
The Villainess Wolf Queen

[Mature Language and some scenes.] Zenesha Luna was once one of the most notorious wanted criminals in the world. However, upon the arrival of the punishment of fate, she found herself imprisoned in the body of Zenesha Moonlight, the naive protagonist of a tragic harem novel that was destined to suffer and die in the hands of all her beloved.  To die and suffer in the body that she could neither control nor own, both fate and the body, was truly the harshest punishment fate could inflict on someone.  In an attempt to break free of the shackles that had been choking her soul, Zenesha met Prime.  A character that wasn’t included in the lead harem, the one supposed to be cannon fodder at most, held all her hopes for escaping her fate.  However, Prime held many secrets, and Zenesha was aware he wasn’t only holding her hope but even her... life. Was it truly an escape or another chain in her neck—one that even fate was unable to discover?  A new take on a transmigration novel. Or is it? - White Wolf X Dragon Pairing. Part of Book Realm Universe

ladyaize · Kỳ huyễn
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47 Chs

The Rebirth

The bluish moonlight hung in the skies as it illuminated the surroundings with its beauty and warmth.

A slender woman with silver long hair that cascaded and fell loosely through her waists, her pale skin that almost resembled moonlight, As the woman lifted her head, her icy blue eyes seemed to shimmer in the blue light that emphasized most of her delicate and sharp features.

Her otherworldly appearance would undoubtedly enchant anyone who saw her beauty in the peaceful night. Even with her graceful queenly bearing,

She was Zenesha Moonlight, the Wolf Queen.

Her Majesty Zenesha was a white wolf—the purest wolf—and said to be the descendant of the Moon Goddess herself. Each generation of the Wolf Queen was unique, and they were the destined rulers of the werewolves.

While Queen Zenesha appeared so pure in her appearance. Her attendants stood at the side, not far from her, and couldn't help but admire the beauty of their queen.

Zenesha was indeed so pure, and yet if one could see through her thoughts at this moment, they might open their mouth in shock at all the not-so-pure thoughts in her head.

'Fuck, when will this act end?" Zenesha thought, The corner of her eyes seemed to want to twitch in irritation, yet she couldn't do so. All the profanities that she could think of had already been said in her head in the minutes that she stood in the Moonlight Garden.

This was fucking absurd! Why did she need to stand in this position every damn night? Even if she didn't want to, her body would never listen to her.

As long as she was part of the act, Zenesha would lose control of her body, and she could only watch as she did things she didn't want to do according to the plot of her character.

Zenesha wasn't the original Zenesha Moonlight, the Wolf Queen. But she was Zenesha Luna, the Hired Killer. She was one of the most feared and wanted criminals in the world before she was fucking punished and transmigrated to this absurd world.

Her eyes shone with ferocity in the light, and yet no one noticed the murderous intentions that their Queen had emitted. Zenesha gnashed her teeth inwardly as she remembered the reason she transmigrated to this world.

She didn't even die. In one of her missions, some lunatic just appeared and claimed she was too tainted with blood and her existence had unknowingly made the world unbalanced. So, she was punished into the body of Zenesha Moonlight, a naive protagonist of a tragic harem novel that was destined to suffer and die in the hands of all her beloved.

Zenesha thought it was some crazy fellow, and she wanted to kill him, but unexpectedly, she couldn't. It was as if time was frozen and a book appeared and became instilled in her, giving her all the knowledge of that tragic harem book.

And in no time at all, she found herself waking up in this strange and deranged world. How fucking ridiculous, but it was real! She was even imprisoned by her character, not having the will or capability to resist.

Her mind wanted to kill those bastards that touched her, but her body was not even her own! Zenesha thought it was really such a cruel punishment indeed.

"Her Majesty, it is already time to sleep." A soft voice reached her ears as she was approached by one of her personal attendants.

Zenesha raised her brow, although it was only in her mind as her appearance still emanated a kind and gentle glow that was so pure it made anyone feel insecure to even look at her.

"Right, let's go to bed, Anika." Zenesha's mouth opened, and her soft and graceful voice sounded in the peaceful night, truly pleasing to the ears.

The attendant, Anika, bowed her head as her cheeks seemed to flush. Zenesha's eyes flickered with disdain deep inside. Her mouth already wanted to vomit at the sound of her pathetic voice.

It was even more so, as she looked at this two-faced bitch. The attendant secretly slept with one of the original Zenesha's men in the harem. It wasn't even she who was being cuckolded, but her hands were already itching to pull the bitch's hair and drag her to the ditch.

However, as she was still in the middle of an act, Zenesha could only inwardly curse, not having any ability to do what she wanted to do. And it fucking sucks so much.

With her gentle and increasingly mouth-vomiting 'kindness', Zenesha followed the attendants and returned to her room. The attendants still helped her change into her nightgown as per custom before leaving her room.

And as the room became silent and the dim light of the night enveloped her, Zenesha stared at the ceiling before feeling that the shackles on her and the disharmony in her body and mind had been unshackled.

Zenesha finally breathed heavily as she sat up in the bed before stretching her arms and even moving her neck, as though it had been a long time since she moved her body.

In fact, she truly felt that way. Only when she was alone, and the majority of those times were when she was in her room, Zenesha could control her own body without being manipulated like some kind of puppet.

Thinking about it this way, Zenesha couldn't help but grit her teeth as her eyes glowed madly.

"Fuck! Just wait, and I'll fucking kill whoever made me this way! And..." Zenesha's voice echoed in her room, and even with her still gentle, natural voice, the madness contained in her words couldn't be concealed at all. It was in complete contrast with her appearance!

As she paused, her eyes darted to the windows that were slightly opened and the moonlight that passed through, illuminating a part of her room. Unlike when she looked at the beauty of the moonlight in the Moonlight Garden, Zenesha's gaze was noticeably tainted with extreme ferocity as her eyes narrowed.

"...I'll kill those men, each one of them," she continued, her voice looming with hatred.

The silence overwhelmed the room. Zenesha gradually calmed down, but the darkness that she was feeling remained and persisted in her whole being. She got up from the bed and walked until she was in front of the balcony door.

Her feet stopped right where the boundary of the room and the balcony met. Only one step was needed, and she could finally go out by herself and even make herself free.

However, Zenesha was aware she couldn't. Her hands reached, and as expected, she touched a barrier separating her from the outside world. It wasn't like she didn't want to leave and escape this palace, but she couldn't. She was not only imprisoned in this body but in the truest sense.

Zensha was imprisoned by her fate.

This room was the only space she could freely walk until the next day when she could act as Zenesha Moonlight once more. Even if she wanted to leave the room, or jump onto the balcony to die. Her fate didn't allow her to.

It was because... Zenesha Moonlight was only destined to die at the end of her act. She couldn't do anything or have the ability to resist. And that was her biggest punishment.

It's real. My entry for WSA 2023!

A new take for the transmigration genre? Lol. Support me please!

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