
The Wandering Spectre (Worm fic)

Have you ever wanted to go to the wonderful world of Worm? Of course not, but that is what happened to our poor protagonist who woke up in that God forsaken universe. Thankfully, he doesn't have to worry about dying, since he is already dead and a spooky ghost. Watch as he uses people as ubers, annoys people to death and tries to help people (with varying degrees of success) All in all he just wants to relax, though the fact that he doesn't want to live on a destroyed world with nothing to do is motivation enough for him to help against the evil that is space whales. Who knows? Maybe the fact that ghosts aren't supposed to exist in that world would help him do impossible feats? Probably.

JesterEmper0r · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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10 Chs

A Good Start

Ok, so more tests have revealed some pretty interesting properties of my powers. First of which is what happens when I use them on beings with souls.

I tested this with Taylor's help by using her bugs as test subjects. Going from flies to bees to spiders, I am noticing that the more complex the creature, the more developed its soul is and the more its soul itself seems to resist my telekinesis.

They still all got crushed, since they're, well, bugs. But with this I can probably say that I could still cruch people's organs if my soul is stronger than theirs.

I wonder if I can give Taylor flight with my telekinesis? It was something she dreamed of from what I read....

'Hey T, wanna fly?'

Not even giving her time to process my question, I pick her up off the ground.


'Nah, didn't you want to fly like Alexandria? Well here you go! I am lifting your spirits just like i said I would!'


Deciding that maybe I should have mercy on the poor girl (definitely not because I almost threw into a wall), I put her back down on the ground slowly. She takes a deep breath, before looking at me with an indignant expression and said:

"What was that for?! You almost banged my head on the ceiling, and broke the light!"

'The reason is that now I have confirmed that I can yeet people who annoy me out the window. You just happened to be the only guinea pig on hand, which is just a skill issue honestly. Also you can fly when you go out as a hero now, but that's less important.'

'Uh, you are suck an ahole,'she replied while going back to mind speak,'at least is a pretty useful power to have. Just don't use me as your guinea pig for anymore powers you have, which speaking of just how many are you gonna pull out of your ass?'

'I had an expansive ass when I was alive, so I can probably pull out a couple dozen more easily.'

'Haha, well at least that means that your usefulness outweighs your annoying personality.'

'Ouch, right in the kokoro.'

Exasperated, she goes back to cooking dinner, having clearly decided to ignore me for the time being. Which we can't have now can we?

'Hey T.'








'What are you gonna tell your dad?'

'...Why would I tell him anything?'

'Because he deserves to know. About you being a parahuman, and about about me pretty much barging into your lives. He will definitely find out eventually, better it be you telling him than him finding out from social media or TV if something ever happens.'

'...I will tell him, just not now. I have to at least prove myself and show him that I can be a hero before. Right now, he will just stop me from endangering myself and stop me from going out as a cape. Or worse, force me to join the Wards.'


'I will respect your decision, but promise me that you will tell him right after your first night out patrolling.'


'When do you plan to start?'

'...tomorrow since it is a Sunday and my suit would be complete.'

'Is tomorrow April 11th 2011 by any chance?'

'It is, did something happen on that date? How much do you actually know about the future?'

'Quite a lot actually, though as I help you things will change so it will harder and harder to predict how things will happen. When said that you were the main character before I wasn't kidding you know, and tomorrow will be the day you fight and beat Lung.'

The teen raises an eyebrow while finishing her meal.

'You have to be joking. How can I beat the strongest cape in the city, with bugs? Why did I fight him in the first place?'

'It is precisely because you use bugs that you can beat him. He grows in power from the danger he feels, so he obviously underestimated you for long enough to do serious damage. You did get a bit of help at the end but you basically soloed him. Also, those people who helped you were teenage villains who stole from Lung, so when you heard him order his men to ^kill those kids^ you jumped into the fight no hesitation.'


Conflicted between helping villains, young or no, or leaving them to Lungs infamous mercy, Taylor, aspiring hero she is, quickly came to a decision.

'We will stop him. Villains or not, those people don't deserve what Lung would do to them. No-one does. So we will do something about it. Can I count on you?'

'Hell yeah, let's kick some dragon wannabe ass.'

'Cool, so you said that he grows faster depending on how endangered he feels right? Here's the plan....'


///////////////////////The next day///////////////////////


'Do you have everything on you?'


'Pepper spray?'


'Spare mask?'




'Zip ties?'

'Yep...oh woops, forgot those.'

She runs up to her room quietly as not to wake her dad up, before coming back with the ties.

'Ok done, can we go now mom?'

'Oh of course honey. What kind of mother would say no to her special child.'

'Are making fun of me?'

'No clue what you're talking about. Now c'mon let's get out from the backyard.'

Going out the back, careful as to make as little noise as she can while I sing the mission impossible theme in her head, she finally makes it out.

'Ok, it looks like your dad is still sleeping from what I can see of his soul. We should be good. Are you ready?'

'As ready as I'll ever be.'

At those words I lift her up from the ground, before quickly taking her to the skies to avoid anybody seeing her.


Taylor says as she laughs with the giddiness of a baby. Good to see that some innocence is left in her after all she has been through. Her fortitude is impressive honestly.

After a bit of just going straight up, I stopped us in the middle of the night sky. Now the first part of the plan is pretty simple, find the Undersiders and/or Lung. Which is easier said than done in a city as big as this.

Speaking of, it is really quite beautiful from up here where you can't see the dark side of humanity. The city itself with the protectorate HQ in the middle of the bay looks like something out of a dystopian novel.

That boat graveyard unfortunately kind of ruins the view. I wonder if I could clean it all with my telekinesis by just compressing all those abandoned boats into cube Wall-E style.


For now let us get back to the situation on hand.

'Earth to Taylor, we have to go.'

'What? Oh right. Get us closer to the ground so that I can use my bugs to search for him. Also turn on your soul sight, it might be useful.'

'Got it boss.'

I bring us down towards the docks area, following Taylor's direction, where I remembered the fight taking place in canon sometime after midnight.

Lo and behold my total (*sarcasm*) surprise when I saw a group of 18 people through a nearby building with my sight, all standing in front of a primarily orange soul with a hint of green.

As I was inspecting those colors, suddenly I started to understand what they meant. Something I have been avoiding since I got flashbanged before.

Green means kindness or cruelty, I can guess confidently which one it is here if this is who I think it is.

Orange is bravery or cowardice, which I guess perfectly reflects Lungs character. He jumps right into fights instantly when his pride is on the line and pretty much always wins because of his power. But he has also avoided every Endbringer fight after his fight with leviathan because of the trauma it gave to him.

Which is fair you know, he is only human after all.

'I found him Taylor, they will run out of that building at any time now.'

'Really? Good, cmon let's go get ready.'

I could feel her nervousness through our connection (that's new), as I put her on a nearby rooftop to make her harder to see.

'Don't worry Taylor, in the absolute worse case that you die we can hang out as ghost buddies and annoy Lung into committing seppuku with bad puns and by moving his furniture so that he always hits his pinky toe.'

'Pfft, oh shut up. Take this seriously idiot.'

Though she said that, I could tell that my nonchalance calmed her down a bit.

'Get ready, they are coming out now.'

I warned her as I prepared my weapon of choice. Which is naturally just a heavy ball that I compressed today using whatever I could find. I also wrote 1000 tons on the side because I love looney toons.

As soon as I saw a guy with a dragon mask and no shirt on, I absolutely hurled my comic ball (patent pending) at the back of his head. Not at full speed though, don't want his head to be replaced by my ball now do I.

Man this is exactly how cartoony I hoped it would be when I made it.

My big ball hit the big bad chinese dragon who crumpled across the road like a guy who got hit with a wrecking ball. Meanwhile the rest of his man were screaming as hundreds of thousands or maybe even million of creepy crawly crawled on them.

They all ran around like headless chicken, screaming on top of their lungs about bugs in their eyes before immediately regretting it as they chocked on those same bugs. Two guys even ran head first into each other knocking both of them out!

The battle, if you could call it that, ended after the last goon was wrapped in a cocoon made by the most talented of tailors.


'Well that was easy. Who would of thought that not giving the guy who gets stronger over time time to get stronger over time would make beating him a cake walk? Weird how no-one seemed to have used this special technique before, nice plan Taylor!'

'Can you stop joking around and help me tie these peoples hand up? There are way too many of these morons!'

'I don't really feel like it. Maybe if you said the magic words I would change my mind?'

'...*sigh*... please?'

'There you go! Was that so hard?'

I say as I place my ball next to the K.O.d Lung. I quickly grab some zip ties from Taylor's back pocket, who yelped and glare at me when I did, before tying all of the remaining poor bastards who just had the fear of God put in them.

'Now we wait. The Undersiders are probably going to get here first, so I'm going to put my comic ball somewhere hidden so that Sherlock Holmes doesn't somehow figure out that you have a ghost helping you. If they ask just say you used your baton, or that he slipped on a banana peel and hit his head on the road. Ok?'

'Ok, just do it quick. I think I hear them coming through my bugs.'

I immediately put my precious comic ball in the building that the Azn Bad Boyz (what a stupid name) came out of. No-one would look in the crime scene for the murder weapon. I am a gunius.

As I did that, the Undersiders finally landed in front of Taylor. WAIT...


'WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING. Also relax, I already chose one. I will be Weaver.'

Interesting. I guess it's true that the more things change, the more they stay the same. I haven't even told her about the future after today for fear of that big bird in the sky or fedora lady figuring it out too.

I assume that shards don't know about souls, but then again I am assuming alot. This world would love to prove me wrong I just know it.

"Hello there," said Grue,"we wanted thank you for helping us with Lung. He getting really close to finding us before you stopped him."

"It was nothing,"replied Weaver," any hero would do the same in my shoes."

"You are new to the cape scene aren't you," added Tattletale,"listen, the PRT will get here in a minute or two, so we don't have time to thank you properly. I just wanted to let you know that while doing things on your own... or not?"

There is her power at work, well Its fine if she knows that someone is helping Taylor. Better actually since she will most probably tell Coil about her mysterious helper who took down Lung which should make him more reluctant to attacking us until he discovers who it is.

'Tell them that someone is helping you but keep it vague.'

'Got it.'

"I do have a friend helping me, but they are quite shy. They pretty much only speak with me. Poor guy."

'Oh you bitch. Just because that's technically true doesn't mean you have to say it like that'

She ignored me.

"Well even if you have someone helping you,"continued the person-who-talks-too-much,"it would still be safer if you were in a team. Here, don't hesitate to contact me on my PHO handle AllSeeingEye and we will give you and your friend the reward you deserve."

"Or you can not contact her and let me have the reward." interjected who I can only assume is Regent, who also got slapped in the back of the head by the last member of this team.

The only one left that hasn't said anything is Bitch, who is surprisingly less aggressive towards Taylor than I expected her to be. I guess taking down Lung supposedly cemented Taylor's position as an Alpha to her dog mentality.

Man I hate that the word Alpha was ruined to me because of those idiots on the internet from my old world. At least here the people who started that trend are probably dead, or they don't exist.

It's a good thing either way.

"We should go, Armsmaster is almost here." Warned Tattle-too-much,"don't forget to contact me okay... what was your name?"

"It's Weaver." Replied Skitter.

"That's a nice name. It was a pleasure meeting you Weaver,"said Grue as they all got on those big cute and spiky puppies,"I hope we don't meet again as enemies in the future. And thank your friend for me would you?"

With that, the Undersiders disappeared as quickly as they appeared. Escape professionals indeed.

And now we have to do even more socializing with the infamous no rizz haver Armsmaster. I'm exhausted just thinking about it, even though I'm not the one talking to these people. I'm introverted Ok!? Stop judging me gods above.

'What did you think about them?'

'The Undersiders? They were nice I guess. You were right when you said they would break my views on villains. Anybody can become a villain in the right circumstances can't they? *sigh*'

'The fact that powers come to traumatized people sure doesn't help either.'

'Wait, do all capes go through the suffering I did to get powers?!'

'It depends, powers come from your trigger event which translates to the worst day of your life. You were subjected to comparatively small amount of suffering that added up over time before your trigger, so you are a worst case than most.'

'The exception to this rule,' I add,' is second and third generation capes, or the children of capes in other words. They usually have an easier time getting powers since the suffering needed is less than others. Like Glory Girl who got hers in a basketball game of all things.'

'That's interesting. It's unfortunate, but it does explain why villains outnumber heroes so much.'

'There is another method that doesn't involve trauma to get a power. But let's just say that if I told you the specifics, a thinker level bullshit cape would probably know. So I'll tell you in the future if something that needs that information comes up.'

'...I trust you.'

And then we waited for a bit in silence, before the sound of a motorcycle became louder and louder as Armsmaster finally arrived. He quickly gets off his bike takes his halberd before pointing it at Taylor.

"Unknown parahuman, identify yourself immediately."

"Umm hello, I'm Ta..I mean Weaver and I'm a hero! We are on the same side, so uh... can you point that thing away from me please?"

"Understood."he said before moving his weapon and holding it next to him,"Tell me what happened here."

Taylor proceeded to recap the last 10 minutes, plus including me in the recap like we planned by mentioning that I heard Lung say "shoot kids" which made us fight him as to avoid triggering his lie detector since I dont know if he has it now or not.

"You seem to be telling the truth, where is your 'friend' now?"

"Oh they are pretty introverted, so they prefer to only speak with me in public. So they are hiding somewhere and I doubt they would want to speak with you."

Ahh technical truths, the best kind of truth!

"Hmm in any case,"he says as he goes to inspect Lungs body to make sure he is alive which he is, though barely and only because he has enhanced durability even in human form,"I will take him with me immediately back to the Protectorate after some people take care of these non powered individuals. I would recommend that I take credit for taking him down as to avoid being targeted by more violent criminals such as Oni Lee."

'Let him take credit. What matters is not fame, but saving people. Which will be easier if criminals underestimate you.'

'But...fine you make a good point. I will get known eventually anyway so I guess might as well take advantage of my anonymity for now.'

'I'm glad you understand.' I reply as I instinctively said my happiness at her decision towards her.

'What was that?! We will adress this later, for now stop whatever it is your doing. It's.... distracting to say the least.'

'Oops sorry about that.'

"You can take credit for taking Lung down. Me and I'm sure my friend too won't mind people underestimating us for a little longer. My cape name is Weaver by the way."

'Hey Adam, do you have a cape name in mind for me to tell him?'

'I do actually! You can call me Vesper.'

'Huh.. not a bad name. Which is surprising for you.'

'Hey! Rude.'

"My friends name is Vesper by the way."

"Weaver and Vesper. Vesper meaning evening or evening star in Latin, also associated with twilight and the transition between day and night. Hmm... possible stranger and brute abilities...."

"Can I leave now or are you just gonna keep speculating on my friends powers right in front of me?"

"You may leave."

Clearly having reached the end of her patience with the man, the girl surrounds herself and her surroundings with bugs to obscure her from sight. Which is exactly when I take her and my ball before taking off out of sight.

As we got to her neighborhood, I slowly lowered her into her backyard after making sure no-one was watching through my sight.

The excitement having been sucked out of her by Armsmaster and her clear fatigue made me help her out by just floating her to her room from her window which was pointed at the backyard.

I opened it from the inside before dropping her in a sitting position on her bed and getting out to let her change and sleep.

I of course also stopped our shared vision. I am above the horny, death has helped transcend those mortal desires and see the truth.

I also don't have my Lil bro anymore so I guess that helps.

Just like that, I took out one of the strongest capes on this earth on my second day here with my huge ball. Which I hid in a hole I dug in the backyard before covering it up.

Can't have people stealing my 1000 ton ball can we?