
The War of Three Kings

In a realm torn by war and treachery ,two icons emerged to claim their destiny. Lord Drake of the six and saint J-cole of cold world formed an alliance that some claimed was as big as a super bowl, King Kendrick uponst learning of this union declared that there shall be one true king as be had no interest in kumbayas or big threesome. In his haste , Saint J-cole struck first attacking king Kendrick but after many sleepless nights he apologized and decided to pull out. No Diddy ,but is it too late?? Genre: Action, War, Adventure Main Character: King Kendrick (King of the Black Kingdom) Antagonists: Lord Drake (Ruler of the Six Gates) & Saint J-Cole (Leader of the Cold World) Setting: A war-torn realm filled with magic and mythical creatures (dragons)

Lil_Maxey · Hiện thực
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CHAPTER 1 - Smoke on the Horizon

Yo, check it. King Kendrick here, ruler of the Black Kingdom.

Built this throne room myself, stone by obsidian stone. Ain't no handouts in this realm, you gotta bleed for your crown.

Now, I'm a reasonable king, see the bigger picture. But mess with my people? Nah, that's where I draw the line.

So, picture this. I'm chillin', sippin' some obsidian fire tea (gotta keep the fire burnin' inside, y'know?), when my raven dude, Onyx, swoops in looking like he just saw a ghost with platinum grills.

"Word on the street," he croaks, all raggedy like he flew through a blizzard, "Drake and J. Cole linked up."

Drake? That arrogant featherweight with more hype than skill? And J. Cole?

The supposed "wise one" who always plays both sides? This news hit me like a dragon's tail to the gut.

 Together? These fools think they can roll up on the Black Kingdom like some kinda drive-by war?

Smoke billowed in my head, hotter than Drogon's black flame breath.

Drogon, that's my dragon, by the way. Biggest, meanest beast this side of the Wall of Bones.

We been through it all - battles, famines, you name it. He felt my anger too, let out a low rumble that shook the damn castle walls.

Guards started sweatin', scrambling for their weapons. Couldn't blame them. When Drogon growls, war ain't far behind.

I summoned my advisors - Ocho, the scarred veteran with a mind sharper than a viper's fang; Shana, the queen with a wit as quick as her daggers; and Malik, the young mage who could manipulate shadows like a puppeteer.

"They say Drake's got two dragons," Ocho grumbles, his voice like gravel grinding. "Rhaegal and something else. Nasty fire breath, that's for sure."

"J. Cole?" Shana raises an eyebrow, her obsidian eyes hard. "Heard whispers about Cryonax. Ice dragon, they say. Freezes your soul before you even feel the bite."

My grip tightened on the throne's armrests. Two dragons? Damn. But fear ain't in my vocabulary.

We ain't built that way in the Black Kingdom. "We gather intel," I declare, voice booming through the hall. "Spies fan out, see what these snakes are plotting. We ain't gonna be caught lackin'."

Days turned to weeks. My ravens brought back whispers and rumors. Drake, fueled by his usual overinflated ego, planned a full-scale invasion.

J. Cole, ever the fence-sitter, remained a wildcard. The tension was thicker than swamp fog.

One night, under a sky choked with blood-red clouds, Onyx swooped in again, cradling a scroll sealed with Drake's sigil – a gold six-pointed star, all flash and no substance.

I ripped it open, the parchment crackling like dry leaves.

"King Kendrick," it read, words dripping with mockery, "prepare to bend the knee. The Six Gates and the Cold World unite. You ain't got a chance, fool."

My blood ran cold, then hotter than Drogon's flames. This ain't no game.

This is war. A real, fire-breathing, dragon-stomping war. I looked at my advisors, their faces grim but resolute.

We locked eyes, a silent vow exchanged. We ain't bending no knees.

Drogon roared outside, sensing my rage. He was ready. We were ready. Let the storm come. Because in the Black Kingdom, we fight fire with fire. And these fools about to learn the meaning of true wrath.

"Alright, gather 'round," I boomed, my voice echoing off the stone walls. "War don't win itself.

Ocho, you got eyes and ears everywhere. I need intel – Drake's troop movements, J. Cole's location, any weaknesses these clowns got."

Ocho, his scarred face crinkled in thought, stroked his long, white braid.

"My ravens are already peck-peckin' at the problem, Your Majesty. Word is Drake's army's big, all right. But big don't mean smart.

They're all show and no finesse, more likely to trip over their own egos than pull off a coordinated attack."

"Good," I grunted. "J. Cole's the real question mark. That dude's got a strategic mind, plays both sides like a seasoned hustler.

We gotta figure out his game before he decides to jump ship."

Shana, her obsidian eyes sharp, tapped her dagger butt against the table.

"My spies in the Cold World say J. Cole ain't happy with Drake's brutality. Saw things he didn't like, apparently."

A spark of hope flickered in my chest. "Anything concrete? Doubts, regrets? Something we can exploit?"

Shana smirked, a rare sight for her usually stoic face. "Maybe. Maybe not. My sources ain't exactly chatty Cathy's."

"Alright, keep diggin'," I ordered. "Malik, what about magical defenses? We ain't exactly known for our spellcasters, but anything we can muster?"

A sly grin spread across Malik's young face. "Not spells per se, Your Majesty," he said, his voice dripping with youthful enthusiasm, "but I've been tinkering with some shadow traps.

They won't melt dragons, but they might cause some confusion, trip up their formations."

"Anything helps," I said, a grudging respect for the young mage bubbling up. Maybe we weren't totally bereft of magic after all.

We weren't naive; Drake had the numbers, maybe even the edge in firepower.

But we had something they didn't – home turf advantage, a fiercely loyal army, and one hell of a dragon.