
The Villainess Is A Beast Tamer

“Sorry, Theron doesn’t like guests,” she sneered, glaring at the man who decided to bother her. with a finger still on the collar of the large tiger, she walked forward dangerously close to him with her not so little friend in tow. “He’s also not too fond of being interrupted before meal time.” this time, she let go of the collar, allowing the beast to pounce as she licked her lips, watching as the intruder tried to hide behind his arms, only to get bored and pull at the leash right before he was mauled. Bending down, she gave him a good few scratches under the neck and a chaste kiss, before focusing back on him. “Seems like you didn’t wet yourself there, congrats. You did better than we expected.” she laughed, it was then he saw not one more set of eyes, but over twenty sets of predatory gazes on him. “Here’s some friendly advice, your majesty. Try running, and they’ll pounce.” with that, she walked off with her tiger, only to be stopped as he grabbed her wrist, breaking free of his cold sweat. “Please, don’t leave me alone here!” he whimpered, his eyes looked as sad as the wolves whenever she’d stop petting them. closing her eyes, she pondered for a moment. “If I do, will you do me a favor in return?” she asked, her expression never once shifting. nodding frantically, she pulled his own wrist, releasing her’s from his grip and walked him beside her as she took him out and away from the cats. As they continued walking, he tried to break the silence. “Thank…” he started but she interrupted. “Don’t thank me yet. The birds can be quite aggressive when mating, it’s going to be a few minutes, a pure miracle you didn’t die sooner.” she told him, still walking leisurely as she wanted to ensure Theron got his exercise. Gripping his wrist harder as a warning, she finally came to an abrupt stop. “Annul our engagement, and stay away from my family. Do not ever speak to me again.” she ordered, the beast growling up at the prince. “No!” it was now her turn to be surprised as he bowed, head nearly touching the pavement. “Anything but that, I will do anything my lady wants whether it be gold or asking for the most expensive jewelry. But the one thing I will never do is annul our engagement!” His eyes sparkled, and for the first time she saw confidence within them. Just why was he so insistent on marrying her to the point he went from crying to a totally different person! As her mouth hung agape, she heard the yelling of another boy. “Theia!” It was Nyx. ——————————————— What’s worse than finding yourself reincarnated in a novel you read and not being the main character? Why, it’s being reincarnated as the very villainess even the villain family looks down on! Too kind for her own good to do things the villain family deems normal, yet too cruel to the heroine. Except she was never cruel, only framed! Theia Argyris, the villainess of the novel “Love Blossoms in the Spring”. the weakest of her family, engaged to the third prince, the first male lead, and the future emperor. in order to survive her childhood and future inevitable death where she’s beheaded and her remains are “fed” to wild animals, just how will she manage? Simple, she’s going to become a real villain, one her family can’t even look down on, and dominate her own life. But why won’t the prince annul their engagement? What’s with her secret magic that plot never mentioned? and more importantly, how does she look so cool with the ability to tame so many beasts? ——————————————— Warnings, a lot of violence, this is a villainess novel! With a well villainous family. Strong female lead, and possible cursing. cover drawn by myself. read around 5-10 chapters before deciding if you enjoy it. You can also refer to this as “Beast Taming Villainess” if it’s too long. season 1-; chapters 1-39 season 2-; chapters 40-N/A

chocodollxren · Kỳ huyễn
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68 Chs

Training and Revelation

"That's all for today, make sure to practice and wash up properly before bed." Rosalyn reminded, dismissing her for her and Arkadios for their lessons of the day. She couldn't wait for all of this to be over and sleep in through the day again without having to use weird things on her face constantly.

Free from the rest of her lessons, she used Arkadios to her convenience and appeared at the sanctuary instantaneously. After being roped into learning, he was exhausted as well as he were thankful to be far away from the two. It was a mystery how she still had a different set of energy put aside for her beasts.

Calling out, she had beasts staring at her from all different areas. It was hard to tell or sense some of them, but the feelings of eyes watching their every move were clear. "Watch your step," she warned him as they made their way through, she needed to find Phius, who should be resting in a tree deeper within.

A loud growl rang out as a white flash appeared before them, knocking her to the ground as she cooed. "Theron! Who's a good boy?" She couldn't help but play with his fluffy cheeks before playing with his ears, finally letting go once Arkadios cleared his throat.

"We're going to do something different, today," She clapped her hands while getting up, walking once again to Phius's favorite tree. Following her, the two boys listened to what she had to say. "I need to make sure everyone knows me as a beast tamer."

Nodding, Arkadios could get that much. "But doesn't everyone already know that the eleventh daughter of the Argyris family raises beasts?" That was probably true since she'd bring her beasts everywhere, including to the capital, but Rosalyn meant something else.

"The eleventh daughter has a name, Theia Argyris. She's not to be respected just because she's an Argyris, but because she commands it." She rephrased it better. He got it after, taking to question just what they'd be doing differently.

Reaching the tree in which Phius rested, she called out for him to come and slither to her. A gorgeous snake indeed, he would capture the attention of people around him with relative ease. "Be my experiment." She asked, making him raise his brow in surprise at her request.

"He is venomous, but it's not like you'll die," she ensured, the snake staring at her as she placed her fingers on it's shut mouth. The fangs of his would never pierce her, he was raised by her, but she wasn't actually sure about the Arkadios boy, she'll keep that a secret.

She placed Phius around her neck, letting it Slither down her hand a bit as she held it out to Arkadios. "He tends to shrink under pressure, we're fixing that. Pick him up." Like that, he followed her instructions and tried to lift the snake, only for Phius to hiss lightly, a warning to back away.

"Keep going," she gave instructions up until the point Phius's body was recoiling back, in a striking position. She gently ran her fingers across the back of his head until he calmed, only to subject him to it again.

They repeated a few times and she was decently happy with the results. Each time, Phius would back away and try to strike. "Now try glaring down at him when trying to grab him, and don't hesitate. Do it quickly." Following instructions, Arkadios did as he was told despite not fully believe in the fact that it wouldn't bite.

As she suspected, Phius immediately became docile out of fear of someone else being scarier. Each time he glared at the snake, he would stop being aggressive and instead allow himself to be picked up. "We're going to work on that. He likely won't bite." She reassured, knowing full well what she was trying to do.

"…Is there a known remedy for this snake's bite?" He asked as she stared up at him blankly, choosing not to answer him as she turned to Phius and gave him instructions. Being a beast tamer didn't come with a complete booklet, but she knew a few ins and out of things by now.

For the most part, beasts would listen to her or at least act more docile around her if they still are acting on their own accord. "Every time you a see a hand that isn't mind coming towards you, you have to strike or warn the other person." She spoke to Phius, but she wasn't sure if he quite understood what she meant.

"Try again." She ordered repeating the process until Phius could understand not to quiver, no matter how big the glare or if Arkadios could summon water that looked scary. He still didn't strike at Arkadios, much to the boy's relief, but he was hissing a little bit.

"Lady Theia," he asked an hour in, a question digging in the back of his head he'd been wanting to ask since earlier. She kept mentioning wanting to make a big impression as an Argyris, however… "Forgive my straightforwardness but, even if your beasts make an impression, it doesn't mean that you will."

Tilting her head, "Just what do you mean, young master Arkadios?" She questioned, not quite understanding if he was insulting her to her face or not. Clearing his throat, he looked into her eyes and gave her his clear opinion after observing her the past few days.

"You do not exude the pressure an Argyris does upon meeting one. Although your face is often blank and expressionless, it does not cause someone to feel fear. It's an easy task to look Lady Theia in the eyes compared to Duke Argyris, or young master Isaac's who's gazes and presence alone feel as though they're looking at trash beneath their feet."

For the first time in awhile, something hit her, hard. She was rather indifferent as she learned to live with being an Argyris, but it seemed like that wasn't just enough. She had always figured being commanding and a little bit insulting was enough as long as she threw in a few glares, but perhaps she had been approaching it wrong.

Taking in a deep breath, she ran a hand through her hair, silver eyes glaring daggers into his own blue one's, "Haah?" She didn't want to admit it, but he made very good points as she thought about it.

Thank you for reading!! <33 Hope you enjoy ^^

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