
11. Hop Luck

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, Alquimistaarcano77, Kaiju, Nopeknight, TALOS X, Stryker, Mr. Hardcor3, Gojirafan1954, Tearnon, Jason, Guest for the comment.

Yeah past 10,000 views.

I'm still working on what I'm going to do with Grime. Reunion will play out differently.

A young Sasha was sitting down around her kitchen table, with her family, her older sister had return home from college. Sasha hate when she visited it was a continuous reminder of how her parents clearly love her sister more then her. Her sisters trophies and pictures were always on display in the living room, her parents always talked about her.

"Our, little girl, getting her PhD," her father beamed with pride, Sasha hated it. She wasn't jealous, she just wish her parents would for once look at her like that.

"Thanks, dad." She smiled.

"You, know my boxing match is tonight. If I win, I move up to red belt and can go to states finale." Sasha didn't look up as she picked at her food.

"All that reminds, me." Her mother turn to her sister. "Remember when our little girl, went to the worlds finale."

"Sure do," Her father smiled, "You even could have went to the Olympics, but you were to young. Our little girl, winning the gold."

"Maybe I could go someday?" Sasha said.

"Yeah... yeah..." Her father waved her comment away, making Sasha sign.

Late the night, her parents were to involved showing her sister around town, taking her out to her first adult restaurant for drinks. That Sasha had to get a drive from Anne's parents. They promised her, that they be there.

During her match, she turned to see if her parents were there... But no they we're not. They couldn't even bother to come to her match, she took her angry out on the fight. Every time she felt stupid that she believe that they'll keep there promise. However her angry got the better of her, and her opponent took advantage of this. Striking a blow to knock her out.

And that's when they designed to show up, just as when Sasha lost the biggest fight over her young life. They didn't seem sad, or looks of pride for putting up a good fight. No instead it was looks of shame and disappointment, and they left without being seen. It didn't matter how hard she try, they always found fault in her. Maybe... If she... Won... She'll get atta girl just once from them.

The following morning the girls were sitting outside nearby the homestead. Anne was showing the Plantar's child pictures on her phone, while eaten snacks.

"Hmm... Chewy?" Sasha said, her mouth full of half-eaten candy bar. It was similar to the bars she made Anne steal last time. A few tasted like chocolate, caramel.

"Sasha, try this one too!" Anne beamed, swallowing it whole. It was hard to find something that they could stomach, there bodies still trying to get use to the food here.

"Yummy... Taste like cherries!" Marcy smiled, bags of wrappers littered around her feet.

Sprig nodded in agreement. "I know right. This one my favorite." Sprig grabbed one, "It's made of..."

"Bah bah bah! We don't want to know." Sasha screamed, interrupting him, with a finger.

"And this bad boy is my kitty Domino." Anne smiled showing them a video. "You guys would like her. She's got fire."

" Ooh!" Sprig smiled.

"Aw, she's so tiny! I feel huge!" Polly smiled.

"Hmm." Sprig grabbed the phone and starred at it, he then pulled out a hammer and looked ready to break it. "I will... set her free!"

"Please stop doing that!" Anne grabbed to her phone.

"So... Do... You two have any monsters?" Sprig asked.

"They're called pets," Sasha said, "And no."

"I wanted one," Marcy replied, and looked down, while drawing in her book. "But my parents wouldn't let me have one. Said I was too irresponsible."

Sprig and Polly looked over and saw Marcy was drawing, "What are you drawing?"

Marcy gasped with huge big eyes, "Are you asking me about my newtsona?!"

Everyone frozen in silence with blank stares of confusion, until Polly spoke up. "Your what?!"

Marcy smiled opening her book and showing them a picture of herself as a Newt wearing gear the made her look like ranger. "Say hello to Newt Marcy! Yeah I know lame name."

"Wow!," Polly grabbed the book, "She has a crossbow arm cool!"

"I know right? She's ready for battle!"Marcy spoke cheerfully and got more excitedly the more she talked about it. "She lives in Wartwood, but she travels all around Amphibia! Seeking knowledge about it's history!"

"But why a Newt?" Sasha raised an eyebrow, "The only Newt we kinda know is Duckweed and he an as..." Sasha was cut off by Anne, who gave her a glare. The last time they swore infront of the kids, Hop Pop put soap in their mouths.

"Because I thought it would awesome for her to go adventures with her friends!"

"Friends?!" Anne asked, smiling at how happy Marcy was.

"Yep..." Marcy flipped through the book, and to a page of Sasha as Toad wearing battle armor and a cape, holding a sword.

"Gross!" Sasha gaged, "why am I fat ugly toad!" Toadstool just so happened to be walking by.

"Now, that's just hurtful." Toadstool remarked as he walked by, Sasha just rolled her eyes.

"Here, Anne," Marcy flipped her book, to a page of Anne as a frog.

"Aww, is that me?" Anne smiled, while looking through the pictures of Marcy's book, an odd gaseous smell came from the windows.

"Ugh!" Anne covered her nose "What is that? Did something crawl under the house and die?"

"Agggrrhh!" Polly cried."It's not this again..."

"What again?" Sasha asked, only to be hit by the smell, causing her to nearly puke.

"Worse! Much worse. Hop Pop is cooking!" Sprig spoke in fear.

The gang walked towards the house, Sprig gave them warning before opening the door. The smell was immediately released, causing Marcy to faint from the smell. "Alright, now that's out of the way, let's go inside. Eh, Marcy?" Sprig remarked, looking at Marcy's unconscious body.

Polly was poking Marcy's body with a stick. "I can't believe Hop Pop just killed Marcy. DIBS on her stuff!" Marcy then cough showing she was alive, the little frog rolled her eyes. "Oh, never mind."

Sasha, with her fingers clamping her nose, while Anne and Sprig helped Marcy to the couch in the living room. "Hey, old man! What poison our you making? Isn't this place dangerous enough without your cooking?"

The girls knew that their culinary tastes were different, from frogs that eat bugs and mold. By even the Plantar's kids agreed that Hop Pop was terrible. He could make only few things that were decent, but eighty present of the time it was bad.

Sprig hopped over to Hop Pop, "What's the plan. Poison everyone?"

Hop Pop closed the book, "The plan is too win!"

"Win?" Anne asked. Hop Pop paused his cooking to explain. "Well, you see girls. The annual village potluck. Every year we frogs gather for a great contest. The family who brings the best-tasting dish is showered with love and copper coins. The family with the worst-tasting dish spends the night in." Hop Pop opens up the window, revealing a cage. "The shame cage!"

"Brutal." Anne said.

"And guess which family ends up there every year." Sprig said sadly before the Plantars all collectively sighed. The girls looked at their foster family and frowned. The Plantars took them in when everyone in town wanted to kill them. They'd be damned if they let them spend another year in a cage.

"Well I not going to let that happen this year! Not to you guys after taking us in, were are not going to just let them happen." Marcy shouted, ready for a quest. She turned to her friends. "Right girls!"

"Totally!" Anne smiled, and took a power stance. "If you think I'm gonna let my favorite froggy family end up in a cage, you've got another thing coming. I know I'm not technically a Plantar, but maybe I can help."

"Well," Sasha put her hands on her hips, looking a little annoyed to be put on the spot like this. "I'm not living with losers and even though your cooking suck eggs. Not even you deserve to be humiliated like that! We're going to win, BECAUSE I SAY SO!"

"We'd sure appreciate it." Sprig smiled, Polly nodded. Although Hop Pop didn't like Sasha attitude.

"So, what you making over there, Hop Pop?" Anne walked over to the pot, which a big dark bubble bursted. "Sock gumbo?"

"No, silly." The old frog, gently patted a book. "It's a traditional recipe from my family's cookbook. We been using this baby since I was a pollywog!"

Sasha grabbed the book and flipped through it, grimacing and gaging with each page turned. "I see why you always lose!"


"You heard me!" Sasha closed the book and threw it in the trash, causing Hop Pop to shriek in shock and ran over to grabbed it.

"Alright guys! Look, if we're gonna win this thing, we need something new, something revolutionary, something no one in the swamp has ever seen before. Something like..." Anne showed them a picture on her "PIZZA!"

Sprig and Polly both awed at the picture, why Hop Pop frowned. "Doesn't look like much."

Hop Pop trying to convince the kids. Sasha however was having none of this. "Whatever boomer! We're going with Pizza!" She then smiled, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Don't you want to win?"

"Why, yes. Bu..." Hop Pop didn't looked to sure, but Sasha slushed him.

"You, see, there you go. Plus we have Anne," Sasha explained smiling at her friend. " She works at a restaurant." Sasha explained smiling at her friend, "The best in town."

"I'll say," Marcy smiled, eyes watered at the memory, "Bowl Pai Thai is my favorite!"

"You have a restaurant?" Sprig smiled, "Cool!"

Hop Pop still didn't like the idea, he turned to Anne. "Is that true?"

"Yep... Well," Anne blushed a little embarrassed by Sasha and Marcy comment... My parents only have me make sauces, and cut vegetables and meat," Anne smiled, "It's fine. We made pizza in class. A+ baby!"

"Come up guys!?" Marcy smiled and wrapped her arms around the Plantars children. "PIZZA! PIZZA! PIZZA!" Sprig and Polly joined in with chatting along with her, getting in Hop Pop's face and he finally reluctantly gave in.

The Plantars and girls all head out for their ingredients; first up was the dough. They walked into the bakery. Marcy smiling as she Maddie, stocking bake goods, along with her sisters.

"Morning teach!" Marcy smiled.

"Cool!" Rosemary pointed.

"It's the monster!" Ginger added.

"There's so ugly!" Lavender smiled, "awesome!" Anne chuckled lightly, while Sasha looked like she was ready to make a field goal with the triples.

"Ignore them," Maddie walked over to greet Marcy "Hello apprentice." The Plantar kids walked back in fear, they seen Maddie plenty of times before, but she always gave them the creeps. "What can I do for you?"

"We're looking for some dough for the Hop Luck competition." Marcy explained, "Do you have any made yet?" She heard the triples and Farine laugh a little.

"What will this make it Hopediah," Farine scratched his chin, gently teasingly. "I lost count, you been losing ever since you took over the cooking... after..." He looked down, avoiding Hop Pop's eyes.

"That's alright Farine." Hop Pop seem hurt by something, as well as Farine.

Anne glared at the baker, and smirked. "Will this time they win. Because they have me!" Anne pointed a thumb in her face.

Farine looked up and noticed Anne, causing him to glare. "I see you brought the monsters here too." "

"Well this monster, is going to help these frogs win!" She said back.

"Her names Anne!" Sprig walked up to the corner, he threw a sack of coins. "Do you have any dough?"

He replied with grump, he heaved the dough onto the corner and began kneading the dough on the table, with his feet. Anne could always imagine her poor mother would faith from how unsanitary that was.

"Is everyone in this world gross?" Sasha glanced down to Polly.

"YEP!" The pollywog responsed by spitting on the flour, making Sasha grimace again.

The next ingredients in their list was cheese, Mrs Croaker had asked them to give her beloved bull worm a good walk, after that was the basil. The girls were happy that Hop Pop had some, and that they didn't have to go through any challenge for it.

"Alright, we got most of the ingredients. Now, all we need are a couple of tomatoes and we're golden." Anne said to the group, "You know, it's kinda strange I never saw any tomatoes in town, and you're farmers."

"Well, I've never tasted a tomato before." Sprig added. "In fact, I don't think anyone in town has ever tasted one."

Hop Pop opened up his cookbook and started flipping through the pages. "There's a reason for that. They're dangerous vegetables. It suggests we go for prunes instead!"

"We're NOT going with PRUNES!" Sasha pointed at his face, and turned to the kids, pumping her fist in the air "Pizza train? Right Pizza train!"

"PIZZA TRAIN!" Both Polly and Sprig cheered together, running after her Hop Pop only sighed in defeat. "Kids... It's dangerous..."

Anne chuckled, and patted a hand on Hop Pop's shoulder. "Pssh, Dangerous Vegetables? Hop Pop, how dangerous can a little tomato be?"


The girls starred jaws widen open; three large sentient carnivorous tomato plants stood in front of them. A dragonfly flew close to it and fell victim to the plant.




Polly, Sprig and Anne exclaimed in sequence, frozen in fear. The Plantars all simultaneously stepped back slowly. Hop Pop patted his book, "There's probably harmless substitutes."

"Couldn't hurt to hear a few options..." Sprig whispered back.

Sasha and Anne immediately took notice of their attempt and ran behind them, blocking them from leaving. "Hold on! Guys, the shame cage isn't just in the town square. It's up here. You're not gonna change the world without taking a few risks. We need to be bold, groundbreaking, brave!"

"Come up, Hop Pop," Marcy looked down, "were so close. We can't give up now."

"Girls," Hop Pop sighed, "There's a big difference between courage and stupidity."

"No, there isn't!" Sasha yelled, pointing at Hop Pop.

"Alright that's enough!" Hop Pop standing in front of the girl's, giving glared that made Sprig and Polly freeze. "I had it with this behavior!"

"You maybe a stuck-up boomer in your ways! But you're dragging your kids down with you!"

"Don't you back talk me, girl!" Hop Pop threated, waving a finger. He turned to the kids and back at Sasha, "We're leaving now!"

"I'll show you old man," She turn to the tomatoes and glared, she push herself forward and ran towards the monster. The kids left slack-jaw as Hop Pop ran straight towards Sasha. Feeling a fear only a parent could feel. Jumping in front of her arms straight out, he had a glared of anger and fear.

"You're in big trouble!"

"Out of my way!?"

"No... I said no. End of discussion!" Sasha flash a glared of angry, how dear he use her line.

"You're not my dad! I'm trying to help you!"

"And like I say, you can help, but this... this is reckless!"

"i'm not a kid!"

"Yes you're!"

During the fight, they were to busy yelling at each other as vine slowly sneak up on them and wrapped around the old frog, dragging it back to the tomato monster swallowing him whole.

"Hop Pop!" The four screamed, as charge the tomato plant, getting swallow whole as well with one gulp

Sasha remain frozen, she dropped and sat on the ground, starring at the ground feeling like fool. Feeling like this was all her fault, punching the ground feeling like fool. Once again getting her friends hurt. The tomato plant roared, licking its lips.

Sasha glared at the monsters, as it attempted to grabbed her, she dodge one of the vines. She trying to think of anything to help. The plant was able to trip her, and grabbed her. She wasn't going down without a fight. She struggle to break free, as suddenly the creature let her go. She raised an eyebrow, the monster look as though it was having stomach pain. Then something burst through it, Sasha watched in shock as she the Plantar, along with Anne and Marcy eat there way through the plant.

"Know your place, plant!" Polly took another bite of the plant and swallowed it.

"Guys?" Sasha blinked, as she walked over to them, pulling Anne and Marcy into a hug.

"Sorry, Sash." Marcy starred at the ground, rubbing her arm. "We lost the ingredients."

"Yeah," Anne said sadly, "There probably isn't much time. Let's go home and make one of your old recipes, Hop Pop.

"Yup," Hop Pop paused, and picked up a piece of tomato. "But maybe we can spruce it up with something a little dangerous."

Back at Wartwood, the Plantars, along with the girls waited patiently as the Mayor was going through the dishes. Enjoying himself as he stopped by the Plantars, looking disappointed.

"Ah, the Plantars. What garage did you make this time. And you brought the monsters with you." The Mayor greeted with sarcasm. The girls they to introduce them. "Don't care!" He dismissively waved off. "Well, let's get this over with. Toadie have the stomach pump ready."

"Ready, sir!" Toadie ready.

"Alright..." Toadstool slowly ate a spoonful. He swished and gurgle it inside his mouth and for the first time in history, he swallowed a Plantar dish. "Why... This is the best thing you made in years!" Everyone in hearing distance, dropped what they're doing to stare.

"Did we win!?" Sprig jumped.

"No, its still terrible." He pointed towards the cage, "You know the drill."

The Plantars collectively sighed as they walked towards the Shame Cage. "Cheer up, guys! Sure we came in last again, but thanks to Anne's new ideas, and Hop Pop's old ideas, we've done best we've done before."

"You know, he's right!" Hop Pop agreed. "I'm starting to like trying out new ideas, so long as they ain't dangerous."

Anne snorted. "Don't worry about thanks, Hop Pop. I think I'm going to lay low on ideas for now."

By the Cage was the winner, holding a trophy and smirked, along with a masked Toad name Carl. "Well... well... well... Hopediah once again last place." Monroe laughed holding a first place trophy.

"Dude! Don't you have better things to do then put down HP!" Anne jagged him with her finger. "You're an old man, grow up!"

"Well..." He smirked, holding the trophy. "I still won." He pointed towards the cage as Carl opened up the door, "So get in!"

The Plantars all climbed in, accustomed to the whole deal. The girl's watched as they got themselves cosy in the cage and Marcy had a thought, rubbed her arm embarrassed and asked. "Hey, uh, this is weird and all but... do you think I can squeeze in with you guys? We kinda help you... So... Never mind that was stupid of me." Marcy waved the thought away looking embarrassed.

Hop Pop turned to Carl. "How about it, Carl?"

Carl shrugged. "The more the merrier."

"Woohoo!" Marcy cheered, the Plantars laughed. Marcy climbed into the cage taking a nice seat next to Hop Pop.

"Come on in, you crazy kids!" Sprig waved over Anne and Sasha.

"You know I'm older than you, right?" Anne smirk as she climbed inside and sat by Sprig, Polly jumping on top of Anne's head.

"I know."

"Come on, Sash!" Marcy smiled, "There still plenty of room."

"Come in, sister!" Polly smiled.

Sasha snorted and folded her arms, "I'm not climbing in a cage, I'm not a monkey."

Carl then closed the cage door, and hoisted the cage upwards.

The next night, Sasha was in the Plantar's kitchen seeing a dim light coming from Hop Pop's study. She watched as the old frog made his way out to get some water.

"Hey... Old man," Sasha pause as he turned to her, she was rubbing the back of her head awkwardly. "Look, about yesterday."

Hop Pop raised a hand to shh her, "Part of that was on me. You and the girls were trying to help... And... And I wasn't being that helpful to you. I been taking care of this place since my father past, and it's hard to do things differently. So I'm sorry if this old frog doesn't appreciate you."

Sasha felt surprised, she wasn't excepting this type of reaction for him. Even well she was proven right about her innocents back home her parents wouldn't apologies. She sighed, apologizing was hurt for her. "I just want to win, so badly." She tighten her fists. "Winning mean something in my world! Its means your somebody!" She signed deeply, "But it shouldn't be worth getting killed over."

Sasha felt something wrapped around her, she looks down and saw Hop Pop hug her. The blond was completely caught off guard not daring to move as she was completely wrapped in Hop Pop's arms, unsure what to do. Sure she was hugged before by Anne and Marcy, and even her parents before on rare occasions. But there was definitely something different about this hug- the strength of the embrace. More importantly, how warm and comforting. She smiled a little before letting go, shaking away her smiled.

"You, know. I'll probably be back to driving you crazy again by tomorrow." She smirked.

"I'm sure you will." He said teasingly.