
12. Farm Work

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, Alquimistaarcano77, Kaiju, Nopeknight, TALOS X, Stryker, Mr. Hardcor3, Gojirafan1954, Tearnon, Jason, brentdyedragon, gregorian12, PizzaGuest, schweenieboy, snake screamer, Guest for the comment.

Its has been a week and half since the girls arrived in Amphibia, and still they were no further of finding a way back home. There were lucky that they found a family to take them in, because they doubted that they would survive that long out there.

Although they were happy and appreciated the Plantars taking them in, there was something they all equally hated. It was working on the farm. They only been there for a few days until Hop Pop told them they need to pitch in if they wanted to say.

They all wanted to die. They didn't care how. They just wanted their suffering to end, the frogs could burn them on a stake, or sacrifice them to some ancient monster, they didn't care. Everything was better then this. The days of working on the farm, was taking its toll on the girls. While Anne was no stranger to work. She had been working in her parents restaurant but mostly as a server, but not for this long. But this was hell, waking up at 7AM. The blistering hot days, freezing cool mornings. The smells... the bugs... Anything was better then this.

"URGH KILL ME!" Sasha groaned as she pulled out some weeds, wiping away sweat from her forehead. Then downing a bottle of water.

"I... want... to die..." Anne moaned as she carried a heavily basket of vegetable to the crate, rubbing her back after she set it down.

"Too tired." Marcy added, she struggled the most out of the girls. Although she was pretty healthy, she wasn't use to this much physical active.

The market was also a pain. Many of the townsfolk still believed they were monsters that would eat them. Frogs would point, telling stories about them, treated them with hostility. It didn't help much that Sasha punched a frog in the face the another day. Some would stared at them from a distance. Some hiding by a newspaper, occasionally peeking at them, and other didn't bother with the pretense. They felt like they were being observed at the zoo, or were on a stage with the whole school staring at them.

The old frog wrestled up in the crack of dawn. He'd wash dishes, pulled the weeds, sew up holes in his kids clothes. Repairing the fences, after the kids broken it. Doing the same routine he had been doing for years.

By 1PM, Hop Pop said everything was done.

The girls had retreated back to their room exhausted, Marcy fell face first on her bed almost passing out. "God, this suck!" Sasha saying wants on everyone minds, looking at dirt under her nails. "We're guest here and he's working us as slaves! Like is there some law against this stuff!"

"No..." Marcy didn't look up, face still buried in her pillow, and was about to go on about laws of Amphibia, but Sasha shh her.

"Marcy, my head hurt to much! I wish they had hot water!" Sasha was rubbing her shoulder, "It would feel nice after all that work. Everything is sore."

"Same!" Anne groaned, folded her arms. "Like I work at the restaurant. But my parents don't work me like a dog!" She lead down on her bed. "Plus HP is always criticising us." She began mocking his voice, "Too much water. You don't plant seed that way! Have you ever worked before! ARRGGH! He's so annoying!"

"Agree," Sasha added, "Like what's his deal! We should tell the Mayor or something." She took a deep breath, "At least no one from school can see us. My social life can't afford that! Just thing if they could see us now."

"Tell me about," Anne replied, "Back home were somebodies! Here were nobodies even the town drunk thinks were weird!"

They heard the basement door opening, Sprig and Polly came running down the steps, still filled with energy. "Anne! Marcy! Want to go out to play!"

"Lets go swimming!" Polly replied, jumping on Marcy head.

"Too... tired..." Marcy moaned.

"UGH!" Sasha groaned painfully, waving them away. "Go away!"

"Come up Anne, lets go!" Sprig was pulling on her arm.

"Sorry, dude, to tired." Anne yawned and she slowly turned to Sprig, "Yeh, Sprig, does this get any easier?"

"You mean the farm? To tell you the truth, days have been much easier with you three."

"Yeah! We normal work until 5." Polly added.

"UGGRRRHH!" Sasha snaps, "Are you kidding me! When are we getting paid? And how much?"

"Hop Pop give us twenty copper each once a week." Sprig exclaimed.

"Although Hop Pop said we're cut to ten now." Polly added. "Because of you."

"WHAT!?" Sasha looked at the Plantars with fury in her eyes. "Ten coppers? That's it?" Everyone back from her outburst, starring as she storm upstairs. She was getting more payment then ten freaking coppers.

"Oh no." Marcy said, turning to Anne, both gave a worried looked at each other. They both knew that look, and knew trouble will happen if they don't try to calm her down. They followed her upstairs and towards Hop Pop.

Sasha knocked loudly on door of Hop Pop study, that it shaked the door, knocking a few pictures of the wall. A voice responsed for them to come in, opening the door they saw the orange frog sitting there writing in a book. A pile of papers, while writing Hop Pop was mumbling bad language on his breath as he crumbled up a paper. Pulling on his hair, as he quick put the papers away in a folder.

"We need to talk, old man!" She snaps. Hop Pop turned to the girls, to their surprised to see he looked tired.

"Oh hello girls. Sorry I'm just working on important business papers."

"Whatever, we need to talk, old man!" Sasha glared, "Are you planning on paying us more then ten coppers?"

"Girls..." The old frog looked away ashamed, "... Girls, we're not doing as well as we used to... Vegetables don't sell as well. We take great pride in our work... But... Well... It can only take you so far. I can promise you this, you'll always have food and shelter... But until until things pick up... I... honestly don't know... This is as much as I can give you five. I'm sorry it not much." He took a deep breath, "I wish I could do more, you three have been a great help and deserve more."

Anne and Marcy saw the hurt on the old frog's face, he generally seemed hurt to admit this. Sasha reflex her glare, at seeing the shame look on his face, she was feeling like a brat. She glance down, she didn't like feeling like this. She slowly left the room.

"Were you having problems before us?" Marcy looked out his charts of numbers, the charts seem to have show the house expresses increased for this month. She could make some letters that Hop Pop bless his old soul tried to hide them there sights. Letters reading FINAL NOTICE. She felt like a burden, "We're the problem aren't we?"

Marcy never once thought that she had negative affect on these people here. She didn't think that the frogs here had lives outside of her. She felt horrible that she didn't think of them as people... They're frog its hard to see them as anything different. But no... They're were people with their on lives, and Marcy put them in trouble. "I'm sorry, Mr. Plantars... I don't want to be a problem." She was looking down, she felt something light touch her arm. Looking up she saw Hop Pop, giving her a smile, gently patting her hand.

"Sweetheart... don't you, worry about that. And don't think of yourself as a problem," He looked up at Anne as well, "Don't neither of you think of yourself like that... I promise I'll looked after you, I know I can't offer you much. But I promise you, you'll have food, shelter a place to call home."

Anne knelt down and hugged the old frog. "Thanks Hop Pop."

Hop Pop looked at her and smiled, Marcy looked over her notes. She had been coming up with plan and ideas to prove produce. "Hop Pop, I have been coming with ideas to help around the farm."

"Kids... I told you not to worry. Plus we can't afford any of those fancy do hickeys."

"No... No... No... this is all through stuff around here we can use," Marcy explained, opening up her notebook and showing her ideas. "See you can use these we can catch water, and purify it." She turn to the next page. "Here... we can use these to increase produce while decrease are waste. This will help will getting ride of bugs." She flipped through her book. "This here will help with water temperature, hot water!"

"Marcy... Marcy... Marcy... " Hop Pop raised a hand to stop her, "These our good ideas... Maybe too good for this old frog." He signed, he looked at the girl who seemed a little hurt by this. Damn it all Hop Pop's heart betrayal him, he gave a small smile. "Why don't you explain this plans better during a game a flipwart." Hop Pop smile.

"Sure, I'm getting use to it." Marcy smiled setting the game. "You're going down."

Hop Pop laughed, "I was just going easy on you."

Anne left the room as the two started to play. She lead against the door and her head sank, she wanted to help. She had to help, she didn't want to be just extra mouth to feed. She felt horrible for her actions early. She wanted to help, but she wasn't Marcy. She couldn't come up with great ideas. She wanted to help somehow, her eyes widen as she though of something.

She walked in the living room, she saw Sprig.

"I have idea to help, want to come along Sprig?"

"Lead the way!" He leap towards the door, Anne smiled and ran outside. "So... What's the plan for today?" Sprig spoke first looking up at her.

"Were going to get some Tomato plants," She smiled with determination, "That should bring in some pretty coppers!" She felt good, the Plantars have done plenty for her already. She wanted... no she need to repay the favor. Marcy may have her plans, but Anne wanted to pull her weight around here.

"Seems... Dangerous" Sprig looked unsure about the plan, but then looked up with a smile. "But..." he pumped his fist. "We can take them!"

"You're right dude! Together were unstoppable. Spranne can't fail!" Anne screamed, raised her hand for a high-five, Sprig hit it with his tongue. "That's still gross... But cool!"

As they were making there way through town, Anne looked down at her feet as the townsfolk glared at her. Pointing, yelling away in terror, she felt horrible that everyone was treating her like a monster. She sigh sadly, she felt something grab her hand, opening her eyes she saw Sprig. The little frog boy gave her a supporting smile while holding her hand. "Who cares about those jerks. We like you."

Anne gave a small smile, "Thanks..." She tired to ignore the townsfolk, as they made there way out of town and towards the tomato plants.

"Sorry about those jerks," Sprig looked annoyed as he turn to look at the town. "But I think you're awesome." He looked up at her with big eyes.

Anne chuckled a little, as they made there way towards the tomato plants. Sprig was hoping along and look up, "Why do we need to get Tomato plants?"

"Hmmm..." Anne pause, she didn't want him to worry about bills. "I just think we can make extra bucks. No one seems to sell them. So we can starting bringing in the big bucks."

"Aha!" Sprig smiled, liking that idea, "Seem like a plan to me!"

"Now you get it." Anne smile, as they reach the tomatos plants. Unfortunately for them some large bear like monster was already eating them. "URGHH that jerk is eating our gold mine!" She stomped her foot she wanted to help, and she failed. The large animal sniffed around and turned to them growling with drool.

They both screamed and ran towards town, Anne saw Sprig leap far in front of her. "Stupid non-frog legs!" Sprig leap towards her, pulling her in a bush as the beast was about to strike. They held each other tightly as the beast towered over them.

Anne looked towards Sprig, he shouldn't suffer the same fate as her, "Sprig, I'm just slowing you down, buddy. Get out of here. This was my fault anyway."

"Never! I'm not about to let my first real friend get eaten. We're in this together."

Anne at first felt shocked, then smiled,"Uh, any ideas? Ah!" Sprig lead on top of Anne's head, "What are you doing?"

"I have a plan. Stand up!"

"Uh," Anne raised an eyebrow, but did as he asked, "okay."

"When I count to three, duck."

"What? Are you crazy?"

"Just trust me. All right. One, two... three!" Anne ducked out of the away, as Sprig leap into the monsters mouth.

Anne was frozen in shock, before clenching her teeth, "Sprig! Vengeance!" She grab a stick, and became striking the monster. "Take this and this!" The monster began coughing as smoke appeared in his mouth. Sprig was spat out in a fireball, flying into Anne's arms.

"You're alive!" Anne smiled in bewilderment, she started as the monster ran off deep into the forest, she turn back to Sprig completely lost. "What did you do?"

Sprig smiled and held a pepper in his hand, "So hot, they'll make you wish you were dead."

Anne smiled, gently punching Sprig's arm, "You little genius, you."

"And it looks like he couldn't take the heat." They both laughed, and playfully pushed each other.

Anne rubbed the back of her neck, she couldn't look at him. All she wanted to do was help the family out, that took her in, despite the risks. All she did was almost get one of them killed, she almost got the first person in this world that welcome her with open arms killed. All because she put her wants first... She should have listen. "Hey, sorry I almost got us killed."

"Are you kidding?" Sprig smile, jumping around. "That was the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me! My heart was beating faster than a dragonfly on a sugar rush. I have been have a blast since you got here."

Anne smile, feeling a little better. This place was terrible, but at least there was this frog that made it better.

The nights of Amphibia were a magnificent sight to behold, it sometimes made you forgot about all the dangerous things out there. The stars we're quite different from the ones on Earth, and the moon was freaking pink. The sky was clear, she couldn't really see the stars much in LA. She didn't get the time to take in the beauty was this place, kinda hard to when you're just trying to survive. Anne laid against a stone wall reading a book. The young girl didn't do much reading back home, but here she picked it up. The book reminder her of stories her parents read to her.

"Hey Anne," Sprig broken the silence, turning away from his book to stare at her. "What is your home like?"

"My home," Anne paused a little what to tell him."It was nice, a normal house, very clean." Anne laughed, "If my parents saw your place they'll freak out. Sorry, no, offense. I'm sure dirt, mud, and leafs are a normal thing around here."

"It's alright."

"My house is near to our family restaurant," Anne continued, Sprig was listening. Interested to learn anything about Anne's world. It made Anne laugh, even the boring stuff he found interesting. She laugh a little, that she was missing the stupid stuff from her world."My room, had all my stuff. My magazines, my games, my movies, my clothes, my cat.." Anne looked down, clenching a pile of grass in her fist. "I wish I was there right now."

"I'm sorry." Sprig spoke sadly, rubbing his knee, he was starting to regret asking her, "I shouldn't have ask. That was stupid thing to say."

"It's alright, dude, it's just... I miss my home. I'm stuck in a different world. The town seems to think I'm a monster and..." Anne refused to cry, Sasha would tease her endlessly about it. "I just endangered you, I'm a burden on your family. Oh, and my parents... Are probably terrified thinking I ran away or the worst had happened."

Anne looked down. Things were really starting to hit her, and true she had her friends and a place to stay, she still had no idea how to get back home, or even if she can. The young girl felt a pair of small arms wrap around her. She looked down to see Sprig was hugging her. "It's okay Anne," He said softly, "We're going to get you home. I promise." Anne sniffed, pulling her arms around the frog boy. He was nothing but a stranger to her a week ago. But he still felt that she matter, that she was worth it.

Since the first time since she arrived in this strange place, she felt happy, pulling him into a tight hug and smiled. "Thanks you."

The young frog was reading next to her, the young boy yawned falling asleep on her lap. Anne smiled.

It was kinda funny, that even though she was far. She felt a certain glow with this family. Maybe she though she was just crazy. But when she see the Plantars faces then she knew. That she was not alone. There's no need to roam. With them she felt a little at home.