A man born in Viltrum manifests unusual powers. Growing up with teachings of viltrumites, he believes his cause is just. He begins to question their philosophy after spending time on Earth.
The commander dragged Taz down the hall. After a few turns, they stopped in front of a sturdier door. The metallic door slid open to reveal a room. It looked like someone was already living in it. A few belongings were scattered across the quarters.
"...This isn't a cell." The young viltrumite commented. Anissa huffed before pushing him inside. Her hand waved over a holographic sensor which locked the door.
"Obviously, I couldn't put you in a cell. Lucan would've found a way to reach you." She said.
Taz suppressed a smirk. When he spat out blood earlier, it was from biting his tongue. He knew the effect it would have on her.
"So you take me to your room instead?" He followed up. The woman frowned and dragged him over to a chair beside the bed.
"Why are you questioning me? You never used to do this, Taz. You've changed." She stated while cuffing him to the chair.
"......" He didn't respond.
'Have I changed? I don't feel any different.' He thought.
"I need you to tell me the truth, Taz. You're not leaving that chair until you do." She declared.
Anissa placed her hands on the back of the chair and stared down at him. There was a long period of silence as the two stared at each other. Neither of them said a word. Realizing that Taz wasn't going to speak, she shook her head.
"I see." She muttered calmly.
Her hand raised toward his face. The stoic soldier assumed that she was going to do something again. To his surprise, she only ruffled his hair. His caretaker then turned around and headed toward the door.
"...Where are you going?" Taz called out.
"Out." She responded without turning around.
"What if I have to use the bathroom?"
"Then wet yourself like an untrained pup." She growled.
With those final words, she was gone. That last sentence basically implied how she was currently feeling about him. Like he was untrained, no longer doing what was expected of him. The young elite sighed. He knew that she was holding back a considerable amount of anger. It was going to explode in his face sooner or later.
Taz debated if he should tell her what actually happened. She was his only family at the end of the day. The other side of that was the fact that she reported about him to the Grand Regent. It was her assignment when they were on Viltrum. He didn't know if she would tell Thragg. Anissa always had his back, but the leader of the viltrumites wasn't someone you crossed without a long time of preparation.
Hours passed as he sat alone in the room. It was completely silent. The stoic man couldn't help but wonder what he would do once he reached Thraxa. Would he help Nolan, or his caretaker? Would he help Mark? Why did it have to be him who had so much power? He was glad he had the freedom to choose now, but sometimes he wished he didn't.
As he drowned in his own thoughts, the door finally slid open. Anissa casually entered the room. She waved her hand and the door locked again. With a groan of laziness, she stripped off her skin tight suit.
"Nnnnnn…" She hummed while stretching.
She threw the outfit at Taz and it landed on his face. He couldn't see. After shaking his head back and forth, it eventually fell. He was able to catch a glimpse of her curvy but muscular body entering the shower.
The water turned on and the sound of her bathing resounded through the room. The young viltrumite smiled wryly. It seemed that nothing had changed. She was still comfortable in his presence. A few years away didn't mean anything to her. She had lived for a long time already.
Once she was done, she walked across the room completely nude. Her tight bottom shook slightly as she walked. Taz only watched as she lazily slid on some undergarments. Anissa finally laid on the bed and heaved a sigh of relief. After a few moments of silence, the soldier spoke up.
"...Can I at least lay down? This is pretty uncomfortable." He exclaimed.
"No." She answered without even looking.
The two didn't really have much to say to each other. Both of them weren't the talkative type. Their time together always consisted of comfortable silence. It was how they bonded. After a while, the main lights went out. Anissa clapped her hands and a dim night light flickered on.
"We'll be arriving tomorrow. Our mission has already been set for us, Taz. We're going to kill everything and everyone. It is Nolan's punishment. He's going to be detained just like you. You'll still be right here when it all goes down." She finally broke the silence.
Taz didn't say anything in response. His thoughts swirled in his head once again. Before he could zone out, the woman crawled off the bed and sat on his lap. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she looked down at him. The young viltrumite was being smothered in her cleavage.
"Did you enjoy your time on Earth?" She asked. Her hands gently caressed his skin. Taz nodded.
"I did." He responded. His caretaker smiled before resting her head on his shoulder.
"Tell me everything."
And so he did. He told her about his adventures, his enemies, and how he found entertainment. Anissa learned about football, school, and more. He didn't tell her about his love life, as he didn't know how she'd take it. Almost an hour had passed as he told her about his time on Earth. The woman breathed in his scent greedily, sometimes biting his skin. Her soft bottom was planted on his groin.
"That sounds fun, I guess." She commented half-heartedly. She honestly didn't understand how that equated to fun.
"You'll understand if you stay for a long time." He explained. Taz knew she wouldn't get it immediately.
"It might be fun, but that shouldn't take priority over your duties. You can't mix work with enjoyment." She scolded.
"......" The young elite didn't respond.
After caressing his cheek for a while, her hand grasped his hair tightly. If it was a normal person their hair would've been ripped off the scalp. Anissa raised her head and glared down at him. Taz could feel her sadism kicking in.
"You…" She started.
"Did you miss me?" He interrupted. His caretaker frowned.
"...What?" She responded.
She didn't approve of the way he was speaking. It resembled weakness. The dangerous woman didn't like mushy things. The stoic viltrumite looked up into her eyes.
"Say it." He said.
Anissa pulled on his hair even harder, forcing his head to look directly up at the ceiling. A smile adorned her face upon seeing his neck muscles flexing.
"I did…miss you." She finally said.
Her face leaned down toward his upturned mouth. Taz's lips were covered by hers. The woman's tongue forced its way inside. It was almost as if she was trying to reach his throat. Both of their tongues played with each other.
When she pulled back, a string of saliva was connected between them. Anissa then buried her face in the crook of his neck. She sucked on his skin.
The wet sound of her actions reverberated across the room. Her hands weren't idle. The lower half of Taz's suit was pulled down slightly. Anissa then stared into his eyes again. Her slender hand was grasping his chin.
"Open." She ordered once again.
The young viltrumite followed her order. Her finger entered his mouth for the second time in one day. Not wasting anymore time, she slid her panties to the side. An incredible sensation washed through Taz's spine as he entered something warm and tight.
The creaking sound of the chair was mixed with something slimy. It would go on for a long time.
The next morning, Taz woke up with a jolt. His eyes shot open to see his caretaker putting on her uniform. One foot went in after the other, and her soft skin was eventually covered up.
"We are here." She commented without looking. The stoic man tried to rub his eyes before remembering he was cuffed to the chair.
'I'm two seconds away from ripping these things off.' He thought with annoyance.
Sitting in the chair for so long was uncomfortable. It had also been a long night of family bonding. Taz wanted to stretch his limbs so bad. He'd have to just settle for his legs.
"By the time I get back, your traitor friend will be in chains." She commented.
A white light blinked next to the couch. It was a communication terminal. Anissa ignored it and continued to freshen up. After a while, the sound grew annoying.
"Are you going to get that?" He questioned. The viltrumite woman raised an eyebrow.
"Is it bothering you?" She mocked.
"Then I'll let it ring for a while longer."
Taz rolled his eyes. She really was being petty since he didn't tell her the truth about Nolan. Any little thing would become ammo for her. About five minutes later, she was finally ready. Anissa finally decided to check the terminal.
Her hand tapped on the blinking light. A small holographic screen appeared in front of her. As she read the message, her eyes became wide in shock. The color left her face and her hand went up to her mouth. Her reaction made the young elite curious.
"What does it say?" He asked. His voice brought her out of her daze. Anissa closed the message and put on a poker face.
"It's nothing." She responded while approaching.
Once she reached him, her hand ruffled his hair. It was a bit longer this time than usual. Her eyes were extremely gentle as she looked down at him.
"I'm heading out now. Behave."
After speaking these words, she walked toward the door. Taz waited for it to slide shut before easily ripping off the handcuffs. He immediately walked over to the console and clicked on it. A message popped up in front of him. The stoic viltrumite felt his blood freeze when reading the message. The sender was Thragg.
[You vouch for him, but the decision has been made. The boy is to be executed. Helping a traitor makes him one. Traitors aren't welcome on Viltrum. Effective Immediately.]
'In the end, this is all I amount to.' He thought. The elite felt a pit in his stomach.
It was at this moment that the door opened behind him. Anissa had a feeling that he wasn't going to sit still. She knew him, so after sending the hit squad down to Thraxa, she quickly returned. When she saw him reading the message, his caretaker dashed over and wrapped her arms around him from behind. The pain couldn't be hidden from her face.
Both of them slid to the floor. His shoulders trembled. The woman thought he was crying, but instead of hearing sobs, it was laughter.
"Hahahaha…..hahaHAHAHA!!!" The stoic soldier wasn't stoic anymore. His laugh was filled with pain. Anissa's eyes watered as she heard it. Once he caught his breath, he spoke.
"Heh. To think that after everything I've done, it measured up to nothing. Haha. I'm such an idiot!" He exclaimed.
"You're not an idiot…" She soothed quietly. Her arms pulled him into her bosom.
"I'm useless! I'm a traitor! This all happened because I let him go. Why did I let him go?!" He roared. At this moment, he loathed himself.
Taz was pouring out his heart. He was so confident that he would get another chance. With all of the great things he achieved for his homeland, he at least expected to be recalled home. Maybe put on house arrest, forced to do hard labor, or get beat up for a while. He was wrong.
"You're not useless…" Anissa spoke softly.
The young viltrumite continued to berate himself. After a good amount of time, he calmed down. His expression became one of utmost calm. In the span of a few minutes, it was as if he matured by twenty years.
"...They want me to be a traitor so bad…If that's how it is, I'll become Viltrum's worst traitor. I'll become a blight on their name." He growled quietly. His caretaker frowned.
The soldier pulled away from her embrace and blasted out of the room. His white cape flapped behind him as he exited the ship. Anissa launched after him.
"Stop!" She ordered.
Absolver ignored her and accelerated down toward the planet. He was free from the confines of the space vehicle, and his bioelectric field washed over the planet. As he beamed through the atmosphere, he could already see dead alien bodies everywhere. The white haired viltrumite and his partner, the black haired one, were slaughtering the bug citizens by the hundreds. The buildings and structures were crumbling to the ground.
The dead bodies began to float in the air. The crumbling buildings froze in place. The two enemy soldiers felt disoriented as an unknown force screwed with their senses. The stoic man's speed didn't slow as he neared the two. He got closer and closer until he was upon them.
Taz crashed into the white haired soldier, immediately shattering his spine. The man's body folded like paper, bending in a disgusting way. It wasn't over. A viltrumite wouldn't die until he was absolutely dead. It had to be confirmed with certainty.
Both of his hands grasped the paralyzed man's body. He began to pull. At this moment, Anissa caught up. Her arms wrapped around his neck and squeezed with force. It was futile.
"Stop! Don't do something you'll regret!" She exclaimed. Taz's expression remained emotionless.
"Regret? I already have." He answered. Both of his hands pulled in different directions.
"Aggghhhhhh!" The white haired soldier roared in pain as his skin stretched.
Organs and intestines fell to the ground. It was a rain of blood that showered down from the sky. The other viltrumite turned to see the commotion. His eyes widened in shock when he saw his partner torn in half. The commander hung from the kid's back as she tried to contain him. His face turned solemn as he prepared for a tough battle.
Taz threw Anissa off of him with force. She crashed through a few structures before stopping. That only left the dead viltrumite's partner. The black haired fighter and Absolver got ready to scrap. With a burst of wind, the two launched toward each other. A strong fist hurtled toward the stoic elite.
It had no effect. The attack bounced off of the young viltrumite's body. Taz grabbed the man's face and accelerated. He dragged the enemy through the ground while flying across the planet. Strong punches crashed against Absolver's body to no avail. As they traveled, he noticed Lucan.
The large shredded viltrumite was in a high stakes fight against Nolan and Mark. Invincible was already injured, bleeding with multiple broken bones. He was almost dead. Both Omni Man and Lucan's clothes were torn in several places. As Taz flew toward them with the soldier in his hand, Anissa caught up again. She threw a heavy punch at his face.
The young elite's head barely moved to the side. The woman realized that he was much stronger than he used to be. When did he get so powerful? He was like an unstoppable force.
"Taz! I said stand down!" She roared.
Her arms squeezed him in a chokehold once again. The muscles on her arms bulged from the strain. This time, she bit down on his nape as hard as she could. Absolver's momentum didn't stop. Lucan and Omni Man turned to see the young viltrumite rocketing towards them.
They couldn't help but gawk upon seeing him. A powerful viltrumite was held in one of his hands while Anissa, the commander, was dragged along like a rag doll.
"Did you forget about me?" Taz called out right as he reached Lucan.