
1. Friend or Beast pt 1

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

One Eyed-Wally left Stumpy's with a smile on his face, "Goodnight you frogs, see you in the Morrow!" he said before walking off and instantly tripping over a barrell, the nearby frogs laughed at him as he fell. Wally picked himself up with awkward grin and hopped out.

He pulled out his accordion and started to play, as he took a walk through the nearby forest. Then's when he heard a twig snap behind him. "Hello," he said terrified. That's when he heard some thing behind him, he turned around out of fear. He saw something big, and it wasn't, he counted three strange beast. He started to panic, screaming before running away.

The following morning a group of frogs were currently sitting in a wagon. "Whoa, Whoa," Hop Pop said bringing the snail to a stop. "Okay kids, I gonna do a little shopping, you watch the kart.

The young frog jumped up, "You got it, Hop Pop, I'll defend this kart with my LIIIFFFFEEE!" he pounded his chest.

"Sprig I was talking to Polly," said Hop Pop sounding a little annoyed.

"What? But Polly's a baby," Sprig pointed at his sister sounding disappointed.

"Polly got responsibility in her little flipper," Hop Pop raised his finger to pointed at Sprig. "Then you have in your entire body."

"Ridiculous," Sprig sounded offended, "What makes you think I'm irresponsible?"

"This morning..." Hop Pop spoke with borden expression. "You blew up the stove.

"Okay, So maybe I'm a little irresponsible." Sprig signed.

"Un huh," Hop Pop grabbed his bags and jumped towards the store

Sprig sat down, feeling dejected. "Wish there was a way to prove I'm not a screw up." That's when a scream filled the town, Sprig turned to see Wally rushing through town screaming.

"Monsters, THREE MONSTERS." Wally screamed. "There.. There in the woods." A crowd gathered around the insane frog, a few believing he was off his rocker or drunk.

"Now simmer down Wally." Mayor Toadstool approach, trying to calm the hysterical frog. "Tell us what you saw."

"Oh it was horrible. They had weird heads, and long bendy legs."

The Town gasped, "We better catch these beasts before it hurts someone," The Mayor punching his fist in his hand.

"That's the responsible thing to do," Said Wally giving the Mayor two thumbs up, the rest of the town murmured in agreement

"STOP RIGHT THERE," Polly said turning towards her brother, "Hop Pop said you have to stay in the cart,"

She then flexed her arms, her eyes twitched, "YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T TAKE ME."

"Oh, Oh, Oh Polly," Sprig smiled pulled out a clump of stuck together candy "CAAANNNDDDYYY"

Polly look shocked at the candy and then at Sprig, She shouted "BRIBE ACCEPTED" before jumping out of her bucket and crawling on the floor to get to her treats.

Sprig Smiled "Let the monster hunt begin," and with that, he hopped out of the cart and off to find the beast.

"DON'T DIE" he heard Polly yell behind him.

A few minutes later Sprig was running the forest. He had his slingshot ready to strike any monster that came after him.

That's when he noticed the footsteps in the mud, "Seems like the beast roams these parts." said Sprig quizzically "probably a good place to... AHHH" he was flung into the air he yelled in shock, eventually, he was just dangling in the air. .

Something emerging from the grass, there standing infront of him was the most hideous thing he had ever seen.

One of them smiled all of a sudden "Caught Yea," said one the beast who then smiled at catching her prey. "Thought you got the best of Ole Anne Eay, Well You didn't." it then pointed the spear towards Sprig like he was the monster.

Sprig gasped "Giant head, Spindly limbs, Face bump, " He said pointed at her and screamed "THE BEEEAASSSSTTTT."

The green skirt beast smiled and yet out a loud joyful scream, "Oh my God you can talk? And speak English! This so amazing. Are you the dominant life from here. What's your name? What type of frog are you? Are you still called frogs. What this place called?" The stranger girl was infront of Sprig, poking with her finger.

The blond one let out annoyed signed, and pitch the bridge of her nose, "Marcy. This... Things probably doesn't understand anything you just said."

"Stop Following Us," Anne said in a hushed voice.

Sprig did not expect that.

"I have bad news for you beast, I taste terrible," he said bravely,

"Ew, I am not going to eat you," said the blond one.

Sprig was confused for a second and pointed a finger at her. "You tried to eat Wally," how could she explain that.

"We tried to ask Wally for help" she made a finger question at the weirdo's name, "He ran off screaming the second he saw me."

"That does sound like Wally" Sprig admitted.

All of a sudden there was a roar coming from behind them

"It's coming back." said the blond terrified, grabbing the another two and ran off.

"What is?" Sprig asked starting to become scared himself.

"Forget it Anne, leave it to be eaten by that thing." Sasha demanded, shocked Anne had stopped.

"We... We... Can't just leave him Sasha."

Anne cut him down and was carrying him.

"ANNE!" Sasha roared and ran after, pulling Marcy with her

The two followed Anne as she ran to a log and then hidden inside, they panted a bit and then they all looked out of the hole. A large red leg stomped on the ground and walked past, Marcy let out a gasped as they saw a large red mantis stomp away into the distance,

"You... You saved me." said Sprig still trying to make sense of what happened. "you're not a beast as all, You're a hero, An ugly ugly ugly hero."

Anne gave him a cocky smile "Call me ugly again and maybe I will eat you."

"Ha, You're not gonna eat me," he said hoping she wasn't. "You got a name strangers?"

"The Names Anne, Anne Boonchuy."

I'm Sprig, Sprig Plantar, Put it there," He said holding out his hand towards Anne.

"Marcy Wu!" She gave a big smiled, making the young frog uncomfortable.

Sprig turned to the three girl, who looked annoyed, she signed heavily "Sasha Waybright." Sasha groaned, and held her stomach "Okay, frog boy, You got anything to eat?"

"Sure do," said Sprig lifting a part of the dead log revealing tons of bugs crawling around.

"EEWW FREAKING GROSS." Sasha said grossed out, Anne nodded in agreement.

"Anything that isn't bug." Anne said, more politely then Sasha.

"Hmmm... Not bad..." The girls turned to see, Marcy picking up the bugs and eaten them. "Yum... This tastes like jelly." Grossing out the another two, Sasha gasped. "Guys you have to try this one," she smiled and popped another bug in her mouth, Sasha knock the bugs out of Marcy hand.

"Stop eating that, you get sick or something," Sasha glared, turning back to Sprig. "Have anything else... Fruits, meats, vegetables..."

"No bugs, Eh," he said slightly confused, "We'll have to hunt around a bit", He ran out of the open end of the log, "Come on follow me" he said

"How do we know we can trust you?" Anne said.

"What," Sprig then pulled the cutest face he had, "Does this look like a face that could deceive you?"

Anne laughed, "Yeah, I guess not."

Sprig then grabbed her hand and dragged her along with him on a run "Well then come on, Chow time."

"Wait up." Sasha called out.