
10. Witch in Training

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, Alquimistaarcano77, Kaiju, Nopeknight, TALOS X, Stryker, Gojirafan1954 for the comment.

Notes; Yeah I may have introduce Anne's powers to early. Although it wasn't true colors level. It will be while before their power are hint again.

It has been a few days, maybe two, or three, since the Water Snake incident, and even though everyone was safe and sound, Marcy couldn't stop thinking about it. Everyone almost died. The memory kept on replaying in the young girl's mind. They could have gotten seriously hurt, or worse, and it was really freaking her out. The incident was a bit too much. Marcy got up from her bed, and checked up on Anne. She was sleeping with a frown on her face, tossing and turning. Marcy signed as she heard her mumble something about her parents.

Unable to fall asleep, she had been so invested in wanting to live out this RPG fantasy that the majority of other stuff that was in her and her friend's lives. The stuff they had all left behind barely even phased her. But it also wasn't all like that, it wasn't for attention from others. She wanted to do it for the people who have shown her kindness when she came here. Those who took her in when she was a strange, lost, and injured child who had nowhere to go, and was just looking for a place where she belongs. It wasn't just a game here, she sees it as a real, beautiful, and delicate place.

She knew it was selfish but these two were only friends she had known. She was going to be taken away from them... Sure of course this place will have some bad stuff. But they're together, where they can be friends forever. But she still felt bad... But they'll leave her if she told them the truth. Being alone was her worse fear, Anne and Sasha were the only people that made Marcy feel like she matter, and the thought of losing it... She wouldn't function.

She made her way upstairs to get a glass of water. Marcy could see Hop Pop reading light on from under his door and that's how she found herself standing outside of Hop Pop's room for the second time in a row. Raising her shaky hand up to the door, ready to knock. Letting out a sight her hand fall back down to her side. Looking down she turned around ready to head back down to the basement in defeat.

Marcy jumped as she suddenly heard the door open, turning around she saw Hop Pop. "Would you like some tea?" He spoke softy.


The two sat in silence around the small table, sipping tea. Hop Pop knew something was wrong with her, a parent could always tell. He knew it was for the best not to get to close to the girls. Not that he didn't like them, he did. But he knew they had their own parents and will fine away home someday. But while they we're here he wanted them to think of this place as a home and not just a place to stay. He didn't want to jump right in, he didn't want to pressure them to tell him what was bothering her, but he also knew that if he left her alone she never speak up. "Want to play Flipwart?"

Hop Pop smile, he knew the girl loved puzzles and challenges. And it's been so long since he played, thinking back he hasn't touch the game since his daughter was... He waved the thought away. Marcy's face lit up a little, "What's flipwart?"

Hop Pop beginning explaining the rules, as he set up the board.

"Oh, like chess from my world! Yeah, I got this. Set 'em up, Hop Pop."

"Hm. Alright. How is life treating you here so far?"

"A little, this place is a little scary but beautiful as well." Marcy looked eager to play. "This villager, this farm is beautiful but outside is scary."

"The world can be an ugly place, Marcy. But my Frog, there are so many beautiful people and things around that have the ability to make it lovely." Hop Pop smiled, closing his eyes. "This farm has been around generations and generations. I remember when my own grandfather looked after it then my father."

"Hop Pop," Marcy smiled, looking into his eyes. "You took us in, and looked us. I promise do my best and help you protect the farm."

Hop Pop gave a smile, that only proud parent could give. He knew he shouldn't get close to them, but frog damn it. He brief thought back to his own child. "Thanks, Marcy. But don't you worry about the farm... You're child, you're allow to be one."

"Your welcome." She meant it. She may have been using this as an escape, but the people here are real kindhearted folks. She sat down and ready to play she was quick to pick her up. Although Hop Pop was still a little rusty at the game, he won the first game. Marcy groaned and asked to play again.

"I use to play this game a lot when I was young. Hard to find the time now, plus the kids don't have the patients to play." Hop Pop smiled, "So thank you for this. Brings back some memories. Haha sorry for getting nostalgic."

Marcy looked up, a little startled by him opening up, smiling. "No, it's okay."

Hop Pop smiled with a small laugh, as he put Marcy's in checkmate."Win again."

Marcy groaned in frustration. "Dangit! Lets play again."

"It's getting late."

"Come on, let's do it again. I think I'm finally getting it."

"Alright alright... But one more... And straight to bed." He set up the board again, "So do you play games like this back home?"

"Well, I tried a few times. But Anne and Sasha just don't get it." Hop Pop nodded, "But Sasha enjoy it when we're doing what she wants to do."

"But not when you were doing what you wanted to do?"

"What? No... I mean, we all agreed on what we wanted to do. Oh - oh! I think I won!" Marcy was holding her pieces, placing Hop Pop in checkmate.

"You did. Well, congratulations. Now off to bed." Hop Pop was please to get something out of her, but he didn't want to push her to far.

Marcy walked towards the door, and stop. "Can we play again later?"


She hesitate as she reach for the doorknob, she wanted to ask him something but couldn't fine the courage. "Goodnight."

The following mornings Anne was showing the Plantars videos on her phone, Sprig and Polly were very interested in these videos, Hop Pop wasn't all to impress with it. The Thai girl tried to show him some things that she thought he would like. The old man did glance a bit when Anne showed him some pictures of animals.

"See HP, its not all nonsense," She smirk, as he was holding her phone.

"Well, maybe you're right. But that doesn't mean I like it," He returned the phone as Anne rolled her eyes with a smile. "And don't call me HP!"

"Sure, HP!" She smirked.

"You like it," Sasha folded her arms. "Just say it boomer!"

"What the frog is that?" Hop Pop raised an eyebrow, getting annoyed as Sprig and Polly chatting it. "Sprig! Do you know what it means?"

"I have no idea," Sprig smile.

"Me neither!" Polly replied, smirking, Sasha told her what its meant yesterday.

"That better not be a swear," Hop Pop waved an finger.

Anne was laughing, "It's not a swear. Lets just say its a word for old people." The kids laughed as Hop Pop got annoyed.

"Good morning..." A low dull voice called out behind them, making everyone jump, well Hop Pop and Anne tripped over their feet, and Sasha was in a battle stances ready to fight it off. They turned around and saw Maddie, slowly blinking. "Dramatic much..." She rolled her eyes.

"Hello Maddie." Marcy smile running up to her friend, the Plantars kids waved awkwardly. "Are we going to learn some more magic today!? I been reading the book everyday. I remember everything! Quiz me!"

"Good mornings to you as well Marcy," Maddie croaks, with a smile. "Of course we can learn magic today. I'm just about finished with dad's delivers," Maddie opened up a bag, pulling out sticks of beard. "Got your order here, Mr. Plantar." She handed them over.

"Thank you Maddie." Hop Pop gave her a few coppers. "And here a little extra for you."

"Thank you," Maddie smile, putting her spare coppers in her pocket. She turn to Marcy,"Ready?"

"Just wait!" Marcy ran back inside the house, everyone looked at each other for a moment.

"Hi... Maddie..." Sprig smile a little, swinging his arms around, looking at his feet. "How are you?"

"Morning... And I'm doing well." She turned and looked at Anne and Sasha, "So... You two are the other monsters everyone is talking about."

"Umm... thanks..." Anne rubbed her arm, and reached out her hand. "I'm Anne." The frog girl shock her hand, and turn to other strange creature. This one didn't seem as warm and inviting as Anne and Marcy were.

"I'm Sasha and why do sound like chain-smoker?" Sasha folded her arms, causing Hop Pop to glare.

"Sasha! Don't be rude," He folded her arms, as the front door opens, and Marcy left the house. Everyone turn to see Marcy, raising eyebrows, Marcy was wearing robes that resembles Maddie's. "What do you think?" She saw everyone stares. "It's too much?"

"No..." Maddie rubbed her chin, scanning Marcy over, and smiled. "I like it." She felt kinda embarrassed but at same time happy, that someone else was interested in her interests.


"Yep! Lets go, by Planters." Maddie waved goodbye and ran off. Marcy took off as well, running backward saying goodbye to everyone, before tripping over a fence.

"Great..." Polly rolled her eyes, "Another creep."

"Polly!?" Hop Pop raised an eyebrow.

Learning about magic had briefing took Marcy out of her dark thoughts, as she followed Maddie through the woods. She will have to tell them when the time was right, maybe they see the beauty in this world. This place can allolwed them to grow and flourish in ways they never could have back on Earth.

"Opps... Arrgghh. Arggder! Rrgghh!" Marcy accidentally dropped her new spell on the ground. Causing the clearing to be engulf in a blanket of thick gray fog. It smells like cloud of smoke. "Yes..." Marcy shouts, coughing as she took in the smoke. "It... wo...worked!"

"Con...Con... Congratulations!" Maddie voice more raspy because of the thick smog, waving her hands in front of her face. "Your second spell was prefect, my apprentice. You are natural. You keep this up, and you'll catch up to me!"

Marcy couldn't help but feel giddy, "It's all because of you. So what's next?" She was now toss a different sack in her hand, but Maddie gave a worry glare because she just dropped a sack. "Should we tested out this itch spell?"

Maddie rubbed her chin in thought. "How about something more advanced." Marcy contains her scream of excitement, but flapping hers hands up and down. This day is getting better. "So how about an element spell?"

"YES!" Marcy's jaw fell.

They began exploring the forests for ingredients for an element spell, ingredients were more advanced having to gather certain ingredient at differents time.

"Oh wait." Maddie opens her bag and pulls out a book. "Here thank you. Hmm. Do you have any others... My sisters love it... I'll just read a few chapters, and bomb out like a light." She snapped her fingers. "I should thank you. I actually enjoy reading to them."

Marcy grabbed her book, and placed it in her bag, "Glad you like it... Sorry... I only have the one."

"That's alright." Maddie smiled, they continuing exploring as they did. They heard laughing coming from close by, and spells going off. The two looked at each other and ran over too see, in a clearing a giant spider was on the ground, looking injured, being held down by ropes. The creature was surrounded by cloaked figures, who were throwing spells, laughing and taunting the giant bug..

"Here threw this one!" One of them smiled, throwing it in the spiders eyes blinded it with goo.

Maddie fists tightly and her teeth clenched together, she first thought the spider was dangerous and they were getting rid of it. But they were doing this for fun! To be cruel! It was everything the young witch was against using magic for. She jumped out of the brush, throwing a itchy spell and fire spell and two of them, making them run around in pain.

"Leave!" Maddie threaten, tossing the sack in hand, like a bomb. Marcy also popped out of a bushes, trying to looking threatening.

"It's just a pair of kids..." One shouted.

"And some monster... Never saw anything like that before... You think we'll make money selling her?" Another shouted.

"It's guys like you that gives us a bad name!" Maddie threw another sack them, turning them into giant yellow ducks. Marcy threw a smoke bomb, causing the cloak figures to leave running off towards the forest. "Run and hide cowards!"

Marcy turn her attention to the giant spider, that was hissing in pain. She slowly walked towards it, the creatures hissed towards her. "Hey, it's alright, it's alright." She held her hands up to show she means no harm. "I'm not going to hurt you." She turns to Maddie. "Can you help?"

The young frog steps towards the spider, looking over the injuries. She look in deep thought as she took stuff out of her bag. Marcy tried to speak calm and pat its head, "Everything is going to be okay. My friend will help you." She turns to Marcy, who was glaring as she was fixing something up. "Are you okay?"

"Fine, it's..." Maddie looked down, "I hate people that abuse magic like that. Protecting people from beasts is one thing... But hurting people for fun... I can't stand it. It's because of people like that... Everyone looks at me like I'm a dangerous. I want to use my magic to help." She finished mixing up her potion, she poured it on her hand, and reaching out for the spider to drink. It looked at it with interested before it starred drinking it. The two girl's were rubbed it's head. The creature licked their faces happily, making the two smile.

"I'll help you, Maddie." Marcy smile, as she was rubbed the beasts head.

"Thank you."

Notes; Originally the spider was going to be Joe Sparrow. But having a flyer this early would make them not have to wait until the ice wall melts.