
Volume 1 part 7.

'Wena, what's wvong?' Tom asked as she dragged him forward, searching for Louis.

-If I'm the one who'll face the aftermath of her actions, at least I'll face it, when I'm not here. It's alright if they talk behind my back, but right now? No, I can't. Absolutely not. I don't even like him, I'm not a pedophile! Wait, if... if I don't like Akito, like Renaquinn did, maybe I'll survive?

Kikyo stopped in her tracks; of course, that's it! I'll just show him that I'm not interested in him, & he wouldn't have to kill me, I wouldn't die. Like Morimari said, she got in the way of the heroine, & Akito, so she'd kill her. If I don't get in their way, I'll survive, right?!

'Wena-' shrills sounded cutting him mid-sentence, & she stopped in her track; what is it? Cockroach? Never mind, just ignore it. For now, I have to think of a way to show Akito that I'm not interested in him. Do I just tell him? Do-

'Ah! Akito!' a girl screamed, & she reflexively turned towards the gate muttering curses that could probably make someone's ears bleed. Fortunately for her, during the loud screams no one heard her, but unfortunately, Akito saw her. His look changed to obvious disgust when their eyes met. On the other hand, she was oblivious to her surroundings as their eyes met; her heart stopped for a moment before it started to beat out of her chest.

Then his disgust morphed into a lop-sided smile, & she fell back to earth, realizing that the handsome boy with blood red hair, deep, & dark, obsidian black eyes that would charm anyone, he was Akito. Even handsomer than his brother, the good looking devil, & she... she, understood why Renaquinn, so desperately wanted him to become hers. To lie, & bother him, to the point he hated her, which meant he, hated her. She was in the villainess's body, & unlike what she thought, she still loved that boy, even though she wasn't a pedophile, & that meant... does that mean, the plan is a fail?

-Even though I hadn't even started it? F*ck, why?!

It was too late when she finally snapped back her conscious; he turned to her right, & smiled at a girl with beautiful, eye-catching white hair that was the opposite of hers. How did anyone not notice her, until he looked at her? She didn't like the girl at all, while she was frowning without realizing anything, the girl had all the attention of the crowd. The crowd of girls were enraged with jealousy, but since they couldn't take it out on her... the scary eyes turned to her, the accusing glare bounding her in one place. It was scary. The revulsion, disgust, that was how her other family members looked at her, after the car accident.

'Wow, she lied like that.'

'Of course, I was wondering why Akito would even look at her.'

'How embarrassing. If it was me, I wouldn't even think of coming here.'

Her cheeks heated; seriously, why did I come here? Why did I have to become the villainess?! Why?!

Kikyo glanced at Akito who was there in the center standing next to the beautiful girl, hoping that maybe... maybe he would help her. It was a foolish hope, maybe from the original body's wishes, but it still hurt as she saw him smirking. The pain would be enough to kill her, but the pain gradually turned into rage, rage towards the white haired girl. Even though she did nothing wrong, yet... yet...

'Wena,' she looked down in daze, as the voice called her; 'Wena, don't listen,' Tom told her with softly narrowed eyes, but all she heard was the mutters of the crowd. Like at her parents' funereal, the mutters of the people back then, overlapped with the crowd;

'Wow, she's the only one who survived out of such a big accident.'


'She must be the culprit.'

'No wonder, Akito must hate her.'

'The poor son. Their family was too kind to take in that girl, look what she's done.'

'After acting out like that-pfft!'

That time, they had been talking like she was the cause of the accident, like she killed her foster parents. As a fourteen year old child, she didn't realize what she did wrong to be talked, punished, hit like that, but when she grew up, it came to her; ah, that's just how people is. That's just how life is-

Her ears were covered, making the sounds became muffled. Surprised, she looked up to find a similar black orbs staring at her, & her heart beat fast; what... is he actually...?

To her dismay, she soon realized it was Hayato that was looking at her with a soft smile, & she barely kept her expression from turning into blatant disappointment. After she saw that it was him, he turned her around. While her back was facing the crowd, her eyes met with Louise who was staring at her with narrowed eyes. Before she could process anything further than that, warmth covered her head, & she started to move forward led by Hayato. Hayato's jacket covered her head so she wasn't able to see anything, but she could feel that he was leading her out of there. Though the people muttered with upset voice, nothing happened to her. Back at the funureal, the kids threw rocks at her, but this time, nothing really happened...

Fresh but cold air soon hit her nose; it was already dark outside.

'Here you go,' Hayato said as he pulled his jacket down from her head to her shoulders. Now, the jacket which previously covered her head, was now draped over her shoulders.

'Thank you, thank you very much. I don't know how-' he put a finger on her mouth, silencing her immediately; 'Of course, I'll help a cute lady such as yourself.'

'Ha ha,' she nodded; 'Your jokes make me feel a lot better, thank you anyway. Thanks to you who pulled me out of there, I think I can sleep without having nightmares,' Kikyo told him with a small bitter smile.

-There's no guarantee that I wouldn't have nightmares. If only someone pulled me out of there like he did, if only one covered my ears at the funereal so that I wouldn't hear all of the people there. If someone had been there to pull me out of there, how... how easier it would've been. At least to know that even one person was there for me, that even one person believed in me...

As she thought so, her gratitude hit sky high.

'I'll definitely repay you,' she bowed down with her voice shaking, and sniffled; 'No, it's ok-'

'Come on, let's go,' Louise said behind her, & she suddenly remembered Thomas; 'Where's-'

'I'm here, Wena. Let's go,' the small warm hand slipped into hers, & pulled her back. Bowing down once more towards Hayato who was still staring at her with strange look in his eyes, she finally let the warmth comfort her, & the hand led her backwards into the car.

Inside the car was only her, Louise, & Thomas, Renaquinn's mother was nowhere in sight. The indifferent look in Louise's eyes were filled with pity, pity that seemed to mock her. Sometimes she would see those looks at her school, but what can pity do?

It reminded her of what happened even as she desperately tried to forget it, the shameful, embarrassing, & pitiful things that happened to her every other time. They think, because they feel sorry, that it would help her. That all of the tragedies that happened to her, would allow them to pity her, in other words look down on her. Like seeing a beggar on the streets; oh god, that's so sad. How did such a person end up like that? And, as if she was a beggar, they treat her like one. Looking down on her, just because they lived a better life.

Unable to face his eyes, Kikyo closed her eyes but a more disturbing image came to her mind; Akito's smiling face towards the girl.

-And, just like the villainess, my end will also be the same it seems.