
The Villainous Eldest Senior Brother and His Yandere Junior Sisters

After transmigrating into a harem novel, Lin Xiao became the villainous Eldest Senior Brother of the Azure Mist Sect. By following the original storyline and being a pesky villain, he could eventually attain his reward of becoming immortal. Having no other choice, he carried out his duty as a villain conscientiously. He would tease Fourth Junior Sister, steal Third Junior Sister’s clothes and spike Second Junior Sister’s drink. Finally, the day when Ye Chen, the male protagonist, joined the sect came. Lin Xiao was exhilarated. According to the original plot, he would attempt to Ye Chen, be caught by his Junior Sisters, and be humiliated by Ye Chen. Yet, to Lin Xiao’s surprise… “Big Brother is too kind. The poison he has prepared is such a child's play. Let me show him how it’s done.” Second Junior Sister said. “Kill Ye Chen! Kidnap Eldest Senior Brother! He is mine!” Third Junior Sister declared. “Kill everyone! Let’s create a world with only Eldest Senior Brother in it!” Fourth Junior Sister exclaimed. “My sweet disciple, he’s so cute even when he tries to poison someone furtively.” His beautiful master swooned. Lin Xiao screamed internally, “Read the scripts, all of you! I’m the one who is supposed to be killed!”

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40 Chs

Chapter 15: Ye Chen Initiates a Life-and-Death Battle! Finally, the Taste is Right! _1

Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

Eventually, Ye Chen still picked up the trembling ring.

Yes, he was clear in his heart.

What Son of Destiny, overpowering the undefeatable, single-handedly making historical decisions...

Without the aid of the old man's remnant soul in the ring, he was just a useless... ordinary person!

"Old Shi, I'm sorry about earlier.... is there a way to remedy this?"

He asked with the last of his strength.



"Alright, with the 'Ice Heart Detoxification Technique' I taught you and the poisoning effect of the Triune Seven-extinction Pills fully eradicated, you should be fine."

A long time after.

The red poison fading on Ye Chen's skin, and Old Shi's voice came to his ears.

"Old Shi, you saved me once again! I'm sorry! From now on, this princely heir will never be disrespectful to you again!"

Ye Chen apologized from the bottom of his heart.

After all, having lived two lives, despite his reckless nature, he did understand the ways of the world to some extent.

This old man, although unpredictable, was his only support, and he couldn't offend him again!

"Oh, young friend, you're being overly formal."

The elder inside the ring chuckled grimly and said, "If you'd take one piece of advice from me, leave Qinglan Sect, and I would be eternally grateful."

"Sorry, Old Shi, I'm afraid I can't..."

"That person called Lin Xiao, the Immortal Stick, keeps opposing me! In this life, if I don't shred him into pieces, I swear I will not be a man!"

"I'm determined to enter Qinglan Sect!"

Ye Chen's eyes were ablaze, seemingly shooting out sparks!

Having said that, he looked towards the VIP stage in front, seeing the ugly divine phoenix peak's eldest senior brother still watching him!

However, the challenging and ridiculing look in the man's eyes had disappeared, and it was replaced by a touch of... concern?

This guy... is he a freak!?


"Damn protagonist, you really scared me to death!"

"Thank God, you're okay!"

Seeing Ye Chen resumed his previous arrogant demeanor, Lin Xiao felt a load off his heart.

As expected of the protagonist, his life is strong indeed!

"But on the other hand... "

"Does the goddamn female lead setup not just be the problem, can a prop like the Seven-extinction pill be problematic too?"

"Never mind, don't think about it, even if the Seven-extinction pill's part is gone, there's still a blockbuster next!"

Lin Xiao shook his head and pulled out a pair of snow-white silk socks with his trembling right hand.

For some unknown reason.

He inexplicably took a sniff.

Telling himself, he still won't believe....

These personal belongings of the beautiful Master... actually smell quite fragrant!

This time, he seemed to fully understand the joy of Lin Xiao in the book!

What crap!

I'm only acting like a weirdo, I'm not a weirdo myself!

He forcibly cut off his wild thoughts, Lin Xiao tucked his Master's ice silk stockings into his bosom.

This is the key prop for the next stage of the plot.

"Number three hundred and eighty-one - Ye Chen, come on stage for the examination!"

The stage soon echoed with the voice Lin Xiao wanted to hear the most!

Apparently, Qinglan Sect is very strict when it comes to the potential assessment of newly enrolled disciples.

Therefore, the entire initiation ceremony is divided into three testing phases - Spiritual Root, Mindset, and Combat.

The tests for Spiritual Root and Mindset are obviously to see if a disciple is suitable for cultivation and if they possess a steadfast and fearless heart for pursuing the way.

And the Combat test is tailored for most warriors who have a martial arts foundation.

Like this young master Ye Chen.

Usually, those who participate in the combat test have cultivation levels around the Qi Cultivation Stage, and they are Outer Sect disciples.

"Where is Ye Chen? Why hasn't he come up yet?"

An inner-sect steward with the complexion of a teenager but the hair of a crane, holding a registration book, broadcasted to the whole audience again.

Before he could finish his words.


A swift black figure cut through the air of the square, and in an instant, appeared on the stage!

The martial artist's lightness skill was so superb, it was not inferior to the method of flying used by cultivators!

The whole crowd of young men and women gasped in astonishment, causing heated discussion:

"It's Ye Chen! The Princely Heir of Prince Beichuan, who was here just a moment ago!"

"What a stunning lightness skill, what a master at such a young age! No wonder he managed to escape from the hands of the Empress of Great Zhou!"

"As the saying goes, 'The heights of martial arts touch the mysterious, the Immortal Arts and Martial Arts, are inseparable', Ye Chen has such a good foundation. I suppose Chief Su, who was just there, must be regretting it by now!"

"Not just Chief Su, the beautiful woman, but the people from Divine Phoenix Peak, they must be shaking their heads and sighing with regret now. Hahaha....."


"This Ye Chen is indeed a good prospect."

"Indeed, given proper cultivation, this lad would accomplish great things if he went from Martial Arts to the Immortal Path."

At this moment.

The three chairmen, aloof and indifferent to pleasure and anger, and the elders, all showed their approval.

But the great beauty of Phoenix Caw Peak, Chief Su Mei tightly pursed her lips, her face gloomy, seemingly calculating something.

"Old Shi, do you feel the gaze of admiration from everyone?"

"Looking down from on high, gazing at the starry sky, this, is what I, Ye Chen, have sought all my life!"

Atop the arena, a touch of defiance danced at the corners of Ye Chen's lips.

After experiencing successive setbacks.....

He finally recaptured the feeling of being the Son of Destiny!


A figure fell opposite him.

It was a tall young man dressed as a disciple of the Outer Sect!

"I am Xu Cangfeng, a third-generation disciple of the Outer Sect of Tiandang Peak, here to test you!"

He was a sober and heroic youth, pressed his hands together, and even though he was only a disciple of the Outer Sect, he fully showed the manners of the righteous Immortal Sect.

"Cut it out, you're not my match, step down."

"It ends in one move, I presume...it wouldn't test much, right?"

Ye Chen touched his nose, saying indifferently.

He wasn't bragging.

At the Qi Cultivation Stage, with a weak physical body, weapons, and techniques, he was still not formidable. With his eighth-stage warrior's strength, he could easily crush him!

As soon as he lay down this conceited remark.

The entire crowd was in an uproar!

Even the chairmen frowned, scrutinizing the arrogant young man in black.

"Hahaha, little boy, who among the disciples present today are qualified to take the Martial Arts test for you?"

An earthy, hearty laugh echoed out.

The speaker was the benevolent Chairman of Tiandang Peak, Master Yuanyi.

"Chief disciple of Divine Phoenix Peak - Lin Xiao!"

"I challenge him!"

"If I can't crush him in ten moves, I, Ye Chen, will kneel and concede!"

"And I, just want to fight him to the death! Let fate decide!"

As the words rolled off his tongue.

The tens of thousands of people present fell into dead silence!

Even the usually high and detached elders of the Qinglan Sect were shocked to see the expression on their faces at the moment!

Challenging the chief disciple of the orthodox Immortal Sect with a martial artist's body!

And requesting a death duel!

This young man in black...how brave he is!


Contrary to everyone's surprise!

In the face of such a challenge.

The big senior brother of Divine Phoenix Peak, who looked celestial, was tidying up his clothes with a playful smile.

He seemed....Eager to get started!?

"Hahaha, here we go! Finally, I can get on stage and get slapped in the face! This drama is getting back to normal!"

At this moment, the villain who was most professional at playing his part in the field, grinned from ear to ear, and began to warm up!

Just at that moment.

From a distance, a cold female voice permeates the entire field:

"You are not worthy of fighting with my eldest senior brother, I'll be your opponent!"

Wait a minute!

Isn't that... the voice of Third Junior Sister Youwei?

Lin Xiao's heart sank, and the smile on his face again stiffened!