
The Villainess Is A Beast Tamer

“Sorry, Theron doesn’t like guests,” she sneered, glaring at the man who decided to bother her. with a finger still on the collar of the large tiger, she walked forward dangerously close to him with her not so little friend in tow. “He’s also not too fond of being interrupted before meal time.” this time, she let go of the collar, allowing the beast to pounce as she licked her lips, watching as the intruder tried to hide behind his arms, only to get bored and pull at the leash right before he was mauled. Bending down, she gave him a good few scratches under the neck and a chaste kiss, before focusing back on him. “Seems like you didn’t wet yourself there, congrats. You did better than we expected.” she laughed, it was then he saw not one more set of eyes, but over twenty sets of predatory gazes on him. “Here’s some friendly advice, your majesty. Try running, and they’ll pounce.” with that, she walked off with her tiger, only to be stopped as he grabbed her wrist, breaking free of his cold sweat. “Please, don’t leave me alone here!” he whimpered, his eyes looked as sad as the wolves whenever she’d stop petting them. closing her eyes, she pondered for a moment. “If I do, will you do me a favor in return?” she asked, her expression never once shifting. nodding frantically, she pulled his own wrist, releasing her’s from his grip and walked him beside her as she took him out and away from the cats. As they continued walking, he tried to break the silence. “Thank…” he started but she interrupted. “Don’t thank me yet. The birds can be quite aggressive when mating, it’s going to be a few minutes, a pure miracle you didn’t die sooner.” she told him, still walking leisurely as she wanted to ensure Theron got his exercise. Gripping his wrist harder as a warning, she finally came to an abrupt stop. “Annul our engagement, and stay away from my family. Do not ever speak to me again.” she ordered, the beast growling up at the prince. “No!” it was now her turn to be surprised as he bowed, head nearly touching the pavement. “Anything but that, I will do anything my lady wants whether it be gold or asking for the most expensive jewelry. But the one thing I will never do is annul our engagement!” His eyes sparkled, and for the first time she saw confidence within them. Just why was he so insistent on marrying her to the point he went from crying to a totally different person! As her mouth hung agape, she heard the yelling of another boy. “Theia!” It was Nyx. ——————————————— What’s worse than finding yourself reincarnated in a novel you read and not being the main character? Why, it’s being reincarnated as the very villainess even the villain family looks down on! Too kind for her own good to do things the villain family deems normal, yet too cruel to the heroine. Except she was never cruel, only framed! Theia Argyris, the villainess of the novel “Love Blossoms in the Spring”. the weakest of her family, engaged to the third prince, the first male lead, and the future emperor. in order to survive her childhood and future inevitable death where she’s beheaded and her remains are “fed” to wild animals, just how will she manage? Simple, she’s going to become a real villain, one her family can’t even look down on, and dominate her own life. But why won’t the prince annul their engagement? What’s with her secret magic that plot never mentioned? and more importantly, how does she look so cool with the ability to tame so many beasts? ——————————————— Warnings, a lot of violence, this is a villainess novel! With a well villainous family. Strong female lead, and possible cursing. cover drawn by myself. read around 5-10 chapters before deciding if you enjoy it. You can also refer to this as “Beast Taming Villainess” if it’s too long. season 1-; chapters 1-39 season 2-; chapters 40-N/A

chocodollxren · Kỳ huyễn
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68 Chs

Spitefulness of Tired Victims

After all these years she finally had Penelope's crush in her hands, why let it go to waste? This isn't just her being petty, this girl literally made her brother blind in one eye and felt no remorse for it, she barely escaped having her own eye gauged out last time.

"Shall I give you a tour around the estate? I think we can take our time." Hearing this, he smiled, joining her closely as they took a walk, it didn't matter if Penelope wasn't around at the moment, so long as people would whisper about how close they were.

She hated the sheer size of giants, but to annoy Penelope she would suffer speed walking around the estate until they just randomly reach the library where she'd be studying right now. If she hadn't heard Arkadios was coming, Penelope definitely hadn't, either.

If she knew she'd probably try forcing herself on him already, actually. It must be freaky to have an older girl from a villainess family continuously pursuing you, she pitied the fool beside her as she gave him the rundown of where things were. "That's the important things in the seventh wife's side of the estate. Let's head to the library." Smiling evilly he got what she meant.

Hopefully the maids they'd passed, although few, would notice how close they were. Walking in front of her, he held the door open for her and lowered his head politely, allowing her to enter first. "Thank you, young master Arkadios." She said rather loudly while entering, trying to scan around to find where Penelope was seated so she could act surprised to see her.

The children who took studies would study in the library for the sake of their teacher's rather than the children. For their safety, it's a public part of the estate they are teaching in. Ever since that day she'd been studying diligently to surpass all the other children because of how far behind she was, there was no way she'd miss a lesson.

Entering behind her, it seems he was also trying to find Penelope. "What an amazing library, Lady Theia, the Elyas' library couldn't compare." He matched her volume as they walked around a bit, in no time turning a corner and there she was, the crazed child herself. Behind her was her tutor in silence and slowly inching away, she must of instructed him to shut up the second she heard the name Arkadios.

It was going to be fun to see her frustration as she tried to suck up to her crush. "Sister Penelope, you scared me!" She faked bumping against the taller boy, who immediately picked up on her message. Helping her, he feigned concern and checked on her. "Are you alright, Lady Theia?" With one hand touching her's, the other on her shoulder.

Sniffling, she looked up at him. "I'm fine, thank you. I should of been used to it, sorry for worrying you." She deliberately looked at Penelope when she said worrying. Last time she tried to get him to worry for her she face planted straight into the ground and nearly broke a tooth as he walked around her.

"No, my lady. I'm your guard, I should of noticed someone else was here. I was so engrossed with your words I failed to notice." The two of them should start acting together, she thought. It nearly sounded like he was actually enjoying the tour of her just say that's a room.

Staring back up at him, she smiled again. "I'm pleased you're enjoying my company, since you'll be with me for the next few days." Just glancing at Penelope she could see the girl's face redden not out of embarrassment from their small remarks but out of anger. It looked like she wanted to speak but Arkadios cut her off.

"It's my honor to not only guard you but attend your tea party by your side." He kissed her hand as the two turned over to the ravenette that was silently seething who glared at her. Pulling out the fan Rosalyn gave her, she showed it off real good.

It had been quite some time since the two of them seen each other face to face, but undoubtedly Penelope knew all about Rosalyn teaching her and about her tea party she was not invited to. "Sorry for disturbing you, sister Penelope. I know you really need to pay attention to your lessons." A two hit, an insult and a subtle brag with the gift. Penelope had never been close to Rosalyn despite trying to be when younger.

"I apologize too, if I knew you'd be here I would of avoided this place." It was like he wasn't even trying to hide the fact he was insulting the girl. She had no intentions to have any sort of friendship with the Arkadios boy, but she had to admit, he was much better than their first impression. She'd assume he was just a quiet nobody, but now he was just a quiet acquaintance that also hated Penelope.

Finally given a chance to respond, the girl's shrill voice hurt her ears as she tried to sound calm. Poor tutor, he was backing away even further from any small objects that could be thrown. "I apologize for scaring you, little sister," she said through gritted teeth. "I was just unsure if I was dreaming when I heard Dios was here for me."

What delusion did this girl live in that she took every insult he gave her and avoided her that she'd still love him. Was he that good looking or was it just her personality to be extreme in every way? Considering who the second wife was, the mother and daughter duo were more practically identical than the twins.

His face visibly cringed worst than when he was eating sweets, pure raw disgust as he stared at the ravenette, mouth open as he heard his nickname. Shoulders tensed up and it looked like he wanted to just scream, but he held it in as he collected himself. "I'm not here for you." He reinforced.

"Playing hard to get, Dios? Why don't you just admit you miss me?" Twiddling her fingers, she tried to act cute. Someone give her the ability to have selective memory, please. She'd beg to the feet of the anyone that could erase the memory of Penelope batting her eyes like that.

"I'd rather be engaged to a monkey," Arkadios replied as she piped up, smiling behind the fan. "No need to be so mean to my sister, she's trying real hard to be pretty," feigning ignorance, she widened her eyes. "oh sorry, we're you referring to her smarts? she's working on that too." It was quite quick as in a span of five seconds Penelope had failed to contain her emotions in check, even in front of the one person she didn't want to show her bad side to.

The pen on the desk was blown up by wind, stronger than dinner a few years ago at least, aiming directly at her neck as the child couldn't contain her anger. Other objects along with a chair soon followed behind closely. Theia on the other hand wasn't really scared of the outcome, Arkadios would guard her, and Isaac would not let her guard be someone that has just no qualifications. When will this girl learn that containing her anger and waiting in the best way to seek revenge?

Hello, thank you for reading! <33 we finally get to see Theia insulting Penelope to her face while using Arkadios as a shield, wow.

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