
Chapter 1: the rebirth

"emm professor... I would like to know if you" little by little the young girl with dark hair like the night watched me embarrassed, she was Angelina my star student in the subject I teach at the university.

she always answered all my questions well and even so remarkable that she never had an average or low grade, always demonstrating her intelligence, now she was in front of me with her amazing scent, her dazzling beauty and even the slight blush on her cheeks.

"is something wrong?" even without knowing, she tried to help her, she has a hard time letting her words out and even shivered slightly, maybe she is sick or needs help, still she shook her head in denial, looking straight into my eyes.

"Professor I.... you" again the stuttering and recoil in her words, I looked at her confused, but she took my hands, our height difference was almost noticeable, her crystal clear eyes were looking at me decisively.

"would you go out with me?" shocked by her words, I just thought something common, I really didn't expect that but I just had to think of her as if she was my student, not something else, so I answered in a way she didn't expect.

"where do you want to go?" i smiled at her in a way that she could understand that i accepted her offer, but she shook her head ironically and hit my chest with her little fists "no no no no no no, be my partner teacher, I love you!"

but after she shouted the last part, her blush dirty until it completely covered her head, leaving it bright red, but she didn't back down, she clung to my chest, still I pulled her away a few inches, surprised tears started to stream down her angelic face.

"I.. I can't.. for now I think I can't Angelina" I couldn't look at her face, she really gathered all her courage to say it, I also feel something special for her, but she is my student it's not possible, maybe after her graduation it's possible, but she can always find someone more suitable, those thoughts wander my mind, when she smiled, leaving me surprised, I looked up and she smiled at me with tears on her face.

Yet what surprised me was the pair of lights behind her head, those lights that were getting closer and closer, I don't know how, but my body reacted without thinking, in a matter of seconds I grabbed her arm and pushed her while a truck hit my stomach throwing my body a few meters away.

What will happen, doesn't it hurt? Those were the thoughts that ran through my mind, but I could not hear anything, barely see, I could only see lights and how people were running around the place, soon a person watched me talking on his phone, what does he say, I can not hear, yet in front of me, his face with a slight scratch, covered with tears was talking to me.

What? I can't hear, I tried to tell her, but she was still crying, only then I wanted to tell her, my lips moved with difficulty, trying to speak made the sound of people screaming and her crying come back for seconds, trying to move parts of my body caused the pain to completely cover my whole being.

Even so my hand covered with blood began to touch her head, she was surprised and little by little my consciousness faded again, even so my last words I left her without any remorse, I left her my feelings, unfortunately she did not react the way I thought, the last thing I saw was her sad face covered with tears, while my vision became completely dark, I no longer felt pain, neither heard nor saw, everything was darkness but my consciousness that little by little faded, did not do it in the end, it remained completely normal.


everything is darkness, i don't know how much time has passed, is this death? is this nothing? i had already studied it, but i didn't think i would really be aware of this, maybe if i try to move to the front something could happen.

I slowly concentrated my mind on moving, I still didn't feel anything, this gave me time to think about my whole life as I walked around the place.

In the army I was not one of the most outstanding, but I was a specialist in the scope and my precision, also once or another time I practiced archery even so I never reached something big in it, I had the talent but not the money, I only had to study to be a teacher, little by little I overcame the difficulties, I focused so much on it that I never attended my father's wake, nor my mother's, my brothers grew up and moved away little by little.

I did not have a life, friends did not exist, couples were not in my plans either, I focused all my knowledge in teaching what was to come, little by little I climbed steps, without realizing I was teaching in one of the elite universities in the world, but I still did not feel happiness.

maybe that's why I have this punishment, for the monotony of my life, this is the punishment for my sin, but then while I was still lost in my thoughts something hit my face.

"what, can I feel?" without knowing well I started to move to the side without moving away from the surface, it had slight reliefs, it felt like rocks, some places dropped something like grit, the sound of grit touching the ground, I can hear it.

"where am I?" but after following the wall for an indefinite time I collided with something that completely absorbed me, something that joined me, the heat began to run through my body with great completeness, little by little the colors and light were coming back to me.

A bluish green grass was below me but I could not feel it, flowers of various beautiful colors were present around me and a rock wall around me, everything implied that I was in a cave.

"Still confused, I started to look around me, until I found the thing that had absorbed me a little while ago, it was broken, crystals on the floor, I tried to move my hands to pick it up but nothing, I had no hands.

"What? I don't have hands, why?" only then I noticed it, my gaze was captured in one of the crystals, a floating light that was reflected in the piece of glass, I turned to look behind me but nothing, then I realized, I am that.

"Thinking logically I started to look around again, if one crystal gave me senses to hear and see, another one can give me back my body, maybe it can give me something closer to what I was.

So without much hesitation I began to move around the place, only until I passed near one of the flowers, the moment I managed to have contact with it, the flower disappeared from the place and the heat returned to my body.

a voice echoed in my head.

-The host has consumed a flower of mentality.


-second mind ability has been acquired-

-second mind presents the host's report.

host, elemental spirit species, skills: gluttony, second mind, shared memories, elemental summoning- -second mind presents host's report-

elemental spirit growth 1%- -elemental spirit growth 1%-


it all made less sense now, but as a calm person I took it in stride.

"what the fuck happened here!?"