
The Voice of the Fallen World

This is for school and is my first time. Critique is good. Title is temporary along with pretty much everything else. Probably posting every other week.

littlelotus07 · Khoa huyễn
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2 Chs

Lindon Westleye

Awake Lindon, it is time, a voice whispered.

'Yes, thank you for waking me,' I thought back, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. 

I sat up at the end of the bed, and stood, mentally preparing  myself for the day ahead. I then swapped the clothes I slept in for a brown shirt, pants, and some leather boots that went halfway up my shin. 

Walking out of my room, I saw my sister, Dahlia, at the table.

"Good morning Dahlia," I muttered, still not fully conscious. 

"Morning to you too, Lin. Going out to meet up with your friend Haywood?"


"See ya, have fun!"


I leave, snow crunching under my feet, as I hear the voice whisper, Why do you  waste so much time with her? I do not find it to be a waste, she is a loyal family member and I wish  to keep it that way. Whatever you wish, though I think it's completely pointless. I wish you could keep those thoughts to yourself. Hah, so do I buddy, so do I.

Throughout the glowing white path between the houses people greeted me. As I wandered around, I found Haywood Thackere sprinting at me waving his hands.

"Hey! Lindon! How are you? I haven't seen you in days!" Haywood shouted.

"Hello Thackere, I'm in perfect health, and you saw me yesterday," I calmly answered.

"Always the serious tone dude! Will you ever tell me why you're so serious?"

"I have voices in my head."

"Sure, whatever you say, I'll just wait 'till you tell me the truth! Anyways, ready to go?"


"Well then let's get going!"

As we reached the forest, the trees covered in snow, Haywood shouted, "Here we are!"

"If you shout, then our goal will be more difficult."



As we walked, we saw a beast four feet tall with a wolflike head and the horns of a triceratops, the body of a panther and the tail of a scorpion. It sniffed the air, noticing a rabbit with the legs of a cheetah. The beast pounced on the rabbit, swiftly tearing out its throat with its powerful jaws.

Oooh a big one!

"Nacnor. Give me my bow."

Haywood was about to reply when I put my hand on Haywoods mouth, silencing him. Haywood then handed me the bow along with twelve arrows. I nocked the bow, putting a single arrow on the side of the bow, leaning on my hand. As I pulled it back, I aimed it towards the nacnor. As I loosed the arrow, the animal looked towards the boys, causing the arrow to slide through its eyes, smoothly killing it.

"Right through the eye! Good shot buddy!"

    "Thank you. Let us move on to the next one."

"Awww, you're no fun! Lighten up a little! Have fun!"

"Let us move on to the next one."

"OK buddy, let's go!"

As they returned, they were carrying four nacnor. The townspeople welcomed them, already trying to bargain for the hides. They made their way, declining all attempts to buy or trade for the nacnors, until they made their way to the butchers. Entering loudly, on account of their extra weight, they spoke to Stanley Monetf, beginning to choose their price.

"These are gunna get'cha 'bout ninety-six bronze for the meat, but I guess I'll round that up just for you makin' it one copper. Sound good?"

"What? Last time we got thirty bronze each nacnor! That would make one copper and twenty bronze! You're ripping us off!" Haywood exclaimed.

"No, he is being generous."

"What do you mean! He's paying us less! You can't really believe he's right, can you?"

"Yes, he is right due to the fact that the market is currently oversaturated with nacnor meat. Being the only reliable source of meat, leading to more hunting and selling them. Therefore, people are not willing to pay as much."

"Oh! That makes sense! How much is one worth right now?"

"'Bout twenty bronze," Stanley interrupted, stating.

"Huh! Does that mean that he's paying us more than he's supposed to?"

"No, he's paying us more because our nacnor is in perfect condition. Most hit the body several times before it dies, lowering it's value. However, ours are in perfect condition."

"Well then, you got a deal Stanley!"

"Just about time you came 'round. Here's yer copper, split it how you will."

"What are you going to spend your money on? I'm going to get some dried verbeug!" Haywood inquired as they left, walking through the frozen streets.

    "I am going to buy ekbayu to mash and mix with verbeug."

    "Let's go together then!"

    As they reached the market, Dahlia walked up to them, one eyebrow raised in curiosity and frustration, "where were you? You were supposed to be here about five minutes ago! I thought something happened to you or something and you were dying out in the forest!"

    "I was forced to explain how money works to Thackere." I replied.

    "Hey! I know how money works! It's just that I didn't know that the season mattered to the price of things!" Haywood defended.

    "That's how markets work, 'Wood. Honestly, how did an overly emotional buffoon manage to befriend my emotionless brother?" Dahlia questioned, looking at 'Wood'. 

    "I gave Lindon a copper when we first met!" Haywood reported with a proud look.

"You shouldn't be proud of bribery! Who taught you how friendship works?" Dahlia questioned with an exasperated look.

    "Well, my mother told me that money is the most valuable thing, so I figured it would be a reliable way to make friends! But then all my friends stopped liking me when I stopped giving them money! But Lindon didn't, so he's still my friend!" Haywood shared.

    "Aww, you poor thing. You're still stupid for believing that money makes friends, but thats ok." Dahlia sympathized.

    "His story is false. I informed him that I did not wish to befriend him, and yet he still followed me. So I decided to make use of him by making him help me in my endeavors." I rebutted.

    "That's horrible! How could you do that to a friend?" Dahlia inquired, immediately thinking the worst of her brother.

    "I simply gave him a use. He was not required to do anything and he still accomplished whatever task I gave him. So I gave him more tasks after confirming his reliability. So I would be most pleased if we could finish purchasing our meals." I pointed out, wishing to change the subject.

    "Yeah! He gave me work and I did it better than anyone else could! So now we're gonna shop better than ever before!" Declared Haywood.