
The Villainess doesn't care about the main plot

Eliz wakes up to an unexpected twist: she's now embodying the villainous character, Elizabeth Von Roseblood, in a subpar and clichéd light novel she had previously dismissed. Tasked by the enigmatic System to survive the narrative and uncover its hidden secrets, she quickly realizes that this magical world and the story aren't exactly the same as the one she read.. Unbeknownst to her, a far more intricate and consequential mystery lurks beneath the surface. Unwilling to adhere to the predetermined storyline, Eliz defiantly resolves to forge her own path. With a dismissive attitude towards the male leads, she exclaims, "Who needs them? They're all losers!" Embracing the freedom of her new role as a villainess, she's determined to live life on her terms, unaffected by the opinions of others. Join Eliz as she defies conventions, unearths hidden truths, and embraces the exhilarating freedom of being a villainess. In a world where she holds the reins of her destiny, she challenges the status quo and fearlessly follows her own desires.

SalivaSpittingWorm · Kỳ huyễn
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81 Chs

Behind everything, look for a woman

Dragon's Teeth Mountains

Eliz was about to go and stop the charade. She didn't like the way the elf was messing with her people. She looked forward to the fight, to seeing the men put on a show. She didn't want to watch him sweep the floor with them!

But no sooner had she taken two steps than she felt a grip on her shoulder. Before she could turn around, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Fraril's bearded face next to hers. It nearly made her jump out of her skin in fright. That sneaking wolf! Was he trying to give her cardiac arrest?

"Yukkgg..." Eliz suppressed a yelp that sounded like a trampled hamster. "Haaa... Fraril?" She pretended she never made that sound and asked him.

"I wouldn't interfere if I were you," Fraril calmly replied, turning his head towards her. Eliz frowned and backed away from him. Fraril let his hand slip away and didn't try to hold it back. "Why? It's clearly an unfair match. It only humiliates them, and by extension, me. Should I let it go?" Eliz disagreed.

"First of all, it's your fault they're in this situation. You agreed to something without thinking about it. Didn't you get a little too carefree?" Fraril folded his hands on his chest and lectured her.

Eliz stiffened and hid her embarrassment by rubbing the palm of her hand with her thumb. Fraril was right, of course; she couldn't deny that. But after all, this was someone who served Shannon, a light elf. She hadn't really suspected that it could be dangerous. Or was it possible that she had become too arrogant?

"You're just lucky that elf doesn't have murderous intentions. Otherwise, you would have condemned your men to death," Fraril frowned.

Eliz was uncomfortable. She suddenly felt like a little girl who had made a big error in judgment. She knew Fraril was right, but did he have to ruin her image like that? She quickly raised her hand to stop him. "Yes. Yes. I understand, Fraril. You're right. You don't have to go on. But in that case, I should do something since I'm the cause, right?"

Fraril shook his head and turned back towards the fight, Alarr walking back towards Draikini at a slow pace. "You'll make it worse. Take a good look at them. Can't you feel the energy?" Fraril asked her.

Eliz looked at her men in confusion. Grash was squatting on the ground, staring at the fight, his tail flicking from side to side. Holm was also staring at the elf and Alarr, barely blinking, his face serious and focused. Alarr, on the other hand, had perhaps every muscle in his body clenched, and his eyes were sharp and burning with an inner fire.

Eliz had to think and observe for a moment before she understood. "Ah... damn," she sighed.

Fraril nodded. "They're pretty into it. Win or lose, it's up to them. If you stop it, even with good intentions, they'll just feel more humiliated."

Eliz rubbed her forehead. She'd forgotten about that. Their fighting spirit and their male pride! In this case, they'd probably protest her intervention as well. "Aaah... it's driving me crazy! Okay. I won't try to stop the fight, but what are the chances of them winning?"

"Small," Fraril shrugged. "I wouldn't worry about it. Even losing is good for something. It will spark their desire to improve."

Eliz looked at him because something in his tone of voice told her he was speaking from personal experience. She looked at Alarr again and sighed inwardly. Was she really going to let this go? Even if she didn't have to stop the fight, she wanted the chances to be more equal.

She turned and looked around to see if she could think of anything. Her gaze fell on the house and then the cute, strange animal. She shook her head dismissively at herself. How could she hurt that little cutie!? No, she shouldn't threaten him with that. Draikini would be more likely to get angry. What about setting his house on fire?

While she thought, she returned to her seat and sat down. She took the little fellow on her lap and petted it gently.


Alarr stood quickly, his heart beating loudly like a bell against his chest. It was a combination of excitement and frustration. He lifted his hand and wiped the back of his hand on the corner of his mouth, not taking his eyes off Draikini, who was lightly hopping from one foot to the other, smiling as he made hand gestures at Alarr to come over.

The elf had much more power; it was a problem that Alarr didn't know how to solve yet. But he had no intention of giving up and lowering his value in the eyes of his employer, and he certainly refused to be as bad as that damn cat Grash.

With a firm step, he made his way back to Draikini, quickly clenching and unclenching his fists. He needed to find some weakness. Even if he was going to lose, he needed to hold on a little longer and get some sort of clue for Holm, who would be fighting after him.

As Alarr approached Draikini, the elf grinned wider and flexed his muscles, clearly enjoying the attention. "Ready for round two?" Draikini asked, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Alarr nodded, a determined look on his face. "Let's do this."

The two clashed again, but this time Alarr was more cautious. He focused on dodging Draikini's powerful strikes and finding openings to counter. The fight became a dance of strength and agility, with Alarr trying to outmaneuver the elf.

Alarr managed to land a few solid strikes on Draikini, showcasing his combat skills. The elf, however, absorbed the hits with a grin, displaying his resilience. The fight was intense, and the energy in the air crackled with anticipation.

Suddenly, Alarr executed a swift maneuver, dodging one of Draikini's powerful punches and countering with a well-placed kick to the elf's side. Draikini staggered slightly, surprised by the unexpected move. It was a small victory for Alarr.

As the fight reached its peak, Alarr, breathing heavily, managed to land a solid blow on Draikini's chest, momentarily stunning the elf. It was a moment of triumph, and Eliz couldn't contain her excitement. "Yes! Go, Alarr!"

Draikini, recovering quickly, grinned and clapped his hands. "Well done! You've got some fight in you. But you're done here! Hahaha!" The elf was determined to end the fight with his next attack.

Despite Alarr's valiant effort and brief success, Draikini's overwhelming strength and experience in wrestling quickly turned the tide. The elf executed a powerful maneuver, flipping Alarr over and slamming him onto the ground with tremendous force. The impact resonated through the air, and Alarr lay there, momentarily stunned.

Draikini stood over Alarr, offering him a hand to help him up. "Good effort, my friend! You've got spirit. But in the end, strength speaks louder than words." The elf's tone was friendly, but the underlying message was clear – he was the stronger one.

Alarr, panting and bruised, accepted the hand and got back on his feet. Alarr nodded briefly, suppressing the disappointment inside him. He hoped he could hold out longer, rubbing his sore shoulder as he made his way to Grash and Holm without looking in the direction of where the women sat.

Draikini turned to the spectators, flexing his muscles triumphantly. "Who's next? I'm ready for more challenges!"

Holm stepped forward, his expression determined. "I'll give it a shot."


Eliz looked at the retreating figure of Alarr and gritted her teeth silently. She wanted to intervene, to do something, but she couldn't think of anything she could do without angering the elf or lowering the men's resolve. She took a deep breath and looked at Holm, who was walking forward, and at his hulking, muscular, barrel-shaped figure.

"Yyuu." The creature on her lap squeaked as she touched him a little rougher than she intended.

"Ah. Sorry!" She apologized, stroking him gently again.

She looked up and observed Holm. She would have to let things unfold naturally. She'd just cheer for Holm.


Holm stood opposite the elf. Draikini looked him over and nodded in satisfaction. "It will be a good fight!" he said enthusiastically.

Holm laughed briefly. "I'll give it my all, to say the least." Holm then spread himself wide and bent his knees.

Dunn Dunn!

There was a dull thud as he hit his chest before stretching it out in front of him, palms outward. It made him look like a prepared sumo wrestler. Holm had the most wrestling experience of anyone and had plenty of time to analyze Draikini's fighting style. He suspected it wouldn't be easy, but there was a chance for him to win. He just needed to hold on long enough and find an opportunity.

Holm took a breath and began to concentrate.

Holm and Draikini circled each other, eyes locked in concentration. Suddenly, Draikini lunged forward with impressive speed, aiming for Holm's midsection. Holm, however, anticipated the move and sidestepped, grabbing Draikini's arm in the process.

With a swift and practiced motion, Holm attempted to flip Draikini over his shoulder, using his opponent's momentum against him. To everyone's surprise, Draikini resisted the throw, showcasing his incredible strength. The elf's feet remained firmly planted on the ground as he countered the maneuver.

Draikini seized the opportunity and, with a powerful twist of his body, reversed the hold, putting Holm in a vulnerable position, but Holm managed to use his agility to break free, creating some distance between them.

Holm launched a series of quick jabs and kicks, testing Draikini's defenses. The elf dodged and parried, countering with powerful strikes of his own. The two clashed like titans, the force of their blows creating shockwaves that echoed through the clearing.

As the fight progressed, Holm managed to find openings in Draikini's defense, landing precise strikes that showcased his mastery of hand-to-hand combat. Draikini, however, absorbed the hits with a grin, his body seemingly impervious to the damage.

As the battle raged on, Holm managed to execute a well-timed sweep, attempting to bring Draikini to the ground. The elf, however, countered with a surprising display of acrobatics, flipping in mid-air and landing gracefully on his feet. The crowd gasped at the unexpected agility.

Draikini grinned and taunted, "Not bad, big guy! But you'll need more than that to take me down!"

Holm wiped sweat from his brow, breathing heavily but maintaining his focused expression. The fight reached a crucial moment as Holm and Draikini locked eyes, both determined to emerge victorious. Draikini charged forward with a powerful punch, but Holm managed to evade the attack and counter with a series of rapid strikes.

Just when it seemed like the fight could go either way, Holm seized an opening. With a swift movement, he executed a powerful throw, using Draikini's momentum against him. The elf was momentarily airborne before crashing onto the ground.

Holm, seizing the advantage, attempted to pin Draikini to the ground. The elf, however, displayed his acrobatic prowess once again, flipping out of the way and regaining his footing.

Draikini grinned, acknowledging Holm's skill. "Impressive, big guy. You've got more tricks up your sleeve than I expected."

Holm, breathing heavily replied, "I told you I'd give it my all."

As the fight progressed, Holm found himself pushed to his limits. Draikini's relentless assault forced Holm into a defensive position, evading strikes but struggling to land effective counterattacks. The elf's movements were too fluid, and his strength too immense.

In a decisive moment, Draikini managed to grab Holm's arm mid-attack and swiftly twisted it, forcing Holm to his knees. The elf then delivered a powerful knee strike to Holm's chest, knocking the air out of him. Holm grunted in pain, his muscles aching from the intense battle.

Draikini, sensing victory, delivered a final sweeping kick that sent Holm sprawling onto the ground. The impact resonated through the clearing, and the audience winced at the force of the blow.

Holm, despite his valiant effort, found himself defeated by the superior strength and skills of Draikini. The elf stood over him, offering a hand to help him up. Holm, acknowledging the defeat, accepted the hand and rose to his feet, panting heavily.

Draikini grinned, patting Holm on the shoulder. "You're one tough opponent, big guy. Respect."


It was over. Eliz let out a breath and looked at all the men, the tension easing off her a little, especially when she saw that the men didn't look devastated by their loss.

She watched as Holm trudged over to her friends, awkwardly rubbing his head while he said something to them. Alarr, however, showed a rare smile and nodded his head in agreement at his friend.

Eliz set the beast on the ground and stood up, taking a moment to look at the men as she walked. They hadn't noticed her yet, so she walked more briskly towards the elf.

Draikini looked at her, a satisfied smile still on his face. "You!" She hissed at him softly, jabbing a sharp finger into his bare chest until the elf jerked in surprise.

"Huh? Yes?" Draikini asked in confusion, his smile fading a little.

"You could have at least given them a bit of a chance! You're pretty tricky for an elf." Eliz stabbed him in the chest again.

"Hahaha!" The elf laughed loudly. "I was just having some fun, lady!" He quickly grabbed Eliz's hand in his large palm and wrapped it to stop her from jabbing him in the pecs. "No need to make a big deal out of it. I didn't hurt the boys in any way, and they'll take valuable experience from this. All good!"

Eliz frowned at him and looked back at the guys, recognizing he was right; they didn't look unhappy. She released her hand from his grip. "Alright, whatever." She sighed; there was no point in making a scene about it anymore.

"After everyone gets some rest, we'll start discussing why we're here," she said.

The elf laughed again. "Ah yes. Actually, you came here for a reason. Right. So what is it?" he asked.

Eliz wasn't going to hide the reason she was here. "We came to find the World Tree."

Draikini stiffened, and his smile disappeared, his expression suddenly becoming serious. Eliz hesitantly took a step back as the atmosphere around him suddenly changed as well. It seemed... more dangerous to her.

"World Tree? There isn't any here," Draikini said sternly.

Eliz raised her eyebrows and folded her arms across her chest. "Do you want to bet?"

The elf pierced her with his gaze. "Careful, lady," he warned.

Meaning - Behind everything, look for a woman - This phrase is used in detective stories as a cliché that it doesn't matter what the problem is because most often its origin is with a woman. It has a similar meaning to the saying that behind every great man, there is a woman. :)

Thank you all for reading and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Hope you enjoy the chapter. The chapter is more about the match, hopefully you'll still enjoy it. :) :)

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