
The War of the Kingdoms

A cast of actors, famous for their roles in the hit show "The War of The Kingdoms" are ready to film the last scene of a very long day, when a sorceress thrusts them into that very same world the show portrays. Now in the world of Noth Mildor, a place they once believed as a land of fiction, they soon realize that this world and the war between the world's Kingdoms are anything but fiction. With the help of a few, they learn the magic and sorcery that energizes the world and all around it, hoping to survive and explore this mystical and beautiful place while being on guard not to be devoured by it.

NKino · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

The Lost Princess vs Tazul The Tormentor

"So the Kingdom's precious princess returns. Why is it you always ruin things when they're at their most peaceful moment?" Tazul said while standing between her and the exit as his blue energy radiates around him.

"You and that monster you call a king reign over this place by burning down anything that disagrees with you. You call that peace?" Jasmin shouts, as her aura changes from orange to red. As she feels the surrounding energy, she realizes she used more energy than she thought.

Tazul listens to Jasmin, keeping his weapons holstered and trying to keep this incident from escalating. He stalls as much as possible until he was sure that everybody could return. "True, his ways are a little barbaric, but he has his reasons." Mei Lee was in disbelief that he could say that with a straight face.

"His reasons? What reason did he have to kill my parents after trusting him with their lives?"

"I think you answered your question. They trusted him full heartedly without even really knowing him. They were too weak and stupid to run this kingdom." Jasmin, unable to hold her anger, aimed at the surrounding stones. Shooting straight to Tazul, encapsulating him. A second of silence passed when the stones burst out in every direction. Jasmin leaped and contorted her body as she narrowly dodged each stone. Tazul lunges forward and unsheathes his sword, swinging it inches away from her neck. Jasmin could feel the rush of wind as it slid past her. This isn't good. I thought I could at least make it out of the castle before he found out. No doubt he wants to prolong this, hoping for the scouts to return.

"You're sloppy. You haven't been practicing, it seems." Tazul said while spinning his sword around.

"You are no match for me, even on my worst day." Jasmin said, throwing a spinning blade of light, gliding through the air towards Tazul's neck. Tazul ducks just enough as it scorches the very top of his head, burning a few hairs before the blade crashes into the wall. He's barely able to recover as Jasmin vaults high into the air. Jasmin, throwing down her sword with such force, sends it crackling to the ground beneath him as he blocks it.

Jasmin jumps back, instantly powering up as the energy around her doubles in size, engulfing the room in blue. For the first time during this fight, Tazul felt fear as he stared into Jasmin's eyes. Tazul, trying to get an edge in the fight, sends bolts of electricity sizzling through the air, desperately trying to have one of them land a hit. Despite Jasmin being a bit rusty, she easily smashes them down with her sword, unfazed by the electricity that ran through the sword and into her. Jasmin sprints and soars through the air, ready to end this fight and his life. But as she flies through the air, she sees him pull out dual blades attached by a long chain, a weapon she recognizes instantly. The blades were still stained with the blood from countless innocent lives. A spark of light shines as the weapons meet, starting a dual of strength as each pushes their weapons with all their strength. As the blades continue to clash, the sparks fly off the weapons, burning the two, but they remain unbothered.

"Why can't you understand? The Kingdom is better now. Our King has brought peace for the first time in a thousand years." Tazul said, trying everything he could to persuade Jasmin.

"Your King, not mine." Jasmin shouts, her aura getting brighter as she inches closer to his neck. "In this Kingdom, everyone lives their lives in fear. He doesn't protect them. He does nothing but use them, exactly like what he's doing to you."

"You're wrong. You know nothing of him." Tazul screams.

Tazul pushes with all his might forward, creating enough space to leap onto the wall, twisting his body, and sending the chains at an incredible speed. Wrapping it around Jasmin, the dual blades meet inches away from her neck. As the chains become tighter, it flushes out any magical energy she has left. Jasmin's energy slowly fades, as she exerted all her energy to fight back. CRASH! Not giving Jasmin a second to recover, Tazul throws her, causing the stone wall to break and collapse on her. He follows it up by sending a thunderbolt of electricity through the chains, sending the rubble to fly off of her. Jasmin now lies there motionless, barely breathing, as blood drips from her head and flows to the cell. The fight is over.

Tazul calls in the guards waiting outside and takes a big sigh of relief that he didn't need Gindloc and the others to step in and help. As the guards were picking her up, he couldn't help but think that she wasn't at her full strength, as the victory didn't feel earned.

The sound of metal clanking filled the room as the guards set up a contraption to hold Jasmin prisoner. Not taking any chances, they take all the necessary precautions to keep her from moving or using any of her powers. Tazul waves his hands, enchanting the cuffs, using the shards from the moon of Galaeth to power the contraption to continuously stop her from gaining her energy back.

Tazul stares at a barely conscious Jasmin. "Your father inherited the throne, fortunate to be born into this Kingdom. My King took the throne for himself, with no one to defy him. That's true power."