
The Vita Arcanum: Short Stories Of Reality And Wonder

Life is a cascade of stories, some so simple they speak and relate to you, and other so wondrous they can only be birthed from the minds of the most daring. This is a yearning for adventure and a pinning for love, a taste of revenge and the consequences it sows. Fantasy, reality, love, hatred, all of this and so much more I would show, as we explore the pages of the Vita Arcanum.

Mother_of_Lions · Thành thị
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8 Chs

The Promise II

Louisa: "Anna can I ask you a question if you don't mind?"

Anna: "Yes what is it?"

Louisa: "We've been friends for a long time now and to be straight with you I have never seen you so upset like that  before. Well sorry to ask but, who was that boy you had a harsh discussion with a few minutes ago?."

Anna: "Hmm.... His name is Leo, he used to be my childhood friend back then."

Louisa: "So why were you not happy to see him. What went wrong with the both of you."

Anna: "I won't lie I was surprise to see him too."

Louisa: "What was that then."

Anna: "Alright I'll tell you what that liar did to me."

Louisa: "Liar?"

Anna: "It's a long story."

Louisa: "If you don't want to talk about it then it's fine I won't ask you again, because I don't want you to get hurt, so it's fine I promise."

Kireina: "Hey guys. How are you Anna and you Louisa?"

Louisa: "Am fine girl."

Kireina: "Anna what's wrong? You are not looking okay."

Anna: "I saw someone I never wanted to see again!"

Louisa: "Please Anna stop crying, we beg you. not now, you don't need this and you are making us feel the same way, just calm down okay babe."

Kireina: "Louisa."

Louisa: "Yes!"

Kireina: "Can you tell me what actually happened today. I think you two left the class to get something outside if I'm not wrong."

Louisa: "Yeah that's correct."

Kireina: "So!!! I'm listening."

Anna: "It's okay, and am fine now you don't need to ask Louisa anything I will tell you both what actually happened. Are you guys okay now."

Anna friends: "Are you kidding we are not  for God sake, our friend is not okay either so what do you expect."

Kireina: "Alright I promise you Anna if you tell me who that person is that you never wanted to see but still showed up I will so fuck that person up girl!"

Anna: "No no no no!!! Look you don't need to hurt anyone. Alright I know we are all friends and we don't like to see each other sad but we can't hurt people because they don't deserve it even though they hurt us. Alright!"

Louisa: "Anna."

Anna: "Yes."

Louisa: "But you hurt that boy alot by the way you were acting and responding to him. which I think is not needed but I can't actually say since I don't know what went down between the two of you."

Anna: "Like are you serious right now. God I can't believe you Louisa, how can you look  me in the face and tell me I hurt that bastard. Wait a minute do you even know what he did to me. Do you know the hell he put me through?"

Louisa: "Well I don't know because you refuse to talk to us so how do you expect me to know when I don't know magic."

Kireina: "Alright you two, you should just calm down and let's talk things out okay?"

Anna: "I didn't hurt him. He was my childhood friend, he was the only person I love and cherish alot with all my heart because he was like my brother. The only person that fought for me and even defended me and he left without saying anything to me when he made me a promise, never to leave me.

Kereina: "This is bad."

Anna: "So what did you expect me to do  the moment I saw him. Should I have been happy, should I have been like oh my God Leo what a surprise I missed you alot and am so happy to see you. Is that it?"

Louisa: "No one asked you to do all those things girl friend. What we were trying to say is."

Anna: "You know what guys it's fine and I understand, I know what you two are trying to say that I was too harsh. Alright I will go and apologize to him."

Louisa: "No girlfriend you can't swallow your pride to go and apologize to some  random guy okay, so it's fine,  just forget it and let's go back to class."

Kereina: "Yeah the break is almost over."

Mrs Jane : "Hello girls where are you coming from looking so pale, what's wrong?"

Girls: "Good morning Mrs Jane."

Mrs Jane: "Yes how are you today?"

Girls: "We are all doing good Mrs Jane."

Mrs Jane: "Alright I guess you girls are all fine. Anna please see me in my office now!"

Anna: "Yes ma'am."

Kereina: "Girl what's wrong with Mrs Jane, did you do anything?"

Anna: "Well I have no idea what the problem is so I will be on my way now see you guys later."

Louisa: "Alright take care see you later."

Kereina: "What do you think is wrong Louisa."

Louisa: "Well I don't know either let's just wait for our friend to come back then we can know what's up okay?"

Kereina: "Hmmm...?"


[Mrs Jane's Office]

Mrs Jane: "Come in Anna I want to have a word with you if you don't mind."

Anna: "I don't mind ma'am, I'm listening please."

Mrs Jane: "Anna I'm absolutely disappointed in you, What's going on? Anna you used to be one of my best student and now you are the worst, do you even know what you are doing? Do you want to ruin your bright future hanging out with those God forsaken girls?"

Anna: "I'm very sorry ma'am it's not my friends fault I was just relaxed that's all."

Mrs Jane: "Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are, don't you know those strong words. For crying out loud you were never like this and now you are defending those girls. other teachers are also complaining badly about your lack of passion with your education."

Anna: "I will do better and work on my self again, I promise you ma'am."

Mrs Jane: "Please you can leave my office now I have no other thing to say,  you can leave now."


[Classroom Hallway]

Leo: "Hey Anna can you give me a minute I want to make something clear to you please."

Anna: "I'm sorry but I don't have time for any discussion now I just left my teacher's office and I really don't want to talk."

Leo: "I met your friends just now and I was told that you are here so I stood here waiting for you."

Anna: "Look Leo if you are trying to talk about what happened ten years ago then I'm very sorry, but I'm not ready to talk about that because I buried that memory a long time ago so are you satisfied now, alright bye."

Leo: "Anna please I beg you in God's name I'm sorry for what happened ten years ago. Look it wasn't my fault okay! I didn't do anything I was just a kid and didn't know what to do or think when my parents got a divorce so I had to go with my mom to the United States."

Anna: "Really you didn't do anything right?"

Leo: "No that's not what I meant please understand me I beg you. It was hard for me without you by my side, praying everyday to see you someday was what I have been hoping for and when I could come back you were already gone and I couldn't find you.

Anna: "I still don't care just stop talking to me. We don't know each other anymore so let's just say hi to each other nothing more than that and have a nice day bye Leo."


Leo: "Anna no!!!!! Please don't do these it was a mistake my parents made so why are you doing this to me. Why am I the one suffering why!!!"


[Later That Day]

Michael: "Leo what's up with the long face. Did she not accept your apology? Man are you crying or something."

Leo: "Where is kelvin?"

Michael: "He went home, he couldn't wait for you so I had to. You know how strict his parents are. So tell me what's up?"

Leo: "I will tell you everything on our way home, so let's go, I'm already getting hungry."

Michael: "Me too! So what happened?"

Leo: "I did as you told me to but she isn't ready to talk to me and not anytime soon."

Michael: "What did you do so bad that your sin can not be forgiven. It was just a promise for God sake."

Leo: "You can't say it was just a promise. Don't forget a promise can never be broken, and it's not a small word at all, so I understand how she feels, I will just give her time to calm down."

Michael: "Alright I get you okay. Well it's  time for me to be home, so we are going to meet tomorrow and talk more on this issue. don't forget to do your homework so that I can copy from you. bye man say hello to your mom for me."

Leo: "Ok dude take care alright, and say hello to your parents for me too, bye."