
Ivo's Frustration

Evadne looked at the sleeping child as she stroked her head. 'Her appearance is changing... And her soul feels different. Who are you?' Evadne sighed. And held the child's hand and whispered. "Whoever you are... Pitiful soul... as long as you are in Elvira's body.. I will do everything to protect my beloved... Even if it kills me..." Then she leaned and kissed Elvira's forehead.

Evadne stood up and fixed Elvira's pillow to make her more comfortable and gently covered her with a blanket to keep her warm.

"There is something wrong... Aside from those kidnappers, at the scene, I sensed abnormality when I got there, it was focused on Elvira... Investigate thoroughly!" As soon as Evadne's words entered, a crane's silhouette appeared by the window. "Yes, Master!" A female voice sounded and the Crane flew out.

Evadne then quietly walked out of the room and gently closed the door. As soon as the door closed, a person came in through the walls. "Finally got in! Elvi..." Ivo burst in and is about to shout Elvira's name and ask how she is. He is extremely worried hearing she was kidnapped and fainted. He is not able to get close to Elvira, because of a strong power keeping him out.

A strong type of barrier protects Elvira and keeps him out whenever Evadne is around. Ivo sighed when he noticed Elvira is sleeping. He slowly got close but his expression hardened when he saw Elvira up close. He could see signs that her soul got attacked, it must be why Elvira fainted. Ivo became worried.

An Attack on the soul is a heinous crime and is forbidden to be used especially as it uses the rare dark magic. Not many people can use or study Dark Magic as it is the most despised and forbidden form of magic. Many books about Dark Magic has been burned during the war. Ivo might not recall his origins, but he has enough knowledge to know what an attack on the soul entails.

This does not look good for you little one.. Fortunately, your Aunt is a Saintess, her divine magic is working to heal the damage to your soul. Without an active Shadow Guardian, your soul will have no protection if this happens again.

Ivo clenched his fist, feeling frustrated, he considers Elvira as his own person, she is the closest person to him as right now she is the only one that could see and talk to him. He feels incompetent on not having the ability to be with her outside and protect her. He has sensed that Elvira has little amount of will and attachment to live in this world but now, he could clearly sense that she is slowly opening up and her will to be happy is slowly getting stronger by the day.

But now, this happens, Ivo does not know how this attack will affect Elvira, she has always been pretending to be strong but Ivo knew, she could break at any moment. The soul is a precious entity that needs to be handled carefully, a soul being attacked is already distressing but the form of attack can cause damage that even healing magic cannot repair. Healing is only effective on what can be seen, but what about the unseen wounds?

Ivo stood by the bed and closed his eyes, he focused on Elvira, laying on the bed. First he should find out how the attack happened, judging from the residue of the magic, it is quite a strong dark magic that attacked from within, it first seeped inside her and accumulated slowly before it blew up when a trigger is pulled.

Ivo has a lot of questions, What kind of dark magic or spell is used to attack her soul? How did such a magic slowly got inside her? Without anyone in the household, nor he knowing.. What is the trigger used? And Why Elvira? Is it because the soul is not the original? He knows the soul changed, but it is just not confirmed because two possibilities should have happened if it is a 'misplaced soul'. One, the body will show signs of rejection or two, THEY will move into action and dispose of the soul but in the process there is no assurance that the original soul can come back. But none of the two happened, that is why the whole Parall House is not doing anything to Elvira.

Besides the fact that only those blood related to Elvira knows of the possibility that her soul changed, it is something that had never happened since the founding of Andeolus. Therefore they need to deal it with utmost care and consideration. That is why everyone in the household who knows the situation is trying to pretend that everything is normal especially with the long absence of the patriarch, they cannot move without his orders in fear of losing the real Elvira.

Ivo remembered Arcadius before he went for the trip and shook his head thinking, it is not the time to remember that blockhead. Ivo continued to scan Elvira's body and soul for any magic anomalies, but aside from the small residue and damage it made to the soul, he can't sense anything.

Ivo sighed and is about to pull out his magic when he suddenly felt a small disturbance, as if something is crawling to get inside Elvira, he strengthened his magic to pinpoint where it is trying to get in from. After a while, Ivo felt his body get heavier, his use of magic as a spirit is limited and just finding the entry point is exhausting all his energy. He concentrated more until his magic forcefully pulled itself away from Elvira and returned to him making him fall to the ground.

Ivo breathed hard, even as a spirit he felt extremely exhausted, after a few minutes, he slowly got up and turned away from Elvira and hurriedly walked through the wall and went back to the room. He felt his energy come back much faster. He sat crossed legs and closed his eyes, and a small smile crept on his face. Found it! The entrance point!