
The Villainess doesn't care about the main plot

Eliz wakes up to an unexpected twist: she's now embodying the villainous character, Elizabeth Von Roseblood, in a subpar and clichéd light novel she had previously dismissed. Tasked by the enigmatic System to survive the narrative and uncover its hidden secrets, she quickly realizes that this magical world and the story aren't exactly the same as the one she read.. Unbeknownst to her, a far more intricate and consequential mystery lurks beneath the surface. Unwilling to adhere to the predetermined storyline, Eliz defiantly resolves to forge her own path. With a dismissive attitude towards the male leads, she exclaims, "Who needs them? They're all losers!" Embracing the freedom of her new role as a villainess, she's determined to live life on her terms, unaffected by the opinions of others. Join Eliz as she defies conventions, unearths hidden truths, and embraces the exhilarating freedom of being a villainess. In a world where she holds the reins of her destiny, she challenges the status quo and fearlessly follows her own desires.

SalivaSpittingWorm · Kỳ huyễn
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81 Chs

That's the core of the poodle

Fern Village

Eliz looked at Alarr for a moment before shifting her thoughts elsewhere. She had to start thinking about her dream.

She sat up, and then Eliz propped her hand on her chin, contemplating while the others around her prepared themselves in some way. Alobela went to prepare the food.

"What was that?" Eliz frowned as she thought. The dream was strange; it didn't seem like something her brain would produce. She felt manipulated. She finally had a tantrum in her own dream. She hated that when someone or something tried to push her around and force something she didn't want. It reminded her too much of the past and when she swore to herself she would never be in that situation again.

And now something was trying to manipulate her like this? As if she would allow it! She'd fight it by all means and use everything she could, or she'd rather die trying.

As Eliz thought, her expression hardened, anger burned in her eyes, her hands clenched into fists, and she had to force herself to take a deep breath and exhale. She returned her thoughts to the current situation; there was no point in getting upset about the past now.

Eliz suspected the System had caused her such a dream. If it hadn't been clear enough before, now she was almost certain it was trying to maneuver her back into the scenario. So she had to regard the System as the enemy. On the other hand, it was giving her rewards. The system had a strange ambivalent nature.

And that's when it hit her. Eliz shivered as it occurred to her that what if the system wasn't an AI at all? What if there was someone alive behind it? What's more... judging by how strangely the System is behaving, what if... more than one person is manipulating it?

As she thought about it, Eliz felt more and more like it might be true. First of all, the System is often quiet for long periods. Sometimes for days. Plus, it's pretty limited for her to use it. The most she can look at is her Status. She can't check quests or anything else. Plus, the hidden quests it suddenly shows her. It punishes her, but it also rewards her. Fortunately, all in moderation, at least for now.

Eliz's eyes began to wander around as she thought. So, two beings. One trying to keep her on the side of the script, the other trying to help her. And one side is weaker than the other. The only one Eliz could think of that could be the divine brothers. The God of Light and the supposedly dead God of Darkness.

It would be quite consistent. The God of Light is stronger because the God of Darkness has become the core of this planet.

Eliz's gaze fell on Grash, who was still asleep but looking better than before. Her eyes flashed with angry determination. If that's the case, if the manipulative one is the God of Light, then hell yeah, she's going to punch him in the back for that. Even the gods had no right to mess with her.

Then Eliz's gaze fell on Fraril, and an idea flashed through her mind. Her lips stretched into a bit of a wicked smile. "Hehe." A laugh escaped her, and that caught the attention of the others.

Raiana flinched a little when she saw Lady Elizabeth's wicked smile. She didn't have a good feeling about it.


After everyone got organized, they ate the breakfast that Alobela had prepared. Grash ate the most, as if he hadn't eaten in ages. Perhaps he was also preparing himself to continue being sucked dry, as Eliz had promised.

Eliz listened to the news from Fraril while she ate and once again fell into a state of thought. Fraril suspected there was something else working against them. Or someone. Who it was didn't interest Eliz much; she was more curious about what he was trying to hide.

But scouting was a bit difficult because of the monster, which, fortunately, was quite large and hard to miss. However, it was also quite fast, and the gas the monster was releasing lingered in the air for a while. Eliz would hate to accidentally inhale it and fall into the Illusion. But the gas stayed more near the ground, so in theory, they could move over rooftops. Naturally, someone would have to carry her.

"So, what's the plan?" Alarr interrupted her from her musings, looking at her along with the others, curious about what Eliz had actually come up with.

Eliz looked around and felt rather satisfied as everyone present was ready to listen to her words. "In light of the new information, I'll have to change the plan," she said.

"So the ghosts won't be digging the hole anymore?" Holm asked curiously. He really wondered what Eliz was going to have them dig the hole for.

Eliz shook her head. "Of course, they have to. That's an essential part of my plan," Eliz said.

Alarr glanced briefly at the ceiling, knowing full well as a warrior that such an awkward trap was nothing to the monster of Rank 5. He just had to trust that this wasn't all his mistress had planned.

Eliz paid no attention to whether anyone doubted her and kept talking. "The hole will start digging; that hasn't changed. First, I'd like Fraril to take Raiana and go see where the monster was before he and Fraril collapsed the house." She turned her head towards Fraril. "Can you do that?"

Fraril nodded, his eyes closed. "I don't know the exact location, but I know the area it was moving in. It won't be a problem."

Eliz nodded in satisfaction. Admittedly, she was interested in what someone or something was trying to cover up, but at the moment, that was secondary unless the unknown force targeted them specifically. Perhaps it would be wiser to deal with the unknown factor first, but Eliz didn't have that much time before someone arrived to save this village. If Eliz was to reap any rewards, she had to act first.

"If the area becomes dangerous and the monster is too close, don't take any chances and go back," Eliz added, not wanting to lose anyone unnecessarily.

Then she looked around. "Now the other side. Start digging a hole in the main road, big enough for Mimic Illusive Corpse to fit in. Once it's big enough, fill it with water, just enough to get the bottom of his body wet."

They all looked at her uncomprehendingly. What was she going to do with that hole? Eliz cleared her throat and smiled. "I have that ability. Where I can electrocute someone and cause temporary paralysis. But for a monster that big, I might need a little help."

As she said that, Alobela and Alarr frowned sternly. "That's not safe."

"It is not appropriate, my lady."

They said basically the same thing at the same time. Eliz looked at them. "Of course, it is not safe. And why wouldn't it be appropriate?"

"You're barely on Rank 1. How could your little attack do anything to such a beast? You'll be crushed." Alarr objected, and Alobela nodded. "You are a lady. It's not appropriate for you to be in a fight when you have enough other people who are more capable of fighting."

Eliz sighed inwardly. Sure, she could leave it up to the others, and she would gladly do so if she could, but they couldn't do what she did. Her Bonus Shock. Why did she think it would work on a Rank 5 monster? Because the description of the ability has no limitations mentioned. She noticed that some of the rewards she got had restrictions and others didn't. And Bonus Shock didn't have any limitations, probably because it wasn't meant to be a lethal power and only meant to cause temporary paralysis. In a sense, it was a rather weak ability.

"'Alobela, it's foolish to base it on manners when life is at stake. It's something only I can do. And also Alarr, I know it will work. After all, didn't I already do that with Grash? He got hit by Shock from me, and it's a Rank 3. It won't hurt the monster, but it will paralyze it for a while," Eliz explained. She didn't mind defending her words in this case, after all, everyone's lives were on the line here. Unlike Eliz, they hadn't come back to life again. What should she do if one of them died? Would she be able to do something like kill herself to turn back time so they were alive again?

Eliz was sure she couldn't do something like that. It wasn't a question of willingness; it was a question of fear and common sense. That was why she could only risk herself because being killed was definitely easier than killing herself. She would prefer neither of those options.

But despite the risk, Eliz thought she was pretty sure it would work. The question was what to do after the monster was paralyzed. Kill it? Eliz was sure she'd get the right Bonus as the System promised, but her faith in it now equaled zero.

"Once the monster is paralyzed, Grash will manipulate the Dark Mana, which he'll use to plug all the gas-emitting sponges on the monster's back. Grash, that should work too, right?" She turned her gaze to the one she was talking to.

Grash's ears stood at attention, and he nodded. "Yes. It's rather grippy." He agreed.

Eliz was glad to hear it because so far, it all sounded doable to her. "We won't do that," Alarr said sternly, frowning at Eliz.

"Even if it all works, it's still too dangerous. My lady, you say it will paralyze the monster for a while. Yes, there will probably be enough time to deal with the gas, but what about its remains? You get too close and fall into the illusion, and then what if the monster regains consciousness? Even without the gas, it's still a dangerously powerful monster. We can't kill it fast enough," Alarr stunned Eliz with such a long speech, and she felt a little warm inside that Alarr was so concerned for her safety.

Granted, it was his job, and he was probably thinking of everyone's safety, but considering his cold nature, it was nice. "From what I understand, it won't entirely matter if we fall into the illusion or not. The behavior of the people on the other side confirmed that despite everything they see or hear, they still see the monster as well. That's what matters most to us."

Alarr was silent for a moment as he considered this. As he thought about it, he acknowledged that it was true. The people on the other side had fled before the arrival of the Mimic Illusive Corpse, so it was as true for them as it was for him.

He shook his head. "What then? How do you think we're going to kill it?"

"We don't kill it," Eliz replied, and Alarr bit his tongue to keep from making a surprised sound. What was the woman up to again?

Before he could ask, Eliz turned to Fraril. "You have a slave contract for the higher Ranks, don't you?" She asked.

Fraril turned his head to her and didn't answer. Eliz didn't need to hear the answer. Fraril was one of the heads of the crime syndicate. Of course, he had good things on him when he went on expeditions with them. "Sell me one for Rank 5 or higher." Eliz held out her hand to him.

"Ho. You want to try to enslave that monster?" Fraril asked, smiling a little.

"My lady, it's a monster. Such things don't work on them." Holm pointed out the problem to her.

Eliz grinned out of the corner of her mouth. "But it's also part human. Didn't you say so yourself? It's a combination of a monster and a human who killed each other fighting. So why wouldn't it work?"

Holm fell silent, puzzled, and thought about it. In theory, it should work. It was a unconventional solution and it could be fifty-fifty that it would work. But there was a chance. Holm looked at Alarr, a little wide-eyed, who was also silent but his face was contorted with doubt.

Eliz would have to work them a little more to go with her plan. But she managed to convince them enough to consider it. Eliz didn't give a damn about the System and its rewards. She chose her own reward.


Some time later, Fraril and Raiana set out to see where the monster had been that night.

On the other side in the garishly colored version of the village, a bunch of people grabbed shovels and started digging, while others kept watch to alert them in case the monster came.

"Why the hell are we listening to her?" Sil complained while digging roughly. The others looked at each other and shrugged but still kept digging as well.

That's the core of the poodle - It is said in our country and means - This is the core of the problem. It's basically the same thing, but the core of the poodle sounds more interesting. XD

etymology. The connection is based on the quote "So that was the core of the poodle! " uttered by the protagonist in Goethe's Faust in response to the revelation that the poodle who accompanied him was in fact the devil himself.

But it is possible that in the English language this phrase was translated differently from ours. :)

Thank you all for reading. Any feedback is welcome.

SalivaSpittingWormcreators' thoughts