
Ch 1- I died or... did I — Part 1

Our story starts on a normal day in November, in a city that never sleeps. The pedestrians could be seen tightening their scarves to save themselves from the frigid wind while the sun could be seen setting on the horizon. The office workers were rushing along the sidewalk trying to reach their homes a little faster. A few people suddenly started looking up after they felt something wet on their faces. It had started snowing and as it was the first snow of the year there was a sense of merriment on the street.

On the outskirts of this city, there was a hospital that had been there for so long that people were not sure when it was first opened. Its original color was unrecognizable because of grime and its machines were older than the oldest patient in the hospital. It was still well-known in the neighborhood for being cheap but still being surprisingly competent.

On the third floor of this hospital outside the emergency ward, a couple of nurses could be seen gossiping beside the water dispenser.

"Did you hear that the patient in Room 401 might not have long to live"

"Yeah, the poor boy was unlucky to have contracted COVID after all this time, when it's practically over and done for."

"Exactly, just the other day I was telling my mother that I don't have to wear masks all the time while going outside because no one's getting COVID anymore. She going to nag me so much when she hears about this."

"At least you have a mother to nag you, I heard in the two weeks that he's been here, not a single person's visited him"

"Yeah, and every time that I've gone to check on him all I've seen him do is read online web novels, I mean how can someone be on their last few days and still—"

A door opened abruptly behind them and a doctor's voice shouted over,

"I need this patient transferred to the emergency room ASAP, his condition has deteriorated"

One of the nurses rushed to do the doctor's bidding and help transfer the patient, while the other one ran to set up the emergency room.


John could see the doctor rushing around him while performing various checks on his body while simultaneously instructing the nurses. The doctor shouted for the nurse to get some kind of instrument while asking the other nurse to administer some kind of syringe to the IV connected to his hand.

"We are losing him, doctor," said the nurse looking at the heart monitor.

"I know, I know... gi..ve ...me ....the....." the doctor's voice started to get garbled and incomprehensible.

John was slowly losing his vision but he could see the pretty snowflakes falling outside through the window behind the doctor. It was a really peaceful view for being the last thing he sees before leaving this world.

As John was slowly moving towards his last breath on this planet, the only regret on his mind at that moment was that he had been not been able to read "Winds of Winter" from the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series. That guy on youtube had assured his subscribers that Martin was definitely going to release it this year.


283 AC, Tower of Joy

In the middle of a great expanse of desert, where no matter where you looked only the color yellow would be visible, a lone tower stood. Outside of that tower on its steps, three men could be seen sitting and sweating inside their full body armor. One of the knights with two swords attached to his hips stood up abruptly and shouted something while pointing toward the distance. Seeing the same thing as the first knight the other two also stood up as well. All three of them fastened their armor and made sure that their weapons were in their place and then they stood still, waiting.

A few miles away on the horizon, a party of seven could be seen approaching the tower and anyone who had seen how they were dressed would instantly conclude that these people were very away from their homes and were not made to survive in this weather.


While history was being written outside of that tower, at the same time inside a room on the second floor of the round tower, a heavily pregnant young girl could be seen sweating and writhing from pain. The girl's face was red from exhaustion and fever and looked just about to give in. An olive-skinned middle-aged lady could be seen trying to comfort the young girl.

"Just one more push m'lady, I can already see the head"

The young girl screamed with all her remaining strength and fell back on the bed while breathing feebly. A few moments later another scream could be heard but this time of a newborn, the olive-skinned woman came out from between the legs of the young girl while carrying a newborn child.

The midwife rushed the remaining procedure and cleaned the baby hurriedly because she knew that at moment the mother needed her more than the baby.

"Pl..please bring my..my baby, to me. I..I want to hold him"

"Here m'lady I'll just lay him down by your side"

The young girl looked at the miracle laying beside her, she could not believe that this new life had come from her. The baby looked just like her, from the color of his hair to his light grey eyes, the only feature that she could see of his father was his nose.

"M'lady you are losing too much blood we need to get you to a maester immediately"

The midwife was right she could feel the strength leaving her body very fast. She knew that she didn't have much time, but she didn't want to look away from her son for even a moment. The second she had lain her eyes on him he'd already become more important than anything, even her life. She kissed the baby's forehead while crying softly.

"I hear the sound the sound of swords clashing outside m'lady"

The midwife frantically looked towards the door with wide eyes. She knew she was helpless before a knight.

"It's alright, take my son and go to the other room and wait for me to call you out"

The young girl looked towards her baby very intensely, trying to imprint every single feature of her son inside her brain before, she very reluctantly handed her son to the midwife. The second the midwife had closed the door to the other room she could hear footsteps running up the stairs.


He did not know how much time had passed before his foggy mind started to clear up. It was as if every thought of his was submerged in deep water. He was feeling sluggish while having trouble being able to link any two coherent thoughts together.

After some time, when his jumbled thoughts had become untangled enough to be coherent, he felt as if he was in a very constricting space. His body felt pressured from all sides and before he could make head or tail of the situation he suddenly felt himself being pushed through a very narrow tunnel, head first. It was suffocating and confusing for him.

The second he came out of the tunnel all of his senses started working simultaneously. He could breathe, listen and feel his skin tingle at the same time, it was too much for him to handle and before he could stop himself he started screaming out loud.

"AAA.... aaaaa..... uaaaa"

His scream was in sync with another scream from somewhere above him and it sounded like it belonged to a young girl. Her voice went from screaming loudly to just breathing heavily whilst he continued to cry his heart out.

'Where am I, I was supposed to be in the hospital dying from COVID. Why am I not wearing an oxygen mask and where are the nurses or the doctor and, ....' he thought incoherently

He felt like he was moving on a wild rollercoaster ride. He couldn't open his eyes fully and had no control over his hands or his legs. Every sense of his body was muted and it felt like the connection between his brain and the various body parts that make the human body work has not yet fully been established.

He started to open his eyes slowly and at first, all he could see around him was the blurry shape of a person who was cleaning him. And as his vision started to clear up he could make out the features of the person.

She was a plump woman with olive skin and dark hair, she looked to be around 40-something years old and was wearing some kind of medieval clothing. She was looking at me with something akin to fascination and after she had cleaned him, she looked above him and replied to someone out of his line of sight, took him into her arms, and brought him along. She laid him on a warm bed beside a 16-17-year-old young girl.

'Looks like I've been reincarnated into a medieval setting judging from their clothes and the lack of technology. This young girl is most likely my mother and the woman from before must be a midwife' he thought while looking at the young girl.

She was a pale young girl with soft brown hair, grey eyes, and a small nose with very symmetrical features. Her hair looked to be wet with sweat and she had dark circles under her eyes and she was breathing feebly. But the look she gave me was filled with so much love and warmth, it felt like I was looking toward the sun. She hugged me close to her breast as if she was afraid that I would disappear any moment now.

'Oh well, it's not like I had any kind of attachment in my previous life to anyone and I've always wanted to live in a medieval world so I think that I am pretty thankful for whatever deity dropped me here'

The midwife said something about hearing some kind of sword fighting, and the young girl asked her to take me to the adjacent room to hide. She kissed my forehead and looked at me for a moment before handing me over to the midwife.

'Man, why do I have the feeling that this will be the last time that I will see her? Looks like I will be an orphan in this life too'

The moment the midwife put me down in the crib, my body started craving sleep and I fell asleep faster than the speed of light.

If you want to read ahead, go to pat reon.com/lazywizard

And Check out my other work Sirius Black SI

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