
The war of dawn or dusk

A war foretold centuries ago, 4 Beings with the power of the elemental dragon lords against the sin that shall devourer the a while the war that shall end in a new dawn for mankind or a silent dusk as world breathes it's last breath What lies for jack, is he a boy forced into war by the loss of his father at a young age or man who overcomes his desire to stop fighting without his own purpose. Will he be overcome by his grief or become the hero that this world desperately needs Can he become the champion of thunder? and save the world?

Hahagiest · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

An introduction(spoilers)

<p>welcome reader!<br/>this is the trash can of my overactive imagination that I have decided to put on webnovel cause I got nothing better to do <br/>I will write this story in my free time so it might be quite irregular I apologize in advance <br/>#BACKSTORY#<br/>There was a war between the kingdom in the sea and the thunder nation called" the red rain ". A Major conflict that lasted for 7 years, causing destruction on both sides only stopped after the intervention of the red kingdom and the city beneath the earth. A war that caused the entire events of the story but for that you'll have to wait....<br/>#CHARECTERS#<br/>Jack: the main protagonist of our story the 'hero' if u wish so. He is reluctant to fight the oroboros cult after fighting in the red rain as a boy warrior, who lost his father at the hand of some orcs. He awakens the spark of thunder after some happenings.<br/><br/><br/><br/>Fitz: He is the champion of fire and the king of the red kingdom , he uses a blazing war axe like weapon as his sacred weapon.he goes to the city of Zika on the day of thunder to see if the youngest prince has the workings of the thunder champion however before he could evaluate him the sword of thunder reacts to jack situation.He meet jack after finding him in a field stabbed by a bandit when he tried to stop him without violence.Due to this the thunder sword heals him and jack is found to be the thunder emperors long lost newphew whose father was the closest candidate to become the thunder champion when he disappeared because he did not like to fight right before the the red rain.<br/><br/>Petra:The water champion hailing from the tribe of Kula, a tribe full of only women who mysterious have children without the need for men(will explain later).<br/>She is know as the mistress of death and blood she First took the mantle of water champion when she just 14 as she slaughtered thousands of thunder kingdom soldiers in an frenzy starting the most brutal battle of the war and giving it it's name the <br/>'the red rain'.<br/><br/>Emore: the earth champion, he is know as the strongest warrior of the kingdom was the only one of the champions to be bestowed the gauntlets of earth, the sacred artifact of the earth kingdom.<br/><br/>#places#<br/>The thunder nation: one of the 4 major nations which exist jack was born and raised here and went to war here as well.took part in the red rain<br/>Zika: The capital of the thunder nation.<br/>more locations soon<br/><br/>The red nation: the nation of the champion of fire he is the ruler of this nation<br/><br/>kingdom in the sea: the nation of the mistress of death or the champion of water<br/><br/>city beneath the earth: even though it is called a city it is big enough to fit all the other nations however due to it being ruler by uthas the unruly it is completely barren and ridden by poverty.</p>