
The War of the Kingdoms

A cast of actors, famous for their roles in the hit show "The War of The Kingdoms" are ready to film the last scene of a very long day, when a sorceress thrusts them into that very same world the show portrays. Now in the world of Noth Mildor, a place they once believed as a land of fiction, they soon realize that this world and the war between the world's Kingdoms are anything but fiction. With the help of a few, they learn the magic and sorcery that energizes the world and all around it, hoping to survive and explore this mystical and beautiful place while being on guard not to be devoured by it.

NKino · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

The Kingdom of Mountain and Sand

"I know I put it here. It has to be here." Jasmin said, while heaving pounds of dirt from the cave.

"Did you enchant the object in case someone found it?" Valier said, while moving to dodge the dirt flying.

"Yes. I enchanted both of them and hid them in different spots." Jasmin said, digging deeper until she found herself fifteen feet deep. Valier closed her eyes to concentrate. She surveyed the cave, trying to find any trace of the gem within the scepter. But as she opened her eyes, finishing her search, there was nothing. "Whoever disenchanted those items, must be very skilled. I fear we are dealing with someone powerful."

Three men journeyed through the market nearby, their bowl haircuts bouncing with each step. They stared upon the ancient scepter, fueled by a powerful gem within.

"I don't see what's so special about this piece of junk." Frey said while twirling the scepter around his fingers.

"Are you sure this thing is worth anything, Livel?" Wilt asked the woman in front. Sporting the same haircut. The woman led the three men, reading the ancient text, while her dark green cloak swayed behind her, hitting the three men with each gust of wind.

"Livel." Wilt repeated.

Livel swirled around, turning to them, looking upon the group with utter despair.

"Yes, this artifact is one of the oldest things in this world. An item that is going to make us rich." Livel said, staring at them while squeezing her fist with excitement.

"Okay, okay, I like the sound of that. So, where are we meeting him?" Jocko asked while strutting down the market.

"The Doromir Kingdom." As Livel revealed where they were going, the three men instantly stopped in the middle of the crowded storefronts. Shocked to hear the news. Livel shut the book and turned around. Walking slowly back while the three men shook with fear.

"Don't tell me you guys are scared?"

"No, of course not." Jocko said, his voice trembling.

"I'm only worried because those people can't be trusted. Have you ever seen them? They all wear those scary masks and have thorns around their necks."

"They are no worse than the people in this town. They might be an intimidating group, but they do not hide their intentions. Unlike this Kingdom who hides behind their smiles and politeness, only to betray you when they are through with you." Livel turned and swung her cloak in dramatic fashion as she continued to walk to her bike. The three men hesitantly followed her, as they walked slowly behind with their heads hanging lower than before. Jasmin and Valier search the market frantically for any hint that the scepter is still here. As they use their energy to feel for the scepter, disturbing the different storefronts, desperately trying to find the item, the people of the market visibly get more and more frustrated with them. Valier and Jasmin walk away apologizing, trying to avoid getting noticed by the guards that patrol the market. As the two walk down the aisles, Jasmin notices some familiar faces.

"Those three men. They were here when I buried the items. They are the only ones that know."

"Is that woman in front also with them?"

"That, I'm not too sure. She wasn't there when I encountered them."

"Okay, well, let's wait until they exit the walls and then make our move."

Valier and Jasmin followed the three men, keeping their distance not to be noticed. Jocko turned several times, getting the uncomfortable feeling that they were being followed. Each time he turned, they hurriedly turned to the nearest store, Jasmin attempting to cover her face. Unfortunately, Jasmin turned to a restaurant, knocking down a burning wok, burning the chef in the process. The flaming fox turned towards Jasmin with his fur flaming out of control. She quickly apologized and continued down the walkway as the men turned the corner outside the market. Jasmin and Valier picked up their pace and dashed towards the exit. As they turned the corner, they could see the four sprinting through the row of vehicles. Livel stopped at a bike similar to Jasmin's, but with three side cars attached, one on the left, the right, and behind. Livel jumped on and immediately powered on the bike, while the three tumbled, barely making their way into the side cars. Valier and Jasmin pulled out their wands, aiming it towards the bike. They shot a beam of light, stopping the bike in its tracks. Livel glanced back, and revved the bike to go faster, but the bike was no match for the power of Valier. As Valier and Jasmin sprinted, they could overhear a yell from a guard posted on the top of the wall. The guard pulled out his orb, reporting his findings.

"Tazul sir, we spotted Valier and Jasmin chasing a group right outside the Golden Market."

"Jasmin? Are you certain?"

"Yes, positive."

Tazul sprinted to the dungeon, rushing down the halls, pushing anyone or anything that got in his way. As he approached the dungeon doors, shoving the guards out of the way and flung the door open. Running down the fleets of stairs that led to the cells and slamming the door open to find an empty cell. Tazul scanned the dark dungeon, struggling to find any clue as to how they could escape.

"Sir, it also appears that the group in front is also holding the items we have been searching for. Although I cannot be certain it is the exact ones."

"Kill all of them if you have to. We cannot lose them."

"Yes, sir."

Valier glanced towards the castle as a group of Tenedraugs flooded the castle's exits. Valier looked at Jasmin, signaling to release the bike, as they dashed into the forest, jumping from tree to tree, trying to keep the bike insight. As they progressively fell more behind, a figure sped through the market and galloped right underneath them. Jasmin jumped and landed on Autumn. Soon after, Valier did the same. As Autumn sprinted through the forest, running so fast, the forest became a green blur as they cascaded through it. The sky became dark as the sun disappeared, covered by the cloud of the Tenedraugs. The scouts weaved through the forest, attempting to get within attacking distance. Valier and Jasmin could hear the loud snapping of trees not too far away. The tenedraugs speed was no match for the speed of Autumn. While Jasmin and Valier were catching up to Livel, the guards remained behind, steadily getting farther. The scouts pulled out their wands and aimed at the bike ahead, seeking to get any progress they could. Livel swerved in and out of the forest, trying to avoid the scout's onslaught of attacks. Trees crumbled around Livel, falling within inches of the bike. The scouts sent hundreds of attacks, giving up on aiming and going for a riskier approach. As Livel went as fast as the bike would go, trees continued to fall, blocking the dirt path they were on. Hearing the destruction behind her, she decided to use the trees to block the constant attacks. Looking behind her, she saw Valier and Jasmin rapidly approaching. She grabbed the scepter from Jocko's hand and conjured a spell aiming the scepter towards the bike. The bike glowed with a blinding light, propelling them faster than they expected. Livel, with the help of the scepter, zoomed past the Doromir border and headed straight into the narrow path of the kingdom.

"They passed the border sir, what should we do?"

"What border?"

"The Doromir border, sir."

"DOROMIR. Pull back immediately." Tazul yelled.

Valier peaked through the trees, staring up at the sky as the sun shined once again over the forest, radiating all around them. The cloud of Tenedraugs returned to the castle grounds, as Tazul didn't want to repeat the mistake of trespassing in such a short amount of time, not to mention a volatile kingdom like Doromir. The four entered a narrow and jagged passageway between two mountains. Leaving the lush forest and clear lakes of Elk Fenios for the hot and unforgiving dunes of Doromir. Exiting the dark and cold pathway, they were now officially in the Kingdom of Doromir. Jocko, Frey and Wilt were not particularly happy in their current situation. Turning to look through the desolate grounds that made up this kingdom. The surrounding mountains towered over them, as more and more people exited their caves to examine their visitors. The origins of these people were vague at best, which is how Doromir wanted it. They stared at them with their face covered with an oval mask, with markings only known to them. They designed the necklaces they wore with long, sharp teeth surrounding their head from the large-horned beasts that protected them. Valier looked at Jasmin, telling her to stop before traveling any further. As Autumn stood there on the borderline of the two kingdoms, Jasmin looked back and saw an expression on Valier which she had never seen before, fear.