
The Villainess doesn't care about the main plot

Eliz wakes up to an unexpected twist: she's now embodying the villainous character, Elizabeth Von Roseblood, in a subpar and clichéd light novel she had previously dismissed. Tasked by the enigmatic System to survive the narrative and uncover its hidden secrets, she quickly realizes that this magical world and the story aren't exactly the same as the one she read.. Unbeknownst to her, a far more intricate and consequential mystery lurks beneath the surface. Unwilling to adhere to the predetermined storyline, Eliz defiantly resolves to forge her own path. With a dismissive attitude towards the male leads, she exclaims, "Who needs them? They're all losers!" Embracing the freedom of her new role as a villainess, she's determined to live life on her terms, unaffected by the opinions of others. Join Eliz as she defies conventions, unearths hidden truths, and embraces the exhilarating freedom of being a villainess. In a world where she holds the reins of her destiny, she challenges the status quo and fearlessly follows her own desires.

SalivaSpittingWorm · Kỳ huyễn
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81 Chs

Quid pro quo

Eliz smiled; she saw the man stubbornly silent when she asked him to say something more. The man stared at her with cold eyes, but from how his eyes quivered, he seemed thrown off balance by her words. The big man at the table raised his hand and cleared his throat. Meanwhile, the woman began to rub one of her horns and looked away, but the corners of her mouth visibly twitched as she suppressed a smile.

'Hm? Isn't it getting colder around here?' Eliz thought to herself.

But it was true that she liked his voice. It was a deep, raspy baritone that gave her goosebumps. But she also wanted to break the sudden tension. She seemed to have hit a sensitive nerve when she mentioned the woman's race.

"I assume the sexy voice is Captain Alarr. This lady is Raiana, and you must be Holm. Hmmm..." Alarr's eyebrow twitched as she reiterated the comment about his voice and looked away. Eliz looked at the large man sitting there, with his red hair, beard, and ears. She raised an eyebrow and sat down at the table. Eliz was intrigued by the color because if she remembered the race information correctly, the Bear Race could be determined by color. If he had white hair, his animal form would be a Polar Bear, while brown would indicate a Grizzly Bear. But red?

"Interesting. Are you a Red Panda?" Asked Eliz.

Holm shifted his ears and nodded. Eliz bit her tongue, resisting the urge to ask him to transform. She had a soft spot for Red Pandas, but she held back. She would undoubtedly see him in his Red Panda form if she hired them.

Instead, she turned her attention to Raiana. "So, a half-demon. What's the other half?" Raiana slowly sat up. "Dark Elf," she replied. Raiana expected Lady Elizabeth to say something more, but she just nodded and said nothing else. Raiana was a little confused. Usually, people do not react well to her because she is a half-demon.

But Eliz didn't think anything of her demon half. Eliz usually got along with everyone unless they were complete asshole. She might as well be a half-slime or whatever. She was just curious. Selene had yet to encounter any demons, dark elves, or even Flame Dwarves. In the story, they were mentioned, but Selene hadn't met them, at least not as far as Eliz had read.

Eliz glanced at Alarr, who frowned and crossed his arms, observing her intently.

"So, will you be joining us, Captain? Or shall I negotiate the contract solely with your colleagues?" she beckoned him closer. Alarr twitched his shoulders as if to shrug but changed his mind mid-movement. After a brief pause, he eventually made his way to the table. Eliz couldn't help but find his reluctance humorous.

When all four were seated, Eliz nodded in satisfaction. "Good." She held her hand with the storage ring and summoned the mist. The three mercenaries in front of her stared at it, and Eliz could easily tell what they were thinking. Yes, it was a very expensive thing.

Eliz looked at their potential one by one, while they stared at the ring.

Alarr Shard

Trail: Prodigal Son, Last Resort, Leadership

Potential: Last Resort, Rampage

Eliz didn't know what to think. A prodigal son in gray color? She sensed there was a story behind it. However, Last Resort sounded a little... fatal. And what did the color red mean? Along with the name, it sounded like something dangerous. Why was it the same in potential but in blue? Eliz didn't understand. Rampage sounded like an ability, and it was also in blue. Finally, Leadership is in green: no gold or purple. Only the red one raised questions.

Holm Dow

Trail: Meditate, Wrestler, Earthquake

Potential: Cannonball, Teacher

Eliz hesitantly beckoned to Holm's face. What was unique about the Potential Teacher? What... is unique about it? Besides the fact that it doesn't fit his appearance? Cannonball and Meditation are common. And an earthquake wrestler is rare. Seriously, the system was missing an explanation for this feature.

Finally, she looked at Raiana.

Raiana Razorback Clan

Trail: Light Foot, Stealth, Dueling

Potential: Noble demon, Dimension

Eliz wanted to scream in frustration. There were new colors she didn't know the meaning of. Noble Demon and Dimension Dark Orange. What did they signify? Were they above legendary or below legendary? And Noble Demon. Did it mean she could evolve into an actual demon? Wasn't that a bit absurd? What would she be supposed to do? Put a shiny rock on her and see if she lights up and evolves? Dueling was uncommon, and the rest was regular.

Eliz sighed mentally. She wondered if she would ever encounter someone with everything in common colors.

Checking their potential took only a few seconds, so she continued with what she had originally intended. Eliz reached in and pulled out several sheets of paper. "This is the contract I've drawn up. According to the rules of the Mercenary Guild, I can prepare my own contract if it states their commission."

She handed each of them one piece of paper, which was their copy. "I'll go over its points with you roughly, and feel free to ask questions if anything is unclear." Eliz put on a pleasant expression, a habit from her old job when dealing with clients. As the saying goes, you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

"So, onto your duties. You will answer only to me. If someone else, like my father or anyone else, orders you to do something that contradicts my orders or your duties, you will not do it. Your working hours will be six days a week, with the seventh day off. You can choose the specific day, and we can change it if needed, but you must inform me promptly."

Eliz didn't need to look at the contract because she remembered its contents, so she observed as all three of them had their noses buried in the paper, reading.

"However, on your day off, one of you will always have to remain close in case I need to go somewhere. It will be up to you to decide who that person will be. During times when I won't require your services, you will be free, but you must stay nearby in case the situation changes." Eliz felt a tinge of nostalgia as she spoke in such a manner.

"Your primary job will be to protect me, and secondarily, you will be expected to follow my orders against all odds. This job will also require your utmost discretion. You will be forbidden to discuss or disclose anything you see or hear. If you violate this rule, the consequences will be more than unpleasant."

"In the case of a broken agreement, we would be forever banned from continuing to practice any profession related to combat capabilities. We would also be forced to join the Army for ten years, during which we would only receive a salary sufficient to cover the cost of living and food." Alarr read the language in the contract regarding the consequences of breaching it. As he finished reading, he looked up at Eliz.

Eliz returned his look calmly. 'Is something unclear?' she wondered."

Alarr squinted as Eliz watched. "Can you do that?"

Eliz smiled. "Naturally." Under normal circumstances, she would have an agreement with the Army, but she didn't want to let that hold her up. She would make them sign up with the Army if it came down to it.

Alarr pressed his lips into a thin line. "This seems rather extreme. What do you want us to do? We are not criminals. We don't commit murder."

Eliz raised an eyebrow. "If I needed assassins, I would seek them elsewhere, Captain." Eliz placed her hands on the table and interlaced her fingers. "Why do you think I chose you? Despite your troubled reputation and behavior? I need someone who isn't afraid to get her hands dirty and is willing to bend the rules. But I assure you, I won't ask you to commit murder." If she wanted to hire anyone for murder, she would know where to ask.

The three mercenaries exchanged glances. Eliz pointed a finger at the contract before her. "That's why there's a non-disclosure clause. You have nothing to worry about as long as you keep quiet."

Raiana spoke slowly. "This isn't exactly a... standard contract, my lady."

Eliz shrugged. "I designed it according to my needs. Naturally, you can refuse if you disagree with it, and I will find someone else."

Eliz decided to continue. "The contract will be for two years, with a three-month probationary period. If either of us feels it's not working out, you can leave after three months. However, the confidentiality clause will remain valid for life."

Eliz discussed the benefits they would receive without giving them much time to think. "You have stated that you require three hundred gold per month, which I have considered a base salary. Of course, this doesn't include the bonuses and other benefits."

Alarr continued to glare at Eliz as she spoke. "Bonuses? Benefits? What do you mean?" Alarr knew what it was, but he had never seen anything like it in any mercenary contract. Was it even a mercenary contract anymore?

Eliz smiled again. "If you fulfill your duties diligently, you can earn up to two thousand gold pieces per month," she began, causing Raiana to gasp in surprise. "You will also be provided with accommodation and meals. Once you sign the contract, you will receive the necessary equipment for your rank, which will remain yours even if you decide to leave within the probationary period. If you continue your employment, you will always receive new equipment as your rank requires. Additionally, your salary will be subject to variation, so there will be opportunities for increases."

All three were already staring at her, one in disbelief and two in amazement. Eliz remained silent for a moment before continuing.

"Of course, it all depends on whether you are capable and willing to adhere to the terms of the contract."

Holm spoke up for the first time, surprising Eliz with his soft, gentle voice that didn't match his appearance. "What happens if we encounter legal problems? You mentioned getting our hands dirty at times. What kind of situations are we talking about? And what happens when the law becomes involved?"

Eliz nodded understandingly. "In addition to typical mercenary work, there may be instances of intimidation, threats, and violence against individuals. Occasionally, there may be special missions such as hunting and eliminating monsters—nothing unusual. However, if we happen to run afoul of the law, we have included a liability clause in the contract. Any legal consequences will fall on my shoulders, and you will not be held accountable. Furthermore, if such a situation arises, you will be provided with a competent lawyer to protect your interests."

Holm shook his head. "I'm not sure if things actually work that way. I'm not certain we will be completely absolved of responsibility simply because it was your order."

Eliz chuckled. "That's where you're mistaken, dear Holm. Once humankind created laws, courts, treaties, and lawyers, everything can be twisted to serve their advantage and find loopholes."

Silence enveloped the room as everyone contemplated her words. Eliz observed them, waiting for their response.

"We need time to consider this," Raiana finally spoke, choosing her words carefully.

Eliz nodded. "You have ten minutes."

"That's a rather short time, my lady," Raiana objected.

Eliz gave her a severe look. "I neither have the luxury of waiting for hours or days nor the inclination to do so. The contract is clear enough. It's either you want it, or you don't." She stood up. "I'll be outside. Just remember, you only have ten minutes. Don't waste your time." She walked out of the room, quietly closing the door behind her.

Her guard, stationed near the door, glanced at her, but Eliz informed him that their discussion wasn't over yet. She leaned against the railing and observed the people downstairs.


As soon as the door closed behind Lady Elizabeth, Alarr turned to his two companions. "That woman is a lunatic," he exclaimed.

Raiana hesitated for a moment before nodding. "She is definitely something else."

Holm, engrossed in reading the contract, chimed in. "Sounds fine to me." His response earned dubious looks from both Alarr and Raiana.

"Don't be so surprised. It's more than a fair contract. Actually, it's quite advantageous. The benefits and bonuses... I've never seen a contract like this before. "But everything seemed to work in our favor," Holm explained. Among the three, he could be considered the smartest. If it weren't for Alarr's physical strength, Holm would have been the team's natural leader.

"But it's pretty doubtful what she wants us to do." Raiana objected, considering the trouble they had already faced due to her race.

"She explicitly mentioned no murder. And when did they ever have a problem with intimidation, roughing someone up, or dealing with monsters?" Holm looked at her, his gaze unwavering.

"So you're saying we should have taken it?" Alarr acknowledged their limited options, but it all sounded dubious. He was worried that they might have fallen into some strange game of aristocrats.

Holm leaned forward, his fingers lifting as he began to list the benefits. "Let's clarify this. We'll have housing, food, and a more than satisfactory financial reward. There's even a possibility for an increase. Integrity and a lawyer, if necessary. We'll get a day off and free equipment; all she wants in return is our silence, protection, and handling of physical confrontations. Hell, if we didn't already do this for a lot less. Frankly, it seems like we'll be robbing her with this deal. I don't think we're worth that much."

Alarr sighed while Holm rolled his eyes. "Of course, I'll consider your dislike of working for an aristocrat as a negative point," Holm added sarcastically.

Raiana, although she agreed with Alarr that Lady Elizabeth and her contract were strange, couldn't ignore the valid points raised by Holm. The main issue was Alarr's aversion to working with nobility.

"It's up to you, Alarr. If you don't want to, we can always go hunting monsters or take on a job exterminating mutant cockroaches," Raiana proposed. Holm sighed upon hearing that but nodded in agreement. "Indeed. The decision is yours. We'll go along with whatever you choose."

Alarr glanced at his two companions and then at the closed door. The corners of his mouth turned downwards. "Fuck," he muttered under his breath.


Eliz didn't even have to wait those ten minutes when Raiana invited her back inside. She looked the three over and raised an eyebrow. "Well?" she asked.

Alarr's lips almost disappeared from the way he pressed them together. "We'll take it," he announced, expressing the decision to sign the contract with her.

Eliz smiled. "Good. You won't regret it," she promised and went to the door to summon the Guild notary to witness the contract signing.

"I already regret..." she heard Alarr mutter quietly but decided not to respond.

Naturally, she didn't go there alone but sent her guardian to fetch him before she returned and sat down at the table. No further words were spoken as they waited for the clerk to arrive.

"Good afternoon, Lady Von Roseblood. Team Boulders. I am Hosef, and I will be your notary," they were greeted somewhat awkwardly by a man wearing a black suit. He was skinny, causing the suit to appear a little loose. His dirty blonde hair was already receding, indicating he would soon be bald.

Eliz nodded. "Excellent. Here, please review the contract," Eliz said, handing him the final copy that would be kept in the archives of the Mercenary Guild.

Hosef pulled a monocle from his breast pocket, placing it over his eye, and began to read. His expression grew increasingly peculiar as he continued reading.

Finally, he looked up at Eliz. "My lady, this... What is this contract?" he asked.

Eliz remained calm, though inwardly, she began to worry. Was there something wrong? She had made sure there was nothing suspicious.

"The contract I drafted includes a clause regarding a commission for the Mercenary Guild, as specified in the conditions. Is there an issue with that?"

Hosef quickly shook his head. "No, no problem. It's just... it's an exquisitely crafted contract. The bonuses and benefits—it's a remarkable motivational innovation for our workers. Would it be alright with you if the Mercenary Guild started adopting your concept for exclusive contracts?"

Eliz stared at him without blinking. 'What on earth is he talking about? What innovation?'

Eliz had no intention of innovating anything. She had drafted a standard contract that would appear more appealing to mercenaries. The concept was rather ordinary, similar to when an employer tries to attract new employees. Eliz realized that she should have examined the wording of the original contract before proceeding with her own.

Eliz closed her eyes for a moment. She wasn't sure if this was the author's fault or if the people here were simply too inexperienced. It was a shame she wasn't a lawyer. The legal system here has so many loopholes that she could become the new Al Capone with little effort.

"Sure, whatever," she agreed. It was actually a good thing for her. At least they could make a deal with the military instead. Eliz preferred it when others did the work for her.

"Now, please, let's sign the contract," she urged them, eager to move things along. She already felt like she was wasting her time here. She still had plans for the evening; until then, she needed to equip her new warriors properly.

Just as they were signing the contract, they heard the sound of heavy footsteps from outside.

"Hey! Stop!" Everyone turned their heads as voices echoed just beyond the door.

"O-sorry! But I have to!" came the timid voice of a young girl.

"Wait, you—hey!" Eliz stood up, recognizing her guard's voice.

The door suddenly flew open, revealing Eliz's guard standing in the doorway, trying to block anyone from entering. However, something furry rolled in between his outstretched legs.

All of them were now on their feet. The members of Team Boulder had already taken on their roles as protectors and formed a protective circle around Eliz.

On the floor in front of them lay a young girl from the Raccoon Race, sprawled out on the ground.

"Please!" she cried, her large eyes darting across everyone in the room before settling on Eliz.

"Please!" she cried, her large eyes darting across everyone in the room before settling on Eliz.

"Please! I'll do anything!" she pleaded, rushing toward Eliz on all fours. "Hire me!"

Eliz watched the unfolding scene in utter amazement. What on earth kind of drama was this? Why did this always happen to her?

She will quickly gather herself, fold her arms, and give the girl a stern look.

"Huh? Why should I? What will you be useful to me for?" she asked.

Okay. I used ChatGTP for this chapter. I only used it to correct spelling errors, watch for timing, and make suggestions for using a different word for a smoother read. That doesn't count as AI-assisted writing, does it?

Anyway, take a look and let me know in the comments if you find it more enjoyable to read and if I should keep using it. Thanks.

Also i've been working on this chapter all day, too.

I had trouble writing a good deal between Eliz and the Mercenaries. I rewrote it like a million times. I personally like this version, but I'm not sure. Aaaaggrr... I don't know. T_T What do you guys think?

SalivaSpittingWormcreators' thoughts