
The Villainess doesn't care about the main plot

Eliz wakes up to an unexpected twist: she's now embodying the villainous character, Elizabeth Von Roseblood, in a subpar and clichéd light novel she had previously dismissed. Tasked by the enigmatic System to survive the narrative and uncover its hidden secrets, she quickly realizes that this magical world and the story aren't exactly the same as the one she read.. Unbeknownst to her, a far more intricate and consequential mystery lurks beneath the surface. Unwilling to adhere to the predetermined storyline, Eliz defiantly resolves to forge her own path. With a dismissive attitude towards the male leads, she exclaims, "Who needs them? They're all losers!" Embracing the freedom of her new role as a villainess, she's determined to live life on her terms, unaffected by the opinions of others. Join Eliz as she defies conventions, unearths hidden truths, and embraces the exhilarating freedom of being a villainess. In a world where she holds the reins of her destiny, she challenges the status quo and fearlessly follows her own desires.

SalivaSpittingWorm · Kỳ huyễn
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81 Chs

Back to the estate

Eliz and her team of Boulders sat in the carriage and returned to the Roseblood estate.

Eliz folded her arms while watching the passing scenery outside the carriage window. After getting herself in order, they quickly concluded the meeting. They did not return to the original topic of the war. The matter of the World Tree was more pressing at the moment, but Fraril had assured her earlier that he would continue his inquiries about the River Kingdom, so that was enough for now.

Fraril tried to gently coax information from her about how she knew the whereabouts of the World Tree, but Eliz refused to tell him. He didn't press her, but it turned out that when she went to the World Tree, Fraril would personally accompany her. Eliz didn't mind; she quite liked Fraril. He was rather nice for the evil person he was supposed to be, though she probably wouldn't want to know his dark side. In the end, she was surprised that he wanted to go with her in person. Wasn't he supposed to, like... run the underworld or something?

Eliz was oblivious to her protectors, though she often felt their stares on her. It was clear to her that they were curious, except perhaps for Alarr, who was watching the scenery through the other window, looking as cold as ever. However, Eliz knew he was slowly opening up. Well... at least he wasn't as dismissive of her as he had been in the beginning. Raiana and Holm were much less demanding.

Eliz had to plan a trip to the World Tree. She didn't want to delay her visit to the Blue Rose estate too much, so she should get going as soon as possible—probably the morning after tomorrow once the main part of the Festival of Lights was over. She wasn't too happy about the timing; she had a lot of other things she had planned to take care of. Instead, she would have to trek into the mountains somewhere to meet the hermit.

Soon, their carriage passed through the main gate of the Roseblood estate, and they stopped at the main entrance. Eliz was just getting out when she saw a flash of blue, and Alobela appeared at the entrance with her classic uninterested expression.

"Welcome home, young lady," she greeted Eliz and bowed. The guards at the entrance also bowed to her, and then all eyes were on the Boulder team following Eliz.

"My lady, who is it?" asked Alobela.

Eliz was surprised she asked; she would have thought her guard, whom she had sent ahead along with Haidi, would explain everything.

"This is the team of Boulders I hired as my personal security. Please set up rooms for them near mine. Did Haidi and the children arrive safely?" Eliz asked with a hint of concern.

But to her relief, Alobela nodded. "Yes. They all arrived safely, young miss. Your father and mother wish to speak with you at an early dinner. Several letters are waiting for you here as well."

Eliz sighed. "Good. Leave them in my room. I'll go wash up and look at them. Where did you set up rooms for the others, and where are the children now?" Eliz went inside, not intending to continue the discussion on the doorstep. Her team and Alobela followed her.

Alobela dutifully reported the information. "The children were accommodated on the same floor as your room, young lady. Boys and girls separately. The nanny has her room. Miss Haidi has a room right next to yours. Along with these new... protectors, slowly, there are no more rooms left on your floor," she announced, and Eliz thought she heard a pang of remorse.

Eliz stopped and looked back at her, then noticed the team of Boulders looking around curiously. They were probably all ecstatic to go from one luxury dwelling to another.

"The children are currently in the garden with their nanny. So is Miss Haidi," Alobela added.

Eliz nodded. "Good," she said and headed up the staircase. They all followed her; they would be staying on the same floor as her after all.

Eliz then stood outside her room and turned to look at the Boulder team. "You're free now. Get settled in, look around, and do whatever you want. And remember, you serve me. Don't take any favors from anyone," she reminded them, knowing their family guards wouldn't be happy with them.

Then she walked into her room.

Eliz noticed that she already had the letters ready on her desk. Alobela must have placed them there straight away. What a reliable worker. Eliz originally wanted to go wash up first, but in a moment, she was sitting in her chair, using the letter opener to open the letters waiting for her.

She opened the first one with the frozen mountains seal on it. She suspected it was from Kuron, and it was. It wasn't anything substantial, just a report on the materials purchased and the original purchase receipts. He also wrote that he intended to leave in three days with the caravan for the Blue Rose estate to begin construction as soon as possible.

She picked up another letter, which had the seal of the Hephisto household. Eliz would have liked to burn it right then and there, but there were some social rules she had to follow. And he's her damn follower!

As she started to open the letter, something occurred to her. She had a follower count in her Stats. For every substantial follower, she got rewards; she probably wouldn't get anything for a regular one, maybe only at a certain amount. But what happens if she loses one? Does the person betray her, leave, or die? Does she get some sort of penalty? Did that mean she would have to take good care of her followers?

"Ugh..." She groaned unhappily. It's not that she intended to treat the lives of her people carelessly, but at some point, she expected to take casualties. After all, she wasn't living in a fairy tale; people were dying and would continue to die. Eliz preferred not to dwell on it. It's not like she would try and kill someone to find out.

She sighed and finally opened the letter from Donovan but rolled her eyes as soon as she read the first few sentences. It was another thank-you note, and he was inviting her to the Festival of Lights. Since when had he been so interested in going out with her?

Dear Lady Elizabeth,

I want to thank you again for all your efforts and concern in saving me and my friends. Although you asked for a financial reward, it still seems inadequate for what you have done. If I were so bold as to use those words, I would define our relationship as a friendship, and it would be an honor and a privilege to accompany you to the Festival of Lights.

With all due respect, Donovan Hephisto

Eliz put the letter down and grimaced as she opened the letter with the seal of House Legorned. This letter was far less polite and official than Donovan's.

Lady Elizabeth,

It's not like I'm hitting on you or anything. But after what you've done for us, we could turn over a new leaf and try to be friends. Would you like to come to the Festival of Lights with me? And that's not a date or anything, okay? Let me know.


Eliz had to laugh at this letter. Chad was not good with words, and the letter looked like it. He reminded her of that kind of curvy schoolboy who pretends he doesn't like a girl, and when he asks her out, he acts like he's been forced to. It was funny and kind of cute.

Eliz opened another letter, which no longer had any special seal, but had the watermark of the Church of Light.

Eliz raised an eyebrow at that because she only knew Bishop Dominik as far as the church was concerned.


don't go to the Festival of Lights. Do you understand? Don't go. I can't be with you right now to protect you, but it's crucial that you don't go. Please listen to me. You must not die. You're not going to die, alright? You can't die.


Eliz stared at the letter in confusion. Gray? She hadn't heard from him in a while and didn't know what was happening to him. But he's in the Church of Light? What's he doing there? And what's he saying about dying? Donovan said Gray was a little crazy, and the letter seemed like it. Or it would look like that to anyone but Eliz.

Eliz's first thought was, does Gray know anything about the attack at the Festival of Lights? That's why she was so insistent that she not go. He probably doesn't know yet that nothing will happen there this time. Could Gray have any information about the terrorists? Well, he was the main Male Lead, after all. It was quite possible.

Eliz had no way to answer Gray because the letter came from the Church of Light, and they had temples everywhere. Besides, there was no return address, so she could only shrug it off. She appreciated Gray's warning, but it was already pointless.

Instead, she wrote replies to Donovan and Chad.

No need for gratitude or friendship. And I already have an escort. Thanks, though.


Elizabeth Von Roseblood

"There. Clear and concise," Eliz said to herself, satisfied with her response. There was no need to elaborate. She sealed the letters and left them on a tray for the post office to send. Alobela would take care of that later. Finally, Eliz made her way to the bathroom.


Holm, Raiana, and Alarr were sitting on the terrace in Alarr's room, enjoying a snack the green-eyed maid had arranged.

Everyone had already rinsed off and changed. They had put away their weapons, and now all had comfortable, ordinary clothes, but all good quality and brand new. Lady Elizabeth had provided them with those too.

Raiana was wearing a loose periwinkle-colored tunic belted at the waist and brown trousers. Holm wore a loose shirt the color of faded paper and short dark blue trousers that showed off his very hairy legs. Alarr stuck to his colors—a black shirt open at the neck and black tight-fitting trousers. All three looked utterly relaxed, and even Alarr wasn't frowning as much.

"I think this is going to be the adventure of a lifetime," Raiana said, picking at another sweet treat with gusto.

Holm grimaced as his fingers cupped the large wine bucket. He asked for the bucket as he tended to break delicate glassware.

"Of course. We've only been busy for a little while, and what have we done already? Beaten up a gang, stole their kids, and dealt with one of the big bosses of the underworld. Ha! You bet your ass we'll experience many things with Elizabeth," Holm said.

Raiana nodded. "I agree. Like... we've been mercenaries for a few years now, and we've been through some stuff, but since we took this job, it's been one surprise after another. And you know what's the absolute best? Elizabeth doesn't care about my origins at all! What kind of aristocrat does that? Even the damn merchants look down on me."

Holm reached over and patted Raiana on the shoulder, knowing that this was important and quite sensitive to her.

"I told you a long time ago that not all humans are the same, and not everyone will care that you're a Hybrid or half-demon," Holm reassured her.

Raiana lowered her gaze and then took a big gulp from her glass. "You said that, but after so many failures, I stopped believing it. Like, not all the rich and powerful are bastards."

"And I told you long ago to stop beating yourself up about these things. It's not your fault we didn't do well," Alarr interjected, inserting himself into the conversation.

Raiana, who was more relaxed now than ever before, looked at Alarr. "Then whose fault was it if not mine? If it weren't for me, you'd have a ton of work to do. Instead...."

"Shut up. Forget that self-pity. Since when is it anyone's fault that people are assholes? Don't give a shit what anyone thinks. Why do you need the masses to like you?" said Alarr harshly, scowling at his friend.

Raiana pursed her lips and muttered. "Not that I care what anyone else thinks. It's just... it was kind of nice to walk into the store and not have them immediately throw me out and stuff."

Alarr sighed. "Well, as long as we're working for this lady, you'll enjoy some peace."

Holm smiled so that his eyes disappeared. "Aha! So you're not sorry we took it anymore, are you?"

Alarr took a sip and reached over to pick up a mini sandwich, watching him very intently. "It could have been worse. It's got a few benefits and such." He admitted.

Holm burst out excitedly. "Just don't be a hardass. You like Elizabeth; just admit it! You can tell us, my old pal!"

Alarr growled and looked at him. "I wouldn't go overboard again. We've only known her for a little while. You're the ones who are too soft. Yes, definitely not what I expected. She's weird but alright weird. But I still don't trust her, and I'm wary."

Raiana winked at Holm. "Well, we've done a few security jobs, but I haven't seen you doing a tasting for anyone yet."

Alarr leaned back in his chair, resting one hand on his knee and tapping his fingers impatiently. "That's because he's not a pain in the ass. Just doing my damn job. So shut up!"

Alarr frowned at his friends making fun of him, but he was still glad to see them relaxed and happy. They hadn't had a good time for an extended period. Work was scarce, money too, so much so that they couldn't even eat properly. He'd never admit it, but by the time this offer came, he hadn't eaten in two days and had passed on everything he could get to his friends. He saw it as his duty as the group leader to take the best care of his companions. It was hard, but he never regretted the things they did that got them a bad reputation.

And it was only because of their situation that he suppressed his pride and resentment and accepted the job. He had to admit they would have regretted it if they hadn't taken the job. Not that he'd ever admit it out loud.

Now they were fine. Elizabeth really took good care of them and didn't even treat them like scum. She just expected them to do what she hired them to do. He was also beginning to see they were getting more than they had to give. He had never seen such an unpretentious aristocrat. That's why she was weird, and he was always on guard. Things were too good. He was sure there would be a hidden catch eventually.

A child's laughter snapped him out of his musings. Alarr stood up and looked over the railing to see their 'captive' children running around the garden, having fun.

Alarr noticed they had been washed and given decent clothes, as had their nanny. Haidi was with them, playing tag with the smaller ones. Alarr thought of Haidi as just another child. She may have been a mercenary, but she had only ever done the work of a carrier and hadn't been in any actual combat.

Elizabeth hadn't had any reason to hire her, but thanks to having a merchant family and knowing what Elizabeth was up to, he understood her reasons.

"What do you think she will do with the kids?" Raiana asked, joining and standing beside him as she watched the children.

"Isn't that what she said? She's going to educate them," Alarr replied with a shrug.

"Do you think she'll actually do that? And what did she say about public school and teaching people?" Raiana shook her head at the thought.

"I don't feel like Elizabeth is someone who says things and then doesn't do them," Alarr echoed Holm, who remained seated at the table.

"Well... okay. But still." Raiana said, looking at the kids. The two oldest weren't playing with the others; it looked like they were arguing. It was the cat boy and the bear girl.

"Don't think too much about it. We'll just see what happens. If she sets it up, you can ask her if you can study there," Alarr said.

"Who-who says I want to learn? I can read and write!" Raiana protested a little too quickly and looked at Alarr.

"When the time comes, just ask her," Alarr repeated.


When the children arrived at Roseblood estate, they were excited, scared, and surprised. They all expected to be locked up in some filthy place or sold by the evil woman.

The raccoon girl Haidi kept an eye on them all the way there, trying to convince them that they would be fine, but they didn't believe it until they saw their rooms and got new clothes.

Their arrival caused much surprise among the servants, and the guard who accompanied them had much explaining to do to the old butler. Some might even notice that the old butler began to look as helpless as the guard who came with them.

Blumind was the only one of the children who wasn't worried. He was pretty excited. He couldn't stop thinking about their beautiful captor, and just remembering it made his heart race and his blood start to flow faster. He had never seen a more beautiful woman, and though her eyes looked haunting, he could sense no evil behind them. And Blum trusted his instincts, which had always advised him well so far.

So when he saw the luxury they would live in, the rooms they were given, the new clothes they were given, and even the food they were fed before they were let out into the garden, he was convinced that their captor was an angel and not the devil.

The people who worked and lived in this palace let them roam freely, but Blum knew they were still being watched. Guards were all over the estate and grounds, but he didn't mind.

Outside, he followed the raccoon girl. "Hm... Haidi, right? Do you know when that pretty lady will show up again?" He asked.

Haidi turned to look at him, her eyes bulging. "Pretty lady? Oh. Do you mean Lady Elizabeth? I don't know. But she should arrive today."

Blum smiled a little. "Lady Elizabeth? Elizabeth..." He mumbled her name and liked it. It was a pretty name, fitting for a beautiful and elegant woman.

Haidi giggled when she saw it. "Don't tell me you're in love with Lady Elizabeth? That's so cute!"

Blumind jerked and straightened, his ears shooting to attention. "Huh... that's... that's not it! I just... I didn't know her name, and I also wanted to thank her for being in such a wonderful place and all... so." He defended himself.

Haidi giggled again. "You don't have to be embarrassed! Lady Elizabeth is really great! No wonder you like her. She's smart, pretty, confident... but you'll probably have to grow up a bit more first; you're still a bit young for her."

Blum began to blush, muttering an apology and heading away from Haidi before she made more fun of him. He stood off to the side, a short distance from Lila, who looked determined and had her hands folded poutingly.

"Ass-kissers." She hissed at him through her teeth.

Blum frowned and turned to her. "What did you say?"

Lila dropped her hands and faced him. She was shorter than him, but Lila, even though she was part bear, had more of the nature of a wolf.

"You heard you, ass-kisser! You're mingling with that cow, Haidi, and you're all excited! We've been kidnapped! They beat up Tyler and the others, and you don't seem to mind at all!" She pointed her finger at him. "You're a traitor!"

Blumind hissed at her, angry. "You're just stupid! Look around you! Does this look like a place where they take kidnapped people to you? And yes... they beat up the gang but didn't kill anyone." He hesitated a little, unsure if no one had actually died, but he didn't want to believe that Lady Elizabeth would let anyone get killed. "Anyway, what's not to like? They took good care of us!" He threw his arms to the sides.

"It's just... just tinsel! I'm sure they're just trying to enhance and sell us!" Lila stomped her foot angrily. Blumind had to hold his hand to his head; they weren't far apart in age, but the difference in thinking was great.

"That just proves what I'm saying; you're stupid! Look around! Look at the fabric of the clothes we got. These people don't need the few coppers they'd get for selling us!"

Lila shook her head so wildly her hair flew around her face. "You're blinded by wealth! How can you defend them? I may not be right, but they're still evil! I want to go back home!"

Blum sighed and calmed down; Lila was just scared, and he hadn't been with Tyler as long as she had, so it wasn't entirely a problem for him to adjust to the new place. For Lila, though, it was like being ripped from her parent's arms. The younger kids might take it that way too, but they were younger than her and more likely to accept things.

He put his hands on her shoulders to reassure her. "Look. It's going to be okay. I'm sure they won't sell us out, okay? Besides, she said she wanted Tyler to work for her. So I'll see them again soon. We'll just have to wait a little while. And in the meantime, we can enjoy this place, right? Come on... I'm sure you'll like something here. And we're from Tyler's gang. Since when don't we jump at every opportunity to enjoy someone else's wealth?" He coaxed her.

Lila lowered her eyes and nodded. "Hm... but still... I'll look for a way to escape just in case." She muttered stubbornly before turning and following Mother Green.

Blum gasped when he saw Lila pouting, but it seemed like she was a little calmer now. He decided to give her some space and sat down in the grass, plucking a long straw to put in his mouth, then lay on his back to sun himself.

To his surprise, he hadn't waited long when his ears twitched, noticing a new sound. The rustling of cloth and light footsteps caught his attention. He rolled onto his side to look, his eyes lit up, and his heart leaped excitedly. Lady Elizabeth was approaching. She wore a pretty dark blue dress with no embellishments that reached just above her ankles.

Blum naively thought that the color of her dress was the same color as his hair. He jumped to his feet immediately and quickly dusted himself off before looking up at the young woman again. She looked even more beautiful in the light! Her hair was loose, her eyes were shining, and they didn't look scary but kind to him, accentuating her soft smile.

He quickly approached her, and she stopped when he stood before her. "Lady Elizabeth! Welcome back. I want... I want to say that you have a lovely home!" He stammered a little and felt himself begin to blush.

Lady Elizabeth smiled warmly. "Thank you for the welcome, Blumind. I'm glad you like it here." She put her hand on his shoulder, and Blumind went stiff, feeling as if his knees were beginning to soften.

He quickly lowered his ears and his head. "Y-yes. I like it." He mumbled, then felt her pat his head, making his heart race.

"I'm glad. How are the other kids?" She asked, making her way over to the rest of the children.

Blumind was left standing there, blushing and holding the spot where Lady Elizabeth had touched him with both hands. The twelve-year-old boy, who had just entered puberty, couldn't handle his feelings and the unexpected surge of emotions.