!" Bessie squeaked happily as she munched down on her treat.

Sasha pitched her nose, grunted in annoyance, "Marcy it's just stupid pet!"

"WHAT!?" Hop Pop's frown deepened, Sprig and Polly turn to watch the fireworks. Sprig pulled on his hat looking nervous, while Polly rubbed her hands together waiting to enjoy the show.

"Bessie ain't no PET, and she ain't stupid!" She's FAMILY!" The old frog argued back, almost on the edge of pulling out his remaining hair. "She's been here since I was Sprig's age! I won't have you disrespecting her!"

Sasha stared at Hop Pop with wide eyes, she proceeded to laugh. "PFFFTTT Hahahaha! Respect a dumb snail!" Hop Pop frowned, he threw the book into Sasha's hands.

"OWW! What the heck?!"

"That's for disrespecting Bessie!" He scolded. The older frog frowned, as Sasha wheezed as continued laughing. He crossing his arms. "Since you're not going to give Bessie respect, then neither of you will get to even ride Bessie." He pointed to the both of them. "Until you read this cover to cover!"

Sasha stopped laughing, her expression changed from happy laughter to horror "You wouldn't dare..."

"Don't care. You won't even ride Bessie as passage, unless you read this cover to cover. And that's final!"

"Seriously, HP!" Anne, she didn't believe him,"I get how much a pet means. I love my Domino, she's my baby. But we'll be your age when we finished."

"Well... enjoy walking everywhere"

The girls starred at Hop Pop they gave a serious expression. Neither were willing to back down, the three being as stubborn as they were. However Hop Pop was old and dealt will two generation of children, his patience out lasted them.

Sasha rolled her eyes, folding her arms. If there was one thing Sasha hated, it was to back down for argument. She hated to give up control, it meant that they held the power of her. She groaned, loudly and annoyed. "FIIIIIIINNNNNNEEEE!"

Anne signed, feeling defeated, she didn't have the energy to continuing fighting him. She smiled with hope, "Are there pictures?"

Hop Pop and Marcy smiled, "There are diagrams!"

"No!" Anne screamed.

Hop Pop rolled his eyes, "Dramatic much?" He looked annoyed, "Now if you'll excuse me, Polly's due for a wash." He picked up Polly, who was playing in the mud.

"What no. Wait. No! I'll just get dirty again." Polly was protesting, trying to break free from his grip. "You can't stop me! I learned this from watching you, Anne!"

"Well... Guys..." Marcy smiled, "I'm going over to see Maddie. But trust me the book will charge our life!" She ran into town.

"I'll be old before I finish reading this thing." Anne flipped through the book, it felt like it weight ten pounds.

"Yeah, page five is as far as I got." Sprig was looking at bug on his finger. "Too much description, not enough plot."

Sasha shrugged her shoulders, "I just don't see what we could gain from this." She rolled her eye, "We'll never get to ride this smelly slug!"

"It's a snail." Sprig pointed out, but was ignored.

"Agree, we don't need history." Anne returns the book in the bag tied to Bessie's shell. "We need experience. Hey," She jumped on to Bessie, "What do you say we take a harmless test-drive? Prove to Hop Pop we're fast learners?"

"Now... That's my girl." Sasha smiled, giving her a high-five."But hey... Can I go first..." She didn't wait for Anne to answer as she quickly took the reins from her.

"Hey..." Anne said, as Sasha pushed her aside.

"You'll get your turn," Sasha smile, putting a hand on her shoulder, "I promise."

Anne sighed lowering her head, and turned to Sprig and gave a smile. "Sprig, are you coming."

"Hmm," Sprig was about to climb up, but stopped, "Do you get the feeling this is one of those decisions we'll look back on and say, "Ooh-boy, we probably shouldn't have done that"?"

Anne playfully shrugged her shoulder, "We'll get Swamp Slushies while we're out."

Sprig jumped onto Bessie snail, "No regrets!"

Anne wrapped arm around him, pulling into a hug. "That's what I like to hear."

"Getting moving snail! Hyah!" Sasha pulled on the reins. Bessie happily squeaked and took off down the path, knocking over stands and nearly ran over people.

Toadstool and Toadie were putting on signs for the upcoming Election, "There we got Toadie." The Mayor smiled, engrossed with his own poster, as Sasha drove by smashing into the sign. Toadstool screamed in fear. leaping into Toadie's arms, the little frog struggle to hold up the mayor before being crush under his weight.

The Mayor glared, turning around. Wondering who dare knocked into them. He snarled as saw the ones responsible. "Ugghh. Typical Plantars. They're a menace!" He punched his hand with his fist.

"Uggghh... Sir... get... Off... Can't breath..." Toadie gasped, struggle to breath.

The trio laughed as they continuing driving around town, and turned down the path into the forest. Passing Miss Croacker, causing her to spin out of control and into a ditch.

"Huh? What in tarnation?" Croacker felt her forehead, looking around confused, as to what hit her.

"Out of the way, slowpoke!" Sprig taunted, as Sasha wrapped around him, smiling.

"Yeah, stay at home Grandma!" Sprig laughed along with Sasha.

"You're so right!"

"Hooligans!" Croacker was shaking her fist, "Ruffians! Swamp suckers!" Sprig and Sasha laughed together.

"Whoa." Anne gasped, looking surprised. "What was that?"

"I've always wanted to try road rage." Sprig smiled.

"And the verdict?" Anne raised an eyebrow.


"Same, squeak toy. It's a rush, and you just need more!" They all laughed.

"Hey, Sash," Anne smiled, turned to Sasha with hope, "Can I drive now?"

"In a minute ANNE!" Sasha immediately stopping laughing, her expression turned to annoyance. "You'll have your turn soon."

"Okay, Sash," Anne signed, feeling a little hurt, but gave a small smile. Believe Sasha, with Sprig was confused. They're just having fun, and immediately Sasha turned on a copper.

Sprig smiled as he enjoyed the drive, "Man, you were right. We didn't need to read some silly book. You drive just fine."

"Just fine?" Sasha raised an eyebrow, waving her hand. "Pshh. Boy, I'm a natural, I should get my license," Sasha grinned, "Ooh, ooh! Wanna take this off-road? Do some sweet stunts!"

Sprig and Anne chatted, agreeing with Sasha. She smirked, pulled Bessie off road, jumping across small ditches, doing some flips. The trio cheered, laughing, enjoying there time.

"That's was amazing!" Sasha smiled, looking proud of herself. "Silly old coot. We don't need read some dumb old book."

"Same, Sash," Anne laughed, "Look our a natural, now let me drive."

"Sure, Anne," Sasha smiled, handed the reins over to Anne. "This snail riding is easy. I'm sure you can do it."

Anne laughed, "Oh, I'm sure, I can handled it." She smiled, after seeing Sasha and Marcy handing Bessie she was more then ready to have her turn. "All right, Bessie. Let's move." Bessie didn't move, confusing them. "One more time. Let's move. Um, Bessie?" Bessie still didn't move, they looked down to see Bessie had immediately went into hiding in her shell, sputtering in fear.

"Wait to go Anne, you broke it!" Sasha rolled her eyes, pitching her nose. "I know I shouldn't have let you drive."

"Hey, its not my fault!?" Anne shot back.

"It's no one fault," Sprig got between, as he got down to look at Bessie. "You all right, girl?

"Hey," Anne kneed down to look at Bessie, "What's going on here? Does it need fuel in the tank or something? Is the oil low?" Anne picked up some nearby leaves, waving them in her face. "Come get the tasty fuel, Bessie."

"Ew, Anne. These leaves are tastier. Here, Bessie. I got dem good leaves, girl."

Sasha tapped her foot inpatiently as she knock on her snail "Hey, get moving you lazy slug!"

"Hmm," Anne scratched her chin, "Maybe we can push her? Give her a jump-start? I'm sure that's a thing." The trio were straining themselves as they pushed with all there might, but despite there best effort they were unable to move Bessie an inch.

"Okay..." Anne paused to take a breath, "She is way too heavy. Also, I'm crazy out of shape."

The trio starred at each other for a few moments, until Sprig broke the silence."What are we gonna do? We're stuck."

Anne closed her eyes, regretting having to say this. Her whole body was fighting this. "We have no choice. Sasha and I will stay here with Bessie while you hitch a ride back to the farm and..." She groans, not looking forward to being lecture at ... "go get Hop Pop."

Sprig gave her comforting pet on the back, giving her a smile. Letting her know things will be alright. "Good idea. It's the right thing to do, even if we get an earful." Anne smiled, as Sprig leaped away, "Back in a flash!"

Sasha glared in the direction that the frog boy ran off to, she turn her glance back to Anne. "Great..." She kicked the dirt. "Now that old frog will never let us drive!"

Anne shrugged her shoulders down, feeling the weight of Sasha glare pulling her down. "I know Sash... We messed up bad... If only we listen to him and read his dumb book...The book!" She jumped up.


"The book," Anne open and bag and grabbed the book and pulled it closer, feeling the weight of the history behind it. She flipped the cover open and began reading. "Maybe there something in here that will help. Okay, let's see here. "It was an especially cold morning the day Bessie was brought into this world. The leaves had just changed color, and now I shall describe those leaves to you in great detail-"

"Urgh, that stupid old man. This is really helpful." Sasha complained, "This is pointless."

"Agreed!" Anne made the wise decision of skiping a few pages, "Seriously. The first couple of pages is about weather and his weird old saying and people that I'm pretty sure are dead now." She continuing flipping through same pages, getting more and more annoyed. Until she finally found a page were Hop Pop got back to Bessie.

"Now I always wanted my own snail. But money was tight you see. Pa always said old reliable Gray was more then enough. Now Gray was good old snail. I remember playing with him everyday when I was a pollywog. Bessie wasn't a family snail yet, she belong to old wartwood petting zoo. I remember playing with Bessie everyday day, she was the most majestic creature my eyes have seen. Her shell was pristine and untouched. I never thought the Frogs could creature sure a beautiful creature." Sasha looked annoyed that she wasn't getting anything useful, Anne however thought it was cute. She remember her little domino.

"I remember this day clear as day, I certainly remember the lecture from parents afterward. Now my parents always told me to never go to far outside of Wartwood. I should have listen... but I didn't. Maybe it was a good thing I didn't listen, as I wouldn't know how brave Bessie was. I travel far outside the town, looking for treasure. When I ran into Kill-a-pillar. I ran for life, making it back into town. I got stuck in fence. Bessie most have seen me or hear my cries for help. As Bessie came out of nowhere and smacked that monster away. Bessie stayed with me all night, keeping me warm until my parents found me. I know then I had to get Bessie."

"Aww," Anne muttered to herself.

"I spent my time off the farm, doing work for everyone in town. I spent a whole year's savings and worked my behind off. I refused help. If I were to make Bessie my own, it shall be from my own hand."

"Sheesh, dramatic, much?" Sasha muttered. Although she understood what it meant. She never like accepting help.

"And it was at that moment I realized Bessie was no ordinary snail, but a kind, clear soul who would help others at a drop of a hat. I raised my bid to 400 copper pieces, winning the auction, and in the process, saving Bessie from the nefarious Jim Snapes."

"Yes! In your face, Snapes." Anne smiled gleefully, eating leaves. "Man. This is actually pretty good. And I need to stop eating leaves." Anne flipped the page in gleefully impatient.

"I didn't have much time to make Bessie comfortable at home when I was suddenly drafted in the Horsefly Rebellion of 48."

"Woah," Sasha gasped, "The old timer was a vet?"

"I guess."

"Well..." Sasha exclaimed, curious of what'd happened next.

"Normally frogs don't take part in Amphibia military Toads and Newts normally doing the fighting. I remember the day I left with Bessie, seeing the tears in my mother's eyes. I held her tight. Letting her know her boy was already. If I had know this would be the last time I saw her. I wouldn't had let go."

"I was one of the lucky or I thought I was. I was spear from the front lines, they had me delivery messages. Now a giant Sparrow in the sky drive attention... but some young farmer and his snail. Bessie and I sneak through many towns to completely are tasks. I thought it was breeze... I saw the horrors sure. But I didn't have to faces them. That was until I was capture by couple of soldiers when I stopped to eat. I through I was going to see my PA-PA again. That was when I saw Bessie chew right them, I never knew a snail could take off a limb."

"Oh. My." Sasha gasped, she turn back to smile at Bessie, the first time seeing the creature was a beautiful creature a true loyal animal for the first time.

Anne continuing read about the war. Engrossed like it was a movie, crying and cheering at many moments. The paired saved themselves many times, Hop Pop fighting off a part of wolves to save Bessie.

It felt likes hours as they continuing read, about another story of Hop Pop and come frog named Clarabelle.

"Bessie must have felt I was a nervous wreak around Clarabelle. She lightly push me toward Clarabelle, forcing me into a hug. And we enjoyed the sunset, while Bessie sang."

Sasha laughed with a smiled, Anne was giggling, "Bessie's a wing man."

Anne continuing reading about a story about Hop Pop travelling to high mountain to medicine from rare plant that was only found on the mountain."The snow swirled around us and I knew we were doomed. I could feel the strength leaving my body bit by bit. The sweet embrace of eternity crept closer and closer. Until suddenly I heard a sound pulling me back."

"Bessie... Bessie was singing!"

Anne was crying.

"You go, girl. You noble, noble creature. Man. This is messing me up. Now let's see. Where was I? When Bessie senses danger, you gotta sit on her shell and yell at the top of your lungs, 'Bessie, things are getting messy" Bessie pulled out of her shell.

"Yes! Whoo!" Sasha cheered, giving the snail a pet. "You're awesome girl!"

"All right, let's go home." Anne smiled.

They travelled down the road, running into Sprig who was travelling with Croaker. The frog boy was ready to lose it was the elderly frog was driving a miles a hour and singing.

"Hey, kid," Sasha pointed a finger at him, "need a lift?"

"Thank goodness," Sprig leap onto the snail, waving goodbye to Croaker. "Okay, bye, Mrs. Croaker. Thank you."

"Bye, darlin'," She gave a warm smile, before glaring. "Next time, try to keep that road rage in check." She laughed, " and immediately took off like a rocket. "Yee-haw!"

The trio jaws dropped in disbelief, "Pretty sure I just got played."

Anne smiled, "That woman is everything I want to be!"

"Hey, " Sprig climbed off the snail, as Anne took them home. "You coming in?

Sasha smiled and gave Bessie a pat, "I think I'm going to spend a little more time with ol' Bessie here." The snail purred, and nuzzle against Sasha.

"Same." Anne replied.

"Suit yourself," Sprig smiled and walked inside.

"Now where were we?" Sasha picked up the book, being the one to start.

"Bessie was able to see a town nearby. We were safe. We immediate made are way there. Going back the local Inn, to the our room. Too Clarabelle..." Sasha and Anne turned to each other, unable to continuing. Sasha who always fought off emotion was tearing up... they couldn't read anymore... They skipped a few pages.

"Bessie blamed herself, and I did as well. But no the fault was my own... If we... no if I was more quick. Bessie became to sing again wrapping herself around me... a rare beautiful song... few have heard. I only heard it once from Gray well my Pa past. The mourning song of Snails. It was beautiful and sad. I held my egg close, feeling Bessie warm hug.."

"Bessie never let the egg out of sight, almost as thought she wanted to make up of her mistake... Poor Bessie I wish I could take away her guilt."

"In a few months little Sally was hatched... Oh frog she was beautiful just like her mother. When the child was born, old Bessie took a mother's instinct to protect the baby. I remember the first drive we together... Bessie going so slow worried that Sally would get hurt."

The girls smiled, turning to Bessie who was peacefully sleeping. Sasha gave her pat, smiling.